71 research outputs found

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Upper Hauterivian to Lower Barremian Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

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    The Upper Hauterivian to Lower Barremian Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) was studied applying an integrated stratigraphic approach and facies analysis. The ammonite biostratigraphy of the member has been improved based on bed-by-bed collecting. The already defined biozones (S. riccardii, C. schlagintweiti, C. diamantensis and P.groeberi) were recognized, precisely related to the succession, and further refinement was proposed. Sequences of different order are built by stacked starvation/dilution (S/D) sequences, regarded here as sixth order sequences with only two components that can be unequivocally distinguished: the lower starvation hemisequence and the upper dilution hemisequence. Pro- and retrogradational stacking pattern of S/D sequences define supra-ordinate sequences. The sequence-stratigraphic analysis resulted in the subdivision of the member into four main depositional sequences (DSAM-1 to -4) and several subordinate sequences. Previously published sequence stratigraphic charts of the Neuquén Basin did not relate sedimentary sequences to biozones, and are hence not comparable to the scheme presented here and other charts. Our study shows a good agreement with the sequence-chronostratigraphic scheme of European basins, thus arguing in favour of a predominantly eustatic control on sequence development during the Late Hauterivian to Early Barremian. A latest Early Barremian age is proposed for the almost ammonite-barren upper part of the Agrio Formation, based on correlations of sequence boundaries.Fil: Archuby, Fernando. GeoZentrum Nordbayern; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; ArgentinaFil: Wilmsen, Markus. Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie; AlemaniaFil: Leanza, Hector Armando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; Argentina. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentin

    Campanian (Late Cretaceous) nautiloids from Sakhalin, Far east Russia

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    Three nautiloid taxa, Cymatoceras pseudoatlas (Yabe and Shimizu, 1924b), C. cf. bifidum Shimansky, 1975, and C. cf. honmai Matsumoto and Miyauchi, 1983, are recorded from the Campanian of Sakhalin, Far East Russia. These are the first biostratigraphically well dated nautiloids from Sakhalin, which show close affinities to nautiloid faunas from Japan (Hokkaido), the two areas having formed part of a southerly palaeobiogeographical subprovince of the North Pacific Province. Possible relationships between shell form/ornament and preferred habitats of Late Cretaceous nautiloids are discussed. Coarsely ribbed ("cymatoceratid"), depressed nautiloids seem to predominate in nearshore environments. This may be regarded as an adaptive response to increasing predation pressure by durophages, especially in shallow water settings, which may have triggered the development of defensive morphologies (i.e., ornamented, predation-resistant shells) in Cretaceous shallow-water nautiloids

    A summary of the Jurassic System in North and East-Central Iran

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    The rocks of the Jurassic System in North and Central Iran are represented by very thick sedimentary successions reflecting the deposition during two tectono-stratigraphic megacycles, bounded by three important unconformities. The older (Early to early Middle Jurassic) cycle starts, after the Late Triassic closure of the Palaeotethys and the collision of the Iran Plate with the southern margin of Eurasia (Turan Plate), with an abrupt uplift of the Cimmerian Mountains around the Triassic–Jurassic boundary (Main-Cimmerian Event) and is terminated by the Mid-Cimmerian Tectonic Event in the mid-Bajocian. The predominantly siliciclastic sediments of this tectono-stratigraphic cycle are accommodated in the Ab-e-Haji Subgroup of the (upper) Shemshak Group. The Ab-e-Haji Subgroup consists of thick and widespread, partly coal-bearing siliciclastic strata and also records some important marine ingressions, especially in the Toarcian and Aalenian. The younger tectono-stratigraphic cycle starts with an extensive marine transgression in the Late Bajocian and ends around the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary with the Late Cimmerian Tectonic Event. In the aftermath of the Mid-Cimmerian Tectonic Event, the Iran Plate was dissected into several structural units, the geological histories of which differed and so did their facies patterns. Thus, in North Iran two main sedimentary areas developed, namely the Alborz and Koppeh Dagh basins, which show moderate diffe-rences in lithology and thicknesses. However, the differentiation is much more pronounced on the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent, which comprises three N–S-oriented and independent structural units, i.e., from east to west the Lut, Tabas and Yazd blocks. During the Jurassic Period, the sea mostly covered the Tabas and Lut blocks, whereas the Yazd Block remained largely emergent. The lithologically diverse and numerous formations of the area are combined in the Magu and Bidou groups. Early to Early Middle Jurassic ammonite fau-nas of North and Central Iran are palaeobiogeographically closely related to Northwest European (Subboreal) ammonite faunas, allowing a similar biozonation. Concurrent with the Late Bajocian transgression, there is an abrupt change in faunal composition and the Middle and Late Jurassic ammonite faunas of North and Central Iran are much more similar to those of epicontinental seas bordering the nort-hern margin of the western Tethys and occupy an intermediate position between the Mediterranean and the Submediterranean Province. The results of the studies on ammonoid palaeobiogeography are in line with Early Jurassic palaeogeographic reconstructions that place the Iran Plate at fairly high palaeo-latitudes of about 45°N, followed by a rapid southward shift throughout the Middle and Late Jurassic to a position of about 30°N


