25 research outputs found


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    Il dataset fa riferimento al lavoro di tesi magistrale CITEM di Martina Marras volto a testare e validare l'applicazione di modelli qualitativi per lo studio di narrazioni seriali, in particolare i loro prodotti audiovisivi. Il file Excel presenta i risultati dell'analisi video svolta sulla serie Il trono di spade (Game of Thrones, HBO, 2011-2019) di cui sono state prese in esame le stagioni 1, 2 e 8

    Jean Hampton: femminismo e prospettive contrattualistiche oltre Rawls e Gauthier

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    My research focuses on the political theory of the American philosopher Jean Hampton (1954-1996). Precisely, I analyze Hampton's feminist accounts, which put together gender demands and contract theory - almost a revolutionary operation since the tradition of the social contract was considered totally irreconcilable with gender claims by the majority of contemporary feminist theorists. Starting from the reflections on contractarianism elaborated since the early Eighties, to reach the last posthumous works, I maintain that Hampton’s feminist contractarianism is a fortunate combination of apparently irreconcilable paradigms, whose roots must be traced on the one hand in Thomas Hobbes’ works, on the other hand in Immanuel Kant’s philosophy. First of all I found it necessary to analyze the key elements of feminist contractarianism, dealing with theory of games and rational choice theory. The way I see it, Hampton overcomes all the different contractarians approaches that stay at the basis of her philosophical discourse, going through the proposal of a kind of “third way”. I point out how and why Hampton’s system is useful for assessing the intrinsic value of the person and I suggest her feminist proposal could be considered as “a model of procedural justice”, capable of guarantee minimum conditions of fairness in the private sphere

    Differential regulation of cardiac sodium channels by intracellular fibroblast growth factors

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    Voltage-gated sodium (NaV) channels are responsible for the initiation and propagation of action potentials. In the heart, the predominant NaV1.5 α subunit is composed of four homologous repeats (I-IV) and forms a macromolecular complex with multiple accessory proteins, including intracellular fibroblast growth factors (iFGF). In spite of high homology, each of the iFGFs, iFGF11-iFGF14, as well as the individual iFGF splice variants, differentially regulates NaV channel gating, and the mechanisms underlying these differential effects remain elusive. Much of the work exploring iFGF regulation of NaV1.5 has been performed in mouse and rat ventricular myocytes in which iFGF13VY is the predominant iFGF expressed, whereas investigation into NaV1.5 regulation by the human heart-dominant iFGF12B is lacking. In this study, we used a mouse model with cardiac-specific Fgf13 deletion to study the consequences of iFGF13VY and iFGF12B expression. We observed distinct effects on the voltage-dependences of activation and inactivation of the sodium currents (INa), as well as on the kinetics of peak INa decay. Results in native myocytes were recapitulated with human NaV1.5 heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and additional experiments using voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF) revealed iFGF-specific effects on the activation of the NaV1.5 voltage sensor domain in repeat IV (VSD-IV). iFGF chimeras further unveiled roles for all three iFGF domains (i.e., the N-terminus, core, and C-terminus) on the regulation of VSD-IV, and a slower time domain of inactivation. We present here a novel mechanism of iFGF regulation that is specific to individual iFGF isoforms and that leads to distinct functional effects on NaV channel/current kinetics

    The miR-139-5p regulates proliferation of supratentorial paediatric low-grade gliomas by targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signalling

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    Paediatric low-grade gliomas (pLGGs) are a heterogeneous group of brain tumours associated with a high overall survival: however, they are prone to recur and supratentorial lesions are difficult to resect, being associated with high percentage of disease recurrence. Our aim was to shed light on the biology of pLGGs

    Valutazione ambientale strategica, piani urbanistici comunali e piani dei parchi. Un quadro operativo per l’integrazione della Strategia regionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile della Sardegna

