106 research outputs found

    Detecção de vegetação arbórea através de segmentação e classificação orientada a objecto de imagens multiespectrais de alta resolução (Quickbird).

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    O principal objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial de imagens de alta resolução espacial (Quickbird) utilizando o método de segmentação multi-resolução e classificação digital orientada a objecto na 1) identificação de manchas por espécie florestal obtendo mapas de ocupação do solo e 2) identificação de área de coberto arbóreo por espécie para a região de Portel (Alentejo). Procedeu-se ao cálculo de bandas sintéticas tais como o índice de vegetação NDVI e as compentes principais para aumentar a capacidade de separação entre as classes no processo de segmentação e classificação. Ambos os resultados foram validados através do calculo da matriz de confusão e do coeficiente Kappa. Os resultados foram bastantes satisfatórios, para o mapa de ocupação do solo, obtendo-se um Kappa de 82,5% e para o mapa de área de coberto arbóreo de 80% e ambos com precisão global acima de 88%. Podemos concluir que a metodologia desenvolvida e os dados de alta resolução do satélite Quickbird produzem resultados satisfatórios para a identificação e separação das espécies florestais. A baixa resolução espectral deste satélite é compensada pela elevada resolução espacial e pela utilização de outros parâmetros de forma e de textura dos objectos individuais e entre objectos

    Métodos de amostragem para a detecção e estimativa das populações de insectos associados ao arroz pós-colheita

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    The present work has the objective to implement the components of Integrated Pest Management into the current system of the paddy rice post-harvest. The assays had been initiated in bulk paddy stored in warehouse and silos after the harvest. Some methods of sampling were evaluated to get more quantitative estimates of insect pest populations in the cereal: examination of grain samples and investigating pitfall and StorGard WB Probe II traps without attraction baits. Also, Storgard Dome traps were used, with atractants (food and pheromones) for ascertaining residual infestations under drying silos. The results show that traps are much more efficient than the examination of grain samples for determining infestation. The StorGard WB Probe II traps captured significantly more insects and more species than did pitfall traps. StorGard WB Probe II traps have the advantage to intercept insects to some depths, are easy to handle, are durable, are continuously acting and can detect the insect populations at low densities. The Storgard Dome traps captured several insect species and was useful in the detection of sources of infestations. The relative density and the spatial pattern were examined for Cryptophagus saginatus, Sitophilus zeamais, S. oryzae, Coninomus constrictus, Carpophilus dimediatus, Ptinus raptor, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Tribolium castaneum, Gnathocerus cornutus and Sitotroga cerealella

    Impact of cardiology referral: clinical outcomes and factors associated with physicians' adherence to recommendations

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    OBJECTIVES: Cardiology referral is common for patients admitted for non-cardiac diseases. Recommendations from cardiologists may involve complex and aggressive treatments that could be ignored or denied by other physicians. The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of patients who were given recommendations during cardiology referrals and to examine the clinical outcomes of patients who did not follow the recommendations. METHODS: We enrolled 589 consecutive patients who received in-hospital cardiology consultations. Data on recommendations, implementation of suggestions and outcomes were collected. RESULTS: Regarding adherence of the referring service to the recommendations, 77% of patients were classified in the adherence group and 23% were classified in the non-adherence group. Membership in the non-adherence group (

    Anti-inflammatory choline based ionic liquids: Insights into their lipophilicity, solubility and toxicity parametrites

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    The impact on in vivo efficacy and safety of two novel ionic liquids based on the association of choline with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ketoprofen and naproxen forming IL-APIs, was evaluated. Their lipophilicity, solubility and toxicity were assessed aiming the illustration of the pharmaceutical profile and potential toxic impact. Partition coefficientwas determined usingmicelles of hexadecylphosphocholine and UV–Vis derivative spectroscopy. Additionally, solubility in phosphate buffer pH 7.4 wasmeasured using amodified shake flaskmethod and UV–Vis spectroscopy as detection technique. Ultimately, toxicity was considered resorting to a fully automated cytochrome c oxidase assay based onmicrofluidics. The obtained results demonstrated that the IL-APIs' drug format has the ability to interact with biological membranes and also improves solubility up to 58 times. Moreover, it was evidenced that, although being a nutrient, choline influences the IL-APIs' toxicity. The studied anti-inflammatory IL-APIs exhibited promising properties regarding their incorporation in pharmaceutical formulations


