121 research outputs found

    The socialisation of the adolescent who carries out team sports: a transversal study of centrality with a social network analysis

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    [ES] Se analiza la actividad física realizada por los adolescentes del estudio, su relación con el sobrepeso (sobrepeso+obesidad) y la estructura de la red social de amistad establecida en adolescentes que practican deportes colectivos, utilizando diferentes parámetros indicativos de centralidad.[EN]Objectives To analyse the physical activity carried out by the adolescents in the study, its relationship to being overweight (overweight+obese) and to analyse the structure of the social network of friendship established in adolescents doing group sports, using different parameters indicative of centrality. Setting It was carried out in an educational environment, in 11 classrooms belonging to 5 Schools in Ponferrada (Spain). Participants 235 adolescents were included in the study (49.4% female), who were classified as normal weight or overweight. Primary and secondary outcome measures Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) was used to study the level of physical activity. A social network analysis was carried out to analyse structural variables of centrality in different degrees of contact. Results 30.2% of the participants in our study were overweight. Relative to female participants in this study, males obtained significantly higher scores in the PAQ-A (OR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.04 to 4.25; p value: 0.036) and were more likely to participate in group sport (OR: 4.59; 95% CI: 2.28 to 9.22; p value: 0.000). We found no significant relationship between physical activity and the weight status in the total sample, but among female participants, those with overweight status had higher odds of reporting high levels of physical exercise (OR: 4.50; 95% CI: 1.21 to 16.74; p value: 0.025). In terms of centrality, differentiating by gender, women who participated in group sports were more likely to be classified as having low values of centrality, while the opposite effect occurred for men, more likely to be classified as having high values of centrality. Conclusions Our findings, with limitations, underline the importance of two fundamental aspects to be taken into account in the design of future strategies: gender and the centrality within the social network depending on the intensity of contact they have with their peers

    The socialisation of the adolescent who carries out team sports: a transversal study of centrality with a social network analysis

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    [EN] Objectives To analyse the physical activity carried out by the adolescents in the study, its relationship to being overweight (overweight+obese) and to analyse the structure of the social network of friendship established in adolescents doing group sports, using different parameters indicative of centrality. Setting It was carried out in an educational environment, in 11 classrooms belonging to 5 Schools in Ponferrada (Spain). Participants 235 adolescents were included in the study (49.4% female), who were classified as normal weight or overweight. Primary and secondary outcome measures Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) was used to study the level of physical activity. A social network analysis was carried out to analyse structural variables of centrality in different degrees of contact. Results 30.2% of the participants in our study were overweight. Relative to female participants in this study, males obtained significantly higher scores in the PAQ-A (OR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.04 to 4.25; p value: 0.036) and were more likely to participate in group sport (OR: 4.59; 95% CI: 2.28 to 9.22; p value: 0.000). We found no significant relationship between physical activity and the weight status in the total sample, but among female participants, those with overweight status had higher odds of reporting high levels of physical exercise (OR: 4.50; 95% CI: 1.21 to 16.74; p value: 0.025). In terms of centrality, differentiating by gender, women who participated in group sports were more likely to be classified as having low values of centrality, while the opposite effect occurred for men, more likely to be classified as having high values of centrality. Conclusions Our findings, with limitations, underline the importance of two fundamental aspects to be taken into account in the design of future strategies: gender and the centrality within the social network depending on the intensity of contact they have with their peers.S

    A competency model for nurse executives

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    [EN] BackgroundNurses capable of adequately developing their competencies in the management field are essential for the sustainability of health-care organizations. Such competencies should be included in a model of specific competencies.AimThe aim of this research is to propose a competency model for nurse executives.MethodsThe Delphi method was applied to reach a consensus on the required competencies, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to determine the construct validity and reduce the data set's dimensionality. Consensus was defined based on at least 80% of the experts agreeing with the proposed competencies. For each competency, the development levels were beginner, advanced beginner, competent, highly competent and expert.ResultsFrom among the 51 competencies that were identified to define a model for nurse executives, decision-making, leadership and communication stood out. The PCA indicated the structural validity of the proposed model by saturation of the principal components (Cronbach's α > 0.631).ConclusionNurses wishing to develop their professional careers as nurse executives must first develop the competencies shown in the proposed model. Nurse executives should follow the educational programmes specified in this study, to adapt their knowledge to this role's requirements.S

    Multi-center study of noise in patients from hospitals in Spain: A questionnaire survey

