85 research outputs found

    Evaluacija uspeŔnosti parcijalnih tibijalnih tetivnih transpozicija u korekciji varusnog deformiteta stopala i prevenciji koŔtanih kontraktura kod pacijenata sa spastičnom formom cerebralne paralize

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is neurodevelopmental disorder characterized mainly by the motor, movement, and muscle tone abnormalities. Spastic CP if often accompanied by the foot deformities, which can be treated with orthoses, muscle tone management and surgical interventions. Aim. The aim of the thesis was to determine the results of split tibial tendon transfers in patients with spastic varus foot deformity due to CP, and to determine whether surgical outcome depended on other parameters aside from surgical technique, as well as to determine the incidence of postoperative skeletal contractures. Methods. Patients were categorized into four groups depending on the surgical intervention performed. One group was treated with split anterior tibial tendon transfer (SPLATT) procedure; second group of patients was treated with split tendon transfer of tibialis posterior muscle (SPOTT) procedure, the third group was operated with the combination of those two procedures (SPLATT+SPOTT), and the fourth group of patients was treated with the modified SPOTT intervention. Gross motor function was assessed preoperatively by the expanded and revised Gross Motor Function Classification Scale (GMFCS). Functional mobility was assessed before and after the operation using the Functional Mobility Scale (FMS). Postoperative change in FMS was categorized as positive, equal, or negative change in relation to preoperative values. Weight-bearing radiographs were used to determine postoperative valgus/varus foot deformity (<5Ā° - neutral, 5Ā° - 10Ā° - mild, and >10Ā° - severe). Postoperative outcomes were assessed using Hofferā€™s clinical criteria in procedures involving tibialis anterior, and by Klingā€™s clinical criteria for surgical procedures involving tibialis posterior. Results. In 14 patients (16 feet), SPLATT procedure was performed. Preoperative GMFCS level I was recorded in 8 cases (50%), while 5 cases (31.3%) had level II and 3 cases (18.8%) had level III. In the majority of cases (13 cases, 81.2%) there was a positive change in FMS values, while in remaining 3 cases (18.8%) postoperative FMS values remained unchanged. After median follow up of 7 years (IQR 6.24 ā€“ 11.00) excellent/good results were achieved in 14 (87.5%) cases, while poor results were obtained in two (12.5%) cases. There was no significant correlation between the surgical outcome and patientsā€™ age at the time of the surgery (Ļ=0.136, p=0.615). Postoperative fixed skeletal contracture was recorded in only one patient treated with SPLATT, where triple arthrodesis was performed. Sixty-six patients (76 feet) were treated with SPOTT procedure. The majority of patients had GMFCS level II (36 cases, 47.4%) and level III (34 cases, 44.7%). Positive postoperative change in FMS was noted in 52 (68.4%) cases, while no change was recorded in 24 (31.6%). Median follow-up was 8 years (IQR 6 ā€“ 11 years), with good/excellent results obtained in 65 (85.6%) feet, and poor postoperative outcome recorded in 11 (14.5%) feet. There was no statistically significant difference in surgical outcome compared to patientsā€™ gender (Ļ‡2=0.773, p=0.514), and no significant correlation with the patientsā€™ age at the