143 research outputs found

    Deficiencies of nutrients in tomato

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    Rajčica je plodovito povrće relativno duge vegetacije i velikih potreba za hranivima. Kao i drugim biljkama za optimalan rast i razvoj rajčici su potrebna i makrohraniva i mikrohraniva koja se dodaju gnojidbom temeljem kemijske analize tla. Ako pojedinog hraniva nema u dovoljnim količinama, javljaju se fizioloÅ”ke bolesti (neparazitske bolesti) u obliku različitih simptoma nedostataka na listovima, stabljici i plodu, ovisno o hranivu.Tomato is a fruity vegetable with relatively long growing season and high demand for nutrients. As other plants, for optimal growth and development tomato needs both macro and micronutrients that are added to soil by fertilizers, based on chemical soil analysis. If content of particular nutrient is not sufficient, physiological disorders occur in form of different symptoms on the leaves, stems and fruit, depending on nutrient

    Influence of fertilization on growth of Thuja occidentalis \u27Smaragd\u27

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    Danas je joÅ” uvijek, nažalost, analiza tla u rasadniku prije sadnje određene ukrasne vrste rijetkost. Isto tako nije uobičajeno da se preporuke za gnojidbu temelje na konkretnim rezultatima stanja hraniva u tlu. Stoga je u rasadniku postavljen pokus na vrsti Thuja occidentalis \u27Smaragd\u27, kako bi se koriÅ”tenjem dvije razine kompleksnog mineralnog gnojiva (NPK 10-20-30) ispitao utjecaj gnojidbe na rast i razvoj biljaka, uspoređujući ih s negnojenom varijantom. Provedena istraživanja su pokazala da je gnojidba mineralnim gnojivom neovisno o količini utjecala je na porast visine biljaka tuje u odnosu na negnojenu varijantu. Gnojidba od 400 kg/ha NPK 10-20-30 utjecala je na porast visine biljaka za 20,8 cm u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, odnosno za razdoblje pokusa 38,62 cm. Gnojidba od 800 kg/ha NPK 10-20-30 utjecala je na porast visine biljaka za 21,51 cm u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, odnosno za razdoblje pokusa 40,73 cm. Na temelju kemijskih analiza tla utvrđeno je da u tlu nije doÅ”lo do značajnih promjena.Even today, the soil used in nursery gardens is still rarely analyzed prior to planting individual horticultural plants. It is not common either, to base fertilization recommendations on actual results of soil analyses. Therefore, an experiment was set up in the nursery garden using the species Thuja occidentalis ā€˜Smaragdā€™ (Arbor Vitae) with the objective to check the influence of fertilization to plants growth, comparing fertilized varieties with the non-fertilized one. During the experiment two varieties of a complex fertilizer (NPK 10-20-30) were used. Research results have shown that fertilization using fertilizers, disregarding the quantity used, improved the growth of Arbor Vitae plants in comparison with their non ā€“fertilized variety. Use of 400 kg/ha of NPK 10-20-30 caused the plants to grow 20,8 cm during one calendar year, i.e. 38,62 cm during the experimentation period. Use of 800 kg/ha of NPK 10-20-30 caused the plants to grow 21,51 cm during one calendar year, i.e.40,73 cm during the experimentate period. Chemical analyses showed no significant changes in the soil

