271 research outputs found

    Evaluation of biodegradation kinetic constants for aromatic compounds by means of aerobic batch experiments

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    Kinetics of aerobic biodegradation have been investigated for twenty aromatic species using sludges collected from the aeration basin of municipal sewage treatment plants. The reproducibility of the results is tested with respect to the sludges period of collection and the wastewater treatment plant where they are taken. The comparison of kinetic constants, estimated for the investigated chemicals, allows to evaluate the reactivity effect of single groups (i.e., -OH, -CH3, -Cl, -NO2) into the aromatic structures. The search for easy structure-reactivity relationships is also attempted by means of contributing group methods

    Gauge theories on bound states of fractional branes.

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    The B-field soft theorem and its unification with the graviton and dilaton

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    In theories of Einstein gravity coupled with a dilaton and a two-form, a soft theorem for the two-form, known as the Kalb-Ramond B-field, has so far been missing. In this work we fill the gap, and in turn formulate a unified soft theorem valid for gravitons, dilatons and B-fields in any tree-level scattering amplitude involving the three massless states. The new soft theorem is fixed by means of on-shell gauge invariance and enters at the subleading order of the graviton's soft theorem. In contrast to the subsubleading soft behavior of gravitons and dilatons, we show that the soft behavior of B-fields at this order cannot be fully fixed by gauge invariance. Nevertheless, we show that it is possible to establish a gauge invariant decomposition of the amplitudes to any order in the soft expansion. We check explicitly the new soft theorem in the bosonic string and in Type II superstring theories, and furthermore demonstrate that, at the next order in the soft expansion, totally gauge invariant terms appear in both string theories which cannot be factorized into a soft theorem.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Multiloop Soft Theorem for Gravitons and Dilatons in the Bosonic String

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    We construct, in the closed bosonic string, the multiloop amplitude involving NN tachyons and one massless particle with 26−D26 -D compactified directions, and we show that at least for D>4D>4, the soft behaviors of the graviton and dilaton satisfy the same soft theorems as at the tree level, up to one additional term at the subsubleading order, which can only contribute to the dilaton soft behavior and which we show is zero at least at one loop. This is possible, since the infrared divergences due to the non-vanishing tachyon and dilaton tadpoles do not depend on the number of external particles and are therefore the same both in the amplitude with the soft particle and in the amplitude without the soft particle. Therefore this leaves unchanged the soft operator acting on the amplitude without the soft particle. The additional infrared divergence appearing for D≀4D \leq 4 depend on the number of external legs and must be understood on their own.Comment: 20 p. + 23 p. appendices. New version to match the published version; new appendix (A) added and dependence on compactification radii clarifie

    Double-soft behavior of the dilaton of spontaneously broken conformal invariance

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    The Ward identities involving the currents associated to the spontaneously broken scale and special conformal transformations are derived and used to determine, through linear order in the two soft-dilaton momenta, the double-soft behavior of scattering amplitudes involving two soft dilatons and any number of other particles. It turns out that the double-soft behavior is equivalent to performing two single-soft limits one after the other. We confirm the new double-soft theorem perturbatively at tree-level in a DD-dimensional conformal field theory model, as well as nonperturbatively by using the "gravity dual'' of N=4{\cal{N}}=4 super Yang-Mills on the Coulomb branch; i.e. the Dirac-Born-Infeld action on AdS5×S5{}_5 \times S^5.Comment: 48 pages, one appendi

    Double-soft behavior for scalars and gluons from string theory

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    We compute the leading double-soft behavior for gluons and for the scalars obtained by dimensional reduction of a higher dimensional pure gauge theory, from the scattering amplitudes of gluons and scalars living in the world-volume of a Dp-brane of the bosonic string. In the case of gluons, we compute both the double-soft behavior when the two soft gluons are contiguous as well as when they are not contiguous. From our results, that are valid in string theory, one can easily get the double-soft limit in gauge field theory by sending the string tension to infinity.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Boundary State for Magnetized D9 Branes and One-Loop Calculation

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    We construct the boundary state describing magnetized D9 branes in R^{3,1} x T^6 and we use it to compute the annulus and Moebius amplitudes. We derive from them, by using open/closed string duality, the number of Landau levels on the torus T^d.Comment: 12 pages,in honor of Adriano Di Giacomo on his 70th birthday, contribution to the Festschrif