time of the surgery (Ļ=-0.094, p=0.418)...Cerebralna paraliza (CP) je neuromiÅ”ićni poremećaj koji se primarno karakteriÅ”e poremećajem motorike i miÅ”ićnog tonusa. Spastična forma CP često uključuje poremećaje deformacije stopala koje se mogu lečiti ortozama, kontrolom miÅ”ićnog spazama i hirurÅ”kim intervencijama. Cilj. Cilj teze je bio određivanje uspeÅ”nosti parcijalnih transfera tibijalne tetive kod pacijenata sa spastičnim varusnim deformitetom stopala, i ispitivanje povezanosti ishoda sa drugim parametrima osim same hirurÅ”ke tehnike, kao i određivanje incidence postoperativnih koÅ”tanih kontraktura. Metode. Operisana stopala su klasifikovana u grupe na osnovu hirurÅ”kog metoda korekcije deformiteta. Prvu grupu činila su operisana stopala na kojima je obavljena parcijalna transpozicija prednjeg tibijalnog miÅ”ića (SPLATT). Drugu grupu činila su stopala na kojima je obavljena parcijalna transpozicija zadnjeg tibijialnog miÅ”ića (SPOTT). Treću grupu činila su stopala na kojima su obavljene obe procedure (SPLATT i SPOTT), dok su četvrtu grupu činila stopala na kojima je obavljena modifikacija SPOTT procedure. Procena preoperativnog opÅ”teg motornog statusa učinjena je na osnovu sistema klasifikacije motornih funkcija (engl. expanded and revised Gross Motor Function Classification Scale, (GMFCS)). Ambulatorni status pacijenata pre i nakon operacije procenjivan je na osnovu skale funkcionalne mobilnosti (engl. Functional Mobility Scale, FMS). Postoperativna promena vrednosti FMS je opisana kao pozitivna, nepromenjena ili negativna u odnosu na preoperativne vrednosti. Radiografije stopala u stojećem stavu su koriŔćene za utvrđivanje postojanja postoperativnog varusnog ili valgusnog deformiteta (manje od 5Ā° - bez deformiteta, od 5Ā° do 10Ā° - blagi deformitet, i preko 10Ā° - izraziti deformitet). Postoperativni ishod je procenjivan na osnovu Hoferovih kliničkih kriterijuma kod procedura vezanih za prednji tibijalni miÅ”ić, odnosno na osnovu Klingovih kliničkih kriterijuma kod procedura vezanih za zadnji tibijalni miÅ”ić. Rezultati. Kod 14 pacijenata (16 stopala) sprovedena je SPLATT procedura. Kod 8 pacijenata (50%) preoperativni GMFCS je bio nivo I, dok je kod 5 pacijenata (31,3%) bio II, a kod 3 pacijenta (18.8%) je iznosio III. U većini slučajeva (13 stopala, 81,2%) bilo je pozitivne promene u vrednosti FMS, dok su u preostala 3 slučaja (18,8%) postoperativne vrednosti FMS ostale nepromenjene. Nakon prosečnog praćenja od 7 godina (IQR 6,24 ā€“ 11,00), odlični/dobri rezultati su postignuti kod 14 (87,5%) stopala, dok su loÅ”i rezultati notirani kod dva (12,5%) stopala. Nije uočena značajna korelacija između hirurÅ”kog ishoda i uzrasta pacijenta u vreme procedure (Ļ=0,136, p=0,615). Postoperativna skeletna kontraktura zabeležena je kod jednog pacijenta nakon SPLATT procedure, koji je lečen triplom artrodezom. Kod 66 pacijenata (76 stopala) primenjena je SPOTT procedura. Većina pacijenata je imala GMFCS nivo II (36 stopala, 47,4%) i III (34 stopala, 44,7%). Pozitivna postoperativna promena u vrednosti FMS registrovana je kod 52 (68,4%) slučaja. Prosečno praćenje pacijenata iznosilo je 8 godina (IQR 6 ā€“ 11 godina) sa odličnim/dobrim ishodom kod 65 stopala (85,6%), dok je loÅ” ishod notiran kod 11 (14,5%.) slučajeva. Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u hirurÅ”kom ishodu u odnosu na pol (Ļ‡2=0,773, p=0.514) i uzrast pacijenata u vreme hirurÅ”ke intervencije (Ļ=-0,094, p=0,418)..

