164 research outputs found

    Medición del ángulo Q mediante goniometría convencional y videofotogrametría en 3D. Correlación de los resultados

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    Este trabajo pretende demostrar la existencia de correlación entre la medición del ángulo Q estático mediante goniometría convencional y mediante videofotogrametría en 3D, para que en próximos estudios se pueda obviar la exploración previa por el método convencional

    Estudio de la abducción del hombro mediante videofotogrametría (VFG) y radiología seriada (RX) simultánea

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    El complejo articular del hombro posee la mayor movilidad de todas las articulaciones del cuerpo. Está formado por un conjunto de estructuras: articulación escapulohumeral, acromioclavicular, esternoclavicular, escapulotorácica (seudoarticulación de la escápula con la pared torácica) que actuan coordinadamente unas con otras para situar la extremidad superior y, en definitiva la mano, en cualquier sitio del espacio. El estudio del movimiento de este complejo articular del hombro ha sido motivo de muchas investigaciones que han generado temas de controversia durante los últimos cien años. Desde su origen, las articulaciones han ido evolucionando hasta especializarse para efectuar unos determinados movimientos más específicos y precisos, al mismo tiempo que han ido abandonando otros. La articulaciones multiaxiales, las más proximales de las extremidades como el muslo, son las que han persistido con un mayor grado de movilidad y las que, por tanto, requieren un control muscular más preciso. La evolución hacia la bipedestación, implica una serie de cambios: aparición de lordosis en la columna, aumento del diámetro transversal del tórax juntamente con un desplazamiento hacia atrás de la clavícula y la escápula permitiendo así mayor amplitud de movimientos, sobretodo en la rotación y en la función prensil de la extremidad superior. En el muslo, se sacrificó la estabilidad para adquirir más movilidad4

    Optimizing precision irrigation of a vineyard to improve water use efficiency and profitability by using a decision-oriented vine water consumption model

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    While the agronomic and economic benefits of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies have long been established in red wine grape varieties, spatial variability in water requirements across a vineyard limits their practical application. This study aims to evaluate the performance of an integrated methodology—based on a vine water consumption model and remote sensing data—to optimize the precision irrigation (PI) of a 100-ha commercial vineyard during two consecutive growing seasons. In addition, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) was conducted of the tested strategy. Using an NDVI generated map, a vineyard with 52 irrigation sectors and the varieties Tempranillo, Cabernet and Syrah was classified in three categories (Low, Medium and High). The proposed methodology allowed viticulturists to adopt a precise RDI strategy, and, despite differences in water requirement between irrigation sectors, pre-defined stem water potential thresholds were not exceeded. In both years, the difference between maximum and minimum water applied in the different irrigation sectors varied by as much as 25.6%. Annual transpiration simulations showed ranges of 240.1–340.8 mm for 2016 and 298.6–366.9 mm for 2017. According to the CBA, total savings of 7090.00 € (2016) and 9960.00 € (2017) were obtained in the 100-ha vineyard with the PI strategy compared to not PI. After factoring in PI technology and labor costs of 5090 €, the net benefit was 20.0 € ha−1 in 2016 and 48.7 € ha−1 in 2017. The water consumption model adopted here to optimize PI is shown to enhance vineyard profitability, water use efficiency and yield.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio estático y dinámico del ángulo Q mediante videofotogrametría 3D

