167 research outputs found

    Ticket Sales Prediction and Dynamic Pricing Strategies in Public Transport

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    In recent years, the demand for collective mobility services registered significant growth. In particular, the long-distance coach market underwent an important change in Europe, since FlixBus adopted a dynamic pricing strategy, providing low-cost transport services and an efficient and fast information system. This paper presents a methodology, called DA4PT (Data Analytics for Public Transport), for discovering the factors that influence travelers in booking and purchasing bus tickets. Starting from a set of 3.23 million user-generated event logs of a bus ticketing platform, the methodology shows the correlation rules between booking factors and purchase of tickets. Such rules are then used to train machine learning models for predicting whether a user will buy or not a ticket. The rules are also used to define various dynamic pricing strategies with the purpose of increasing the number of tickets sales on the platform and the related amount of revenues. The methodology reaches an accuracy of 95% in forecasting the purchase of a ticket and a low variance in results. Exploiting a dynamic pricing strategy, DA4PT is able to increase the number of purchased tickets by 6% and the total revenue by 9% by showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    A Workflow-oriented Language for Scalable Data Analytics

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    Proceedings of: First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014). Porto (Portugal), August 27-28, 2014.Data in digital repositories are everyday more and more massive and distributed. Therefore analyzing them requires efficient data analysis techniques and scalable storage and computing platforms. Cloud computing infrastructures offer an effective support for addressing both the computational and data storage needs of big data mining and parallel knowledge discovery applications. In fact, complex data mining tasks involve data- and compute-intensive algorithms that require large and efficient storage facilities together with high performance processors to get results in acceptable times. In this paper we describe a Data Mining Cloud Framework (DMCF) designed for developing and executing distributed data analytics applications as workflows of services. We describe also a workflow-oriented language, called JS4Cloud, to support the design and execution of script-based data analysis workflows on DMCF. We finally present a data analysis application developed with JS4Cloud, and the scalability achieved executing it on DMCF.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, ’Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)’

    Detecting mental disorder on social media: a ChatGPT-augmented explainable approach

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    In the digital era, the prevalence of depressive symptoms expressed on social media has raised serious concerns, necessitating advanced methodologies for timely detection. This paper addresses the challenge of interpretable depression detection by proposing a novel methodology that effectively combines Large Language Models (LLMs) with eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and conversational agents like ChatGPT. In our methodology, explanations are achieved by integrating BERTweet, a Twitter-specific variant of BERT, into a novel self-explanatory model, namely BERT-XDD, capable of providing both classification and explanations via masked attention. The interpretability is further enhanced using ChatGPT to transform technical explanations into human-readable commentaries. By introducing an effective and modular approach for interpretable depression detection, our methodology can contribute to the development of socially responsible digital platforms, fostering early intervention and support for mental health challenges under the guidance of qualified healthcare professionals

    Using social media for sub-event detection during disasters

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    AbstractSocial media platforms have become fundamental tools for sharing information during natural disasters or catastrophic events. This paper presents SEDOM-DD (Sub-Events Detection on sOcial Media During Disasters), a new method that analyzes user posts to discover sub-events that occurred after a disaster (e.g., collapsed buildings, broken gas pipes, floods). SEDOM-DD has been evaluated with datasets of different sizes that contain real posts from social media related to different natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, floods and hurricanes). Starting from such data, we generated synthetic datasets with different features, such as different percentages of relevant posts and/or geotagged posts. Experiments performed on both real and synthetic datasets showed that SEDOM-DD is able to identify sub-events with high accuracy. For example, with a percentage of relevant posts of 80% and geotagged posts of 15%, our method detects the sub-events and their areas with an accuracy of 85%, revealing the high accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Evaluating data caching techniques in DMCF workflows using Hercules

