81 research outputs found

    Improving students’ learning with a mobile augmented reality approach: the EduPARK game

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    Mobile devices are intensively used by the Portuguese youth in their daily life, but not in school activities. Despite this gap, research shows that technology can promote students’ learning. This paper comprises a survey study where mobile learning is analyzed through the eyes of 244 students attending the 2 nd or 3 rd Cycles of Basic Education (CBE). The acknowledged advantages and difficulties of the use of mobile devices for learning, as well as the educational value and usability of a specific mobile learning strategy, using the EduPARK app and game, were analyzed. Results revealed that most students owned a mobile device and were able to use them to learn. They had a positive perspective regarding mobile learning and valued the advantages of being easy to find up-to-date information, motivating for learning and easy to carry along. Difficulties are related to the use of mobile devices to learn, such as requiring an internet connection, its slowness, and prohibition of mobile devices in schools. The EduPARK game achieved an average Educational Value Scale of 83.8 and an average System Usability Scale of 80.2, indicating its high educational value and usability for students. This paper presents empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of the integration of mobile game-based AR approaches in Basic Education to promote students’ learning. It also includes an example of excellent cros-subjects educational materials that comprises a very useful tool for teachers and students to explore scientific knowledge by accessing appealing information on biological and historical references of a local urban park.publishe

    Science teaching strategies developed in an online community of practice: a case study

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    Communities of practice (CoP) have been presented in the literature as potential promoters of the improvement of teaching strategies. However, there is scarce empirical evidence of that impact, namely in science education. Purpose: This study aims to present empiric evidence supporting the potential of online CoPs, involving teachers and researchers, for the development of effective science teaching practices – considering the literature on science education (SE) regarding strategies that can effectively promote pupils’ learning. Sample, design and methods: The authors conducted a single case study: a curricular module developed by a collaborative group of five teachers and three researchers, which formed a CoP under the Portuguese project IPEC1 . The CoP members interacted mainly through online communication tools; therefore, content analysis of the developed lesson plan, and associated teaching resources, was complemented with evidence from online interactions, as well as documents produced by the CoP as dissemination papers. Results and conclusions: The study showed that the CoP developed a field trip combining diversified teaching strategies, such as learning of contextualized phenomenon, small work group or questioning, referred in the reviewed literature as effective science teaching strategies. The results also point to the evolution of the teachers’ practices during their participation in this CoP. Hence, it provides empirical evidence that supports that online CoP of teachers and researchers can promote the improvement of science teaching practices. It also gives a glimpse of possible factors that can contribute to that improvement, which require further empirical study.publishe

    Projeto de uma instalação frigorífica

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia MecânicaO propósito deste trabalho é o acompanhamento do projeto de fornecimento, montagem e arranque de uma Instalação Frigorífica centralizada A Instalação Frigorífica fica situada em Loures, mais precisamente em São Julião doTojal, sendo a instalação pertencente à empresa Havi Logistics a qual requereua elaboração do projeto à Johnson Controls. A unidade frigorífica engloba uma câmara de congelados, uma câmara de refrigerados e um cais de carga/descarga que tem como objectivo armazenar carne previamente congelada e diversos produtos de comida processada também previamente congelados/refrigerados. Toda a carne provém da indústria agropecuária e é devidamente certificada. Na unidade em causa é de extrema importância manter a qualidade do produto fazendo cumprir todas as normas higieno-sanitária que se encontram legisladas e que serão devidamente abordadas no presente trabalho. O bom desempenho da instalação frigorifica depende do correto dimensionamento de todos os equipamentos e escolha de materiais constituintes da mesma. O dimensionamento deve ser o mais optimizado possível de forma a garantir não só que a instalação cumpra os objectivos para a qual foi construída como também esteja o mais optimizada possível em termos de gastos energéticos.Abstract: The main purpose of the work is the monitoring the project delivery, installation and commissioning of a centralized chilling plant. The refrigeration plant is located in Loures, more precisely in Tojal belonging to the company Havi Logistics which required the preparation of the project to Johnson Controls. The refrigeration unit includes a cold storage room for chilled products and cold storage room for frozen goods and a pier for loading / unloading which aims to store previously frozen meat products and various processed food also previously frozen/chilled. All meat comes from the agricultural industry and is duly certified, the unit in question focused on maintain product quality by enforcing all hygiene-sanitary standards that are legislated and that will be properly addressed in this paper. The good performance of the refrigeration installation depends on the correct sizing of all materials and equipment of the same constituents. The design should be optimized as much as possible to ensure not only that the installation meets the goals for which it is built as well as optimal as possible in terms of energy costs

