9 research outputs found

    Transgressive sequence of Miocene deposits near Marija Bistrica : master’s thesis

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    Na sjeveroistočnom dijelu Medvednice, na cesti koja spaja Adamovec i Mariju Bistricu, mogu se pratiti izdanci miocenskih (badenskih) naslaga. Na istraživanom dijelu ceste naslage predstavljaju jedan transgresivni ciklus, a u bazi transgresije nalaze se bazalni konglomerati. Cilj ovog rada bio je petrografski opisati konglomerate u bazi transgresije, napraviti statističku obradu pripadajućih valutica te odrediti kojem badenskom transgresivno-regresivnom ciklusu pripadaju istraživane naslage. Snimljen je geološki stup u čijoj su bazi konglomerati, na kojima slijede biogene i bioklastične karbonatne naslage te lapori i glinoviti lapori. Bazalni konglomerati opisani su kao polimiktni, s valuticama koje su dobro zaobljene, srednjeg sfericiteta, a vjerojatno su taloženi u okolišu plaže. Na temelju terenske odredbe i mjerenja napravljena je statistička obrada konglomerata na uzorku od 383 valutice. Litologija valutica je raznovrsna te su u padajućem poretku prisutne valutice iz ofiolitnog kompleksa (dijabaz i zeleni pješčenjak), crveni pješčenjak, sivi vapnenac i crni pučinski vapnenac. Raznovrsnost je opravdana pripadnim litologijama u blizini istraživane lokacije prema dostupnim geološkim kartama, te intenzivnom tektonikom na području Medvednice. Paleontološkim i mikropaleontološkim analizama lapora određena je srednjobadenska starost naslaga, odnosno NN5 zona vapnenačkog nanoplanktona. Također, brojne prisutne foraminifere vrste Orbulina suturalis potvrđuju starost NN5 zone. Zaključeno je da istraživano područje pripada drugom badenskom transgresivno-regresivnom ciklusu, koji odgovara svjetskom ciklusu morske razine TB 2.4.Outcrops of the Miocene (Badenian) deposits are exposed on the northeast slopes of Medvednica Mt., on the road connecting Adamovec and Marija Bistrica. The outcrops represent transgressive sequence, with basal conglomerates at a base of transgressive sequence. Goals of this research were to determine lithology of conglomerate pebbles, statistically describe their size, shape and type properties, to record geological column and determine to which of the Badenian transgressive-regressive cycles investigated deposits correspond. Geological column is composed of the basal conglomerates followed by biogenic and bioclastic carbonate deposits, and marls and argillaceous marls in the upper part. Basal conglomerates are described as polymict, with well rounded, moderately spherical pebbles, deposited possibly in a beach environment. Statistical analysis was conducted in the field by measurement of 383 pebbles. Lithology of pebbles is diversified and composed of ophiolitic complex (diabases and green sandstones), red sandstones, grey limestone and black pelagic limestone. Diversity is explained by proximity of these rocks according to geological maps and complexity of surrounding terrain dueto intensive tectonic activity in the past. Micropaleontological analysis has proved previously assumed Middle Miocene (Badenian) age of samples and calcareous nannoplankton assemblage correspondence to NN5 Nanno Zone. Additionally, presence of planktic foraminifera Orbulina suturalis also corresponds to NN5 zone. It is concluded that researched deposits correspond to second (out of three) Badenian transgressive-regressive cycles, which correlates to global see level cycle TB 2.4

    Transgressive sequence of Miocene deposits near Marija Bistrica : master’s thesis