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    Apart from global sea-level fluctuations, the sedimentary pattern of the northern Tabas Block during the Middle and Late Jurassic was mainly governed by tectonic events of varying intensity and areal extent. These events took place during the Middle Bajocian (mid-Cimmerian tectonic phase), Early Bathonian, Late Bathonian, Early Callovian, Late Oxfordian, and Late Kimmeridgian. The importance and extent of each event and its influence on the facies pattern of the northern Tabas Block is briefly discussed and demostrated by some examples

    Revisiting Glauconite Geochronology: Lessons Learned from In Situ Radiometric Dating of a Glauconite-Rich Cretaceous Shelfal Sequence

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    The scarcity of well-preserved and directly dateable sedimentary sequences is a major impediment to inferring the Earth’s paleo-environmental evolution. The authigenic mineral glauconite can potentially provide absolute stratigraphic ages for sedimentary sequences and constraints on paleo-depositional conditions. This requires improved approaches for measuring and interpreting glauconite formation ages. Here, glauconite from a Cretaceous shelfal sequence (Langenstein, northern Germany) was characterized using petrographical, geochemical (EMP), andmineralogical (XRD) screening methods before in situ Rb-Sr dating via LA-ICP-MS/MS. The obtained glauconite ages (~101 to 97 Ma) partly overlap with the depositional age of the Langenstein sequence (±3 Ma), but without the expected stratigraphic age progression, which we attribute to detrital and diagenetic illitic phase impurities inside the glauconites. Using a novel age deconvolution approach, which combines the new Rb-Sr dataset with published K-Ar ages, we recalculate the glauconite bulk ages to obtain stratigraphically significant ‘pure’ glauconite ages (~100 to 96 Ma). Thus, our results show that pristine ages can be preserved in mineralogically complex glauconite grains even under burial diagenetic conditions (T < 65 ◦C; <1500 m depth), confirming that glauconite could be a suitable archive for paleo-environmental reconstructions and direct sediment dating.Esther Scheiblhofer, Ulrike Moser, Stefan Löhr, Markus Wilmsen, Juraj Farkaš, Daniela Gallhofer, Alice Matsdotter Bäckström, Thomas Zack, and Andre Balderman

    Iterationsarten und deren Auslöser in der Frühen Phase der PGE – Produktgenerationsentwicklung

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    Insbesondere die frühen Phasen in Prozessen der Mechatroniksystementwicklung sind durch ein hohes Maß an Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Produktentstehungsprozesses liegen lediglich vage und unscharfe Anforderungen an das Produkt vor, welche es zu konkretisieren gilt. Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Produktentwicklung haben einen verstärkenden Effekt auf die Unsicherheiten in frühen Entwicklungsphasen. Diesen begegnen Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der Mechatroniksystementwicklung zunehmend mit der Implementierung agiler Entwicklungsansätze in ihre etablierten Prozesse. Neben der frühen und kontinuierlichen Kundeneinbindung, der klare Ausrichtung der Prozesse auf die Wertsteigerung der Produkte aus Kundensicht, flachen und offenen Hierarchien und dem stetigen Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung von Prototypen verleihen meist geplante Iterationen den jeweiligen Projekten das Adjektiv „agil“. Die Vielfalt der in der Literatur beschriebenen und meist generisch formulierten Arten von Iterationen (geplant oder ungeplant, korrekturbezogen oder progressiv) ist jedoch sehr groß. Zudem werden Iterationen in der Praxis meist intuitiv und unbewusst durchgeführt, was zum einen dazu führt, dass das jeweilige Entwicklungsvorgehen nicht situationsoptimal ausgeführt wird oder gar hinsichtlich der Ergebnissynthese und –Analyse redundante Tätigkeiten erfolgen. Aus diesem Grund verfolgt das vorliegenden Forschungsvorhaben die Zielsetzung, einen Beitrag zur Unterstützung der Produktentwickler in frühen Entwicklungsphasen bei der Identifikation notwendiger Iterationen zu leisten. Durch eine Berücksichtigung dieser in der kurz- und mittelfristigen Projektplanung kann somit die Prozessunsicherheit reduziert werden

