424 research outputs found

    Nutritional Management in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Development of the Multi-Criteria Model for the Quality of Life Assessment in Local Governments

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    The perception of satisfaction with the quality of life by an individual in urban and rural areas includes a number of objective and subjective indicators, based on the analysis that could be performed. Measuring the preferences of individuals living in different environments, in terms of life goals, needs, moods, expectations, as well as personal satisfaction with the quality of life, requires more criteria to be included for its evaluation. The research was conducted on the basis of twenty indicators for measuring the quality of life in local governments depending on the preferences of individuals, and of different age, gender, education, social status, and satisfaction motives. The subject of this paper is the selection of criteria in a multi-criteria model for assessing the quality of life in local governments, using adequate statistical tools. In addition to descriptive statistics and testing the significance of differences, the authors of the paper used a modified PROMETHEE multi-criteria method for ranking local governments

    Development and features of female self-employment in Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    Transition period, experienced by many countries, has been reflected on the loss of the job security reckoned to be the utmost achievement of the socialist and non-market economies. Instead, the labour market trends and changes during 1990s caused many employees to lose their jobs not only as the surplus work force but as an economic surplus as well. At the same time, new job opportunities decreased, which was primarily reflected on the female labour. Therefore, self-employment has become the main source of new employment that, at the same time, contributes to unemployment rate reduction in many countries. One can conclude that the level of female entrepreneurs’ participation in economic development of transition countries is largely related to the conditions in which they work, to support provided by their state, to development of legal regulations and to the rate at which the economic reforms are implemented. With respect to this, one can make clear distinctions between transition countries in which reforms are implemented more slowly and those ones in which such process is carried out more quickly. It is hard to generalize and make a sole conclusion for the most of transition economies. Therefore, the authors specifically chose to analyse and examine the example of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which with its specificities differs from some other countries in the region. There is a strong synergy in Bosnia and Herzegovina between a social role of the woman, her education, profession and position in labour marke


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    Predmet istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je izbor potenci- jalnih faktora u dizajniranju fleksibilnog modela organizacione strukture u dinamičnim uslovima promene režima rada tržišta. Shodno tome, fokus istraživanja je na analiziranju uticaja promene režima rada tržišta na strateško ponašanje preduzeća i redizajni- ranje organizacione strukture kao i promene vezane za finansijsku politiku preduzeća. U disertaciji se proučava kako preduzeća u tranziciji, uz redizajn svoje organizacione strukture i redizajn fi- nansijske politike, mogu da ubrzaju proces transformacije, i putem racionalizacije poslovanja, da smanje troškove i povećaju efi- kasnost. Glavni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da model organi- zacione strukture treba da kombinuje mehanički i organski dizajn kako bi se obezbedila stabilnost i robusnost modela, odnosno da bi se postigla i efikasnost i efektivnost poslovanja.The research objective of this doctoral dissertation is the selection of potential factors in the design of a flexible organizational structure model in dynamic conditions of structural breaks in the market re- gime. Accordingly, the focus of the research is on analyzing the im- pact of structural breaks in the market regime on the strategic behav- ior of the company and its organizational structure redesigned as well as on changes related to the company’s financial policy. The dissertation studies how companies in transition, with the redisgn of their organizational structure and redisgn of financial policy, can ac- celerate the process of transformation, and through the rationaliza- tion of operations, reduce costs and increase efficiency. The main results of the research indicate that the model of the organizational structure should combine mechanical and organic design in order to ensure the stability and robustness of the model, that is, to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of business

