22 research outputs found

    Stability of Damaged Passenger Vessel

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    U posljednje vrijeme povećava se potreba za putničkim brodovima, a to se posebno odnosi na brodove za kružna putovanja. Zbog toga se grade sve veći i moderniji brodovi za kružna putovanja koji prevoze sve veći broj putnika, i upravo zbog toga najviÅ”e pažnje posvećuje se sigurnosti tih brodova. U ovom radu pozornost je posvećena pravilima za stabilitet broda u oÅ”tećenom stanju i metodama za izračun istog. Metode koriÅ”tene za izračun su deterministička i vjerojatnosna. Na kraju rada prikazan je primjer najveće pomorske nesreće u novijoj povijesti.The need for passenger ships has increased recently, especially for cruise ships. Because of an increasing number of passengers there is a need for more and more modern cruise ships. For this reason most attention is paid to the safety of these ships. In this work, attention is paid to the rules for ship stability in the damaged condition and methods for calculating it. The methods used for the calculation are deterministic and probabilistic. At the end of the work is presented an example of the biggest maritime accident in recent history

    Stability of Damaged Passenger Vessel

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    U posljednje vrijeme povećava se potreba za putničkim brodovima, a to se posebno odnosi na brodove za kružna putovanja. Zbog toga se grade sve veći i moderniji brodovi za kružna putovanja koji prevoze sve veći broj putnika, i upravo zbog toga najviÅ”e pažnje posvećuje se sigurnosti tih brodova. U ovom radu pozornost je posvećena pravilima za stabilitet broda u oÅ”tećenom stanju i metodama za izračun istog. Metode koriÅ”tene za izračun su deterministička i vjerojatnosna. Na kraju rada prikazan je primjer najveće pomorske nesreće u novijoj povijesti.The need for passenger ships has increased recently, especially for cruise ships. Because of an increasing number of passengers there is a need for more and more modern cruise ships. For this reason most attention is paid to the safety of these ships. In this work, attention is paid to the rules for ship stability in the damaged condition and methods for calculating it. The methods used for the calculation are deterministic and probabilistic. At the end of the work is presented an example of the biggest maritime accident in recent history

    Estimation of Standards for Gold and Silver Sampling

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    U protetskoj se terapiji upotrebljava vrlo mnogo plemenitih slitina različita sastava. Plemeniti metali su sinonim za biokompatibilnost. Zlato je jedna od najinertnijih plementih kovina, a srebro jedna od najreaktivnijih. Cilj rada bio je razvijanje i raŔčlamba kromatografskih mrlja čistoga zlata i srebra (Aurodent, Celje, Slovenija). Kovine su uzorkovane na sobnoj temperaturi otopinom voda-HCl(conc.) (v/v 10:1) tijekom 10 s pri stalnom naponu struje od 4,5 V. Otopine kationa iz čistih kovina i 10 Āµl standardnih otopina soli nanesene su na HPTLC kromatografske ploče (Merck, Darmstadt, Njemačka) 10 x 10 cm presvučene celulozom. Ploče su razvijene u staklenoj kromatografskoj komori zasićenoj mobilnom fazom izo-amilni alkohol: HCl(conc.) : acetonitril u omjeru 5,4 : 4,3 : 0,3 do visine od približno 8 cm. Kada su razvijene suÅ”ene su u struji vrućega zraka, a kationi su vizualizirani prskanjem zasićenim etanolnim otopinama difenilkarbazida, alizarina, kvercetina te 0,1% otopinom ditizona u kloroformu. Nakon prskanja i suÅ”enja ploče su izložene parama amonijaka i učinjena je vizualizacija. Uzorkovano zlato i srebro međusobno se razlikuje bojom kromatografskih mrlja i utvrđenim Rf vrijednostima. Metodom anodnoga uzorkovanja slitina i identifikacijom kationa tankoslojnom kromatogafijom moguće je dokazati postojanje određenih kationa s udjelom mase većim od 1%, ne oÅ”tećujući pritom sam uzorak. Metoda se pokazala prikladnom za uzorkovanje kovina zlata i srebra, Å”to je nastavak dosadaÅ”nih istraživanja u identifikaciji određenih sastavnica u pojedinim slitinama ili u inkorporiranome protetskom radu.Different precious dental alloys are used in prosthodontic therapy. Precious metals are the synonym for biocompatibility. Gold is one of the most inert and silver the most active presious metals. The purpose of this study was to develop an analyze the chromatographic spots of pure gold and silver (Aurodent, Celje, Slovenia). The sampling was performed in a water-HCl(conc.) solution in a 10 : 1 volume ratio at room temperature using a 4,5 V battery. Dissoluted cations and solutions of standard elements (salts of gold and silver) were applied to HPTLC plates (Mareck, Darmstadt, Germany) 10 x 10 cm precoated with cellulose. Plates were developed in a vertical separating chamber to a height of approximately 8 cm saturated with iso-amyl (3.methyl-1-butanol) - HCl (36,5%) - acetonitrile in a volume ratio 5,4 : 4,3 : 0,3. After development, plates were dried in (a steam of) hot air and the cations were visualized by spraying with the saturated ethanolic solutions of alizarin, diphenylcarbazide, quercetin and 0,1% chlorophorm solution of dithizone. After drying, plates were exposed to NH3 vapor. According to the Rf value and the color of the spots, the difference between gold and silver were obtained. Anodic sampling with thin-layer chromatography is a suitable, nondestructive method for identification of cations presents in different dental alloys. It is possible to identify the cations with their mass ratio W > 1%. The results have shown that the described method is suitable for analysis of gold and silver and it can be used in future work to identify those cations in dental alloys of unknown composition