    Depositional setting and limiting factors of early Late Cretaceous glaucony formation: implications from Cenomanian glauconitic strata (Elbtal Group, Germany)

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    Cenomanian strata of the Elbtal Group (Saxony, eastern Germany) reflect a major global sea-level rise and contain, in certain intervals, a green authigenic clay mineral in abundance. Based on the integrated study of five new core sections, the environmental background and spatio-temporal patterns of these glauconitic strata are reconstructed and some general preconditions allegedly needed for glaucony formation are critically questioned. XRD analyses of green grains extracted from selected samples confirm their glauconitic mineralogy. Based on field observations as well as on the careful evaluation of litho- and microfacies, 12 glauconitc facies types (GFTs), broadly reflecting a proximal–distal gradient, have been identified, containing granular and matrix glaucony of exclusively intrasequential origin. When observed in stratigraphic succession, GFT-1 to GFT-12 commonly occur superimposed in transgressive cycles starting with the glauconitic basal conglomerates, followed up-section by glauconitic sandstones, sandy glauconitites, fine-grained, bioturbated, argillaceous and/or marly glauconitic sandstones; glauconitic argillaceous marls, glauconitic marlstones, and glauconitic calcareous nodules continue the retrogradational fining-upward trend. The vertical facies succession with upwards decreasing glaucony content demonstrates that the center of production and deposition of glaucony in the Cenomanian of Saxony was the nearshore zone. This time-transgressive glaucony depocenter tracks the regional onlap patterns of the Elbtal Group, shifting southeastwards during the Cenomanian 2nd-order sea-level rise. The substantial development of glaucony in the thick (60 m) uppermost Cenomanian Pennrich Formation, reflecting a tidal, shallow-marine, nearshore siliciclastic depositional system and temporally corresponding to only ~ 400 kyr, shows that glaucony formation occurred under wet, warm-temperate conditions, high accumulation rates and on rather short-term time scales. Our new integrated data thus indicate that environmental factors such as great water depth, cool temperatures, long time scales, and sediment starvation had no impact on early Late Cretaceous glaucony formation in Saxony, suggesting that the determining factors of ancient glaucony may be fundamentally different from recent conditions and revealing certain limitations of the uniformitarian approach.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden (3507

    The Upper Albian and Cenomanian of the North Cantabrian Basin (Province Cantabria, northern Spain): Facies development, bio- and sequence stratigraphy