    Gestão curricular intencional numa comunidade de prática online

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    Mestrado em Gestão CurricularUma das vertentes da investigação em Educação em Ciência visa a melhoria do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Parece haver uma natural convergência de interesses entre professores e investigadores que, contudo, nem sempre se concretiza em formas de trabalho colaborativo. Este distanciamento entre a investigação e a prática docente foi identificado e tem sido razão para o desenvolvimento de muitos projectos de investigação, entre os quais se destaca o projecto “Investigação e Práticas lectivas em Educação em Ciência: dinâmicas de interacção”, que enquadrou este estudo. O referido projecto visa contribuir para a articulação entre as práticas educativas e a investigação em Educação em Ciência. Constituiu-se uma comunidade de prática online tendo em vista potenciar o desenvolvimento profissional de todos os envolvidos. A questão central deste estudo diz respeito às implicações decorrentes do envolvimento de professores e investigadores numa comunidade de prática online, ao nível da sua gestão curricular intencional. Optou-se por uma metodologia de natureza predominantemente qualitativa, descritiva, exploratória e do tipo estudo de caso único, sendo o caso um grupo de professores e investigadores do referido projecto. Este estudo compreendeu duas fases. Na primeira, procedeu-se à selecção do grupo a analisar, tendo por base os seguintes critérios: a) o índice de sentimento de comunidade (McMillan & Chavis, 1986); b) a forma de trabalho do grupo; c) a presença de indicadores de comunidade de prática (Wenger, 1998). Na segunda fase, procurou-se analisar a gestão curricular intencional realizada pelo grupo seleccionado ao nível de objectivos educacionais e estratégias/actividades, assim como a sua fundamentação. Procurou-se ainda identificar as barreiras sentidas pelos membros do grupo relativas ao trabalho em comunidade de prática online. Como técnicas de recolha de dados recorreu-se a: a) inquérito por questionário; b) observação directa (mediada pela plataforma Blackboard academic suite) não participante; c) recolha de documentos. Quanto às técnicas de análise de dados optou-se por: a) análise estatística descritiva; b) análise de conteúdo; c) análise documental interna. Os resultados indicam que no decurso do trabalho desenvolvido na comunidade de prática online, constituída, os seus membros: a) sentiram dificuldades de explicitação de objectivos educacionais e de momentos e formas de avaliação; b) integraram no trabalho desenvolvido indicadores oriundos da investigação, nomeadamente relativos a trabalho de campo, resolução de problemas e movimento Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade; c) fundamentaram pouco as práticas desenvolvidas, tendo-se verificado que a existente remeteu para a adequação ao contexto e incidiu essencialmente sobre as tarefas planificadas; d) reconheceram como condicionantes à sua participação barreiras de cariz social, temporal e de pré-requisitos. ABSTRACT: One of the areas of Science Education research aims at the improvement of the process of teaching and learning. There appears to be a natural convergence of interests between teachers and researchers that, nevertheless, does not always materialize in forms of collaborative work. This gap between research and teaching practice was identified and has been a reason for the development of many research projects, among which the project “Investigation and school Practices in Science Education: dynamic of interaction” stands out, that “harbors” the present study. The above-mentioned project aims to contribute towards the articulation between the educational practices and research in Science Education. An online community of practice was constituted that aims to promote the professional development of all members involved. The central question of this study concerns the implications resulting from the involvement of teachers and researchers in an online community of practice at the level of their intended curriculum management. We opted for a methodology of a predominantly qualitative, descriptive and exploratory nature, of the single case study type. The case is confined to a group of teachers and researchers of the above-mentioned project. This study had two phases. In the first one, we selected the group to analyze, based on the following criteria: a) the sense of community index (McMillan and Chavis, 1986); b) group work formats; c) the presence of community of practice indicators (Wenger, 1998). In the second phase, we analyzed the intended curriculum management carried out by the selected group at the level of educational objectives and strategies/activities, as well as their grounding. We also identified the obstacles faced by the members of the group as to the online community of practice work. The data gathering techniques/instruments were the following: a) inquiry/questionnaire; b) direct (mediated by the LMS Blackboard) and non participant observation; c) collection of documents. As for the data analysis techniques we elected: a) descriptive statistical analysis; b) content analysis; c) internal documental analysis. The results indicate that in the course of the work developed in the online community of practice, its members: a) found it hard to express the educational objectives and the moments and forms of evaluation; b) integrated research indicators in the work developed, namely related to field work, problem solving and the Science, Technology and Society movement; c) the practices developed were little substantiated and, when this happened, it pointed to the adequacy to the context and focused on the planned tasks; d) recognized as barriers to their participation in the community of practice, obstacles of social, time and prerequisite skills nature