    Past development of Serbian enterpeneurship: the case of privately-owned banking corporations

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    Amidst XIX century, Principality of Serbia was still a country of small landowners with 73% of territory dedicated to agriculture, divided into fiefs up to 5 hectars in size. Owing to her geographic position, Serbia was simultaneously a transit area for trade caravans coming from South and Central Balkans as well as for those travelling from outhwest via N. Pazar. Therefore, trade has always played a rather important, vital role in development of the Principality of Serbia. hence, thriving and ever richer class of merchants quickly supported passing the Trade Bill for Principality of Serbia with authorisation of ā€œMiloÅ” Obrenović the First Serbian Principal along with agreement of the Council following proposal of the National Assemblyā€ 26th of January 1860 A. D. The fact that this bill had been passed three years ahead of the Austrian and full fifteen years before hungarian Trade Bill is definitely noteworthy (Niketić, 1923, pp. 147). Serbian Trade Bill strongly drew from the French Code Commerce, especially in articles regarding establishment and day to day functioning of business entities, but also from the Civil Code of the Principality of Serbia (brought about 1844) whose author was Jovan Hadžić (Đorđević, 2008, pp. 62-84). The very passing of the Trade Bill for the Proncipality of Serbia indicated gradual build-up of political atmosphere which enabled breakthrough of fresh ideas in all aspects of social life. So, for instance, backed by Ā§38 of the Trade Bill, in February 1869 Ministry of Finance issued licence for founding the first private money fund in Serbia. The First Serbian Bank was projected to start with capital of one million ducats. Nevertheless, once opened for business, on the 2nd of October 1869, it turned out that itā€™s IPO managed to amass only 120,000 ducats (1,440,000 French francs at the time) [Mitrović, 2004, pp. 33]. As it happened, legislation in the Trade Bill was insufficient for establishment of such complex business entities. Therefore, already in 1871 not only its shareholders went bankrupt, but also its creditors and the state itself - demise having been speeded up by the bankā€™s attempt to act both as a comercial bank and engage in a purely speculative investment. Bankrupcy of the First Serbian Bank was an important if stressful financial experience for the young Serbian state. The downfall of Prva Srpska bank was an important financial experience for young Serbian State. That is supported by the fact that in 1871 during incorporation of first joint-stock banks with domestic capital (Beogradski kreditni zavod, Smederevska kreditna banka i Pozarevacka banka) the State decided to enact special decrees, specifying their activities, as well as their rights and responsibilities. Given that in number of existing provisions of Serbian commercial law relating to incorporation of public companies (31-38, 41 and 44) there had been no provisions sanctioning unconscionable business dealings, it was decided that a special Decree on trading of banks dated 24 September 1871 will in its first provision state that ā€˜false creation as well as imitation of any document which the mentioned institutions would issue, will be punishable equally as false creation or imitation of public documents. During following years, until creation of Privilegovana Narodna banka 1884, apart from the mentioned three, only four additional (mainly local) banks were formed with the total founding capital of modest 3.2 million dinars. On the other hand, until the beginning of the 1880s, Serbia did not have either a private or a public financial institution for poorest classes of tradesmen and craftsmen. The only source of loan capital was loanshark capital from rich city tradesmen and high public servants. As well as Serbian peasants, small tradesmen and craftsmen used to paid yearly interest to loansharks between 24% and 50%, with lower amounts on short term carrying a yearly interest of up to 120%. The Serbian authorities on number of occasions attempted to create publicly managed funds to address the issues of lending and loansharking, mostly without success. The more serious attempt of the State to secure lending capital for public was the creation of the Funds Directorate at the Ministry of Finance, in 1862 commencing with work in 1864. Funds Directorate provided long term loans with 6% annual interest by taking a mortgage over up to 50% of estimated value of immovable property. Tradesmen and craftsmen could grant a mortgage over their houses and land, which meant that loans were available only to relatively better off tradesmen and public servants. Newspaper ā€œBelgrade Dailyā€ (ā€œBeogradski dnevnikā€) wrote in 1882: ā€œIt is known to every Belgrader that money is very scarce. however, our people, as everywhere else, often need money. What happens? Richer tradesmen and capitalists easily help themselves, as in case of need, on their land and on their signatures, they secure money with moderate interest. What happens when a poorer tradesman, craftsman or a public servant gets into the financial need? What? Letā€™s be honest and say the truth: less well-off class can only turn to loansharks, who, seeing him in the need, fleece his skin off, charging 20, 30, 40, often 50% interest. What is the consequence of that? That class becomes overindebted and goes underā€ (Aleksić, 2012, pp. 108-133)

    Anamorfne krivulje indeksa staniÅ”ta mezijske bukve (Fagus Ɨ taurica Popl.) u području Žagubica, istočna Srbija