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    Im nördlichen Bereich der Provinz Kantabrien (Nordspanien) wurden Sedimente der "Mittelkreide" (Oberalb und Cenoman) unter stratigraphischen, faziellen und sedimentologi sehen Gesichtspunkten bearbeitet. Strukturell gehört die Region zum Nordkantabrischen Becken (NCB), dessen Einsenkung mit tektonischen Bewegungen im mittleren Valangin beginnt. Das NCB ist eines der zahlreichen Sedimentbecken, die sich infolge des mesozoischen Riftings und Spreadings in der Biscaya auf dem iberischen Nordschelf bilden. Strukturgeologisch zeigt das NCB eine E/W-Ausrichtung zwischen zwei Hochgebieten im S und N (Cabuemiga-Rücken und Liencres-Hoch), die als "Santillana-Achse" bezeichnet wird. Im W grenzt das NCB an das Paläozoikum des Asturischen Massivs. Östlich Santander wird es strukturell und faziell durch die N/S-streichende Rio-Miera-Flexur vom hochsubs identen Basko-Kantabrischen Becken abgetrennt. Die Sedimentation im NCB wird stark von tektonischen Ereignissen im sich bildenden Biscaya-Ozeans beeinflußt, durch welche die Strukturierung der Schichtenfolge in sedimentäre Megasequenzen erfolgt. Im Alb und Cenoman können folgende Megasequenz-Grenzen erkannt werden, durch welche die Megasequenzen des Alb und Cenoman definiert werden: • Santander-Tectoevent (Cenoman/Turon-Grenzbereich) • Vraconian Tectoevent (hohes Oberalb) • "Mittelalb-Ereignis" ("break-up unconformity", [?hohes] Unteralb). Das Mittelalb-Ereignis fuhrt im Arbeitsgebiet zum Zerbrechen der faziell wenig differenzierten Urgon-Karbonatplattformen des Clansay (Oberapt/Unteralb) in ostvergente Kippschollen. In den entstehenden N/S-orientierten Halbgräben werden im Mittelaib fluvio-deltaische Klastika abgelagert, während auf den Hochschollen eine Verkarstung erfolgt. Im tiefen Oberalb initiiert ein transgressiver Puls die weit verbreitete Ablagerung mariner Sedimente im NCB. Dieses transgressive Ereignis ist in ganz Iberien nachzuweisen. Im Laufe des Oberalb kommt es zu einem Onlap mariner Sedimente auch auf den ehemals emergenten Hochschollen und zu einem Ausgleich des durch das Mittelalb-Ereignis erzeugten Paläoreliefs. Durch weit verbreitete Emersion des NCB's infolge tektonischer Bewegungen im oberen Oberalb (Vraconian Tectoevent) wird die sedimentäre Megasequenz des Alb beendet. Die sedimentäre Megasequenz des Cenoman beginnt im Alb/Cenoman-Grenzbereich mit der Progradation deltaischer Klastika. Die im NCB der Santillana-Achse folgend von W nach E kanalisiert werden. Dieses "Santillana-Delta" mündet im Bereich Galizano/Langre östlich Santander in das Basko-Kantabrische Becken und verzahnt sich dort mit den Prodelta-Sedimenten des Valmaseda-Deltas ("Schwarzer Flysch" der Bilbao-Region). Die differentielle Subsidenz im NCB in Folge des Vraconian Tectoevents wird von den Delta-Sedimenten ausgeglichen. Im tiefen Untercenoman (untere Mantelliceras mantelli-Zone) gestaltet eine bedeutende transgressive Faziesentwicklung das gesamte NCB in einen vollmarinen, karbonatisch dominierten Ablagerungsraum um. Dieser transgressive Puls dürfte mit der "Untercenoman-Transgression" sensu lato korrelieren. Im Cenoman können folgende Ammoniten-Biozonen erkannt werden: • Obercenoman: Eucalycoceras pentagonum-Zone, und Metoicoceras geslinianum-Zone [pars] • Mittel cenoman: [Cunningtoniceras inerme-Zone], Acanthoceras rhotomagense-Zone und A. jukesbrownei-Zone • Untercenoman: Mantelliceras mantelli-Zone und M. dixoni-Zone. Das höchste Obercenoman (oberer Teil der geslinianum-Zone und die Neocardioceras juddii-Zone) fehlt im NCB. In der oberen mantelli-Zonc des NCB etabliert sich in weiten Bereichen die flachmarine Karbonat-Fazies der Altamira-Plattform, die sich östlich der Rio-Miera-Flexur mit mächtigen Beckensedimenten (Mergel, Knollenkalke, Kalk/Mergel-Rhythmite) verzahnt. Im Mittel- bis unteren Obercenoman wird die Altamira-Plattform in drei Schritten von E nach W "ertränkt". Die prominenten Drowning-Unconformities (mineralisierte Hartgründe mit Ammoniten) werden dabei stufenweise nach W jünger. Im Obercenoman (pentagonum-Zono) ist die gesamte Altamira-Plattform ertränkt und weite Teile des NCB werden in die Beckensedimentation einbezogen. Die Ablagerungsgeschichte des Cenoman wird durch das Santander-Tectoevent in der oberen geslinianum-Zonc beendet, infolgedessen weite Teile des NCB trockenfallen. Selbst in hochsubsidenten Beckenprofilen ist der Cenoman/Turon-Grenzbereich durch eine Schicht lücke gekennzeichnet. Die fazielle Entwicklung der cenomanen Megasequenz ist durch die schubweise voranschreitende ("pulsierende") Cenoman-Transgression geprägt. Insgesamt können im Cenoman sechs Sequenzgrenzen (SB's) erkannt werden, durch die die Ablagerungssequenzen DS Ce I bis VI definiert werden. Ihre stratigraphischen Positionen sind: • SB Ce VI = obere geslinianum-Zonc • SB Ce V = Wende Mittel/Obercenoman • SB Ce IV = basale