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    The Data Mining Cloud Framework (DMCF) is an environment for designing and executing data analysis workflows in cloud platforms. Currently, DMCF relies on the default storage of the public cloud provider for any I/O related operation. This implies that the I/O performance of DMCF is limited by the performance of the default storage. In this work we propose the usage of the Hercules system within DMCF as an ad-hoc storage system for temporary data produced inside workflow-based applications. Hercules is a distributed in-memory storage system highly scalable and easy to deploy. The proposed solution takes advantage of the scalability capabilities of Hercules to avoid the bandwidth limits of the default storage. Early experimental results are presented in this paper, they show promising performance, particularly for write operations, compared to the performance obtained using the default storage services.This work is partially supported by EU under the COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS). This work is partially supported by the grant TIN2013-41350-P, Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    A Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for Executing Large-Scale Distributed Workflows

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    Task scheduling is a crucial key component for the efficient execution of data-intensive applications on distributed environments, by which many machines must be coordinated to reduce execution times and bandwidth consumption. This paper presents ADAGE, a data-aware scheduler designed to efficiently execute data-intensive workflows in large-scale computers. The proposed scheduler is based on three key features: ii ) critical path analysis, for discovering the critical tasks of a workflow and reducing data transferring between nodes; iiii ) work giving, a new dynamic planning strategy for migrating tasks from overloaded to unloaded nodes; and iiiiii ) task replication, which executes task replicas on different nodes for improving both execution time and fault tolerance. Experiments performed on a distributed computing environment composed of up to 1,024 processing nodes show that ADAGE achieves better performances than existing scheduling systems, obtaining an average reduction of up to 66% in execution time

    Block size estimation for data partitioning in HPC applications using machine learning techniques

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    The extensive use of HPC infrastructures and frameworks for running data-intensive applications has led to a growing interest in data partitioning techniques and strategies. In fact, finding an effective partitioning, i.e. a suitable size for data blocks, is a key strategy to speed-up parallel data-intensive applications and increase scalability. This paper describes a methodology for data block size estimation in HPC applications, which relies on supervised machine learning techniques. The implementation of the proposed methodology was evaluated using as a testbed dislib, a distributed computing library highly focused on machine learning algorithms built on top of the PyCOMPSs framework. We assessed the effectiveness of our solution through an extensive experimental evaluation considering different algorithms, datasets, and infrastructures, including the MareNostrum 4 supercomputer. The results we obtained show that the methodology is able to efficiently determine a suitable way to split a given dataset, thus enabling the efficient execution of data-parallel applications in high performance environments

    A Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for DMCF workflows over Hercules

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    Proceedings of: Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016). Sofia (Bulgaria), October, 6-7, 2016.As data-intensive scientific prevalence arises, there is a necessity of simplifying the development, deployment, and execution of complex data analysis applications. The Data Mining Cloud Framework is a service-oriented system for allowing users to design and execute data analysis applications, defined as workflows, on cloud platforms, relying on cloud-provided storage services for I/O operations. Hercules is an in-memory I/O solution that can be deployed as an alternative to cloud storage services, providing additional performance and flexibility features. This work extends the DMCF-Hercules cooperation by applying novel data placement and task scheduling techniques for exposing and exploiting data locality in data-intensive workflows.This work is partially supported by EU under the COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    Exascale machines require new programming paradigms and runtimes

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    Extreme scale parallel computing systems will have tens of thousands of optionally accelerator-equiped nodes with hundreds of cores each, as well as deep memory hierarchies and complex interconnect topologies. Such Exascale systems will provide hardware parallelism at multiple levels and will be energy constrained. Their extreme scale and the rapidly deteriorating reliablity of their hardware components means that Exascale systems will exhibit low mean-time-between-failure values. Furthermore, existing programming models already require heroic programming and optimisation efforts to achieve high efficiency on current supercomputers. Invariably, these efforts are platform-specific and non-portable. In this paper we will explore the shortcomings of existing programming models and runtime systems for large scale computing systems. We then propose and discuss important features of programming paradigms and runtime system to deal with large scale computing systems with a special focus on data-intensive applications and resilience. Finally, we also discuss code sustainability issues and propose several software metrics that are of paramount importance for code development for large scale computing systems

    Cloud Computing for Big Data Analysis

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    With the spread of the Internet of Things, large amounts of digital data are generated and collected from different sources, such as sensors, cameras, in-vehicle infotainment, smart meters, mobile devices, applications, and web services [...
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