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    Data on average age and height of dominant moesian beech trees from 109 temporary sample plots were used to establish anamorphic site index curves (SI) calculated from seven growth functions (Chapman-Richards, Korf, Korsun, Hosfeld IV, Todorović, Schumacher and Prodan). The base age for calculation of SI was 100 (SI100). The guide curve method was applied. For the evaluation of the models, statistical as well as visual examinations were considered. The results showed that all the applied models had a relatively high coefficient of determination (R2) value, indicating that the models accounted for more than 65% of the variation in the dominant height, which can be considered as large effects. Korsunā€™s function shows the best overall statistics, which makes this model the most suitable for the construction of anamorphic site index curves for the study area.The obtained results are of importance for effective decision making in forest management planning, forest policy, and ecology in Serbia. Namely, regarding the relatively large sample and well-distributed sample units per age and site classes as well as the source of data (temporary sample plots), the developed site index curves and the method of stratifying the sites according to their productivity were performed for the first time in Serbia. Future studies should be performed in order to expand the knowledge on the dominant beech height-age relationships in the studied region using another well-known procedure of site index construction ā€“ polymorphic site index curves and stem analysis data.DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja i njihovi rezultati u čistim i mjeÅ”ovitim sastojinama mezijske bukve na različitim staniÅ”tima, kao najrasprostranjenije i najvažnije vrste drveća u Srbiji, nisu dovoljna za potpuno sagledavanje i sistematizaciju staniÅ”ta i sastojina prema trenutnoj i potencijalnoj razini proizvodnosti (Vučković i Stajić 2005). Postoji viÅ”e različitih načina utvrđivanja potencijalne proizvodnosti staniÅ”ta. U tom kontekstu, visina stabala je generalno prihvaćena kao najznačajniji indikator proizvodnosti staniÅ”ta. S obzirom na to, potencijalna proizvodnost staniÅ”ta najčeŔće se utvrđuje preko staniÅ”nog indeksa (eng. site index ā€“ SI) koji se određuje kao iznos dominantne visine sastojine u određenoj starosti (Monserud 1984; Sterba and Monserud,1993; Bravo and Montero 2001; Gadow 2002; Skovskaard and Vanclay 2008; Pretzsch 2009; Zlatanov et al. 2012; Bontemps and Bouriaud 2014; Kitikidou et al. 2015).Usprkos velikom značenju evaluacije proizvodnog potencijala staniÅ”ta za gospodarenje Å”umama, istraživanja proizvodnosti staniÅ”ta u vidu staniÅ”nih indeksa nisu intenzivno provođena u Srbiji, ali i u cijeloj regiji zemalja s prostora bivÅ”e države Jugoslavije (s izuzetkom Slovenije). U Å”umarstvu Srbije klasifikacija staniÅ”ta prema proizvodnosti provodi se pomoću tzv. bonitetnih visinskih grafikona, koji predstavljaju izjednačenu ovisnost visine o prsnom promjeru i bonitetu staniÅ”ta u obliku visinskih krivulja. Broj izjednačenih linija visina u ovisnosti o prsnom promjeru predstavlja broj bonitetnih razreda, ujedno i broj nizova obujma u tarifama, koji se određuju prema potrebi (Banković and Pantić 2006). U cilju poboljÅ”anja postojećeg sustava klasifikacije staniÅ”ta prema proizvodnosti, njegove usklađenosti s dominantnim načinom klasifikacije staniÅ”ta po proizvodnosti i kreiranja mogućnosti za usporedbu dobivenih rezultata s