jukesbrownei-Zone • SB Ce III = hohe dixoni-Zone • SB Ce II = obere mantelli-Zone • SB Ce I = untere mantelli-Zone. Im regionalen Vergleich zeigt sich für das Cenoman eine gute Übereinstimmung mit sequentiellen Gliederungen aus dem Basko-Kantabrischen Raum. Überregionale Vergleiche dokumentieren, daß viele der Meeresspiegel-Bewegungen im Cenoman (z.B. SB Ce III, mfz in der rhotomagense-Zone, SB Ce IV, HST in der pentagonum-Zone) über weite Entfernungen korreliert werden können und wahrscheinlich eustatische Signale darstellen. Die Korrelation mit der "globalen Meeresspiegel-Kurve" (Exxon Chart) ist schlecht. Betrachtet man die im Cenoman im NCB abgelagerten Sedimente als "2nd-order cycle", so zeigt sich ein übergeordneter transgressiver Trend mit einem maximalen Onlap im Obercenoman innerhalb der mfz von DS Ce VI (pentagonum-Zone). Das NCB zeigt im Oberalb und Cenoman im biogeographischen Vergleich starke tethyale Einflüsse. Das Turrilites scheuchzerianus/Neohibolites ultimus-Evert. im tiefen Mittelcenoman des NCB korreliert in bio-, sequenz- und Isotopen-stratigraphischer Hinsicht mit dem Actinocamax primus-Event NW-Europas, womit eine eventstratigraphische Anbindung an das "temperierte" Cenoman erreicht werden kann.Mid-Cretaceous (Upper Albian and Cenomanian) sediments in the northern part of the province of Cantabria (northern Spain) were investigated with the emphasis on stratigraphical and sedimentological aspects. Structurally, the area belongs to the North Cantabrian Basin (NCB), the depositional history of which started with distensional tectonic movements in the Mid-Valanginian. The NCB is one of the numerous sedimentary basins which developed on the north Iberian continental margin in consequence of the rifting and spreading in the Bay of Biscay during Mesozoic times. It is a gulf-like basin with an E/W-elongation ("Santillana axis"). In the south and in the north the NCB is bordered by the Cabuemiga Ridge and the Liencres High, respectively. To the west, the NCB is bordered by the Palaeozoic Asturian Massif; in the east, the N/S-trending Rio Miera Flexure forms a structural boundary to the strongly subsiding Basco-Cantabrian Basin. The depositional history of the NCB was strongly influenced by tectonic events which can be related to the evolving Biscay Ocean. These tectoevents give rise to a gross subdivison of the succession into sedimentary megasequences. Three tectonically induced megasequence boundaries can be recognized in the Albian and Cenomanian, defining the Albian and Cenomanian megasequences: • Santander-Tectoevent (Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval) • Vraconian Tectoevent (late Late Albian) • "Middle Albian event" (break-up unconformity, [?late] Early Albian). The "Middle Albian event" caused a disintegration of the widespread Urgonian Clansay platforms (Late Aptian/Early Albian) into a palaeo-relief of eastward-dipping tilted blocks. In the N/S trending halfgrabens, fluvio-deltaic clastics were deposited during the Middle Albian, whereas the exposed tilted block crests were karstified. A strong transgressive pulse flooded the NCB in the early part of the Late Albian, giving rise to the widespread deposition of marine Upper Albian sediments. This transgressive event can also be recognised in southern Iberia and Portugal. During the later part of the Late Albian, the emergent crestal areas of the tilted blocks were onlapped by marine sediments, resulting in the filling-up of the Middle Albian palaeo-relief. Tectonic movements in the latest Albian (Vraconian tectoevent), causing emergence in wide parts of the NCB, terminated the Albian Megasequence. The Cenomanian megasequence started in the Albian/Cenomanian boundary interval with progradation of deltaic clastics, which were channelized (following the Santi liana-axis) into an eastward direction. This "Santillana Delta" flowed into the Basco-Cantabrian Basin east of Santander, where an interfingering with the prodeltaic sediments of the Valmaseda Delta ("Black Flysch" of the Bilbao area) took place. The differential subsidence in the NCB due to the Vraconian tectoevent was compensated by the deltaic sedimentation. In the lower part of the Mantelliceras mantelli Zone, a transgressive pulse flooded the NCB and led to the deposition of marine, predominantly calcareous sediments. This transgressive event is thought to correlate with the "Early Cenomanian transgression" sensu lato. In the Cenomanian succession of the NCB, the following ammonite zones can be recognized: • Late Cenomanian: Eucalycoceras pentagonum Zone and Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone [pars] • Middle Cenomanian: [Cunningtoniceras inerme Zone], Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone and A. jukesbrownei Zone • Early Cenomanian: Mantelliceras mantelli Zone and M. dixoni-Zone. The upper part of the Upper Cenomanian (upper