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    Na sjeveroistočnom dijelu Medvednice, na cesti koja spaja Adamovec i Mariju Bistricu, mogu se pratiti izdanci miocenskih (badenskih) naslaga. Na istraživanom dijelu ceste naslage predstavljaju jedan transgresivni ciklus, a u bazi transgresije nalaze se bazalni konglomerati. Cilj ovog rada bio je petrografski opisati konglomerate u bazi transgresije, napraviti statističku obradu pripadajućih valutica te odrediti kojem badenskom transgresivno-regresivnom ciklusu pripadaju istraživane naslage. Snimljen je geološki stup u čijoj su bazi konglomerati, na kojima slijede biogene i bioklastične karbonatne naslage te lapori i glinoviti lapori. Bazalni konglomerati opisani su kao polimiktni, s valuticama koje su dobro zaobljene, srednjeg sfericiteta, a vjerojatno su taloženi u okolišu plaže. Na temelju terenske odredbe i mjerenja napravljena je statistička obrada konglomerata na uzorku od 383 valutice. Litologija valutica je raznovrsna te su u padajućem poretku prisutne valutice iz ofiolitnog kompleksa (dijabaz i zeleni pješčenjak), crveni pješčenjak, sivi vapnenac i crni pučinski vapnenac. Raznovrsnost je opravdana pripadnim litologijama u blizini istraživane lokacije prema dostupnim geološkim kartama, te intenzivnom tektonikom na području Medvednice. Paleontološkim i mikropaleontološkim analizama lapora određena je srednjobadenska starost naslaga, odnosno NN5 zona vapnenačkog nanoplanktona. Također, brojne prisutne foraminifere vrste Orbulina suturalis potvrđuju starost NN5 zone. Zaključeno je da istraživano područje pripada drugom badenskom transgresivno-regresivnom ciklusu, koji odgovara svjetskom ciklusu morske razine TB 2.4.Outcrops of the Miocene (Badenian) deposits are exposed on the northeast slopes of Medvednica Mt., on the road connecting Adamovec and Marija Bistrica. The outcrops represent transgressive sequence, with basal conglomerates at a base of transgressive sequence. Goals of this research were to determine lithology of conglomerate pebbles, statistically describe their size, shape and type properties, to record geological column and determine to which of the Badenian transgressive-regressive cycles investigated deposits correspond. Geological column is composed of the basal conglomerates followed by biogenic and bioclastic carbonate deposits, and marls and argillaceous marls in the upper part. Basal conglomerates are described as polymict, with well rounded, moderately spherical pebbles, deposited possibly in a beach environment. Statistical analysis was conducted in the field by measurement of 383 pebbles. Lithology of pebbles is diversified and composed of ophiolitic complex (diabases and green sandstones), red sandstones, grey limestone and black pelagic limestone. Diversity is explained by proximity of these rocks according to geological maps and complexity of surrounding terrain dueto intensive tectonic activity in the past. Micropaleontological analysis has proved previously assumed Middle Miocene (Badenian) age of samples and calcareous nannoplankton assemblage correspondence to NN5 Nanno Zone. Additionally, presence of planktic foraminifera Orbulina suturalis also corresponds to NN5 zone. It is concluded that researched deposits correspond to second (out of three) Badenian transgressive-regressive cycles, which correlates to global see level cycle TB 2.4