    Tehnologija i kvaliteta skorupa - tradicionalnog crnogorskog mliječnog proizvoda

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    Skorup is Montenegrin traditional dairy product. Its main characteristics are extremely high content of milk fat and centuries-old technology. Due to the specific technology, high nutritional value and its historical heritage, Skorup deserves to be labelled as product with protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI). The purpose of this study was to collect the most important data about Skorup technology and quality and to launch the process of protection. The chemical quality of raw milk was analysed using IR spectrophotometry, the number of somatic cells and total bacteria count by flow cytometry, and Skorup composition by FTIR spectrophotometry. The presence of Escherichia coli, coagulase positive staphylococci and aerobic mesophilic bacteria in Skorup was detected by standard broth base methods. All Skorup samples contained more than 80 % of fat in dry matter, more than 70 % dry matter, approximately 60 % milk fat and 6 % proteins. The sensory characteristics of all samples were excellent, and according to sensory classification, they belong to the highest classes (I and IA). However, five out of twenty samples did not meet requirements for hygienic quality, which implies the urgent need for improvement of hygiene conditions during its production.Skorup je crnogorski tradicionalni mliječni proizvod. Njegove glavne karakteristike su izuzetno visok udjel mliječne masti i stoljećima stara tehnologija. Zbog specifične tehnologije, visoke hranjive vrijednosti i povijesne baštine, skorup zaslužuje da bude zaštićen kao PDO ili PGI. Svrha ovog istraživanja je prikupiti najvažnije podatke o tehnologiji skorupa i njegovoj kvaliteti kako bi se inicirao postupak zaštite. Kemijska kvaliteta sirovog mlijeka analizirana je pomoću IR spektrometrije, broj somatskih stanica i broj mikroorganizama protočnom citometrijom, a sastav skorupa FTIR spektrofotometrijom. Prisutnost Escherichia coli, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke i aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija u skorupu određena je standardnim mikrobiološkim metodama. Svi uzorci skorupa su sadržavali više od 80 % masti u suhoj tvari, više od 70 % suhe tvari, i oko 60 % mliječne masti i 6 % proteina. Prema senzorskoj ocjeni i klasifikaciji, svi uzorci su odlične kvalitete i pripadaju I i IA klasi. No, pet od dvadeset uzoraka nije zadovoljilo uvjete higijenske kvalitete, što ukazuje da je neophodno raditi na poboljšanju higijenskih uvjeta tijekom njegove proizvodnje

    Analysis of the impact of injuries caused by the influence of mechanical and abiotic factors on the occurrence of harmful fungal organisms

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    U radu je istraživan aspekt pojave patogenih mikroorganizama na bukovom drvetu u odnosu na prisustvo ozleda na stablima, u cilju zaštite i očuvanja ove vrste u Srbiji. Istraživanja su vršena u istočnoj Srbiji, u brdskoj šumi bukve Fagetum moesiacae submontanum, generativnog porekla. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno dva lokaliteta na 51 oglednoj parceli, sa ukupno 829 stabala i konstatovano je prisustvo 21 vrsta gljiva. Na prvom lokalitetu konstatovano je da pojava gljiva prvenstveno zavisi od prisustva mehaničkih oštećenja na stablima (čak 73.46%), a gotovo uopšte nije u vezi sa prisustvom abiotičkih oštećenja (svega 3.21%). Na drugom lokalitetu postoji jaka korelaciona veza između pojave gljiva i prisustva mehaničkih oštećenja - 51.88%, kao i između gljiva i abiotičkih oštećenja - 47.96%. Konstatovano je da za zdravstveno stanje visokih bukovih sastojina izuzetan značaj ima pažljivo i pravilno manipulisanje prilikom seče, a svaka ozleda na bukovim dubećim stablima počinjena pri seči je otvoren put za zarazu patogenim mikroorganizmima.The research described in this paper is focused on the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms on beech trees relative to the presence of tree injuries, with the aim to ensure protection and preservation of this species in Serbia. The research was conducted in Eastern Serbia, in a hillside beech forest Fagetum moesiacae submontanum of generative origin. The testing was carried out on two sites over 51 testing plots, with a total of 829 trees and 21 species of identified fungi. On the first site it was found that the appearance of fungi primarily depends on the presence of mechanical damage on trees (as much as 73.46%), while the presence of abiotic damage has almost no bearing (only 3.21%). On the second site there was a strong correlation link between the occurrence of fungi and presence of mechanical damage - 51.88%, as well as between the fungi and abiotic damage - 47.96%. The health condition of high beech stands was found to be heavily dependent on careful and proper manipulation during harvesting, while each injury inflicted on a beech live tree during logging opens the door to infection with pathogenic microorganisms

    Fruit flow calculation on the rotating sizing machines

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    This paper analyzes theoretically the motion and flow of eight fruit types, along rotating sizing machines. It starts from differential equation of fruit motion on a rotating disk of the sizing machine. A universal method that can generally be applied to determine the flow of all types of rotary sizing machine is developed. Flow analysis comprised sized fruit mass and flow. New empirical coefficients were introduced: extent ratio, feed ratio and distribution ratio. In particular, the influence of the relative speed of fruit on the capacity of sizing machines is researched. The results obtained for the adopted values extend, feed and distribution ratio k(e) = 0,7; k(f) = 1; k(d) = 0,5 coincide approximately with those reported to date for fruit flow rate on sizing machines. It was found that flow rates vary considerably, depending on fruit diameter and mass. Fruit numbers flow ranges from 8949 crops/h for apple to 40.157 crops/h for deep frozen raspberry. Mass flow varies from 229,1 kg/h for cherry to 2054,7 kg/h for apple