    Rak dojke u mladih žena: patoloŔka i imunohistokemijska obilježja

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    A young woman with breast cancer is considered to be a woman younger than 40. According to the literature, breast cancer in the population of young women usually is of a higher histologic grade, unfavorable hormonal status, and overall higher mortality rate when compared with breast cancer occurring in older population. We compared pathologic and immunohistochemical features of breast carcinoma in women under 40 years of age with the respective features in women over 60 years of age. The following parameters were observed in these two groups: tumor size, lymph node status, histologic grade, hormonal receptor status, Ki-67 prognostic index, Her2/neu status, and histologic type of the tumor. Early onset breast carcinoma was found to have a higher frequency of tumor grade 3 (29% vs. 17%) and estrogen receptor negativity (45% vs. 23%). In the group of young women, breast carcinoma was mostly multicentric (23% vs. 5%), triple-negative (32% vs. 10%), and was found to have higher proliferation index Ki-67 (25% vs. 10%). Our results confirmed differences between the young and older groups of patients. In the group of young women, we found predominantly unfavorable prognostic parameters of the disease.Mladom ženom s rakom dojke smatra se žena mlađa od 40 godina. Prema literaturi rak dojke u populaciji mladih žena ima obično viÅ”i histoloÅ”ki stupanj i nepovoljan hormonski status. Puno je veći postotak smrtnosti u mladoj populaciji nego kada se karcinom javlja u starijoj životnoj dobi. Usporedili smo patoloÅ”ka i imunohistokemijska obilježja karcinoma dojke kod žena ispod 40 godina s odgovarajućim obilježjima među ženama iznad 60 godina. Sljedeći parametri su promatrani kod ove dvije skupine: veličina tumora, stanje limfnih čvorova, histoloÅ”ki gradus, status hormonskih receptora, prognostički indeks Ki-67, status Her2/neu i histoloÅ”ki tip tumora. Za karcinom dojke kod mladih žena utvrđeno je da ima veću učestalost tumora histoloÅ”kog gradusa 3 (29% prema 17%) i negativnog statusa estrogenskih receptora (45% prema 23%). U skupini mladih žena rak dojke je uglavnom multicentričan (23% prema 5%), trostruko negativan (32% prema 10%) i ustanovljeno je da ima veći proliferacijski indeks Ki-67 (25% prema 10%). NaÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju razlike između mlade i starije skupine bolesnica. U skupini mladih žena utvrđeni su pretežito nepovoljni prognostički parametri bolesti


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    In this study, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict the contents of essential macro- and microelements in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions of most widespread Croatian landraces. Total of 175 samples were used for the model development by modified partial least square (MPLS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) techniques. Based on the coefļ¬cients of determination (R2), standard error of calibration (SEC) and error of prediction (SEP) the models developed were (i) nearly applicable for nitrogen (N) (0.89, 0.12 and 0.45 respectively), (ii) poor for iron (Fe), cinc (Zn), potassium oxide (K2O) and potassium (K), (iii) usable for phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), phosphorus (P), phytic acid (PA) and manganese (Mn). The MPLS regression statistics suggested the most accurate models developed comparing with PLS and PCR. It was concluded that a wider set of common bean samples needs to be used for macro- and microelements prediction by NIRS.U ovome je istraživanju koriÅ”tena spektroskopija u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) za procjenu količine esencijalnih makro- i mikroelemenata u uzorcima najčeŔće uzgajanih kultivara graha (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ukupno 175 uzoraka graha koriÅ”teno je za razvoj kalibracije uporabom modificirane metode najmanjih kvadrata (MPLS), metode regresije osnovne komponente (PCR) i metode najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). S obzirom na koeficijent korelacije (R2), standardnu greÅ”ku kalibracije (SEC) i standardnu greÅ”ku procjene (SEP), razvijeni kalibracijski modeli su (i) gotovo primjenjivi za procjenu duÅ”ika (N) (0,89; 0,12 i 0,45), (ii) slabo primjenjivi za procjenu željeza (Fe), cinka (Zn), kalijevog oksida (K2O) i kalija (K) te (iii) upotrebljivi za fosfor pentoksid (P2O5), fosfor (P), fitinsku kiselinu (PA) i mangan (Mn). Najpouzdaniji kalibracijski modeli razvijeni su koriÅ”tenjem regresijskoga modela MPLS u usporedbi s kalibracijskim modelima dobivenim koriÅ”tenjem PLS-a i modelima PCR-a. Zaključeno je da je za procjenu makro- i mikroelemenata spektroskopijom u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) potrebno prikupiti veći broj uzoraka graha Å”irih varijacija istraživanih makro- i mikroelemenata

    Macrominerals in Red Beet Root under Organic and Mineral Fertilization

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    Nutritive value of food should be an imperative and represents content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Macrominerals (P, K, Ca, Mg) have an irreplaceable role in the functioning of living organisms and are part of all important biomolecules. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on content of macrominerals in red beet. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Results show that the highest red beet phosphorus content was determined in treatment with stable manure. Higher level of applied potassium had depressing effect on calcium and magnesium uptake. By fertilization is possible to raise content of macrominerals in red beet, but it is recommended to apply combination of organic and mineral fertilizers