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    Uz cestu Marija Bistrica - Adamovec, nedaleko od raskrižja prema Lazu, može se na izdancima pratiti slijed srednjomiocenskih naslaga. U bazi slijeda vide se polimiktni, klastpotporni do matrikspotporni konglomerati. Valutice uglavnom odgovaraju sastavu okolnih stijena, a vezivo predstavlja koralinacejski bioklastični vekston. Sekundarni nalazi velikih oštriga upućuju na moguća ostrižišta, vjerojatno nedaleko od riječnoga ušća. U zaštićenim lagunama stvarali su se rodoliti malih dimenzija, živjele su halimede i nježni, razgranjeni mahovnjaci i puževi. U oligotrofnim uvjetima alge su učestalije od mahovnjaka. Zbog isparavanja povećana je koncentracija i kristalizacija kalcijeva karbonata, koji je cementirao bioklaste. Oko nekih su bioklasta vidljive kortoidne ovojnice, a sediment je tipa grejnston. Rodolitno-briozojske biokonstrukcije nastajale su najviše u plitkoj potplimnoj zoni, najvjerojatnije na dubinama od 20 do 30 m. Mjestimice su izgrađivale barijere između laguna i otvorenoga mora. One se nisu uspjele sačuvati in situ, već kao fragmenti u bioklastičnim taložinama padine. Na strmijim padinama pokazuju mikrostrukturu floutstona. Sadržavaju velike briozojske kolonije i bioerodirane solitarne koralje, kakvi su mogli živjeti u nešto dubljemu okolišu, vjerojatno između 30 i 75 m, uz nešto veću količinu nutrijenata. U vrhu slijeda, samo desetak metara iznad konglomerata, leže lapori s pučinskim organizmima (kalcitičnim nanoplanktonom, planktonskim i malim bentičkim foraminiferama i planktonskim puževima, pteropodima), kakvi su obično taloženi na distalnim padinama. Morska je razina brzo rasla, što je dovelo do naglih promjena u istraženome taložnom prostoru. Planktonski organizmi iz lapora upućuju na NN5 nanoplanktonsku zonu srednjega badena, pa se tonjenje rampe može povezati s početkom transgresivno-regresivnoga ciklusa TB 2.4.Fossiliferous Middle Miocene deposits from the surroundings of Marija Bistrica (north-east of Zagreb) transgressively overly older pre-Cenozoic bedrocks. Fossils from shallow marine environments are in most cases preserved as bioclasts, while deep marine calcareous oozes characterize the pelagic marls. The age of the transgressive sequence is estimated on the basis of planktic biota from marls (foraminifera, nannoplankton and pteropods) as the Badenian NN5 Nannozone. The following palaeoenvironments can be distinguished or presumed on the basis of biota and sedimentary features: (1) beach characterized by polymictic conglomerates with rhodolith-rich carbonate matrix; (2) oyster banks, recognized from secondarily found oyster clusters; (3) lagoons marked with compact bioclastic deposits and rhodolith-halimeda assemblage; (4) patch-reefs recognized from the surrounding bioclastic deposits; (5) shallow subtidal mäerl beds preserved as loose bioclastic deposits and (6) distal slope argillaceous marls with pelagic biota. Palaeoenvironmental analyses indicate rapid drowning, most probably corresponding to the transgression during the Middle Badenian TB 2.4 3rd order transgressive-regressive sequence


