2,616 research outputs found

    Fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer subject to a quantum bath

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    We study fermions in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, subject to a quantum-mechanical environment leading to inelastic scattering, decoherence, renormalization effects, and time-dependent conductance fluctuations. Both the loss of interference contrast as well as the shot noise are calculated, using equations of motion and leading order perturbation theory. The full dependence of the shot-noise correction on setup parameters, voltage, temperature and the bath spectrum is presented. We find an interesting contribution due to correlations between the fluctuating renormalized phase shift and the output current, discuss the limiting behaviours at low and high voltages, and compare with simpler models of dephasing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Deflagrations in hybrid CONe white dwarfs: a route to explain the faint Type Iax supernova 2008ha

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    Stellar evolution models predict the existence of hybrid white dwarfs (WDs) with a carbon-oxygen core surrounded by an oxygen-neon mantle. Being born with masses ~1.1 Msun, hybrid WDs in a binary system may easily approach the Chandrasekhar mass (MCh) by accretion and give rise to a thermonuclear explosion. Here, we investigate an off-centre deflagration in a near-MCh hybrid WD under the assumption that nuclear burning only occurs in carbon-rich material. Performing hydrodynamics simulations of the explosion and detailed nucleosynthesis post-processing calculations, we find that only 0.014 Msun of material is ejected while the remainder of the mass stays bound. The ejecta consist predominantly of iron-group elements, O, C, Si and S. We also calculate synthetic observables for our model and find reasonable agreement with the faint Type Iax SN 2008ha. This shows for the first time that deflagrations in near-MCh WDs can in principle explain the observed diversity of Type Iax supernovae. Leaving behind a near-MCh bound remnant opens the possibility for recurrent explosions or a subsequent accretion-induced collapse in faint Type Iax SNe, if further accretion episodes occur. From binary population synthesis calculations, we find the rate of hybrid WDs approaching MCh to be on the order of 1 percent of the Galactic SN Ia rate.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A many-fermion generalization of the Caldeira-Leggett model

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    We analyze a model system of fermions in a harmonic oscillator potential under the influence of a dissipative environment: The fermions are subject to a fluctuating force deriving from a bath of harmonic oscillators. This represents an extension of the well-known Caldeira-Leggett model to the case of many fermions. Using the method of bosonization, we calculate one- and two-particle Green's functions of the fermions. We discuss the relaxation of a single extra particle added above the Fermi sea, considering also dephasing of a particle added in a coherent superposition of states. The consequences of the separation of center-of-mass and relative motion, the Pauli principle, and the bath-induced effective interaction are discussed. Finally, we extend our analysis to a more generic coupling between system and bath, that results in complete thermalization of the system.Comment: v3: fixed pdf problem; v2: added exact formula (Eq. 42) for Green's function and discussion of equilibrium density matrix (new Fig. 2); 10 figures, 21 pages, see quant-ph/0305098 for brief version of some of these result

    Type Ia supernovae from exploding oxygen-neon white dwarfs

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    The progenitor problem of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is still unsolved. Most of these events are thought to be explosions of carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarfs (WDs), but for many of the explosion scenarios, particularly those involving the externally triggered detonation of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass WD (sub-M Ch WD), there is also a possibility of having an oxygen-neon (ONe) WD as progenitor. We simulate detonations of ONe WDs and calculate synthetic observables from these models. The results are compared with detonations in CO WDs of similar mass and observational data of SNe Ia. We perform hydrodynamic explosion simulations of detonations in initially hydrostatic ONe WDs for a range of masses below the Chandrasekhar mass (M Ch), followed by detailed nucleosynthetic postprocessing with a 384-isotope nuclear reaction network. The results are used to calculate synthetic spectra and light curves, which are then compared with observations of SNe Ia. We also perform binary evolution calculations to determine the number of SNe Ia involving ONe WDs relative to the number of other promising progenitor channels. The ejecta structures of our simulated detonations in sub-M Ch ONe WDs are similar to those from CO WDs. There are, however, small systematic deviations in the mass fractions and the ejecta velocities. These lead to spectral features that are systematically less blueshifted. Nevertheless, the synthetic observables of our ONe WD explosions are similar to those obtained from CO models. Our binary evolution calculations show that a significant fraction (3-10%) of potential progenitor systems should contain an ONe WD. The comparison of our ONe models with our CO models of comparable mass (1.2 Msun) shows that the less blueshifted spectral features fit the observations better, although they are too bright for normal SNe Ia.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A transmission x ray microscopy and NEXAFS approach for studying corroded silicate glasses at the nanometre scale