    Prvi nalaz vodenog oraška (Trapa natans L., Trapaceae, Myrtales) u Centralnoj Srbiji

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    Water chestnut (Trapa natans L.) is a floating macrophyte that generates differing views on its role and importance in aquatic ecosystems. It is protected as a rare species in a number of European countries and is an invasive species in some regions of the world. T. natans inhabits stagnant and slow flowing waters that exhibit large fluctuations in water level. Occurrence records are frequently reported from the north of the Republic of Serbia (Vojvodina Province), while there are no relevant data about its habitats in southern parts of the country. The first record of T. natans in Central Serbia was from the Međuvršje Reservoir on the Zapadna Morava River (the Danube River Basin) in 2011. A marked increase in species abundance in certain sections of the reservoir was observed in 2012. High water temperatures and continuous inflow of nutrients reported in recent years will most likely induce further propagation of this species, potentially leading to further eutrophication of the system and upsetting the ecological balance of the new habitat.Vodeni orašak (Trapa natans L.) predstavlja flotantnu makrofitu koju karakteriše različita procena uloge i značaja u akvatičnim ekosistemima. Zaštićena kao prirodna retkost u većem broju evropskih zemalja, ima status invazivne vrste u pojedinim regionima sveta. T. natans je vrsta kojoj pogoduju stajaće i sporotekuće vode sa velikim variranjima vodostaja. Česti su nalazi u severnom delu Republike Srbije (Vojvodina), dok nema relevantnih podataka o staništima u južnijim delovima. Tokom 2011. godine registrovan je prvi nalaz T. natans na području Centralne Srbije u akumulaciji Međuvršje na reci Zapadnoj Moravi (Dunavski sliv). Izrazito omasovljenje vrste u pojedinim sektorima akumulacije je evidentirano u 2012. godini. Visoke temperature vode i stalan dotok nutrijenta koje se registruju zadnjih godina verovatno će usloviti dalju propagaciju vrste. To može doprineti daljoj eutrofikaciji ekosistema i narušiti postojeće ekološke ravnoteže u novom staništu

    Mogućnost monitoring leta D.v. virgifera obradom slike sa feromonske klopke pomoću Raspberry Pi uređaja

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    Necessity for seasonal monitoring of economically most important pests in different crops, increase input costs of their surveillance. In maize fields, Western corn rootworm - WCR (Diabrotica virgifera sp. virgifera) is economically the most important species and presents a limiting factor for production of maize in continuous cultivation. Its occurrence is usually monitored with pheromone traps. However, as previously mentioned they are time and money consuming due to constant need for field inspections. Since in research projects, finances predefined for weekly inspection of traps are most often non-eligible, there is a need for developing a novel approach for pest monitoring. The use of IT technologies along with commercially available pheromone traps could provide precise information about the situation in traps without frequent field inspections. Also, they are easy to maintain, manipulate and require minimum costs. This work aimed to assess the potential use and the precision of a sensor device with camera, in monitoring the WCR flight on pheromone traps. Sensor device equipped with small camera can capture images of a pheromone trap sticky base and transfer them to a remote server for review, storage and analysis. The main idea in this paper is to present a system that uses a method based on analysis of the image variations of the pheromone pest traps, performed on devices placed in their vicinity which means that sending every image to the server is avoided. In this way, information about the variations in pheromone traps can be found in one location without unnecessarily sending the same images to the server. The obtained results indicate that the proposed method for monitoring the variations of the number of caught specimens on sticky surfaces of pheromone traps, based on the variations of the dark surface on the images, can be a reliable tool in further work.Neophodnost sezonskog monitoringa ekonomski najznačajnih štetočina u različitim usevima uzrokuje rast ulaznih troškova u poslovima nadzora njihove pojave. U usevu kukuruza, kukuruzna zlatica (Diabrotica virgifera sp. virgifera) je ekonomski najznačajnija štetočina i predstavlja ograničavajući faktor proizvodnje u monokulturi. Brojnost i pojava ove vrste se najčešće prati feromonskim klopkama. Međutim, kao što je napomenuto, njihova primena iziskuje dosta vremena i novca, usled konstantne potrebe za poljskim osmatranjima i obilascima klopki. U istraživačkim projektima sredstva predviđena za nedeljne preglede klopki su veoma često neprihvatljiv deo budžeta, što nameće potebu za razvojem novog pristupa monitoringu štetočina. Upotreba IT tehnologija uporedo sa komercijalno dostupnim feromonskim klopkama omogućava precizne informacije o stanju na klopkama, uz manje terenskih izlazaka, jednostavnost i niske troškove održavanja i manipulacije. Cilja rada je bio procena mogućnosti upotrebe i preciznosti senzorskih uređaja sa kamerom u monitoringu leta kukuruzne zlatice na fero-klopkama. Pomoću senzorskih uređaja opremljenih malim kamerama mogu se snimiti slike na mestu feromonskih klopki i proslediti do udaljenog servera za pregled, skladištenje i analizu. Ideja u ovom radu je prikaz sistema koji koristi metodu promene zauzetosti površine prilikom analize slike koja se izvršava na uređaju posredniku postavljenog pre servera. Na taj način se informacije o promeni brojnosti insekata u klopci mogu saznati na jednom lokalitetu bez nepotrebnog slanja istovetnih slika na server. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se predloženi metod praćenja promene brojnosti na bazi promene površine prisustva tamnih polja (uhvaćenih insekata na lepljivoj površini feromonske klopke) može koristiti kao pouzdan alat u daljem radu