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    pp. 83-85To identify the most annoying noises in the hospital environment. One hundred and ninety-three patients took part in the study. A questionnaire collected the perceptions of patients from four hospitals in Spain, with three distinct units. The most annoying noises were the repetitive ones and the most unbearable source was the people who talk loudly. The daily hours were the noisiest and the most annoying, especially when patients wanted to rest and indicated that noise was annoying for them to get to sleep. Our results demonstrate how sensitive patients are toward noise in Spain. We also suggest some strategies to reduce the noise and the harmful physiological effects of increased sound levels in order to improve the quality of life in a healthcare environment.S

    Cost effectiveness of treatments of psoriasis with a PASI 75 and one period of 12 weeks

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    Fundamentos: Los nuevos tratamientos biológicos, si bien mejoran la calidad de vida del paciente, incrementan los costes exponencialmente en relación al resto de tratamientos. El objetivo fue calcular el tratamiento más coste efectivo de los existentes para la psoriasis. Métodos: Se desarrolló un modelo de evaluación económica en psoriasis recogiendo todos los costes directos e indirectos de cada tratamiento. El indicador de efectividad que se utilizó fue Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI 75), que es el aceptable de manera general en estudios de psoriasis. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis de incremento coste efectividad (ICER) para el periodo de 12 semanas y PASI 75, ordenando los tratamientos por nivel de efectividad en detrimento de los costes de los tratamientos. Resultados: El tratamiento más coste efectivo fue el metotrexato (ICER -7,5) seguido de acitretina (ICER 29,5). El menos coste efectivo resultó ser PUVA (ICER 4.651) seguido de UVB de banda estrecha (2.886,1). Conclusiones: Aunque el tratamiento más económico teniendo en cuenta solo los costes directos sería el UVBbe, al incluir los costes indirectos y ajustarlos por la efectividad el tratamiento más coste efectivo es el metotexatoBackground: The objective was to evaluate the efficiency (relation between the cost and the results in health) of the treatments in psoriasis, seeking a higher quality of economic evaluations, consistency and transparency in these studies. Methods: We developed a model of economic evaluation in psoriasis collecting all the many direct and indirect costs of each treatment. The effectiveness indicator used was Psoriasis Area Severity Index [PASI 75] which is generally acceptable in studies of psoriasis. The effectiveness indicator was a PASI 75. Subsequently we calculated the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) for the period of 12 weeks and PASI 75, ordering treatments by level of effectiveness at the expense of treatment costs. Results: The most cost effective treatment was methotrexate (ICER -7.5) followed by acitretin (ICER 29.5). The least cost has proved effective PUVA (ICER 4,651), followed by UVB narrow band (2,886.1). Conclusions: When taking into account both direct and indirect costs together with efficiency, methotrexate is the most cost effective treatmen

    Safety Climate Assessment in Operating Room Nurses Through Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ)

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    urgical safety is a global public health concern. The attitudes and perceptions of the surgical team regarding to the patient safety are associated to the safety climate and the prevalence of adverse events. Objective: To describe the safety climate according to sociodemographic characteristics and work professional conditions of operating room nurses from three Hospitals in Canary Islands, Spain. Method: This work presents a multicentre cross-sectional study. Data collection was obtained by means of The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), a self-completed questionnaire translated to the Spanish. A convenience sample with voluntary participation was selected. The safety climate was determined through six factors: Teamwork climate, Safety climate, Job satisfaction, Perception of the Unit and Hospital Management, Working conditions and Stress recognition. Results: The SAQ domains show variability in relation to sociodemographic characteristics and work professional conditions. Perception of the management and Working conditions are the domains lower valued in every sociodemographic characteristics studied. The size of the hospitals and Years of professional experience showed statistical differences in several domains. Conclusions: The age, years of profession, years of experience and type of hospital present strong relationship among patient safety perception.S

    La red social del adolescente: la influencia de la amistad en el desarrollo de hábitos obesogénicos