rezultatima ocjene proizvodnog potencijala staniÅ”ta bukve u Europi, neophodno je definirati krivulje staniÅ”nih indeksa (eng. site index curves) za ovu vrstu drveća. Stoga, cilj istraživanja je (1) modeliranje odnosa visine i starosti dominantnih stabala bukve i (2) konstrukcija anamorfnih krivulja staniÅ”nih indeksa za bukvu na području Žagubice u istočnoj Srbiji.Istraživanje je provedeno u bukovim jednodobnim sastojinama u području Žagubice (oko 15 000 ha ukupne povrÅ”ine pod Å”umom). Nadmorska visina je od 650 do 1250 m. Prosječna godiÅ”nja temperatura i količina oborina iznose 9,8Ā Ā°C i 682 mm. Za utvrđivanje staniÅ”nih indeksa koriÅ”teni su podaci o starosti i visinama dominantnih stabala sa 109 subjektivno odabranih privremenih kružnih pokusnih ploha (u cilju pokrivanja cjelokupnog raspona staniÅ”nih uvjeta i dobnih razreda), veličine 500 m2. Na svakoj plohi je utvrđena prosječna starost i srednja visina 10% najdebljih stabala. Izmjereni podaci o visinama u različitim starostima upotrijebljeni su za dobivanje prosječne krivulje rasta u visinu (metoda vodeće krivulje, eng. guide-curve method). Prosječna krivulja visinskog rasta je modelirana pomoću 7 različitih funkcija rasta (Tablica 2). Temeljna starost za izračun SI iznosi 100 godina (SI100). Kriteriji za odabir najboljeg modela bili su sljedeći: koeficijent determinacije, suma kvadrata relativnih odstupanja i relativna prosječna kvadratna greÅ”ka (%). Odgovarajućim procedurama dobivene su tzv. anamorfne krivulje staniÅ”nih indeksa.Prvi dobiveni rezultati provedene analize pokazuju da primijenjeni modeli imaju relativno visoke koeficijente determinacije, ukazujući na to da objaÅ”njavaju viÅ”e od 65% varijacije u dominantnim visinama, Å”to se prema kriterijima Cohena (1986) može smatrati kao veliki učinak. Između ostalih, modeli Korsuna i Schumachera pokazuju najbolje ukupne statističke značajke. Ipak, Korsunov model je preliminarno izabran za kalkulacije staniÅ”nih indeksa zbog neÅ”to boljih statističkih indikatora. U cilju dodatne ocjene primjenjivosti Korsunove funkcije i ostalih modela, konstruirane su i grafički predstavljene prosječne krivulje visinskog rasta (Slika 1). Korsunova se funkcija pokazala kao najbolja s obzirom na promatrane statističke indikatore i po praćenju tijekova rasta, pa je definitivno izabrana kao model za konstrukciju seta anamorfnih krivulja staniÅ”nih indeksa (Slika 2).Ovaj rad ima veliko značenje za Å”umarski sektor u Srbiji i bukvu kao dominantnu vrstu. U izvjesnom smislu, imajući u vidu veliki uzorak s dobro distribuiranim jedinicama unutar različitih starosti i staniÅ”nih razreda, ovo istraživanje je prvo obimno istraživanje proizvodnosti bukovih staniÅ”ta. Uz to, primijenjena metoda stratifikacije staniÅ”ta prema proizvodnosti je po prvi puta provedena na bazi staniÅ”nih indeksa dobivenih s privremenih pokusnih ploha. Dobivena saznanja imaju praktičnu primjenjivost u okviru gospodarenja Å”umama, kao temelj za donoÅ”enje odluka na polju planiranja, Å”umarske politike i ekologije. Naravno, potrebno je provoditi daljnja istraživanja u cilju proÅ”irivanja baze podataka i saznanja o odnosu između dominantnih visina i starosti u bukovim sastojinama u proučavanom području, kao i pristupiti konstrukciji polimofrnih krivulja staniÅ”nih indeksa. Na taj način polimorfne krivulje staniÅ”nih indeksa bile bi takođe vrlo korisne i u određivanju odgovarajućih uzgojnih tretmana, općoj klasifikaciji staniÅ”ta s obzirom na njihovu kvalitetu i za implementaciju načela potrajnog gospodarenja Å”umama