part of the geslinianum Zone and the Neocardioceras juddii Zone) is missing in the NCB. In the upper part of the mantelli Zone, deposition of the shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Altamira Platform became established over large areas of the NCB. In the strongly subsiding area east of the Rio Miera Flexure, thick successions of basinal sediments (marls, nodular limestones, marl/limestone rhythmites) were deposited contemporaneously. During the Middle to early Late Cenomanian, the Altamira Platform was drowned in three successive steps from east to west. The developing drowning unconformities (condensed, mineralized hardgrounds with ammonites) young towards the west, resulting in a backstepping of the Altamira Platform. In the Late Cenomanian (pentagonum Zone), all former sites of shallow marine carbonate deposition were drowned. The depositional history of the Cenomanian was terminated in the higher part of the geslinianum Zone when tectonic movements of the Santander tectoevent caused widespread emersion of the NCB. The resulting Cenomanian/Turonian boundary hiatus can be recognized both in the condensation horizons on top of the submerged platform as well as in the basinal successions. The facies development of the Cenomanian Megasequence is dominated by the pulsatory nature of the "Cenomanian transgression". Within the Cenomanian succession of northern Cantabria, six sequence boundaries can be recognized, which define six depositional (3rd-order) sequences (DS Ce I - VI). The stratigraphic positions of the sequence boundaries (SB) are as follows: • SB Ce VI = upper geslinianum Zone • SB Ce V = Middle/Late Cenomanian boundary interval • SB Ce IV = basal jukesbrownei Zone • SB Ce III = upper dixoni Zone • SB Ce II = upper mantelli Zone • SB Ce I = lower mantelli Zone. Comparison of this sequential subdivision with regional cycle charts from the Basco-Cantabrian area reveals good agreement, whereas correlation with the "global sea-level curve" (Exxon Chart) is poor. The extent to which many of the sea-level events in the Cenomanian (e.g. SB Ce III, mfz within the rhotomagense Zone, SB Ce IV, HST in the pentagonum Zone) can be correlated between basins elsewhere in Europe and Tunisia suggests that they were probably of eustatic nature. Considering the Cenomanian Megasequence as a "2nd-order cycle", an overall transgressive trend occurs throughout the Cenomanian; maximum coastal onlap was reached during the maximum flooding of DS Ce VI (pentagonum Zone). Palaeobiogeographically, the NCB shows strong tethyan affinities in the Late Albian and Cenomanian. The Turrilites scheuchzerianus/Neohibolites ultimus event in the early Middle Cenomanian permits a correlation with the Actinocamax primus event of the temperate Cenomanian of northern Europe by means of bio-, sequence and isotope stratigraphy.Los sedimentos del Cretácico medio (Albiense superior/Cenomaniense) en la parte septentrional de la Provincia de Cantabria han sido estudiados, centrándose en aspectos estratigráficos y sedimentolögicos. El área de estudio pertenece estructural mente a la Cuenca Norcantábrica (NCB), cuya historia depositional comenzó con movimientos tectónicos distensivos en el Valanginiense medio. La NCB es una de las numerosas cuencas sedimentarias que se desarrollaron en el margen continental norteibérico como consecuencia del "rifting" y apertura del golfo de Vizcaya durante el Mesozoico. Es una cuenca con forma de golfo con una elongatión E/W ("Eje de Santillana"). Los límites septentrional y meridional de la NCB son el "Liencres High" y el Escudo de Cabuemiga respectivamente. Hacia el Oeste, la NCB queda confinada por el Macizo Paleozoico Asturiano; en el Este, el límite estructural conocido como Flexión del Río Miera de dirección N/S, la separa de la Cuenca Vasco-cantábrica mucho más subsidente. La historia deposicional de la NCB estuvo fuertemente influenciada por eventos tectónicos que pueden ser relacionados con la evolution del oceano de Vizcaya. Estos tectoeventos dieron lugar a una gruesa subdivision de la sucesión en megasecuencias sedimentarias. Tres límites de megasecuencias, que están inducidos por la tectónica, pueden ser reconocidos en el Albiense y Cenomaniense, definiendo respectivamente las megasecuencias albienses y cenomanienses: • Tectoevento de Santander (intervalo límite del Cenomaniense/Turoniense) • Tectoevento Vraconiense (Albiense superior tardío) • "Evento del Albiense medio" (discordancia de ruptura, Albiense inferior [?tardio]). El "Evento del Albiense medio" causo una desintegración de las plataformas urgonianas clansayenses (Aptiense superior/Albiense inferior), que estaban muy extendidas en paleorelieves de bloques basculados hacia el Este. Se produjo durante el Albiense medio una sedimentatión clástica fluvio-deltaica en los semi-grabenes, de dirección N/S, mientras que las cimas