    Spektrofotometrijsko određivanje hesperidina u suplementima i sokovima od pomorandže

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    Hesperidin is the flavonoid heteroside most found in citrus species, such as grapefruit, lemon and orange. It is applied in the treatment of numerous cardiovascular diseases, with many products containing hesperidin in combination with other flavonoid heterosides or vitamin C. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a simple, rapid and sensitive and lowcost method for determination of hesperidin in tablets and orange juices. The developed spectrophotometric method is based on the formation of the Zn(II)-hesperidin complex in 70 v/v% methanol at pH 3.12, with max of absorption at λmax= 283 nm. The method of variation of equimolar solutions confirmed the stoichiometry of the complex as hesperidin: zinc= 2:1. The stability constant of the complex was obtained by the Bjerrum method and it is logβ2 = 17.01 at pH 3.12. Linearity range for the developed method was defined as 0.61-7.32 μg/mL, (confirmed by coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.9882), while limits of detection and quantification were calculated as LOD = 0.15 μg/mL and LOQ = 0.45 μg/mL. Fairly high precision of the method is indicated by low values of CV, varying in the range 0.26-1.23%. The proposed method fulfills all aimed requirements, and it was successfully applied for determination of hesperidin in tablets with recovery value 92.2 % and commercially available orange juices.Hesperidin je flavonoidni heterozid koji se najčešće nalazi u citrusnim vr- stama, kao što su grejpfrut, limun i pomorandža. Primenjuje se u lečenju brojnih kardiovaskularnih bolesti, sa mnogim proizvodima koji sadrže hes- peridin u kombinaciji sa drugim flavonoidnim heterozidima ili vitaminom C. Cilj ove studije je razvijanje i primena jednostavne, brze i osetljive, a pri tome pristupačne metode za određivanje hesperidina u tabletama i sokovi- ma od pomorandže. Razvijena spektrofotometrijska metoda zasniva se na formiranju Zn(II)-hesperidin kompleksa u 70 v/v% metanolu pri pH 3,12, sa maksimumom absorbancije na λ max= 283 nm. Metodom varijacije ekvimo- larnih rastvora utvrđena je stehiometrija kompleksa hesperidin: cink = 2:1. Konstanta stabilnosti kompleksa dobijena Bjerumovom metodom iznosi logβ2 = 17,01 pri pH 3,12. Linearnost razvijene metode utvrđena je u oblasti 0,61 - 7,32 μg/mL, (potvrđeno koeficijentom određivanja, r2 = 0,9882), dok su izračunati limiti detekcije i kvantifikacije LOD = 0,15 μg/mL i LOQ = 0,45 μg/mL. Na visoku preciznost metode ukazuju niske vrednosti koeficijenata varijacije (CV je u oblasti 0,26 – 1,23 %). Predložena metoda ispunjava sve postavljene zahteve i sa uspehom je primenjena za određivanje hesperidina u tabletama uz recovery vrednost 92,2 % i komercijalno dostupnim sokovi- ma od pomorandže