    Comunidades de prática online: contributos para a prática letiva: um estudo de caso no âmbito da educação em ciência envolvendo professores e investigadores

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    Doutoramento em Didática e FormaçãoAs comunidades de prática (CoP), bem como a investigação-ação, têm vindo a ser apontadas na literatura como formas de promover o desenvolvimento profissional de professores, potenciando a melhoria das suas práticas letivas. Contudo, as evidências empíricas relativas às práticas letivas desenvolvidas por professores no âmbito dessas configurações sociais são escassas. Neste estudo procura-se contribuir para colmatar essa lacuna ao analisar uma CoP online, que envolveu professores de ciências e investigadores em Educação em Ciência (EC) e se constituiu no âmbito do projeto “Investigação e práticas lectivas em Educação em Ciência: Dinâmicas de interacção” (IPEC), com enfoques distintos, a que se alude abaixo. A investigação realizada envolveu uma metodologia de natureza predominantemente qualitativa, descritiva, exploratória e do tipo estudo de caso único, sendo o caso as práticas letivas desenvolvidas pelos membros da CoP referida e as dinâmicas de interação entre os mesmos. Como técnicas de recolha de dados, recorreu-se principalmente à observação mediada pela plataforma online de apoio ao desenvolvimento do projeto (dados estatísticos e as mensagens registadas automaticamente) e recolha de documentos. Quanto às técnicas de análise de dados, optou-se principalmente pela análise de conteúdo e análise documental interna, tendo-se triangulado dados de diferentes fontes. Com base no Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth, que Clarke e Hollingsworth propuseram em 2002, e em instrumentos de análise resultantes da revisão de literatura, adaptados aos enfoques definidos, a análise da CoP selecionada incidiu sobre: a) os domínios externo e das práticas de desenvolvimento curricular (DC), ou seja, as suas dinâmicas de interação durante dois anos letivos; b) o domínio das consequências nas práticas letivas, no que concerne às estratégias de ensino de ciências desenvolvidas; c) a evidências do seu carater inovador; e d) aos princípios de DC operacionalizados através do módulo curricular desenhado, implementado, avaliado e disseminado pelos membros da CoP. Os resultados indicam que a) a participação dos membros variou ao longo do período de interação e que a sua dinâmica se enquadra numa adaptação das fases de desenvolvimento de CoP proposta por Wenger e colegas em 2002, com dois ciclos de investigação-ação; b) a CoP desenvolveu estratégias de ensino diversificadas, pouco exploradas por professores e coerentes com diversas recomendações da literatura, de forma consistente; c) as práticas letivas são inovadoras, do tipo challenging, tendo incluído o envolvimento de professores que lecionavam nas escolas dos professores membros da CoP; e d) a CoP operacionalizou vários princípios de DC recomendados na literatura, nomeadamente a flexibilidade e diferenciação. Os resultados empíricos permitiram ainda validar as dimensões do modelo de Clarke e Hollingsworth, assim como adaptar à especificidade do caso analisado.Pelo acima referido, embora reconhecendo as limitações do estudo, nomeadamente relativas às opções metodológicas efetuadas, foi possível inferir que o trabalho realizado no seio desta CoP online de professores e investigadores contribuiu para a inovação e melhoria de práticas letivas de EC. Do estudo resultam ainda instrumentos de análise que se consideram relevantes, dado poderem vir a ser usados em investigações futuras, assim como poderem vir a orientar professores de ciências que desejem alinhar as suas práticas de ensino com recomendações da investigação em EC. Por fim, são apresentadas recomendações relativamente ao envolvimento de professores e investigadores em CoP online, no âmbito da EC, assim como relativamente a possibilidades ao nível de investigações futuras, nomeadamente a validação dos instrumentos e das recomendações apresentadas em contextos mais abrangentes e transversais.Communities of practice (CoP), as well as action-research, have been pointed in the literature as ways of promoting teachers’ professional development, endorsing the improvement of their teaching practice. However, empirical evidence regarding the teaching practice developed by teachers in those social configurations are scarce. This study aims to contribute