expuestas de los bloques basculados sufrieron procesos de karstificatión. Un fuerte pulso transgresivo inundó la NCB al comienzo del Albiense superior, dando lugar al depósito de sedimentos marinos en el Albiense superior due alcanzaron una muy amplia extensión. Durante la parte superior del Albiense superior las crestas de los bloques basculados fueron recubiertas por sedimentos marinos, indicando el equilibrio del paleorelieve en el Albiense medio. Los procesos tectónicos al final del Albiense superior (Tectoevento Vraconiense), que causaron la emersión de amplias zonas de la NCB, terminan la megasecuencia albiense. La megasecuencia cenomaniense comenzó en el limite Albiense/Cenomaniense con la progradatión de material clástico deltaico que fue canalizado (siguiendo el Eje de Santillana) hacia el Este. Dicho delta ("Delta de Santillana") discurria al Este de Santander hacia la Cuenca Vasco-cantabrica, interfiriendo con los sedimentos de prodelta del Delta de Valmaseda ("Flysch Negro"). En la parte inferior de la zona de Mantelliceras mantelli, un pulso transgresivo inundó la NCB y permitió el depósito de sedimentos marinos, predominantemente calcáreos. Este evento transgresivo puede ser correlacionado con la "transgresión del Cenomaniense initial" sensu lato. En la sucesion Cenomaniense de la NCB pueden ser reconocidas las siguientes zonas: • Cenomaniense superior: Zona de Eucalycoceras pentagonum y la Zona de Metoicoceras geslinianum [pars] • Cenomaniense medio: [Zona de Cunningtoniceras inerme], Zona de Acanthoceras rhotomagense y Zona de A. jukesbrownei • Cenomaniense inferior: Zona de Mantelliceras mantelli y Zona de M. dixoni. La parte superior del Cenomaniense superior (parte superior de la zona de M. geslinianum y la Zona de Neocardioceras judii) está ausente en la NCB. Los sedimentos marino-someros de naturaleza carbonatada de la "Plataforma de Altamira" comenzaron a depositarse en amplias zonas de la NCB en la parte superior de la zona de mantelli. Al Este de la Flexión de Río Miera, en un área fuertemente subsidente, fueron depositadas contemporáneamente potentes sucesiones de sedimentos de cuenca (margas, calizas nodulares y ritmitas de marga/caliza). Durante el Cenomaniense medio hasta la base del Cenomaniense superior, la Plataforma de Altamira fue inundada desde el Este al Oeste en tres intervalos sucesivos. El desarrollo de discordancias de inundatión ("drowning unconformities" = series condensadas, "hardgrounds" mineralizados con ammonites) resultan más recientes hacia el Oeste, concluyendo en un basculamiento hacia atrás de la Plataforma de Altamira. En el Cenomaniense superior (Zona de pentagonum) todos los anteriores lugares caracterizados por el depósito de carbonates marino-someros fueron anegados. La historia deposicional del Cenomaniense acabó en la parte alta de la zona de geslinianum, cuando movimientos tectonicos del Tectoevento de Santander causaron la emersión generalizada de la NCB. El hiato resultante puede ser reconocido en los horizontes condensados a techo de las plataformas sumergidas e igualmente en las sucesiones de cuenca. El desarrollo de facies del Cenomaniense está dominado por el carácter de pulsos que tuvo la "transgresión cenomaniense". Seis límites de secuencia pueden reconocerse dentro de la sucesión cenomaniense del norte de Cantabria, los cuales definen seis secuencias deposicional es de tercer orden (DS Ce I-VI). La positión estratigráfica de los límites de secuencia (SB) son los siguientes: • SB Ce VI = parte superior de la Zona de geslinianum • SB Ce V = intervalo límite del Cenomaniense medio/superior • SB Ce IV = base de la Zona de jukesbrawnei • SB Ce III = parte superior de la Zona de dixoni • SB Ce II = parte superior de la Zona de mantelli • SB Ce I = parte inferior de la Zona de mantelli. Una comparación de esta subdivisión secuencial con las tablas de ciclos regionales del reino vasco-cantábrico revela una buena correlatión, mientras que la correlatión con la "tabla global" ("Exxon chart") es pobre. La correlatión entre varias cuencas sugiere una causa eustática para los numerosos eventos de cambios del nivel del mar en el Cenomaniense (por ejemplo SB Ce III, mfz dentro de la Zona de rhotomagense, SB Ce IV, HST en la Zona de pentagonum). Considerando la megasecuencia del Cenomaniense como un "ciclo de segundo orden", una tendencia transgresiva general ocurrió a lo largo del Cenomaniense, el máxirno "onlap" costero fue alcanzado durante la máxima inundatión de la DS Ce VI (Zona de pentagonum). Desde el punto de vista paleobiogeográfico, la NCB muestra fuertes afinidades tethyales en el Albiense superior y el Cenomaniense. El "Evento de Turrilites scheuchzerianus/Neohibolites ultimus" al comienzo del Cenomaniense medio permite una correlation con el "Evento de Actinocamax primus" del Cenomaniense de la Provincia templada norteuropea.thesisDFG, SUB Göttinge

