15 research outputs found

    What makes a good reader? Worldwide insights from PIRLS 2016

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    Using hierarchical linear models, this study probes into student, family, teacher, and schools’ variables that can explain the variation in Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016 results. Students’ confidence in reading, early literacy tasks, and parents’ expectations are the strongest explanatory variables of reading literacy. Teachers’ perception of class instruction being limited by students’ needs is the strongest explanatory variable of PIRLS achievement, although this was not consistently verified among all countries. No teaching strategies or other related variables emerged consistently as explanatory variables in every country. A similar result was observed in schools where the percentage of economic disadvantage students was the most consistent explanatory variable of PIRLS results. The present analysis shows that although student variables are the most consistent explanatory variables among participating countries, a general conclusion of what makes a good reader worldwide must consider all student, teacher, and school variables conjointly, acknowledging the existence of between-country variation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Symptoms Impact and eHealth Intervention for Menopausal Women with Urinary Incontinence

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    The Italian validation of the University Student Engagement Inventory

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    Student Engagement (SE) refers to the extent to which a student participates in academic and non-academic activities, invests in and commits to learning, belonging and identification with the educational institution. Despite the relevance of SE for students’ success, a few valid and reliable instruments have been developed. This study presents the Italian validation of the University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI), which adopts both a 3 first-order conceptualization of the SE and a secondorder construct (engagement). The paper reports the psychometric analyses (test–retest reliability, construct, convergent, discriminant validities, internal consistency) on a validation sample of 628 Italian university students from 2 areas of study (psychology and biology). Criterion validity was assessed in relation to students’ drop-out intention, academic achievements, Grade Point Average (GPA) and motivation. Invariance analysis was performed for gender and area of studies. Results showed that the USEI presented a good test–retest reliability and factorial construct validity (both for the three-factor and one-factor models), it positively predicted students’ academic motivation, GPA and academic achievements, and negatively intention to drop out. The results indicate that the USEI can produce valid data on SE in the Italian context and may have implications for assessing SE and implementing intervention programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Examination of the factorial model of a scale developed to assess body satisfaction in the Brazilian context: a study with people 18 to 40 years old

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    Purpose Confirmatory factor analysis was employed to investigate an instrument developed to assess body satisfaction of Brazilian women and men and to identify participants’ body satisfaction level. Methods Brazilian young adults completed the Body Satisfaction Situational Scale and a sociodemographic questionnaire. A total of 1481 individuals (female = 1035; male = 446) aged between 18 and 40 years old participated in the study. Factorial, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability were evaluated. An invariance test was performed across sexes using multi-group analysis. The prevalence of body satisfaction among participants was calculated using the final models of the instrument. Results The complete model of the scale (23 items and four factors) was invariant across sexes, but it did not fit the samples even after refinement. Therefore, a theoretical investigation of the scale content was performed based on literature. Thus, a reduced model composed of two factors and ten items was found for each sex. These models showed good validity and reliability to independent samples. About prevalence, most of the women were not at all satisfied with body fat and most of the men were slightly satisfied with body musculature. Further, women and men were moderately satisfied with their face, hair, and skin. Conclusion A reduced model of the instrument for women and another for men showed adequate indices of construct validity and reliability to samples. The most participants were not very satisfied with their bodies. The results can be useful to develop protocols aiming to promote body satisfaction. Level of evidence Level V, descriptive cross-sectional study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategies for eating and body change among Brazilian women and men

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    Our study was conducted to adapt the Body Image and Body Change Inventory (BIBCI) for Portuguese; to evaluate the BIBCI's psychometric properties in samples of university students; to calculate the prevalence of strategies for eating and body change among students; and to evaluate the impact of demographic, social, and anthropometric characteristics on the BIBCI subscales.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lifestyle choices of Brazilian college students

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    Lifestyle choices reflect the beliefs that individuals attribute to aspects of life. This construct can be assessed with the Individual Lifestyle Profile (PEVI) questionnaire, which measures elements of Nutrition, Physical Activity, Preventive Behaviors, Social Relationships and Stress Management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the parental feeding style questionnaire in a portuguese sample