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the 12 weeks experimental exercise program on the balance of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities. Participants were 15 adolescents aged 15-20 years (18.18Ā±1.54 years) with mild disturbances in intellectual functioning attending a special school ā€žOctober 14th" in Nis. The program consisted of games with the balls and polygons on the basketball court. The balance ability was tested by nine tasks of the BOT-2 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency). The results indicate that the applied exercise program contributed to the statistically significant increase in total score of balance (p = .002), walking foreward heel-toe on the line (p = .045), standing on one leg on a line with eyes closed (p = .027) and standing on one leg on balance beam with eyes closed (p = .006). The applied exercise program had a positive influence on the balance of young people with mild intellectual disabilities. Additionally, the results can provide useful information in optimizing the training loads of students with mild intellectual disabilities throughout Physical Education classes

    MikrobioloŔka kontaminacija prostirke tokom tova brojlera

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    The results of the research into the microbiological contamination of litter used by broiler chickens are presented. Litter samples were taken prior to the introduction of chicks (day 0) and in 7-day intervals until the end of the fattening period. The total numbers of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, yeasts, moulds and Clostridium perfringens spores, and the presence of bacteria of the Salmonella genus were determined. The total microbial count in newly laid litter was 7 log10 CFU/g, which increased to 9 log10 CFU/g by the 4th week. However, at the end of the 5th week, it was at the same level as in newly laid litter. C. perfringens spores, presumably originating from chicks' faeces, were first detected on day 7. In the next 7 days their number increased, reaching 3-4 log10 CFU/g, and remained at approximately same levels until the end of the research. The initial mould contamination was 5-6 log10 CFU/g. However, from day 21 moulds were not isolated, but only yeasts of the Saccharomyces genus. It is supposed that these were deposited with chicks' faeces, due to their presence in complete broiler feed. No bacteria of the Salmonella genus were ever isolated from the litter. In conclusion, the total numbers of microorganisms in deep litter reach their peak in approximately a month, which is followed by their decrease. Deep litter is a favourable environment for probiotic yeast cultures. Added to feed intended for broilers, they can positively influence the microbial composition of litter, providing healthier environment to fattening broilers.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mikrobioloÅ”ke kontaminacije prostirke koriŔćene u tovu pilića. Prostirka je uzorkovana pre naseljavanja objekata i u nedeljnim intervalima tokom 35 dana tova pilića. Uzorci su ispitani na ukupan broj aerobnih mezofilnih mikroorganizama, kvasaca, plesni i spora Clostridium perfringens, kao i prisustvo bakterija roda Salmonella. Ukupan broj mikroorganizama u svežoj prostirci iznosio je 7 log10 CFU/g, a do 4 nedelje tova pilića povećao se do 9 log10 CFU/g. Međutim, na kraju pete nedelje tova, ukupan broj mikroorganizama u prostirci bio je na nivou vrednosti ustanovljenih u svežoj prostirci. Spore C. perfringens su ustanovljene tek sedmog dana od naseljavanja objekta, Å”to ukazuje da u prostirku dospevaju fecesom pilića. Za 14 dana broj spora C. perfringens se povećao do 3-4 log10 CFU/g i na približno istim vrednostima zadržao do kraja ispitivanja. Sveža prostirka bila je kontaminirana plesnima u nivou od 5-6 log10 CFU/g, ali od 21. dana iz uzoraka prostirke nisu izolovane plesni, već samo kvasci roda Saccharomyces. Pretpostavka je da su kvasci u prostirku dospeli fecesom pilića, jer se koriste kao probiotske kulture u smeÅ”ama za njihov tov. Bakterije roda Salmonella nisu izolovane iz prostirke. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da ukupan broj mikroorganizama u prostirci dostiže svoj pik za oko mesec dana, nakon čega se smanjuje. Prostirka je pogodna sredina za život probiotskih kultura kvasaca i njihovo dodavanje u smeÅ”e za tov brojlera može imati povoljan uticaj na sastav mikroorganizama u prostirci, a time i obezbeđenje zdravije životne sredine u podnom sistemu uzgoja brojlera

    Conceptual framework of remote working in Serbia: Towards gender differences

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    With the outbreak of the pandemic caused by the virus COVID-19, companies all around the world were affected and faced a new reality. In such circumstances, remote working was a necessary organizational response to the forthcoming crisis, to provide business continuity and protect their employees. For many companies, remote working is a completely new experience without any preparation period. The subject of the research is to reveal the perception and correlation between different variables, which are crucial for successful remote working implementation, within two groups of remote workers, male and female. This research highlights the differences and provides guidelines for successful remote working implementation for different genders. An original empirical research was conducted on a sample of companies that are doing business activities in Serbia and were deployed remote working for their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic to analyze the differences between male and female respondents toward five defined variables important for remote working: social support (SP), autonomy (A), monitoring (M), job performance (JP) and work engagement (WE) during remote working. The relationships between the indicated variables were tested by correlation analysis of 121 collected surveys

    The Influence of Carcass Microlocation on the Speed of Postmortem Changes and Carcass Decomposition