    High-resolution Campanian–Maastrichtian carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of bulk-rock and skeletal components: palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental implications for the Boreal shelf sea

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    A high-resolution latest Early Campanian to Early Maastrichtian carbon and oxygen stable isotope record from the northern German Boreal shelf sea based on 537 analyses of co-occurring belemnites, brachiopods, inoceramids, oysters, and bulk rock samples is presented. All samples are precisely related to their stratigraphic, systematic and facies backgrounds and form an integrated, nearly 10-myr-long dataset with considerable palaeoenvironmental and palaeoceanographical implications. Petrographic studies indicate that low-magnesium calcitic coccoliths and calcispheres (i.e., planktic carbonate) predominate the bulk-rock data (marl-limestone rhythmites and chalks), thus representing a sea-surface water signal, and that only minor diagenetic alteration of the carbonate muds took place. Based on TL and CL microscopy, the investigated belemnites are extraordinarily well preserved, which may in part be explained by their early diagenetic surficial silicification (container effect), while the other macroinvertebrate groups are all less well preserved. The (plankton-dominated) δ13C values of the marl-limestone rhythmites and chalks (+1.1 to +2.5 ‰), recording a surface water signal, compare well with the δ18C data of inoceramids while δ13Cbrach. values (+1.5 to +3.0 ‰) are heavier than the bulk rock data. The large variation in the δ13Cbel. (-0.1 to +3.6 ‰) is attributed to isotopic disequilibrium of the biogenic carbonate formed by the belemnite animal. The bulk rock δ18O values show a remarkable low scatter, supporting petrographic observation of only minor diagenetic stabilisation/cementation, and can be approximated with northern German shelf sea-surface temperatures of ca. 20°C for the Late Campanian (ca. -2 ‰ δ18O), being slightly cooler during the Early Maastrichtian. The δ18O values of the belemnite rostra are even less variable and quite rich in heavier 18O (-0.7 to +0.6 with a mean of -0.1 ‰ δ18Obel.) in comparison to bulk rock and other skeletal components. Based on their excellent microstructural preservation and non-luminescence, we conclude that the belemnite rostra are diagenetically unaltered and have preserved the primary δ18O signal of ambient seawater (12 ± 2°C). In the absence of any indication for migration from cooler water masses and evidence for authochtonous populations we assume that the belemnites of the genera Belemnitella and Belemnella lived as nektobenthos near the sea-floor and thus record the temperature of the bottom mixed layer of the seasonally weakly stratified north German shelf sea at water depths of 100 to 150 m; the temperature gradient was thus 12.5-18.75 m/1°C. A conspicuous latest Campanian cooling event is evident in both sea-surface and bottom-water temperatures. The δ18O values of nearly all investigated benthic fossils lie between the isotope values of pristine belemnites and bulk rock, and, therefore, should be used for palaeotemperature reconstructions only with great care