    Thermographic Properties of Up-conversion Emission of Y2O3:Yb, Er Nanophosphors Obtained through Hydrothermal Synthesis

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    Thermographic phosphors are oxides doped With rare-earth or transition metal ions that will emit visible, Infrared, or UV light upon excitation from an external energy source This materials have received significant attention due to the potential application as optical temperature sensor In this report, we have investigated yttrium oxide co-doped with changeable ytterbium to erbium ratio (Y1.94YbO.05Er001 and Y1 97YbO 02ErO 01) fabricated through hydrothermal synthesis Process conditions (2h, 200 'C) and additional thermal treatment (3h, 1100 'C) allows obtaining nanoparticles of appropriate composition and morphology which further affect on improved photoluminescent characteristics. The fluorescence Intensity ratio (FIR) technique is used to examine potential usage of samples as low temperature sensors. This optical method is based on ratio between two emission lines or areas In photoluminescence spectrum which show temperature dependence. Photoluminescent measurements (PL) are recorded In the temperature range from 10K to 300 K under 978 nm exciting wavelength Observing changes In following transitions blue 2H912~4115/2, green (2H1112, 4S3/2) ~ 411512 and red 4F912~4115/2 Obtained experimental results imply that the fluorescent intensity ratio of the blue, green and red lines and areas show significant temperature sensitivity and can be used as low temperature sensor

    A retrospective report on primary lung cancer surgery treatment in Zadar General Hospital in the period from year 2000 to 2005

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    Ovo je retrospektivni prikaz kirurŔkog lijecenja pacijenata koji boluju od primarnog karcinoma pluca, cija bolest ispunjava kriterije indikacije za kirurŔko lijecenje. Kriteriji za kirurŔko lijecenje odnose se na stadij bolesti (TNM klasifikacija), te na fizioloŔke parametre pacijenta (komorbiditet, spirometrijeske vrijednosti). Prikazali smo 146 pacijenata, od toga 118 muŔkaraca i 28 žena prosjecne životne dobi 53,5 godina (23-84). Pacijente smo podijelili prema stadiju bolesti i prema vrsti operacijskog zahvata kojem su bili odvrgnuti.Rezultati kirurŔkog lijecenja primarnog karcinoma pluca u naŔoj ustanovi ne odstupaju od istih navedenih u recentnoj svjetskoj literaturi. Osim toga , naŔi rezultati pokazuju veliki broj pacijenata s uznapredovalom boleŔcu kod kojih osim operacijskog lijecenja treba primijeniti i adjuvantnu kemo i radioterapiju.This is a retrospective report on the surgery treatment of patients suffering from primary lung cancer whose disease fulfills the criteria for surgical treatment. Surgery treatment criteria refer to the disease (TNM classification) and the physiological parameters of the patients comorbidity, spirometric values). We showed 146 patients, of which 118 male and 28 female of 53.5 average age (23-84). We divided the patients according to the disease stage and the type of surgery performed. The results of primary lung disease treatment in our institute adhere to the ones mentioned in recent world literature. Moreover, our results show a great number of patients with an advanced disease, where, besides surgery treatment, additional chemo and radiotherapy have to be applied

    Fist Fractures at Childā€™s Age

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    The aim of this work is to confirm or deny the hypothesis that the fist fracture medical treatment at childā€™s age in the General Hospital in Zadar does not differ much from the medical treatment method in other centers which have already published their results. The work is based on the retrospective study. The examinees are children with fist fractures in the General Hospital in Zadar from 1999 to 2003. The control group is formed by the examinees of the published studies about children fist fractures, which have been collected and statistically elaborated. The examinees of our group and the control group are classified by the same criterion: age, sex, place, sort and type of fracture as well as the method of medical treatment. The used statistical methods are the testing of frequency differences and c 2 test. Statistically essential differences between our group and the control group have been noticed. There are also differences among the control group subgroups. The difference in the method of medical treatment is statistically essential and shows that the methods are not the same as in our group and the control group. The surgical way of treatment is less represented by our results than in those of the control group. The different attitude in medical treatment is conditioned by the attitude that surgical intervention of finger bones does not always give us the expected functional result