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    Opskrba vodom na područjima koja se snabdjevaju iz velikih vodoopskrbnih sustava u današnje je vrijeme nezamisliva bez stalnog praćenja parametara bitnih za pravilan rad uređaja za obradu i isporuku vode. Sadašnje stanje kao i razvoj vodoopskrbnih sustava nameću potrebu uvođenja sustava daljinskog nadzora i upravljanja vodoopskrbnim objektima kojima je cilj ekonomičnije, pouzdanije i kvalitetnije snabdijevanje potrošača vodom za piće. Kako bi se osiguralo praćenje rada sustava za obradu i isporuku vode za piće u uporabi su sklopovi za upravljanje radom crpki koje se koriste za punjenje vodosprema iz kojih se voda šalje prema naseljima, ali i uređajima koji u vodovodnim objektima služe za mjerenje protoka vode, tlaka vode u cjevovodu, nivoa vode u vodospremama. Opremom za daljinsko upravljanje moguće je provoditi daljinski nadzor pa čak i upravljanje nad nekim od parametara. Ovako je moguće pratiti i parametare vezane uz kakvoću vode kao što su: temperatura, mutnoća, koncentracija rezidualnog klora, elektrovodljivost, pH-vrijednost čije se vrijednosti također mogu prenositi sustavom daljinskog upravljanja. Značajan je i nadzor nad kakvoćom vode koja se nalazi u isporuci u svakom trenutku, kako bi se prema potrebi u čim kraćem roku moglo intervenirati i u čim kraćem roku utjecati na njezino poboljšanje. Današnje povezivanje perifernih točaka sa centralnom postajom provodi se GPRS vezama za koje nije potrebno investirati u infrastrukturu jer se za takav rad koriste već postojeće komunikacije, te je prijenos podataka pomoću GPRS veze brz, točan i pouzdan. Ubrzanim razvitkom 3G komunikacijske tehnologije (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) stvorene su nove mogućnosti za razvoj znatno učinkovitijih i ekonomičnijih telemetrijskih, AMR/AMI mreţa i sustava za detekciju gubitaka vode u vodoopskrbnoj mreţi. Razvitak te široko dostupne, visoko sofisticirane komunikacijske tehnologije isključio je cijeli niz prijašnjih ograničenja. Novom 3G komunikacijskom tehnologijom omogućeno je znatno veće sudjelovanje vodoopskrbnih stručnjaka u integralnom rješavanju sustava i upravljanju sustavima vodoopskrbe.Water supply in areas that are provided from large water supply systems today is unthinkable without constant monitoring of parameters important for the proper functioning of the equipment for processing and delivery of water. The current situation, just the same as the development of water supply systems necessitate the introduction of remote monitoring and governing of water supply facilities which purposes are more cost-effective, reliable and quality supply of consumers with drinking water. To ensure monitoring of the system for processing and delivery of drinking water in use are the circuits for controlling operation of pumps used for filling water reservoir from which water is sent to the villages, just as the devices in water supply facilities used to measure flow, pressure of water in the pipeline and the water level in the water tank. In equipment for remote control can be implemented remote control and even the governing with some of the parameters. Thus it is possible to monitor the parameters related to the quality of water such as: temperature, turbidity, residual chlorine concetration, conductivity, pH-value which values are also possible transmitted to the remote control. Sinficant is monitoring of water quality which is located in the delivery in every moment, and in case of need as soon as possible be able to intervene and in as soon as possible affect on its improvement. Today connecting peripheral points to the central station is conducted with GPRS connections which are fast, accurate, reliable and do not need to invest in infrastructure because it use the existing communication and data transmission. The rapid development of 3G communications technology (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) created new opportunities for the development of much more efficient and cost-effective telemetry such as AMR/AMI network and systems for detection of water leaks in the water supply network. Developing widely available, highly sophisticated communications technology remove the full range of the previous restrictions. With new 3G communication technology is avaible a much greater participation of water supply experts in integral solving problems and governing of water supply systems

    Transgressive sequence of Miocene deposits near Marija Bistrica : master’s thesis

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    Na sjeveroistočnom dijelu Medvednice, na cesti koja spaja Adamovec i Mariju Bistricu, mogu se pratiti izdanci miocenskih (badenskih) naslaga. Na istraživanom dijelu ceste naslage predstavljaju jedan transgresivni ciklus, a u bazi transgresije nalaze se bazalni konglomerati. Cilj ovog rada bio je petrografski opisati konglomerate u bazi transgresije, napraviti statističku obradu pripadajućih valutica te odrediti kojem badenskom transgresivno-regresivnom ciklusu pripadaju istraživane naslage. Snimljen je geološki stup u čijoj su bazi konglomerati, na kojima slijede biogene i bioklastične karbonatne naslage te lapori i glinoviti lapori. Bazalni konglomerati opisani su kao polimiktni, s valuticama koje su dobro zaobljene, srednjeg sfericiteta, a vjerojatno su taloženi u okolišu plaže. Na temelju terenske odredbe i mjerenja napravljena je statistička obrada konglomerata na uzorku od 383 valutice. Litologija valutica je raznovrsna te su u padajućem poretku prisutne valutice iz ofiolitnog kompleksa (dijabaz i zeleni pješčenjak), crveni pješčenjak, sivi vapnenac i crni pučinski vapnenac. Raznovrsnost je opravdana pripadnim litologijama u blizini istraživane lokacije prema dostupnim geološkim kartama, te intenzivnom tektonikom na području Medvednice. Paleontološkim i mikropaleontološkim analizama lapora određena je srednjobadenska starost naslaga, odnosno NN5 zona vapnenačkog nanoplanktona. Također, brojne prisutne foraminifere vrste Orbulina suturalis potvrđuju starost NN5 zone. Zaključeno je da istraživano područje pripada drugom badenskom transgresivno-regresivnom ciklusu, koji odgovara svjetskom ciklusu morske razine TB 2.4.Outcrops of the Miocene (Badenian) deposits are exposed on the northeast slopes of Medvednica Mt., on the road connecting Adamovec and Marija Bistrica. The outcrops represent transgressive sequence, with basal conglomerates at a base of transgressive sequence. Goals of this research were to determine lithology of conglomerate pebbles, statistically describe their size, shape and type properties, to record geological column and determine to which of the Badenian transgressive-regressive cycles investigated deposits correspond. Geological column is composed of the basal conglomerates followed by biogenic and bioclastic carbonate deposits, and marls and argillaceous marls in the upper part. Basal conglomerates are described as polymict, with well rounded, moderately spherical pebbles, deposited possibly in a beach environment. Statistical analysis was conducted in the field by measurement of 383 pebbles. Lithology of pebbles is diversified and composed of ophiolitic complex (diabases and green sandstones), red sandstones, grey limestone and black pelagic limestone. Diversity is explained by proximity of these rocks according to geological maps and complexity of surrounding terrain dueto intensive tectonic activity in the past. Micropaleontological analysis has proved previously assumed Middle Miocene (Badenian) age of samples and calcareous nannoplankton assemblage correspondence to NN5 Nanno Zone. Additionally, presence of planktic foraminifera Orbulina suturalis also corresponds to NN5 zone. It is concluded that researched deposits correspond to second (out of three) Badenian transgressive-regressive cycles, which correlates to global see level cycle TB 2.4