to address this shortcoming by analysing an online CoP of science teachers and Science Education (SE) researchers formed under the project “Investigação e práticas lectivas em Educação em Ciência: Dinâmicas de interacção” (IPEC), with different foci, alluded to below. The research involved a mainly qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory single case study methodology. It focused on both the teaching practice developed by the members of the referred CoP, as well as their dynamics of interaction. As far as data collection techniques, we resorted mainly to observation mediated by the online platform of support of the development of the project (statistic data and posts automatically recorded) and documents collection. Regarding data analysis techniques, we resorted mainly to content analysis and document analysis. Data from different sources has been triangulated. Based on the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth that Clarke and Hollingsworth proposed in 2002, as well as in analysis instruments that resulted from the literature review, adapted to the foci of the study, the analysis of the selected CoP was made on: a) the external domain and domain of practice of curricular development (CD), in other words, their dynamics of interaction during two school years; b) the domain of the consequences in the teaching practice, regarding the developed science teaching strategies; c) evidence of their innovative nature; and d) the principles of CD operationalized through the curricular module that the members of the CoP designed, enacted, evaluated and disseminated. The results show that a) the members’ participation varied during the interaction period and their dynamic fits an adaptation of the stages of development of a CoP proposed by Wenger and colleagues in 2002, with two cycles of action-research; b) the CoP developed diverse teaching strategies, usually not explored by teachers, and coherent with commendations in the literature in a consistent way; c) the teaching practice was innovative, in a challenging way, and included the involvement of teachers that were teaching in the schools of the teachers who were members of the CoP; and d) the CoP operationalized several principles of CD commended in literature, namely flexibility and differentiation. The empirical results also allowed to validate the dimensions of the Clarke and Hollingsworth’s model, as well as to adapt to the specificity of the analysed case.Considering the above, whilst acknowledging the study limitations, namely regarding the methodological options, it was possible to infer that the work developed in this online CoP of teachers and researchers contributed to the innovation and improvement of teaching practices in SE. From this study also resulted analysis instruments that we consider relevant, as they can be used in future research, as well as to guide science teachers who wish to align their teaching practice with commendations from SE literature. Lastly, commendations are presented, regarding the involvement of teachers and researchers in online CoP in SE contexts, as well as the possibility of future research, namely the validation of instruments and of the presented commendations within broader and transversal contexts

    Mobile augmented reality game-based learning: teacher training using the EduPARK app

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    With the mobile technology widespread, new functionalities are being integrated in devices, namely augmented reality (AR), which can be used to enhance learning. Combining mobile AR learning with game-based approaches supports new forms of instruction in the outdoors and students’ engagement and motivation for learning are enhanced. However, new practices require teacher training. This is the case of the EduPARK workshop that aims to support teachers in the development of innovative outdoor practices, using mobile devices, AR and games. In this exploratory case study, qualitative and quantitative data were collected from five editions of the EduPARK workshop through a mandatory questionnaire and a voluntary reflexive self-account. Results show that teachers value this training for: i) the access to new educational resources, ii) the practices changing support, iii) knowledge update, although not necessarily in what concerns mobile learning, AR and game-based approaches, and iv) learning about cross-subjects approaches to teaching.publishe