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    This aim of this article is to demonstrate the importance of social networks in the obese adolescent's environment. This study emerged in response to the paucity of information encountered in the literature as regards whether adolescents eat better or worse and/or performs more or less physical exercisedepending on their friendship networks. We performed a literature search at the University of León library which focused on obesity and an analysis of young people's social networks, exploring databases such as the Web of Knowledge (WOK), SciELO and Scopus, among others. Articles and other documents of interest were identified using journals from the disciplines of Sociology and the Health Sciences. After the most relevant texts had been read in full, the following results were obtained: (1) relationships influence adolescents' habits, (2) the quality and quantity of food they consume can depend on the type of network to which they belong, and (3) the amount of physical exercise that adolescents do can be influenced by their best friends, by the wider group to which they belong and even by friends of friends. The foregoing suggests that the study of adolescents' social networks could be a useful tool for identifying behaviour patterns; it is therefore applicable to health and public health programmes and would contribute to the sustainability of the systemEl presente artículo pretende justificar la relevancia de las relaciones sociales en el entorno del adolescente obeso. La motivación por este enfoque surgió debido al vacío que se ha encontrado en estudios que expliquen si los adolescentes comen mejor o peor y/o realizan más o menos ejercicio físico dependiendo de su red de amigos. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica centrada en la obesidad y el análisis de las redes sociales de los jóvenes a través de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de León, en diferentes bases de datos tales como Web of Knowledge (WOK), Scielo, Scopus, entre otras. Se obtuvieron artículos y otros documentos de interés utilizando revistas pertenecientes a las disciplinas de la Sociología y de las Ciencias de la Salud. Tras realizar la lectura de los textos más relevantes se pudo obtener los siguientes resultados: (1) las relaciones influyen en los hábitos de los adolescentes, (2) la calidad y la cantidad de comida puede depender del tipo de red que le rodea, y (3) el nivel de ejercicio físico que tiene un individuo se puede ver influenciado por sus mejores amigos, por el grupo en general que le rodea e incluso por los amigos de sus amigos. De todo ello se deriva, que el estudio de la red social del individuo puede ser una herramienta útil a la hora de visualizar los patrones de comportamiento, y por tanto, aplicable a los programas de salud y salud pública contribuyendo, de esta forma, a la sostenibilidad del sistema

    Life Habits of Healthcare Professionals during the Third Wave of COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Spanish Hospital

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    EN] (1) Background: To describe sleep quality, eating behaviour and alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use among healthcare staff in a Spanish public hospital. (2) Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study examining sleep quality (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index), eating behaviour (Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (R18)), tobacco and drug use (ESTUDES questionnaire) and alcohol use (Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener). (3) Results: 178 people, of whom 87.1% (155) were women, with an average age of 41.59 ± 10.9 years. A total of 59.6% of the healthcare workers had sleep problems, to a greater or lesser degree. The average daily consumption was 10.56 ± 6.74 cigarettes. The most commonly used drugs included cannabis, occasionally used by 88.37%, cocaine (4.75%), ecstasy (4.65%) and amphetamines (2.33%). A total of 22.73% of participants had increased their drug use, and 22.73% had increased their consumption during the pandemic, with beer and wine accounting for 87.2% of drinks consumed during this period. (4) Conclusions: In addition to the psychological and emotional impact already demonstrated, the COVID-19 crisis has repercussions on sleep quality, eating behaviour and alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption. Psychological disturbances have repercussions on physical and functional aspects of healthcare workers. It is feasible that these alterations are due to stress, and it is necessary to act through treatment and prevention as well as promote healthy habits.S

    A Qualitative Study of Secondary School Teachers’ Perception of Social Network Analysis Metrics in the Context of Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents

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    10 p.Adolescence is a transitional period during which a number of changes occur. Social relationships established during this period influence adolescent behaviour and affect academic performance or alcohol consumption habits, among other issues. Teachers are very important actors in observing and guiding the evolution of their students, and should therefore have the appropriate knowledge and tools to gain insight into the complex social relationships that exist in their classes. The use of social network analysis (SNA) techniques may be helpful in order to study and monitor the evolution of these social networks. This study tries to understand how teachers perceive SNA metrics from an intuitive point of view. Using this information, useful tools could be created that allow teachers to use SNA techniques to improve their understanding of student relationships. A number of interviews with different teachers were held in secondary schools in Spain, allowing SNA concepts to be related to the everyday terms used by the teachers to characterize their students. Results from the study have an impact on questionnaire design for gathering data from students in order to perform an SNA analysis and on the design of software applications that can help teachers to understand the results of this analysis.S

    Las relaciones informales: un valor añadido en la gestión de personas = Informal relationships: an added value in human management

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    pp. 310-323Las organizaciones sanitarias son consideradas por los expertos como una de las más complejas a nivel de gestión y política de personas. El hecho responde a la intensidad de las emociones vividas en el día a día tanto con el paciente como con los colegas. Las experiencias vividas donde se combinan alegrías, tristezas y momentos estresantes generan en muchas organizaciones sanitarias un clima laboral inadecuado que repercute negativamente en el rendimiento de las organizaciones de salud. Este artículo pretende justificar teóricamente, la importancia de las relaciones sociales o informales que se establecen entre los trabajadores y cómo éstos pueden tejer un entramado por el que fluyan conocimiento, creatividad y valores que provoquen una cultura organizativa capaz de aumentar el rendimiento de la empresa sanitaria.S