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    Opskrba vodom na područjima koja se snabdjevaju iz velikih vodoopskrbnih sustava u današnje je vrijeme nezamisliva bez stalnog praćenja parametara bitnih za pravilan rad uređaja za obradu i isporuku vode. Sadašnje stanje kao i razvoj vodoopskrbnih sustava nameću potrebu uvođenja sustava daljinskog nadzora i upravljanja vodoopskrbnim objektima kojima je cilj ekonomičnije, pouzdanije i kvalitetnije snabdijevanje potrošača vodom za piće. Kako bi se osiguralo praćenje rada sustava za obradu i isporuku vode za piće u uporabi su sklopovi za upravljanje radom crpki koje se koriste za punjenje vodosprema iz kojih se voda šalje prema naseljima, ali i uređajima koji u vodovodnim objektima služe za mjerenje protoka vode, tlaka vode u cjevovodu, nivoa vode u vodospremama. Opremom za daljinsko upravljanje moguće je provoditi daljinski nadzor pa čak i upravljanje nad nekim od parametara. Ovako je moguće pratiti i parametare vezane uz kakvoću vode kao što su: temperatura, mutnoća, koncentracija rezidualnog klora, elektrovodljivost, pH-vrijednost čije se vrijednosti također mogu prenositi sustavom daljinskog upravljanja. Značajan je i nadzor nad kakvoćom vode koja se nalazi u isporuci u svakom trenutku, kako bi se prema potrebi u čim kraćem roku moglo intervenirati i u čim kraćem roku utjecati na njezino poboljšanje. Današnje povezivanje perifernih točaka sa centralnom postajom provodi se GPRS vezama za koje nije potrebno investirati u infrastrukturu jer se za takav rad koriste već postojeće komunikacije, te je prijenos podataka pomoću GPRS veze brz, točan i pouzdan. Ubrzanim razvitkom 3G komunikacijske tehnologije (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) stvorene su nove mogućnosti za razvoj znatno učinkovitijih i ekonomičnijih telemetrijskih, AMR/AMI mreţa i sustava za detekciju gubitaka vode u vodoopskrbnoj mreţi. Razvitak te široko dostupne, visoko sofisticirane komunikacijske tehnologije isključio je cijeli niz prijašnjih ograničenja. Novom 3G komunikacijskom tehnologijom omogućeno je znatno veće sudjelovanje vodoopskrbnih stručnjaka u integralnom rješavanju sustava i upravljanju sustavima vodoopskrbe.Water supply in areas that are provided from large water supply systems today is unthinkable without constant monitoring of parameters important for the proper functioning of the equipment for processing and delivery of water. The current situation, just the same as the development of water supply systems necessitate the introduction of remote monitoring and governing of water supply facilities which purposes are more cost-effective, reliable and quality supply of consumers with drinking water. To ensure monitoring of the system for processing and delivery of drinking water in use are the circuits for controlling operation of pumps used for filling water reservoir from which water is sent to the villages, just as the devices in water supply facilities used to measure flow, pressure of water in the pipeline and the water level in the water tank. In equipment for remote control can be implemented remote control and even the governing with some of the parameters. Thus it is possible to monitor the parameters related to the quality of water such as: temperature, turbidity, residual chlorine concetration, conductivity, pH-value which values are also possible transmitted to the remote control. Sinficant is monitoring of water quality which is located in the delivery in every moment, and in case of need as soon as possible be able to intervene and in as soon as possible affect on its improvement. Today connecting peripheral points to the central station is conducted with GPRS connections which are fast, accurate, reliable and do not need to invest in infrastructure because it use the existing communication and data transmission. The rapid development of 3G communications technology (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) created new opportunities for the development of much more efficient and cost-effective telemetry such as AMR/AMI network and systems for detection of water leaks in the water supply network. Developing widely available, highly sophisticated communications technology remove the full range of the previous restrictions. With new 3G communication technology is avaible a much greater participation of water supply experts in integral solving problems and governing of water supply systems