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    Determining the post-mortem interval (PMI) is often a very demanding and delicate job which requires a good knowledge of postmortem changes. In this study, 20 domestic pig carcasses (Sus scrofa) whose death occurred within 8 h before the start of the study were simultaneously laid at the same geographical location, but in different environments (on the ground surface - S; buried in the ground - G; placed in a crate and buried in the ground - C; submerged in water - W; and hanging in the air - A). One carcass from each group was sampled on days 14, 28, 120 and 190 from the beginning of the experiment, and on that occasion, a detailed analysis of postmortem changes and an autopsy was carried out. The difference in the rate of decomposition among groups was statistically significant. The fastest decomposition occurred in carcasses placed in a crate and buried, because during the winter period the temperature in the air was below 0 degrees C. At that time, the decomposition process and the insect activity were slowed or stopped on carcasses in groups S, A, W, and G to some extent, while the ground and wooden crate were good thermal insulators for group C carcasses arid provided better conditions for insect activity

    Procena efikasnosti fotodinamske terapije u terapiji periimplantitisa posle tri meseca - randomizirana kontrolisana klinička studija

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    Introduction Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory lesion of peri-implant tissues. Eradication of the causative bacteria and decontamination of the implant surface is essential in achieving predictable and stabile clinical results. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is non-invasive adjuvant therapeutic method to surgery in the treatment of bacterial infection. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate early clinical and microbiological outcomes of periimplantitis after surgical therapy with adjuvant PDT. Methods Fifty-two diagnosed peri-implantitis sites were divided into two groups. PDT was used for decontamination of implant surface in the study group; in the control group, chlorhexidine gel (CHX) followed by saline irrigation was applied. Several clinical parameters were recorded before the treatment (baseline values) and three months after surgical treatment. Samples for microbiological identification were collected before therapy, during the surgical therapy (before and after decontamination of implant surface), and three months thereafter, and analyzed with identification systems using biochemical analysis. Results The use of PDT resulted in significant decrease of bleeding on probing in comparison to CHX (p lt 0.001). It showed significant decontamination of implant surfaces with complete elimination of anaerobic bacteria immediately after surgical procedure and three months later. Conclusion The results indicate that PDT can be used as an adjuvant therapy to surgery for decontamination of implant surface and surrounding peri-implant tissues within the treatment of peri-implantitis.Uvod Periimplantitis je inflamatorni proces koji zahvata meka tkiva i potpornu kost oko oseointegrisanog implantata. Eliminacija patogenih mikroorganizama i dekontaminacija implantne povrÅ”ine predstavlju najbitniji korak u postizanju stabilnih kliničkih rezultata. Fotodinamska terapija (FDT) predstavlja dodatni neinvazivni metod u terapiji bakterijskih infekcija. Cilj rada Cilj rada bila je procena kliničkih i mikrobioloÅ”kih parametara nakon hirurÅ”ke terapije periimplantitisa uz dodatnu primenu FDT. Metode rada Sva dijagnostikovana mesta periimplantitisa (n = 52) bila su podeljena u dve grupe: u studijskoj grupi, za dekontaminaciju implantne povrÅ”ine tokom hirurÅ”ke procedure koriŔćena je FDT; u kontrolnoj grupi, za dekontaminaciju implantne povrÅ”ine koriŔćen je hlorheksidin u gelu (CHX). Klinički parametri praćeni su pre terapijske procedure i tri meseca posle terapije. Uzorci za mikrobioloÅ”ku analizu uzimani su pre i tri meseca posle terapije, kao i tokom hirurÅ”ke procedure, pre i posle dekontaminacije implantne povrÅ”ine. Za identifikaciju izolovanih anaeroba koriŔćen je sistem koji radi po principu biohemijske analize izolovanih mikrobioloÅ”kih sojeva. Rezultati studije su pokazali da primenom FDT dolazi do znatne redukcije krvarenja na provokaciju u poređenju sa primenom CHX (p lt 0,001). Primena FDT, kao pomoćnog terapijskog sredstva, omogućava potpunu eliminaciju anaerobnih bakterija sa implantne povrÅ”ine. Zaključak Rezultati pokazuju da FDT može da se koristi kao pomoćno terapijsko sredstvo za dekontaminaciju implantne povrÅ”ine i periimplantnog tkiva u okviru terapije periimplantitisa

    Efikasnost kumafosa protiv varoe i njegov uticaj na oksidativni stres i preživljavanje medonosne pčele

