1,254 research outputs found

    Yukawas, G-flux, and Spectral Covers from Resolved Calabi-Yau's

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    We use the resolution procedure of Esole and Yau arXiv:1107.0733 to study Yukawa couplings, G-flux, and the emergence of spectral covers from elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau's with a surface of A_4 singularities. We provide a global description of the Esole-Yau resolution and use it to explicitly compute Chern classes of the resolved 4-fold, proving the conjecture of arXiv:0908.1784 for the Euler character in the process. We comment on the physical implications of the surprising singular fibers in codimension 2 and 3 in arXiv:1107.0733 and emphasize a group theoretic interpretation based on the A_4 weight lattice. We then construct explicit G-fluxes by brute force in one of the 6 birationally equivalent Esole-Yau resolutions, quantize them explicitly using our result for the second Chern class, and compute the spectrum and flux-induced 3-brane charges, finding agreement with results and conjectures of local models in all cases. Finally, we provide a precise description of the spectral divisor formalism in this setting and sharpen the procedure described in arXiv:1107.1718 in order to explicitly demonstrate how the Higgs bundle spectral cover of the local model emerges from the resolved Calabi-Yau geometry. Along the way, we demonstrate explicitly how the quantization rules for fluxes in the local and global models are related.Comment: 68 pages (41 pages + 4 appendices

    G_4 flux, chiral matter and singularity resolution in F-theory compactifications

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    We construct a set of chirality inducing G_4-fluxes in global F-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau four-folds. Special emphasis is put on models with gauge group SU(5) x U(1)_X relevant in the context of F-theory GUT model building, which are described in terms of a U(1)-restricted Tate model. In this type of constructions, the G_4-flux arises in a manner completely analogous to the U(1)_X gauge potential. We describe in detail the resolution by blow-up of the various singularities responsible for the U(1)_X factor and the standard SU(5) gauge group and match the result with techniques applied in the context of toric geometry. This provides an explicit identification of the structure of the resolved fibre over the matter curves and over the enhancement points relevant for Yukawa couplings. The U(1)_X flux induces a chiral matter spectrum. We compute the chiral index both of SU(5) charged matter and of SU(5) singlets charged only under U(1)_X localised on curves which are not contained in the SU(5) locus. We furthermore discuss global consistency conditions such as D3-tadpole cancellation, D-term supersymmetry and Freed-Witten quantisation. The U(1)_X gauge flux is a global extension of a class of split spectral cover bundles. It constitutes an essential ingredient in the construction of globally defined F-theory compactifications with chiral matter. We exemplify this in a three-generation SU(5) x U(1)_X model whose flux satisfies all of the above global consistency conditions. We also extend our results to chiral fluxes in models without U(1) restriction.Comment: 53 pages, 2 figures; v2: details on Freed-Witten quantisation condition included, typos correcte

    G-flux and Spectral Divisors

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    We propose a construction of G-flux in singular elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold compactifications of F-theory, which in the local limit allow a spectral cover description. The main tool of construction is the so-called spectral divisor in the resolved Calabi-Yau geometry, which in the local limit reduces to the Higgs bundle spectral cover. We exemplify the workings of this in the case of an E_6 singularity by constructing the resolved geometry, the spectral divisor and in the local limit, the spectral cover. The G-flux constructed with the spectral divisor is shown to be equivalent to the direct construction from suitably quantized linear combinations of holomorphic surfaces in the resolved geometry, and in the local limit reduces to the spectral cover flux.Comment: 30 page

    Compact F-theory GUTs with U(1)_PQ

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    We construct semi-local and global realizations of SU(5) GUTs in F-theory that utilize a U(1)_PQ symmetry to protect against dimension four proton decay. Symmetries of this type, which assign charges to H_u and H_d that forbid a tree level \mu term, play an important role in scenarios for neutrino physics and gauge mediation that have been proposed in local F-theory model building. As demonstrated in arXiv:0906.4672, the presence of such a symmetry implies the existence of non-GUT exotics in the spectrum, when hypercharge flux is used to break the GUT group and to give rise to doublet-triplet splitting. These exotics are of precisely the right type to solve the unification problem in such F-theory models and might also comprise a non-standard messenger sector for gauge mediation. We present a detailed description of models with U(1)_PQ in the semi-local regime, which does not depend on details of any specific Calabi-Yau four-fold, and then specialize to the geometry of arXiv:0904.3932 to construct three-generation examples with the minimal allowed number of non-GUT exotics. Among these, we find a handful of models in which the D3-tadpole constraint can be satisfied without requiring the introduction of anti-D3-branes. Finally, because SU(5) singlets that carry U(1)_PQ charge may serve as candidate right-handed neutrinos or can be used to lift the exotics, we study their origin in compact models and motivate a conjecture for how to count their zero modes in a semi-local setting.Comment: 73 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor corrections to 4.3 and 6.3.1, reference adde

    Global Gluing and G-flux

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    Local models that capture the 7-brane physics of F-theory compactifications for supersymmetric GUTs are conveniently described in terms of an E_8 gauge theory in the presence of a Higgs bundle. Though the Higgs bundle data is usually determined by the local geometry and G-flux, additional gluing data must be specified whenever the Higgs bundle spectral cover is not smooth. In this paper, we argue that this additional information is determined by data of the M-theory 3-form that is not necessarily captured by the cohomology class of the G-flux. More specifically, we show that when the 3-form is specified in terms of a line bundle on a spectral divisor, which is a global extension of the Higgs bundle spectral cover, the gluing data of the local model is uniquely determined in a way that ensures agreement with Heterotic results whenever a Heterotic dual exists.Comment: 22 page

    Gauge Mediation in F-Theory GUT Models

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    We study a simple framework for gauge-mediated supersymmetry-breaking in local GUT models based on F-theory 7-branes and demonstrate that a mechanism for solving both the \mu and \mu/B_{\mu} problems emerges in a natural way. In particular, a straightforward coupling of the messengers to the Higgs sector leads to a geometry which not only provides us with an approximate U(1)_{PQ} symmetry that forbids the generation of \mu at the GUT scale, it also forces the SUSY-breaking spurion field to carry a nontrivial PQ charge. This connects the breaking of SUSY to the generation of \mu so that the same scale enters both. Moreover, the messenger sector naturally realizes the D3-instanton triggered Polonyi model of arXiv:0808.1286 so this scale is exponentially suppressed relative to M_{GUT}. The effective action at low scales is in fact precisely of the form of the "sweet spot supersymmetry" scenario studied by Ibe and Kitano in arXiv:0705.3686.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures; v4 revisions to section