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    Portugal is among the European countries with higher rates of overweight children, and parental feeding practices may affect children weight and eating patterns. A community sample of 252 Portuguese parents was used to study the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire. (i.e., structural, convergent and discriminant validity, external and criterion validity, as well as reliability and sensitivity). Regarding construct validity, the measurement model supported a five-factor structure (Emotional, Instrumental, Encouragement, Permissiveness, and Control) with an acceptable fit; Item 24 was excluded since it showed a very low factor weight and was not significantly associated with its subscale (λ=0.274; p=0.065); also, this item’s explained variance was below the recommended (r2=0.018). Discriminant validity was verified in eight of the ten paired factors. Only the emotional eating subscale had a good value of VME (convergent validity; VME = .62). External validity was confirmed, as was internal consistency, where four of the five subscales, with the exception of the emotional eating subscale, had good Cronbach's alphas (.67 <α <.88). The Portuguese sample reported the predominant use of permissiveness and control practices, similar to that reported by previous studies. The Portuguese Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire appears valid and reliable for assessing Portuguese parents feeding styles and can be used in further studies. The existence of culturally adapted and validated instruments is fundamental for an accurate understanding of parental practices, in order to develop strategies to manage children’s dietary intake and prevent health-related problems, subsequent to overweight.Portugal é um dos países europeus com elevada prevalência de excesso de peso infantil, com implicações na saúde e bem-estar das crianças. As práticas alimentares parentais, como controlo, promoção/encorajamento, alimentação emocional e instrumental têm demonstrado influência no peso e nos padrões alimentares das crianças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire. Uma amostra comunitária de 252 pais portugueses foi utilizada para estudar o constructo do instrumento (i.e., validade estrutural, convergente e discriminante), validade externa e de critério, bem como confiabilidade e sensibilidade. Os resultados suportam uma estrutura de 5 fatores (Emocional, Instrumental, Encorajamento, Permissividade e Controlo); o item 24 foi excluído (λ=0,274; p=0,065; r2=0,018) e os itens do Controlo foram distribuídos em duas subescalas. A validade discriminante foi verificada em oito dos dez pares de fatores; apenas a subescala de alimentação emocional apresentou um bom valor de VME (validade convergente; VME=0,62). A validade externa foi confirmada, assim como a consistência interna, onde quatro das cinco subescalas, com exceção da subescala de alimentação emocional, apresentaram bons alfas de Cronbach (0,67<α<0,88). A amostra portuguesa reportou o uso predominante de práticas de permissividade e controlo, similarmente ao reportado pelos estudos anteriores. O Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire evidencia ser válido para avaliar os estilos alimentares de pais portugueses semelhantes aos desta amostra. A existência de instrumentos culturalmente adaptados e validados é indispensável para o desenvolvimento de estratégias para gerir a ingestão alimentar das crianças e a prevenção de problemas relacionados com a saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH), masculinity and relationship and sexual satisfaction: are sexual symptoms of LOH mediators of traditional masculinity on relationship and sexual satisfaction?

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    Background Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is characterised by significant changes in the male life cycle, and may increase the likelihood of experiencing sexual difficulties. Further, it is assumed that traditional gender roles (masculinity) can affect the experience of sexual difficulties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of masculinity on sexual symptoms of LOH, as well as on sexual and relational satisfaction.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orofacial Esthetic Scale and Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire: Development and psychometric properties of the Finnish version

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    To develop the Finnish version of the Orofacial Esthetic Scale (OES-Fi) and the Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (PIDAQ-Fi) and estimate the psychometric properties of these instruments applied to adult Finns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burnout and dropout intention in medical students: the protective role of academic engagement

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    Introduction: The infuence of burnout, academic engagement, and their interaction in dropout intention among medical students should be further studied. Current research shows its consequences are relevant, however, there is little understanding on burnout and academic engagement moderation in dropout intention. The current study tested a model that relates the efects of coping strategies, social support satisfaction, general distress on academic engagement, burnout, and dropout intention, on medical students. Methods: Through an online survey a non-probabilistic sample of one Medical Faculty’s 1st- and 2nd-year students was recruited. Cross-sectional data were collected using psychometric instruments (Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey, Social Support Satisfaction Scale for College Students, Brief COPE Scale for College Students, University Student Engagement Inventory, and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale), sociodemographic and academic variables, and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: 532 students (76% response rate) enrolled in the study. Latent variables structural model presented a satisfactory ft to the data and confrmed the expected negative path between burnout and dropout intention (βDI<-SB=0.430; p<.001) and the latent moderation burnout x engagement (βDI<-SB*SE=-0.218; p<.001). Conclusion: Academic engagement attenuates the impact of burnout on dropout intention, working as a protective factor. Social support satisfaction and adaptive coping are associated with increased levels of academic engagement, and general distress and maladaptive coping are associated with burnout. Medical Schools should develop interventions to prevent dropout intention, tackle students’ stress and academic challenges, and develop their academic engagement levels.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio