152 research outputs found

    Welfare consequences of food prices increases: Evidence from rural Mexico

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    This paper presents an analysis of the welfare consequences of recent increases in food prices in Mexico using micro-level data. We estimate a QUAIDS model of demand for food, using data collected to evaluate the conditional cash transfer program Oportunidades. We show how the poor have been affected by the recent increases and changes in relative prices of foods. We also show how a conditional cash transfer program provides a means of alleviating the problem of increasing staple prices, and simulate the impact of such a policy on household welfare and consumer demand. We contrast this policy with alternative policy responses, such as price subsidies, which distort relative prices and are less well-targeted

    Antimicrobial resistance patterns of phenotype Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase producing bacterial isolates in a referral hospital in northern Tanzania

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    Background: Production of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) by bacteria is a chronic problem in a health care set up. In order to have adequate information for treatment of bacterial infections especially ESBL producing isolates, it is crucial to understand the trends in the antibiotic-resistance pattern, occurrence and their geographical spread.  The objective of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance pattern among phenotype ESBL producing isolates in northern Tanzania.Methods: From July 2013 to January 2014, urine, pus and blood samples were collected from patients suspected to have bacterial infections at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. The isolates were identified based on standard laboratory procedures. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were carried out using various antimicrobial discs as per the recommendations of Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute.Results: A total of 330 specimens were collected. They consisted of 46 urine, 264 pus (from wound) and 20 blood samples. Among isolated bacteria, ESBL producers were 29.7% (98) and non-producers were 70.5% (232).  Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae were the most isolated bacteria and dominant ESBL producers.  ESBL production was highly associated with moderate condition at discharge and longer periods of admission. More than 60% of the ESBL producing E. coli were resistant to ceftazidime, cefpodoxime, cefotaxime, amoxycilin, ciprofloxacin, and gentamycin. More than 80% of ESBL producing K. pneumonia and Proteus mirabilis were resistant to ceftazidime and cefotaxime. Fifty four percent of ESBL producing K. pneumonia were resistant to gentamycin.Conclusion: This study shows that ESLB phenotypes among Gram-negative bacteria are common among patients attending a tertiary hospital in northern in Tanzania. The findings suggest that clinical microbiology laboratories should take into account the diagnosis of ESBL producers in order to define the degree of the problem so as to establish a proper treatment protocol

    Characterization of pigments and ligands in a wall painting fragment from Liternum archaeological park (Italy).

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    Spectroscopic and MS techniques were used to characterize the pigments and the composition of polar and nonpolar binders of a stray wall painting fragment from Liternum (Italy) archaeological excavation. X-ray fluorescence and diffraction analysis of the decorations indicated mainly the presence of calcite, quartz, hematite, cinnabar, and cuprorivaite. Infrared spectroscopy, GC coupled to flame-ionization detector, and MS analysis of the polar and nonpolar components extracted from paint layers from three different color regions revealed the presence of free amino acids, sugars, and fatty acids. Interestingly, LC-MS shotgun analysis of the red painting region showed the presence of αS1-casein of buffalo origin. Compared to our previous results from Pompeii's wall paintings, even though the Liternum painting mixture contained also binders of animal origin, the data strongly suggest that in both cases a tempera painting technique was utilized

    The Effect of Switching to Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy on the Risk of Opportunistic Infections Among Patients Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Northern Tanzania

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    Background. Due to the unintended potential misclassifications of the World Health Organization (WHO) immunological failure criteria in predicting virological failure, limited availability of treatment options, poor laboratory infrastructure, and healthcare providers’ confidence in making switches, physicians delay switching patients to second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART). Evaluating whether timely switching and delayed switching are associated with the risk of opportunistic infections (OI) among patients with unrecognized treatment failure is critical to improve patient outcomes

    Elaboração de pães formulados com farinhas de sorgo, semente de abóbora, trigo e aveia.

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    O sorgo é uma excelente fonte de compostos bioativos, os quais podem trazer benefícios à saúde, além de ser fonte de fibras. Já as sementes de abóbora, são conhecidas principalmente pelo elevado teor proteico e de óleo, são utilizadas como vermífugo, devido à ação anti-helmíntica que apresentam e por ser um meio possível de aproveitamento deste subproduto vegetal na indústria. Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou elaborar pães contendo aveia e com substituição parcial de farinha de trigo pela farinha de sorgo e farinha de semente de abóbora e avaliar as propriedades tecnológicas suas características físico-químicas e sensoriais. Em relação a composição centesimal, textura, cor e sensorial, observou-se que pães formulados com farinha de trigo e com substituição parcial do trigo por farinha de sorgo e farinha de semente de abóbora foram produtos promissores e com potencial de aceitação para consumo na alimentação humana

    Hepatitis A virus strains circulating in the Campania region (2015-2018) assessed through bivalve biomonitoring and environmental surveillance