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    Opskrba vodom na područjima koja se snabdjevaju iz velikih vodoopskrbnih sustava u današnje je vrijeme nezamisliva bez stalnog praćenja parametara bitnih za pravilan rad uređaja za obradu i isporuku vode. Sadašnje stanje kao i razvoj vodoopskrbnih sustava nameću potrebu uvođenja sustava daljinskog nadzora i upravljanja vodoopskrbnim objektima kojima je cilj ekonomičnije, pouzdanije i kvalitetnije snabdijevanje potrošača vodom za piće. Kako bi se osiguralo praćenje rada sustava za obradu i isporuku vode za piće u uporabi su sklopovi za upravljanje radom crpki koje se koriste za punjenje vodosprema iz kojih se voda šalje prema naseljima, ali i uređajima koji u vodovodnim objektima služe za mjerenje protoka vode, tlaka vode u cjevovodu, nivoa vode u vodospremama. Opremom za daljinsko upravljanje moguće je provoditi daljinski nadzor pa čak i upravljanje nad nekim od parametara. Ovako je moguće pratiti i parametare vezane uz kakvoću vode kao što su: temperatura, mutnoća, koncentracija rezidualnog klora, elektrovodljivost, pH-vrijednost čije se vrijednosti također mogu prenositi sustavom daljinskog upravljanja. Značajan je i nadzor nad kakvoćom vode koja se nalazi u isporuci u svakom trenutku, kako bi se prema potrebi u čim kraćem roku moglo intervenirati i u čim kraćem roku utjecati na njezino poboljšanje. Današnje povezivanje perifernih točaka sa centralnom postajom provodi se GPRS vezama za koje nije potrebno investirati u infrastrukturu jer se za takav rad koriste već postojeće komunikacije, te je prijenos podataka pomoću GPRS veze brz, točan i pouzdan. Ubrzanim razvitkom 3G komunikacijske tehnologije (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) stvorene su nove mogućnosti za razvoj znatno učinkovitijih i ekonomičnijih telemetrijskih, AMR/AMI mreţa i sustava za detekciju gubitaka vode u vodoopskrbnoj mreţi. Razvitak te široko dostupne, visoko sofisticirane komunikacijske tehnologije isključio je cijeli niz prijašnjih ograničenja. Novom 3G komunikacijskom tehnologijom omogućeno je znatno veće sudjelovanje vodoopskrbnih stručnjaka u integralnom rješavanju sustava i upravljanju sustavima vodoopskrbe.Water supply in areas that are provided from large water supply systems today is unthinkable without constant monitoring of parameters important for the proper functioning of the equipment for processing and delivery of water. The current situation, just the same as the development of water supply systems necessitate the introduction of remote monitoring and governing of water supply facilities which purposes are more cost-effective, reliable and quality supply of consumers with drinking water. To ensure monitoring of the system for processing and delivery of drinking water in use are the circuits for controlling operation of pumps used for filling water reservoir from which water is sent to the villages, just as the devices in water supply facilities used to measure flow, pressure of water in the pipeline and the water level in the water tank. In equipment for remote control can be implemented remote control and even the governing with some of the parameters. Thus it is possible to monitor the parameters related to the quality of water such as: temperature, turbidity, residual chlorine concetration, conductivity, pH-value which values are also possible transmitted to the remote control. Sinficant is monitoring of water quality which is located in the delivery in every moment, and in case of need as soon as possible be able to intervene and in as soon as possible affect on its improvement. Today connecting peripheral points to the central station is conducted with GPRS connections which are fast, accurate, reliable and do not need to invest in infrastructure because it use the existing communication and data transmission. The rapid development of 3G communications technology (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA) created new opportunities for the development of much more efficient and cost-effective telemetry such as AMR/AMI network and systems for detection of water leaks in the water supply network. Developing widely available, highly sophisticated communications technology remove the full range of the previous restrictions. With new 3G communication technology is avaible a much greater participation of water supply experts in integral solving problems and governing of water supply systems