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    A traça-do-tomateiro é atualmente uma praga-chave do tomate para indústria, na região do Ribatejo. A sua presença foi detectada em 2010, tendo causado prejuízos significativos na campanha de 2011. O objetivo deste projeto é criar ferramentas para a tomada de decisão no âmbito da proteção desta cultura contra esta praga. Durante o ano de 2013, procedeu-se à monitorização semanal de adultos de T. absoluta com recurso a armadilhas com feromona sexual, e à observação visual em 25 a 50 plantas, de acordo com o estado fenológico da cultura. O material entomológico foram analisadas, posteriormente, em laboratório para deteção de parasitismo. Além de avaliar a intensidade de ataque, identificaram-se fatores de risco prévio, para construção de mapas de risco de apoio à tomada de decisão para a limitação da praga como culturas vizinhas e respetivas datas de colheita. Os dados preliminares não apresentaram uma correlação entre o número de machos adultos capturados e o número de larvas presentes na cultura, pelo que a estimativa de risco baseada apenas na contagem de machos adultos não parece ser suficiente para a tomada de decisão. Verificaram-se dificuldades no combate à praga devido a razões de ordem estrutural (e.g. posse da terra, hospedeiros alternativos na vizinhança) e a lacunas no conhecimento da sua bioecologia

    Relativistic quantum dynamics of a charged particle in cosmic string spacetime in the presence of magnetic field and scalar potential

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    In this paper we analyze the relativistic quantum motion of charged spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles in the presence of a uniform magnetic field and scalar potentials in the cosmic string spacetime. In order to develop this analysis, we assume that the magnetic field is parallel to the string and the scalar potentials present a cylindrical symmetry with their center on the string. Two distinct configurations for the scalar potential, S(r)S(r), are considered: (i)(i) the potential proportional to the inverse of the polar distance, i.e., S1/rS\propto1/r, and (ii)(ii) the potential proportional to this distance, i.e., SrS\propto r. The energy spectra are explicitly computed for different physical situations and presented their dependences on the magnetic field strength and scalar coupling constants.Comment: New version with 20 pages and no figure. Some minor revisions and six references added. Accepted for publication in EJP

    Produção orgânica de calêndula: um estudo de caso.

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    Apresenta-se caracterização do processo de produção agrícola orgânica de Calendula officinalis L. no Estado de Santa Catarina, evidenciando particularidades e discrepâncias frente aos modelos já descritos na literatura especializada, a partir de visitas a campo, observação participante e entrevistas com um produtor de plantas medicinais. Identificaram-se como principais particularidades a saúde na agricultura familiar, demonstrada pela prática da cultura orgânica, além do controle de pragas e manuseio da produção. Os principais problemas ou divergências evidenciados foram: características do solo; época de plantio da calêndula e suas etapas posteriores, como transplante e floração. Aspectos da colheita foram discrepantes quanto ao período do dia indicado para o procedimento, bem como a ausência de informações do produtor quanto à existência de outros incentivos governamentais ao setor agrícola. Recomenda-se aos extensionistas rurais e/ou instituições competentes que busquem orientar os produtores orgânicos de calêndula para promover a adequação das práticas de cultivo dessa espécie medicinal

    Clinical subgroups in bilateral meniere disease

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    Meniere disease (MD) is a heterogeneous clinical condition characterized by sensorineural hearing loss, episodic vestibular symptoms, and tinnitus associated with several comorbidities, such as migraine or autoimmune disorders (AD). The frequency of bilateral involvement may range from 5 to 50%, and it depends on the duration of the disease. We have performed a two-step cluster analysis in 398 patients with bilateral MD (BMD) to identify the best predictors to define clinical subgroups with a potential different etiology to improve the phenotyping of BMD and to develop new treatments. We have defined five clinical variants in BMD. Group 1 is the most frequently found, includes 46% of patients, and is defined by metachronic hearing loss without migraine and without AD. Group 2 is found in 17% of patients, and it is defined by synchronic hearing loss without migraine or AD. Group 3, with 13% of patients, is characterized by familial MD, while group 4, that includes 12% of patients, is associated by the presence of migraine in all cases. Group 5 is found in 11% of patients and is defined by AD. This approach can be helpful in selecting patients for genetic and clinical research. However, further studies will be required to improve the phenotyping in these clinical variants for a better understanding of the diverse etiological factors contributing to BMD

    Relativistic K shell decay rates and fluorescence yields for Zn, Cd and Hg

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    In this work we use the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method to calculate the transition probabilities for all possible decay channels, radiative and radiationless, of a K shell vacancy in Zn, Cd and Hg atoms. The obtained transition probabilities are then used to calculate the corresponding fluorescence yields which are compared to existing theoretical, semi-empirical and experimental results