19 research outputs found

    Determination of the Carrier-Envelope Phase of Few-Cycle Laser Pulses with Terahertz-Emission Spectroscopy

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    The availability of few-cycle optical pulses opens a window to physical phenomena occurring on the attosecond time scale. In order to take full advantage of such pulses, it is crucial to measure and stabilise their carrier-envelope (CE) phase, i.e., the phase difference between the carrier wave and the envelope function. We introduce a novel approach to determine the CE phase by down-conversion of the laser light to the terahertz (THz) frequency range via plasma generation in ambient air, an isotropic medium where optical rectification (down-conversion) in the forward direction is only possible if the inversion symmetry is broken by electrical or optical means. We show that few-cycle pulses directly produce a spatial charge asymmetry in the plasma. The asymmetry, associated with THz emission, depends on the CE phase, which allows for a determination of the phase by measurement of the amplitude and polarity of the THz pulse

    A synchronized VUV beamline for time domain two-color dynamic studies at FLASH2

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    We present a HHG-based vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) source at the free electron laser FLASH2. The source provides ultrashort pulses from 10 to 40 eV, coupled to the REMI end-station (beamline FL26) for VUV-FEL pump-probe experiments

    A synchronized VUV light source based on high-order harmonic generation at FLASH

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    Ultrafast measurements in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral region targeting femtosecond timescales rely until today on two complementary XUV laser sources: free electron lasers (FELs) and high-harmonic generation (HHG) based sources. The combination of these two source types was until recently not realized. The complementary properties of both sources including broad bandwidth, high pulse energy, narrowband tunability and femtosecond timing, open new opportunities for two-color pump-probe studies. Here we show first results from the commissioning of a high-harmonic beamline that is fully synchronized with the free-electron laser FLASH, installed at beamline FL26 with permanent end-station including a reaction microscope (REMI). An optical parametric amplifier synchronized with the FEL burst mode drives the HHG process. First commissioning tests including electron momentum measurements using REMI, demonstrate long-term stability of the HHG source over more than 14 hours. This realization of the combination of these light sources will open new opportunities for time-resolved studies targeting different science cases including core-level ionization dynamics or the electron dynamics during the transformation of a molecule within a chemical reaction probed on femtosecond timescales in the ultraviolet to soft X-ray spectral region

    Progress towards an improved comparison of the proton-to-antiproton charge-to-mass ratios

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    High-precision comparisons of the proton-to-antiproton charge-to-mass ratios provide sensitive tests of the fundamental charge, parity, time (CPT) invariance. In 2014, we performed such a measurement with a fractional precision of 69 parts in a trillion (p.p.t.). In this article, we describe technical developments which were implemented to improve the precision of our previous measurement by at least a factor of 3

    Synchronized HHG based source at FLASH

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    We present a VUV beamline installed as pump-probe source at the free-electron laser FLASH. The source is based on high-order harmonic generation driven by femtosecond near-infrared laser pulses synchronized with the FEL burst mode

    Superconducting Solenoid System with Adjustable Shielding Factor for Precision Measurements of the Properties of the Antiproton

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    A superconducting self-shielding three-solenoid system with an adjustable shielding factor is developed, implemented, and characterized using a single antiproton in a Penning trap. With the tuned system, we suppress external magnetic field disturbances by up to a factor of 225 ± 15, allowing antiproton-to-proton charge-to-mass ratio comparisons with fourfold reduced frequency fluctuations and antiproton magnetic moment determinations with tenfold reduced uncertainty

    350-fold improved measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment using a multi-trap method

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    We summarize our recent 1.5 parts per billion measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment using the multi Penning-trap system of the BASE collaboration. The result was achieved by combining the detection of individual spin-transitions of a single antiproton with a novel two-particle spectroscopy technique, which dramatically improved the data sampling rate. This measurement contributes to improve the test of the fundamental charge, parity, time reversal (CPT) invariance in the baryon sector by a factor of 350 compared to our last measurement, and by a factor of 3000 compared to the best competing measurement. We review the measurement technique and discuss the improved limits on CPT-violating physics imposed by this measurement