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    La concezione della sostenibilità, nel governo del territorio, va oltre la tutela dell’ambiente in quanto, oltre il profilo ambientale, include quelli economici e sociali. Si evidenzia, quindi, la necessità di rendere compatibili le esigenze dello sviluppo economico con quelle della tutela delle risorse naturali, e dell’equità e del progresso sociale. In quest’ottica, la Regione Sardegna ha approvato la Strategia regionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile (SRSvS), quale declinazione della Strategia nazionale, in coerenza con l’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite. Il volume presenta e discute i risultati di una ricerca sviluppata durante lo svolgimento del Laboratorio di ricerca azione SOSLab1 del Progetto SOSLabs, condotto, presso l’Università di Cagliari, nell’ambito del bando emanato nel 2019 dalla Direzione Generale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, per il Danno Ambientale e per i Rapporti con l’Unione Europea dell’allora Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio e del mare (oggi Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica). Gli esiti si basano su un approccio metodologico che integra la SRSvS nella prassi della pianificazione territoriale e urbanistica nel contesto comunale e metropolitano, tramite un modello in cui la costruzione del piano è permeata dalla valutazione. Si assume quale riferimento scientifico e tecnico la valutazione ambientale strategica (VAS), in virtù del suo essere profondamente innervata nel processo di piano, quasi ad identificarsi con il piano stesso, sia nelle fasi preparatorie, che attuative. La metodologia di integrazione della SRSvS nel processo di pianificazione e valutazione è applicata, sperimentalmente, a due piani urbanistici: il Piano urbanistico comunale preliminare del Comune di Cagliari e il Piano del Parco naturale regionale di Tepilora

    The Italian open data meteorological portal: MISTRAL

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    AbstractAt the national level, in Italy, observational and forecast data are collected by various public bodies and are often kept in various small, heterogeneous and non‐interoperable repositories, released under different licenses, thus limiting the usability for external users. In this context, MISTRAL (the Meteo Italian SupercompuTing PoRtAL) was launched as the first Italian meteorological open data portal, with the aim of promoting the reuse of meteorological data sets available at national level coverage. The MISTRAL portal provides (and archives) meteorological data from various observation networks, both public and private, and forecast data that are generated and post‐processed within the Consortium for Small‐scale Modeling‐Limited Area Model Italia (COSMO‐LAMI) agreement using high performance computing (HPC) facilities. Also incorporated is the Italy Flash Flood use case, implemented with the collaboration of European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which exploits cutting edge advances in HPC‐based post‐processing of ensemble precipitation forecasts, for different model resolutions, and applies those to deliver novel blended‐resolution forecasts specifically for Italy. Finally, in addition to providing architectures for the acquisition and display of observational data, MISTRAL also delivers an interactive system for visualizing forecast data of different resolutions as superimposed multi‐layer maps

    Jean Elizabeth Hampton

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    Jean Hampton (1954-1996) was an influential voice in the landscape of US Philosophy of the second half of the 20th century. The majority of her writings falls within the sphere of Political Philosophy, although her interests ranged from Ethics to the Philosophy of Law, from the Rational Choice Theory to the History of Modern Philosophy and Feminism. In this context, I will analyse Hampton's contractarianism and her view of Liberal Feminism.Jean Hampton (1954-1996) Ăš stata una voce influente nel panorama filosofico statunitense della seconda metĂ  del Novecento. La maggioranza dei suoi scritti ricade nell'ambito della filosofia politica, anche se gli interessi della pensatrice spaziarono dall'etica alla filosofia del diritto, dalla teoria della scelta razionale alla storia della filosofia moderna e al femminismo. In questo profilo si approfondisce la sua teoria contrattualistica e la sua proposta di femminismo liberal

    Nature Protection and local development: a study concerning a Natural Park located in Sardinia (Italy).

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    Nature protection and local development: A methodological study implemented with reference to a natural park located in Sardinia (Italy).

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    Italian legislation concerning the protection of natural heritage identifies the regional natural parks among the categories of the protected natural areas. Natural parks can include inner land areas, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas endowed with high natural and environmental values which, in many cases, are affected by high anthropic pressures. Therefore, planning should consider this problematic dichotomy and guarantee a balance between the conservation objectives and the development needs, according to the sustainability paradigm. Within this framework, the present study proposes a knowledge-based planning methodology that supports plan-making processes concerning natural parks, with the first aim to protect and enhance the Park-related opportunities and identity through the definition of place-based planning strategies