    Effect of fertilization on the content of volatile compounds in must of variety \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27 (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Primarne arome grožđa su hlapivi spojevi koji se formiraju u bobici grozda tijekom dozrijevanja te imaju ključnu ulogu u formiranju kvalitete grožđa. Sadržaj i razvoj primarnih aroma ovisan je o sorti, tlu, klimi, agrotehničkim mjerama koje se provode u vinogradu, a posebice je izražen utjecaj temperature, izloženost sunčevoj svjetlosti, opskrba vodom te defolijacija lista u zoni grozda. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih gnojidbenih tretmana, posebice folijarne primjene kalija (K) te bora (B) i ostalih mikroelemenata na sadržaj primarnih aroma u grožđu sorte \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27. Primjenjena su četiri gnojidbena tretmana: NPK; NPK + Fertdolomit; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B; NPK + Fertdolomit + Folibor B + Proteoleaf. Berba grožđa u 2012., 2013. i 2014. godini obavljena je u fazi pune zrelosti. Sadržaj primarnih aroma određen je primjenom plinske kromatografije s masenom detekcijom (GC/MS) uz prethodnu mikroekstrakciju na čvrstoj fazi (SPME). Istraživanjem je utvrđen statistički značajan utjecaj godina s nižom prosječnom temperaturom tijekom vegetacije na sadržaj primarnih aroma u moÅ”tu. Izuzetak je Ī²-damaskenon čije su vrijednosti bile značajno veće u godini s viÅ”om prosječnom temperaturom tijekom vegetacije.The primary aromas of grapes originate from the volatile compounds formed in the vine berry during ripening and thus play a key role in the formation of the grape quality. The content and development of primary aromas depend on the variety, soil, climate, agrotechnical practices in the vineyard, and are especially affected by temperature, exposure to sunlight, water supply and leaf defoliation in the cluster zone. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of different fertilization treatments, especially the foliar application of potassium (K) and boron (B) and other microelements on the content of primary aromas in grapes of the \u27Å krlet bijeli\u27 variety. Four fertilization treatments were applied: NPK; NPK + Fertdolomite; NPK + Fertdolomite + Folibor B; NPK + Fertdolomite + Folibor B + Proteoleaf. Grape harvesting in research years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was performed at the stage of full maturity. The primary aromas were analyzed by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS). In this research, it has been determined a statistically significant effect of vintage years with lower average temperature during the growing season on the content of primary aromas in the must. The exception is Ī²-damaskenone whose values were significantly higher in a vintage year with a higher average temperature during the growing season

    Transcriptomic analysis of the interaction geminivirus-tomato

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    Geminiviridae family is one of the main families of plant pathogenic viruses with large relevance as they cause great losses worldwide in commercial crops and crops destined to food production. Geminiviruses present a little single-stranded DNA genome and a capsid composed of two twin icosahedral parts. Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) belongs to the Begomovirus genus and is transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. With only 6 viral proteins, this geminivirus must create a proper environment for viral replication, transcription and propagation. Behind the apparent simplicity of geminiviruses lies a complex network of molecular interactions with their host and even their natural vector, which induces a wide variety of transcriptional, post-transcriptional and chromatinic changes in both the plant and the geminivirus. In order to study these changes and decipher the effects of the transmission vector on the infection, we carried out a global approximation of the TYLCV-tomato interaction to generate integrated single-base resolution maps by NGS (next-generation sequencing) of the transcriptome, smallRNAome and methylome of the pathogen and the host. Tomato plants (Moneymaker) were infected with TYLCV under controlled conditions of light and temperature using Agrobacterium tumefaciens or its natural vector. Apical tissue from these plants was collected at different time points (2, 7, 14 and 21 days after inoculation), and three biological replicas were generated for each treatment and time. Total RNA and DNA was extracted and analysed by RNA-Seq, smallRNA-Seq and Bisulfite-Seq. The transcriptome of the tomato-TYLCV interaction will be presented and discussed.Universidad de MƔlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucƭa Tec
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