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    OBJETIVOS: Se estudia la evolución del ángulo Q (Q dinámico) en bipedestación y en una marcha frontal, para obtener los valores de normalidad para futuros estudios dónde la clínica femoropatelar es más acentuada (bajar escaleras y descenso de rampa). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Participaron 20 individuos sanos (10 hombres y 10 mujeres) con edad media de 22,7 años + 3,02 (20-25 años), a los que se realizó un análisis tridimensional del movimiento mediante el sistema de videofotogrametría en 3D Orthobio, en la bipedestación y durante la marcha en terreno llano. RESULTADOS: Hemos observado que durante la bipedestación el ángulo Q estático medio tiene un valor de 16,12º. Los datos obtenidos muestran que el ángulo Q dinámico oscila 8,13º (6,03º-14,16º), produciéndose el valor máximo en el momento del choque de talón y el mínimo poco después del despegue. La media del ángulo Q dinámico en un ciclo de marcha ha sido de 11,47º. En los datos por sexos corresponde a las mujeres es de 12,46º, y el de los hombres de 10,48º. CONCLUSIONES: Durante la marcha el ángulo Q dinámico disminuye con respecto al estático.OBJECTIVES: In this paper we study the evolution of the dynamic Q-angle in bipedal standing and forward gait to obtain values of normality for future studies in which femoropatellar problems are more pronounced (e.g. descending stairs or ramps). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty healthy individuals (10 men and 10 women), with an average age of 22.7 + 3.02 years (i.e. 20–25 years), took part in this study. In these individuals, a tridimensional analysis of movement of bipedal standing and gait on flat terrain was conducted using 3D Orthobio videophotogrammetry. RESULTS: During bipedal standing, the average static Q angle was 16.12º. The dynamic Q angle fluctuated by 8.13º (between 6.03º and 14.16º), the maximum dynamic Q angle was reached as the heel contacted the ground and the minimum was reached just after leaving the ground. The average dynamic Q angle in a gait cycle was 11.47º (12.46º for women and 10.48º for men). CONCLUSIONS: During the cycle, the dynamic Q angle is lower than the static Q angle

    Insulin secretion in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes (LADA): half way between type 1 and type 2 diabetes: action LADA 9

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    Background: The study of endogenous insulin secretion may provide relevant insight into the comparison of the natural history of adult onset latent autoimmune diabetes (LADA) with types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to compare the results of the C-peptide response to mixed-meal stimulation in LADA patients with different disease durations and subjects with type 2 and adult-onset type 1 diabetes. Methods: Stimulated C-peptide secretion was assessed using the mixed-meal tolerance test in patients with LADA (n = 32), type 1 diabetes mellitus (n = 33) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (n = 30). All patients were 30 to 70 years old at disease onset. The duration of diabetes in all groups ranged from 6 months to 10 years. The recruitment strategy was predefined to include at least 10 subjects in the following 3 disease onset categories for each group: 6 to 18 months, 19 months to 5 years and 5 to 10 years. Results: At all time-points of the mixed-meal tolerance test, patients with LADA had a lower stimulated C-peptide response than the type 2 diabetes group and a higher response than the type 1 diabetes group. The same results were found when the peak or area under the C-peptide curve was measured. When the results were stratified by time since disease onset, a similar pattern of residual insulin secretory capacity was observed. Conclusions: The present study shows that the magnitude of stimulated insulin secretion in LADA is intermediate between that of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

    G9a Inhibition Promotes Neuroprotection through GMFB Regulation in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Epigenetic alterations are a fundamental pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Herein, we show the upregulation of G9a and H3K9me2 in the brains of AD patients. Interestingly, treatment with a G9a inhibitor (G9ai) in SAMP8 mice reversed the high levels of H3K9me2 and rescued cognitive decline. A transcriptional profile analysis after G9ai treatment revealed increased gene expression of glia maturation factor β (GMFB) in SAMP8 mice. Besides, a H3K9me2 ChIP-seq analysis after G9a inhibition treatment showed the enrichment of gene promoters associated with neural functions. We observed the induction of neuronal plasticity and a reduction of neuroinflammation after G9ai treatment, and more strikingly, these neuroprotective effects were reverted by the pharmacological inhibition of GMFB in mice and cell cultures; this was also validated by the RNAi approach generating the knockdown of GMFB/Y507A.10 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Importantly, we present evidence that GMFB activity is controlled by G9a-mediated lysine methylation as well as we identified that G9a directly bound GMFB and catalyzed the methylation at lysine (K) 20 and K25 in vitro. Furthermore, we found that the neurodegenerative role of G9a as a GMFB suppressor would mainly rely on methylation of the K25 position of GMFB, and thus G9a pharmacological inhibition removes this methylation promoting neuroprotective effects. Then, our findings confirm an undescribed mechanism by which G9a inhibition acts at two levels, increasing GMFB and regulating its function to promote neuroprotective effects in age-related cognitive decline</p

