2,723 research outputs found

    Dephasing in sequential tunneling through a double-dot interferometer

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    We analyze dephasing in a model system where electrons tunnel sequentially through a symmetric interference setup consisting of two single-level quantum dots. Depending on the phase difference between the two tunneling paths, this may result in perfect destructive interference. However, if the dots are coupled to a bath, it may act as a which-way detector, leading to partial suppression of the phase-coherence and the reappearance of a finite tunneling current. In our approach, the tunneling is treated in leading order whereas coupling to the bath is kept to all orders (using P(E) theory). We discuss the influence of different bath spectra on the visibility of the interference pattern, including the distinction between "mere renormalization effects" and "true dephasing".Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; For a tutorial introduction to dephasing see http://iff.physik.unibas.ch/~florian/dephasing/dephasing.htm

    Separation quality of a geometric ratchet

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    We consider an experimentally relevant model of a geometric ratchet in which particles undergo drift and diffusive motion in a two-dimensional periodic array of obstacles, and which is used for the continuous separation of particles subject to different forces. The macroscopic drift velocity and diffusion tensor are calculated by a Monte-Carlo simulation and by a master-equation approach, using the correponding microscopic quantities and the shape of the obstacles as input. We define a measure of separation quality and investigate its dependence on the applied force and the shape of the obstacles

    A single trapped atom in front of an oscillating mirror

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    We investigate the Wigner-Weisskopf decay of a two level atom in front of an oscillating mirror. This work builds on and extends previous theoretical and experimental studies of the effects of a static mirror on spontaneous decay and resonance fluorescence. The spontaneously emitted field is inherently non-stationary due to the time-dependent boundary conditions and in order to study its spectral distribution we employ the operational definition of the spectrum of non-stationary light due to the seminal work by Eberly and Wodkiewicz. We find a rich dependence of this spectrum as well as of the effective decay rates and level shifts on the mirror-atom distance and on the amplitude and frequency of oscillations of the mirror. The results presented here provide the basis for future studies of more complex setups, where the motion of the atom and/or the mirror are included as quantum degrees of freedom.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, contribution to the special issue in Optics Communications devoted to Krzysztof Wodkiewicz's memor

    Dynamics of levitated nanospheres: towards the strong coupling regime

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    The use of levitated nanospheres represents a new paradigm for the optomechanical cooling of a small mechanical oscillator, with the prospect of realising quantum oscillators with unprecedentedly high quality factors. We investigate the dynamics of this system, especially in the so-called self-trapping regimes, where one or more optical fields simultaneously trap and cool the mechanical oscillator. The determining characteristic of this regime is that both the mechanical frequency ωM\omega_M and single-photon optomechanical coupling strength parameters gg are a function of the optical field intensities, in contrast to usual set-ups where ωM\omega_M and gg are constant for the given system. We also measure the characteristic transverse and axial trapping frequencies of different sized silica nanospheres in a simple optical standing wave potential, for spheres of radii r=20500r=20-500\,nm, illustrating a protocol for loading single nanospheres into a standing wave optical trap that would be formed by an optical cavity. We use this data to confirm the dependence of the effective optomechanical coupling strength on sphere radius for levitated nanospheres in an optical cavity and discuss the prospects for reaching regimes of strong light-matter coupling. Theoretical semiclassical and quantum displacement noise spectra show that for larger nanospheres with r100r \gtrsim 100\,nm a range of interesting and novel dynamical regimes can be accessed. These include simultaneous hybridization of the two optical modes with the mechanical modes and parameter regimes where the system is bistable. We show that here, in contrast to typical single-optical mode optomechanical systems, bistabilities are independent of intracavity intensity and can occur for very weak laser driving amplitudes

    Continuous mode cooling and phonon routers for phononic quantum networks

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    We study the implementation of quantum state transfer protocols in phonon networks, where in analogy to optical networks, quantum information is transmitted through propagating phonons in extended mechanical resonator arrays or phonon waveguides. We describe how the problem of a non-vanishing thermal occupation of the phononic quantum channel can be overcome by implementing optomechanical multi- and continuous mode cooling schemes to create a 'cold' frequency window for transmitting quantum states. In addition, we discuss the implementation of phonon circulators and switchable phonon routers, which rely on strong coherent optomechanical interactions only, and do not require strong magnetic fields or specific materials. Both techniques can be applied and adapted to various physical implementations, where phonons coupled to spin or charge based qubits are used for on-chip networking applications.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. Final version, a few minor changes and updated reference

    Ground State Energy Fluctuations of a System Coupled to a Bath

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    It is often argued that a small non-degenerate quantum system coupled to a bath has a fixed energy in its ground state since a fluctuation in energy would require an energy supply from the bath. We consider a simple model of a harmonic oscillator (the system) coupled to a linear string and determine the mean squared energy fluctuations. We also analyze the two time correlator of the energy and discuss its behavior for a finite string.Comment: 5 pages, 2 eps figures, minor change

    Application of Resonance Perturbation Theory to Dynamics of Magnetization in Spin Systems Interacting with Local and Collective Bosonic Reservoirs

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    We apply our recently developed resonance perturbation theory to describe the dynamics of magnetization in paramagnetic spin systems interacting simultaneously with local and collective bosonic environments. We derive explicit expressions for the evolution of the reduced density matrix elements. This allows us to calculate explicitly the dynamics of the macroscopic magnetization, including characteristic relaxation and dephasing time-scales. We demonstrate that collective effects (i) do not influence the character of the relaxation processes but merely renormalize the relaxation times, and (ii) significantly modify the dephasing times, leading in some cases to a complicated (time inhomogeneous) dynamics of the transverse magnetization, governed by an effective time-dependent magnetic field

    Decoherence of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs in a noisy Andreev entangler

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    We investigate quantum noise effect on the transportation of nonlocal Cooper pairs accross the realistic Andreev entangler which consists of an s-wave superconductor coupled to two small quantum dots at resonance which themselves are coupled to normal leads. The noise emerges due to voltage fluctuations felt by the electrons residing on the two dots as a result of the finite resistances in the gate leads or of any resistive lead capacitively coupled to the dots. In the ideal noiseless case, the setup provides a trustable source of mobile and nonlocal spin-entangled electrons and the transport is dominated by a two-particle Breit-Wigner resonance that allows the injection of two spin-entangled electrons into different leads at the same energy [P. Recher, E. V. Sukhorukov, and D. Loss, Phys. Rev. B 63, 165314 (2001)]. We seek to revisit the transport of those nonlocal Cooper pairs as well as the efficiency of such an Andreev entangler when including the quantum noise (decoherence).Comment: 15 pages and 6 figures; final version to appear in Physical Review