    Gestão curricular intencional numa comunidade de professores e investigadores

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    A presente comunicação visa divulgar a gestão curricular intencional (GCI) realizada numa comunidade de prática (CoP) online de professores e investigadores, constituída no âmbito do projecto “Investigação e práticas lectivas em Educação em Ciência: Dinâmicas de interacção” (IPEC). Foi desenvolvido um módulo curricular de trabalho de campo na temática da Sustentabilidade, dirigido a alunos do ensino secundário. A CoP procurou fundamentar científica e didacticamente o módulo desenvolvido, tendo sentido dificuldades na definição dos objectivos educacionais. Foi privilegiado o trabalho de grupo, sendo as estratégias mais frequentes a exposição (pelo docente ou aluno), o debate e o trabalho prático. As docentes envolvidas apontaram impactos e constrangimentos associados ao seu envolvimento na CoP e manifestaram elevada satisfação com o mesmo

    Contributions to teaching practice of an online community of practice of teachers and researchers

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    Communities of practice (CoP) have the potential to promote teachers’ professional development (PD) and change practices. However, empirical evidence is still scarce. This study aims to contribute to address this shortcoming by analysing an online CoP. A qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory single case study was performed. It focused on both the teaching practice and the CoP’s dynamics of interaction. Data collection included online platform information (statistic data and posts automatically recorded) and documents. Data analysis was based on content analysis and was organized accordingly the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth that Clarke and Hollingsworth proposed in 2002. The analysis was made on: (a) the external domain and domain of practice of curricular development (CD), in other words, their dynamics of interaction; (b) the domain of the consequences in the teaching practice, regarding the developed science teaching strategies; (c) evidence of their innovative nature; and (d) the principles of curricular development (CD) enacted. The results show that (a) the members’ participation varied during the interaction period and their dynamic fits an adaptation of the stages of development of a CoP proposed by Wenger et al. in 2002, with two cycles of action-research; (b) the CoP developed diverse teaching strategies, usually not explored by teachers, and coherent with commendations in the literature; (c) the teaching practice was innovative, in a challenging way; and (d) the CoP enacted several principles of CD recommended in literature, namely flexibility and differentiation. The empirical results also allowed to validate the dimensions of the Clarke and Hollingsworth’s model, as well as to adapt it to the specificity of the analysed case

    Utilização de tecnologias de comunicação online: caso de um projecto envolvendo investigadores e professores

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    Neste contributo apresenta-se uma síntese da utilização de ferramentas online feita pelos participantes no projecto “Investigação e práticas lectivas em Educação em Ciência: Dinâmicas de interacção” (IPEC), bem como uma reflexão sobre as dificuldades identificadas durante o processo e as evidências de desenvolvimento de competências de comunicação online. O projecto IPEC envolveu trabalho colaborativo entre professores e investigadores, no contexto de Educação em Ciência. As interacções entre os participantes centraram-se na concepção, aplicação e avaliação de módulos curriculares sobre o tema Sustentabilidade e decorreram maioritariamente através de ferramentas de comunicação online disponibilizadas na plataforma Blackboard Academic Suite. Complementarmente foram também exploradas outras ferramentas como o Skype, programas de videoconferência e Googledocs. Ao nível do trabalho com alunos, alguns professores envolvidos no projecto utilizaram blogs, a plataforma Moodle e o Second Life

    Moving learning into a smart urban park: students' perceptions of the Augmented Reality EduPARK mobile game

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    The EduPARK game is developed under a game-based learning methodology. It is designed for outdoor learning settings by employing geocaching principles and mobile Augmented Reality technologies. The game aims to develop users’ authentic and autonomous learning about diverse interdisciplinary themes in a smart urban park. It integrates learning guides for different target groups of basic education. The purpose of this paper is to present the game prototype development, and its first cycle of refinement, as the study followed a design-based research approach. The game evaluation involved 74 students from two school levels (aged 9-10 and 13-14). They explored and evaluated the game. Participant observation and focus groups were conducted. The evaluation allowed identifying positive characteristics of the game, such as immediate feedback and collaborative dynamics. Some questions included in the learning guides were perceived as difficult to understand and also some features came out to be considered for future improvements.publishe