    Low temperature sensitivity of upconversion emission in Y2O3:Yb,Tm and Y2O3:Yb,Ho powders

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    Poster presented at the Second International Conference on Optical, Electronic and Electrical Materials. 5-7 August 2012, Shanghai, Chin

    Thermographic properties of Eu3+- and Sm3+-doped Lu2O3 nanophosphor

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    Samples of Lu2O3:Eu3+ (3 at. % Eu) and Lu2O3:Sm3+ (1 at. % Sm), were prepared via the polymer complex solution method using poly(ethylene glycol) as the fuel and as nucleation agent for crystallization process. Knowing that lutetium oxide has high chemical stability and temperature resistance, in this study, the possibility for its application in high-temperature phosphor thermometry was investigated. This non-contact technique uses the thermal dependence of phosphor fluorescence to measure temperature remotely. The structural and morphological properties were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The obtained results confirmed that this synthesis yields the desired crystalline structure with particle sizes in the range from 30 to 50 nm. Photoluminescence emission measurements were recorded in the temperature range from ambient up to 873 K. The obtained results demonstrated the performance of Eu3+- and Sm3+-doped Lu2O3 as high temperature thermographic phosphors of very good sensitivity

    Ankle syndesmosis: anatomy, mechanisms of injuries, diagnosis and treatment

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    Distalni tibiofibularni zglob odgovoran je za Å”irinu i stabilnost takozvane zglobne viljuÅ”ke gležnja koju sačinjavaju distalna tibija i distalna fibula. Prema nekim autorima tijekom uganuća gležnja u 95 % slučajeva dolazi i do ozljede ligamenta distalnog tibiofibularnog zgloba. Upravo je prepoznavanje ovih ozljeda od velike važnosti, jer se pacijenti s tim ozljedama liječe dvostruko dulje od pacijenata s ozljedama ligamentarnih struktura lateralne strane gležnja, a do povratka sportskim aktivnostima protekne i do 6 mjeseci. Standardni klinički testovi i klasične rendgenske snimke nisu često dostatni za postavljanje dijagnoze, pa je pri sumnji na ozljede sindezmoze potrebno učiniti i magnetsku rezonanciju. Način liječenja akutnih izoliranih ozljeda sindezmoze ovisi o stupnju nestabilnosti gležnja. Danas joÅ” uvijek postoje nedoumice i nesuglasja u postavljanju dijagnoze i liječenja takvih ozljeda. U ovom radu pokuÅ”ali smo na sistematičan način prikazati anatomske karakteristike distalnog tibiofibularnog zgloba, ali i najnovije stavove u dijagnostici i liječenju ozljede sindezmoze.Distal tibiofibular joint is responsible for the distal crucial anatomic structure responsible for the ankle joint stability. According to some authors syndesmosis injury occurs in 95% of the lateral ankle sprain during sport activity. Syndesmotic injuries often require twice as long to return to sport as compared to isolated lateral ligament sprains and can lead to prolonged pain and disability. Clinical tests and plain radiography have limited diagnostic capacity and often MRI imaging is necessary. The treatment of the acute isolated syndesmotic injury depends on the ankle stability. Today still, there is some doubt and disagreement regarding diagnostic criteria, classification, and treatment of syndesmotic injury

    Croatian tax system and tax application

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    Hrvatski porezni sustav usklađen je s regulativama i direktivama Europske unije. On je sličan većini poreznih sustava država članica Europske unije. Porezni obveznici su fizičke, pravne ili i fizičke i pravne osobe. Porezni sustav u Republici Hrvatskoj reguliran je Ustavom Republike Hrvatske, zakonima i pravilnicima. Porezi se dijele na državne, županijske, općinske i gradske te zajedničke. Iako je hrvatski porezni sustav u velikoj mjeri usklađen s regulativama, direktivama i preporukama Europske unije, joÅ” uvijek postoje mogućnosti za njegovo poboljÅ”anje, odnosno postoje područja unutar poreznog sustava na kojima treba provesti reforme.The Croatian tax system is harmonized with the regulations and directives of the European Union. It is similar to most tax systems of EU member states. Taxpayers are natural, legal or both natural and legal persons. The tax system in the Republic of Croatia is regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, laws and ordinances. Taxes are divided into state, county, municipal and city, and common. Although the Croatian tax system is largely in line with EU regulations, directives and recommendations, there is still room for improvement, ie there are areas within the tax system where reforms need to be implemented