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    Apart from the efficiency of coumaphos against Varroa mites, its impact on the oxidative status and survival of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) was assessed. The research was conducted on hives from the same apiary, equalised regarding the number of bees, brood area and food storage. Based on Varroa infestation the hives were allotted to two groups: Non-infested (N) and infested (I). Both groups were either treated (T)-NT and IT, or untreated (U)-NU and IU. The treatment of infested bees was controlled with a follow-up treatment with amitraz. The efficiency of coumaphos was 96-97%. This organophosphate had a negligible effect on bee survival, but it significantly affected their oxidative status: Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities, and the concentrations of malonyl dialdehyde (MDA). Coumaphos significantly (pƋ 0.0001) decreased SOD activity in non-infested bees, but increased it in those infested. By contrast, both CAT and GST activities, as well as MDA concentrations significantly increased (from pƋ 0.05 to pƋ 0.0001) after treatment in all groups, with the exception of IT, where it declined. Coumaphos in non-infested hives caused oxidative stress per se, not unlike varroa in infested colonies. However, in infested colonies it decreased oxidative stress, owing to its efficacy against Varroa mites and contributed to the recovery of bee colonies. In spite of its certain downsides, coumaphos remains an effective anti-varroa substance, but should be used with precaution, not to add to the effects of environmental factors which may cause red-ox misbalance.Procenjivana je efikasnost kumafosa protiv varoe, kao i njegov uticaj na oksidativni status i preživljavanje medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera). Ispitivanje je obavljeno na koÅ”nicama iz istog pčelinjaka, ujednačenim po broju pčela, povrÅ”ini legla i količini uskladiÅ”tene hrane. Na osnovu infestacije varoom, koÅ”nice su podeljene u dve grupe: neinfestirane (N) i infestirane (I). Obe grupe su bile ili tretirane (T) ā€“ NT i IT, ili netretirane (U) ā€“ NU i IU. Tretman infestiranih druÅ”tava je kontrolisan naknadnom primenom amitraza. Efikasnost kumafosa iznosila je 96-97%. Ovaj organofosfat imao Zikic et al.: Anti-varroa efficiency of coumaphos and its influence on oxidative stress and survival of honey bees 373 je zanemarljiv efekat na preživljavanje pčela, ali je značajno uticao na njihov oksidativni status: aktivnosti superoksid-dismutaze (SOD), katalaze (CAT) i glutation Stransferaze (GST), i koncentracije malonil-dialdehida (MDA). Kumafos je značajno (pĖ‚0,0001) smanjio aktivnost SOD kod neinfestiranih pčela, ali ju je povećao kod infestiranih. Za razliku od toga, aktivnosti CAT i GST, kao i koncentracije MDA značajno su se povećale (od pĖ‚0,05 do pĖ‚0,0001) posle tretmana u svim grupama, sa izuzetkom IT, u kojoj su opale. Kumafos je sam po sebi u neinfestiranim druÅ”tvima prouzrokovao oksidativni stres kod pčela, slično kao Varroa u infestiranim. Međutim, u infestiranim koÅ”nicama on je smanjio oksidativni stress zahvaljujući efikasnosti protiv varoe, čime je doprineo oporavku druÅ”tava. Uprkos određenim nedostacima, kumafos ostaje efikasna supstanca u borbi protiv varoe, ali ga treba koristiti sa oprezom, da bi se izbeglo dodatno opterećenje pčela prouzrokovano faktorima sredine koji mogu da izazovu red-oks neravnotežu

    The impact of corporate social responsibility on the financial performance in the Republic of Serbia

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    Under conditions of globalization and increasing market integration, competitiveness is a prerequisite for survival in the global market. The goal is not only to achieve a competitive advantage but to make it sustainable. The most stable and long-term source is reflected in business innovation. Innovative activities encourage companies' development and influence the preservation of market position as well as the company's profitability. The effects of applying the CSR concept can positively influence a company's financial performance. The authors of this paper investigate whether there is a connection between the concept of corporate social responsibility and financial performance in the Republic of Serbia. The paper presents the results of research conducted in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The research covers 165 large companies during the period November 2019 - August 2021. The data were processed using the Smart PLS program. The research results show that the application of the CSR concept has a positive effect on the financial performance of large companies in the Republic of Serbia
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