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    In this study transmission X ray microscopy TXM was tested as a method to investigate the chemistry and structure of corroded silicate glasses at the nanometer scale. Three different silicate glasses were altered in static corrosion experiments for 1 336 hours at temperatures between 60 C and 85 C using a 25 HCl solution. Thin lamellas were cut perpendicular to the surface of corroded glass monoliths and were analysed with conventional TEM as well as with TXM. By recording optical density profiles at photon energies around the Na and O K edges, the shape of the corrosion rim pristine glass interfaces and the thickness of the corrosion rims has been determined. Na and O near edge X ray absorption fine structure spectra NEXAFS were obtained without inducing irradiation damage and have been used to detect chemical changes in the corrosion rims. Spatially resolved NEXAFS spectra at the O K edge provided insight to structural changes in the corrosion layer on the atomic scale. By comparison to O K edge spectra of silicate minerals and hydrous albite glass as well as to O K edge NEXAFS of model structures simulated with ab initio calculations, evidence is provided that changes of the fine structure at the O K edge are assigned to the formation of siloxane groups in the corrosion ri

    The statistical mechanics of complex signaling networks : nerve growth factor signaling

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    It is becoming increasingly appreciated that the signal transduction systems used by eukaryotic cells to achieve a variety of essential responses represent highly complex networks rather than simple linear pathways. While significant effort is being made to experimentally measure the rate constants for individual steps in these signaling networks, many of the parameters required to describe the behavior of these systems remain unknown, or at best, estimates. With these goals and caveats in mind, we use methods of statistical mechanics to extract useful predictions for complex cellular signaling networks. To establish the usefulness of our approach, we have applied our methods towards modeling the nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced differentiation of neuronal cells. Using our approach, we are able to extract predictions that are highly specific and accurate, thereby enabling us to predict the influence of specific signaling modules in determining the integrated cellular response to the two growth factors. We show that extracting biologically relevant predictions from complex signaling models appears to be possible even in the absence of measurements of all the individual rate constants. Our methods also raise some interesting insights into the design and possible evolution of cellular systems, highlighting an inherent property of these systems wherein particular ''soft'' combinations of parameters can be varied over wide ranges without impacting the final output and demonstrating that a few ''stiff'' parameter combinations center around the paramount regulatory steps of the network. We refer to this property -- which is distinct from robustness -- as ''sloppiness.''Comment: 24 pages, 10 EPS figures, 1 GIF (makes 5 multi-panel figs + caption for GIF), IOP style; supp. info/figs. included as brown_supp.pd

    Strong dipole coupling in nonpolar nitride quantum dots due to Coulomb effects

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    Optical properties of polar and nonpolar nitride quantum dots (QDs) are determined on the basis of a microscopic theory which combines a continuum elasticity approach to the polarization potential, a tight-binding model for the electronic energies and wavefunctions, and a many-body theory for the optical properties. For nonpolar nitride quantum dots, we find that optical absorption and emission spectra exhibit a weak ground-state oscillator strength in a single-particle calculation whereas the Coulomb configuration interaction strongly enhances the ground-state transitions. This finding sheds new light on existing discrepancies between previous theoretical and experimental results for these systems, as a weak ground state transition was predicted because of the spatial separation of the corresponding electron and hole state due to intrinsic fields whereas experimentally fast optical transitions have been observed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3688900

    Quantitative anomalous powder diffraction analysis of cation disorder in kesterite semiconductors

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    Kesterite type compound semiconductors, containing copper and zinc, have photovoltaic properties depending on cation distribution in the crystal structure. Anomalous diffraction allows discrimination of isoelectronic cations, in principle allowing a straightforward determination of site occupation factors from data collected at multiple energies close to the X ray absorption edges of copper and zinc. However, extremely strong correlation between structural parameters precludes this. We present a recipe based on the direct dependency between refined occupation factors and atomic scattering power, which allows to lift the correlations and to detect issues of individual diffraction patterns or assumptions in the model, thereby allowing for reliable quantitative analysis of the Cu Zn distributio

    Type Ia supernovae from exploding oxygen-neon white dwarfs

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    Context. The progenitor problem of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is still unsolved. Most of these events are thought to be explosions of carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarfs (WDs), but for many of the explosion scenarios, particularly those involving the externally triggered detonation of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass WD (sub-MCh WD), there is also a possibility of having an oxygen-neon (ONe) WD as progenitor. Aims. We simulate detonations of ONe WDs and calculate synthetic observables from these models. The results are compared with detonations in CO WDs of similar mass and observational data of SNe Ia. Methods. We perform hydrodynamic explosion simulations of detonations in initially hydrostatic ONe WDs for a range of masses below the Chandrasekhar mass (MCh), followed by detailed nucleosynthetic postprocessing with a 384-isotope nuclear reaction network. The results are used to calculate synthetic spectra and light curves, which are then compared with observations of SNe Ia. We also perform binary evolution calculations to determine the number of SNe Ia involving ONe WDs relative to the number of other promising progenitor channels. Results. The ejecta structures of our simulated detonations in sub-MCh ONe WDs are similar to those from CO WDs. There are, however, small systematic deviations in the mass fractions and the ejecta velocities. These lead to spectral features that are systematically less blueshifted. Nevertheless, the synthetic observables of our ONe WD explosions are similar to those obtained from CO models. Conclusions. Our binary evolution calculations show that a significant fraction (3-10%) of potential progenitor systems should contain an ONe WD. The comparison of our ONe models with our CO models of comparable mass (~1.2 M•) shows that the less blueshifted spectral features fit the observations better, although they are too bright for normal SNe Ia
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