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    The genetic diversity of Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) circulating in the Campania Region in years 2015-2018 was investigated through the monitoring of sentinel bivalve shellfish and water matrices. Overall, 463 water samples (71 sewage samples, 353 coastal discharge waters, and 39 seawaters samples), and 746 bivalve shellfish samples were analyzed. Positivity for HAV was detected in 20/71 sewage samples, 14/353 coastal discharge waters, 5/39 seawaters, and 102/746 bivalve shellfish. Sixty-one of the positive samples were successfully sequenced and were characterized as genotype IA (n = 50) and IB (n = 11). The prevalent strain circulating in 2015 in both bivalves and waters was the IA strain responsible for the outbreak occurring around the same time in the Naples area. This variant was no longer identified in subsequent years (2017-2018) when, instead, appeared two of the IA variants of the multistate outbreak affecting men who have sex with men (MSM), VRD_521_2016, and RIVM-HAV16-090, with the former prevailing in both shellfish and water environments. HAV IB isolates were detected over the years in shellfish and in water matrices, but not in clinical samples, suggesting that this genotype had been circulating silently. An integrated surveillance system (environment/food/clinical cases) can be a useful tool to monitor changes in viral variants in the population, as well as an early warning system

    Influence of demagnetization in remanence curves of magnetic thin films

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    Remanent magnetization curves of perpendicular magnetic thin films are simulated and measured. The simulations are used to investigate the theoretical influence of the strong demagnetizing field present in these films. Conclusions are drawn from this on how remanence curves should be measured and how they should be corrected for the demagnetizing influence. The experimental part consists of measurements on Fe‐Alumite, Co‐Pt–based multilayers, and Co‐Cr. In addition the latter material is also artificially patterned into microstrips in order to investigate the influence of demagnetization on remanence curves experimentally

    Estimating leptospirosis incidence using hospital-based surveillance and a population-based health care utilization survey in Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: The incidence of leptospirosis, a neglected zoonotic disease, is uncertain in Tanzania and much of sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in scarce data on which to prioritize resources for public health interventions and disease control. In this study, we estimate the incidence of leptospirosis in two districts in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a population-based household health care utilization survey in two districts in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania and identified leptospirosis cases at two hospital-based fever sentinel surveillance sites in the Kilimanjaro Region. We used multipliers derived from the health care utilization survey and case numbers from hospital-based surveillance to calculate the incidence of leptospirosis. A total of 810 households were enrolled in the health care utilization survey and multipliers were derived based on responses to questions about health care seeking in the event of febrile illness. Of patients enrolled in fever surveillance over a 1 year period and residing in the 2 districts, 42 (7.14%) of 588 met the case definition for confirmed or probable leptospirosis. After applying multipliers to account for hospital selection, test sensitivity, and study enrollment, we estimated the overall incidence of leptospirosis ranges from 75-102 cases per 100,000 persons annually. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We calculated a high incidence of leptospirosis in two districts in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania, where leptospirosis incidence was previously unknown. Multiplier methods, such as used in this study, may be a feasible method of improving availability of incidence estimates for neglected diseases, such as leptospirosis, in resource constrained settings

    Inactivation of aPKCλ Reveals a Context Dependent Allocation of Cell Lineages in Preimplantation Mouse Embryos

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    BACKGROUND:During mammalian preimplantation development, lineage divergence seems to be controlled by the interplay between asymmetric cell division (once cells are polarized) and positional information. In the mouse embryo, two distinct cell populations are first observed at the 16-cell stage and can be distinguished by both their position (outside or inside) and their phenotype (polarized or non-polarized). Many efforts have been made during the last decade to characterize the molecular mechanisms driving lineage divergence. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In order to evaluate the importance of cell polarity in the determination of cell fate we have disturbed the activity of the apical complex aPKC/PAR6 using siRNA to down-regulate aPKClambda expression. Here we show that depletion of aPKClambda results in an absence of tight junctions and in severe polarity defects at the 16-cell stage. Importantly, we found that, in absence of aPKClambda, cell fate depends on the cellular context: depletion of aPKClambda in all cells results in a strong reduction of inner cells at the 16-cell stage, while inhibition of aPKClambda in only half of the embryo biases the progeny of aPKClambda defective blastomeres towards the inner cell mass. Finally, our study points to a role of cell shape in controlling cell position and thus lineage allocation. CONCLUSION:Our data show that aPKClambda is dispensable for the establishment of polarity at the 8-cell stage but is essential for the stabilization of cell polarity at the 16-cell stage and for cell positioning. Moreover, this study reveals that in addition to positional information and asymmetric cell divisions, cell shape plays an important role for the control of lineage divergence during mouse preimplantation development. Cell shape is able to influence both the type of division (symmetric or asymmetric) and the position of the blastomeres within the embryo