    Endogenous Gene Regulation as a Predicted Main Function of Type I-E CRISPR/Cas System in E. coli

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    CRISPR/Cas is an adaptive bacterial immune system, whose CRISPR array can actively change in response to viral infections. However, Type I-E CRISPR/Cas in E. coli (an established model system), appears not to exhibit such active adaptation, which suggests that it might have functions other than immune response. Through computational analysis, we address the involvement of the system in non-canonical functions. To assess targets of CRISPR spacers, we align them against both E. coli genome and an exhaustive (~230) set of E. coli viruses. We systematically investigate the obtained alignments, such as hit distribution with respect to genome annotation, propensity to target mRNA, the target functional enrichment, conservation of CRISPR spacers and putative targets in related bacterial genomes. We find that CRISPR spacers have a statistically highly significant tendency to target (i) host compared to phage genomes, (ii) one of the two DNA strands, (iii) genomic dsDNA rather than mRNA, (iv) transcriptionally active regions, and (v) sequences (cis-regulatory elements) with slower turn-over rate compared to CRISPR spacers (trans-factors). The results suggest that the Type I-E CRISPR/Cas system has a major role in transcription regulation of endogenous genes, with a potential to rapidly rewire these regulatory interactions, with targets being selected through naïve adaptation


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    Fossiliferous Middle Miocene deposits from the surroundings of Marija Bistrica (north-east of Zagreb) transgressively overly older pre-Cenozoic bedrocks. Fossils from shallow marine environments are in most cases preserved as bioclasts, while deep marine calcareous oozes characterize the pelagic marls. The age of the transgressive sequence is estimated on the basis of planktic biota from marls (foraminifera, nannoplankton and pteropods) as the Badenian NN5 Nannozone. The following palaeoenvironments can be distinguished or presumed on the basis of biota and sedimentary features: (1) beach characterized by polymictic conglomerates with rhodolith-rich carbonate matrix; (2) oyster banks, recognized from secondarily found oyster clusters; (3) lagoons marked with compact bioclastic deposits and rhodolith-halimeda assemblage; (4) patch-reefs recognized from the surrounding bioclastic deposits; (5) shallow subtidal mäerl beds preserved as loose bioclastic deposits and (6) distal slope argillaceous marls with pelagic biota. Palaeoenvironmental analyses indicate rapid drowning, most probably corresponding to the transgression during the Middle Badenian TB 2.4 3rd order transgressive-regressive sequence