    Effect of COMBinAtion therapy with remote ischemic conditioning and exenatide on the Myocardial Infarct size: a two-by-two factorial randomized trial (COMBAT-MI)

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    Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) and the GLP-1 analog exenatide activate different cardioprotective pathways and may have additive effects on infarct size (IS). Here, we aimed to assess the efficacy of RIC as compared with sham procedure, and of exenatide, as compared with placebo, and the interaction between both, to reduce IS in humans. We designed a two-by-two factorial, randomized controlled, blinded, multicenter, clinical trial. Patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) within 6 h of symptoms were randomized to RIC or sham procedure and exenatide or matching placebo. The primary outcome was IS measured by late gadolinium enhancement in cardiac magnetic resonance performed 3–7 days after PPCI. The secondary outcomes were myocardial salvage index, transmurality index, left ventricular ejection fraction and relative microvascular obstruction volume. A total of 378 patients were randomly allocated, and after applying exclusion criteria, 222 patients were available for analysis. There were no significant interactions between the two randomization factors on the primary or secondary outcomes. IS was similar between groups for the RIC (24 ± 11.8% in the RIC group vs 23.7 ± 10.9% in the sham group, P = 0.827) and the exenatide hypotheses (25.1 ± 11.5% in the exenatide group vs 22.5 ± 10.9% in the placebo group, P = 0.092). There were no effects with either RIC or exenatide on the secondary outcomes. Unexpected adverse events or side effects of RIC and exenatide were not observed. In conclusion, neither RIC nor exenatide, or its combination, were able to reduce IS in STEMI patients when administered as an adjunct to PPCI

    Excimer formation by steric twisting in carbazole and triphenylamine-based host materials

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    This paper presents a detailed spectroscopic investigation of luminescence properties of 4,4′-Bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl (CBP) and N,N,N’,N’-tetraphenylbenzidine (TAD) in solutions and neat films. These compounds are compared to their derivatives CDBP and TDAD that contain methyl groups in the 2 and 2’ position of the biphenyl core. We find that whereas steric twisting in CDBP and TDAD leads to a high triplet energy of about 3.0 and 3.1 eV, respectively, these compounds also tend to form triplet excimers in a neat film, in contrast to CBP and TAD. By comparison with N-phenylcarbazole (NPC) and triphenylamine (TPA), on which these compounds are based, as well as with the rigid spiro analogs to CBP and TAD we show that the reduced excimer formation in CBP and TAD can be attributed to a localization of the excitation onto the central biphenyl part of the molecule.We acknowledge support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through the project ‘Trip-Q’, the German Science Foundation (DFG) through the Research and Training Group GRK 1640 and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant number EP/G060738/1).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp512772j

    Enzymatic Depilation of Animal Hide: Identification of Elastase (LasB) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCM B-327 as a Depilating Protease

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    Conventional leather processing involving depilation of animal hide by lime and sulphide treatment generates considerable amounts of chemical waste causing severe environmental pollution. Enzymatic depilation is an environmentally friendly process and has been considered to be a viable alternative to the chemical depilation process. We isolated an extracellular protease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain MCM B-327 with high depilation activity using buffalo hide as a substrate. This 33 kDa protease generated a peptide mass fingerprint and de novo sequence that matched perfectly with LasB (elastase), of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In support of this data a lasB mutant of MCM B-327 strain lacked depilatory activity and failed to produce LasB. LasB heterologously over-produced and purified from Escherichia coli also exhibited high depilating activity. Moreover, reintroduction of the lasB gene to the P. aeruginosa lasB mutant via a knock-in strategy also successfully restored depilation activity thus confirming the role of LasB as the depilating enzyme