284 research outputs found

    Knowledge, Skills, and Support Needed by Teaching Personnel for Managing Challenging Situations with Pupils

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    It is not uncommon for teachers to face challenging behavioral issues in their classrooms, including disruptive, aggressive, or insulting behavior toward peers or adults. In this paper, we describe what knowledge, skills, and support is needed among teaching personnel to manage challenging situations with pupils. This study was carried out in one comprehensive school in Southwest Finland. Two focus group interviews were conducted with teaching personnel (schoolteachers and classroom assistants, N = 16). The participants also wrote short texts about challenging situations they had experienced. The qualitative data were analyzed with inductive content analysis. According to the results, the teaching personnel needed better knowledge about the factors affecting pupils' behavior and about good practices to apply with pupils in challenging situations. Moreover, the personnel lacked the skills needed to anticipate and recognize pupils' moods and signs of mental distress, and expressed the desire for support from mental health professionals. Teachers with adequate knowledge about the factors linked to behavioral issues are more capable of promoting environments conducive to positive interactions with their pupils, thereby limiting challenging situations. When developing education and support for teaching personnel, collaboration between education and mental health professionals is essential

    Biogeophysical impacts of peatland forestation on regional climate changes in Finland

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    Land cover changes can impact the climate by influencing the surface energy and water balance. Naturally treeless or sparsely treed peatlands were extensively drained to stimulate forest growth in Finland over the second half of 20th century. The aim of this study is to investigate the biogeophysical effects of peatland forestation on regional climate in Finland. Two sets of 18-year climate simulations were done with the regional climate model REMO by using land cover data based on pre-drainage (1920s) and post-drainage (2000s) Finnish national forest inventories. In the most intensive peatland forestation area, located in the middle west of Finland, the results show a warming in April of up to 0.43 K in monthly-averaged daily mean 2 m air temperature, whereas a slight cooling from May to October of less than 0.1 K in general is found. Consequently, snow clearance days over that area are advanced up to 5 days in the mean of 15 years. No clear signal is found for precipitation. Through analysing the simulated temperature and energy balance terms, as well as snow depth over five selected subregions, a positive feedback induced by peatland forestation is found between decreased surface albedo and increased surface air temperature in the snow-melting period. Our modelled results show good qualitative agreements with the observational data. In general, decreased surface albedo in the snow-melting period and increased evapotranspiration in the growing period are the most important biogeophysical aspects induced by peatland forestation that cause changes in climate. The results from this study can be further integrally analysed with biogeochemical effects of peatland forestation to provide background information for adapting future forest management to mitigate climate warming effects. Moreover, they provide insights about the impacts of projected forestation of tundra at high latitudes due to climate change

    Titaanin sovellutuksista hammastekniikassa. Osa III: Titaani metallo-keramiassa.

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    9286 Stars: An Agglomeration of Stellar Polarization Catalogs

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    This is a revision. The revisions are minor. The new version of the catalog should be used in preference to the old. The most serious error in the older version was that θdiff\theta_diff was incorrect, being sometimes far too large, for Reiz and Franco entries; the correct values are all zero for that reference. We present an agglomeration of stellar polarization catalogs with results for 9286 stars. We have endeavored to eliminate errors, provide accurate (arcsecond) positions, sensibly weight multiple observations of the same star, and provide reasonable distances. This catalog is included as an ASCII file (catalog.txt) in the source of this submission.Comment: The most serious error in the older version was that θdiff\theta_diff was incorrect, being sometimes far too large, for Reiz and Franco entries; the correct values are all zero for that reference. 11 pages, no figures. Accepted for Astronomical Journal. Catalog also available as an ASCII file by anonymous FTP from ftp://vermi.berkeley.edu/pub/polcat/p14.ou

    Effect of chemical degradation on fluxes of reactive compounds – a study with a stochastic Lagrangian transport model

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    In the analyses of VOC fluxes measured above plant canopies, one usually assumes the flux above canopy to equal the exchange at the surface. Thus one assumes the chemical degradation to be much slower than the turbulent transport. We used a stochastic Lagrangian transport model in which the chemical degradation was described as first order decay in order to study the effect of the chemical degradation on above canopy fluxes of chemically reactive species. With the model we explored the sensitivity of the ratio of the above canopy flux to the surface emission on several parameters such as chemical lifetime of the compound, friction velocity, stability, and canopy density. Our results show that friction velocity and chemical lifetime affected the loss during transport the most. The canopy density had a significant effect if the chemically reactive compound was emitted from the forest floor. We used the results of the simulations together with oxidant data measured during HUMPPA-COPEC-2010 campaign at a Scots pine site to estimate the effect of the chemistry on fluxes of three typical biogenic VOCs, isoprene, α-pinene, and β-caryophyllene. Of these, the chemical degradation had a major effect on the fluxes of the most reactive species β-caryophyllene, while the fluxes of α-pinene were affected during nighttime. For these two compounds representing the mono- and sesquiterpenes groups, the effect of chemical degradation had also a significant diurnal cycle with the highest chemical loss at night. The different day and night time loss terms need to be accounted for, when measured fluxes of reactive compounds are used to reveal relations between primary emission and environmental parameters

    Eläinavusteinen terapia : Katsaus tutkimuskirjallisuuteen ja toimintaan Suomessa

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    Eläinavusteiset menetelmät ovat ihmisen terveyttä, hyvinvointia ja elämänlaatua edistävää toimintaa, jossa eläimellä on avustava tehtävä. Eläinavusteisessa terapiassa eläin toimii osana tavanomaista terapiaa, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa ihmisen fyysistä, kognitiivista ja sosiaalista toimintakykyä sekä tunnetaitoja. Tässä katsauksessa tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa eläinavusteisten menetelmien käytöstä Suomessa sekä tarjota kootusti tutkimustietoa eläinavusteisten menetelmien toimivuudesta osana erilaisia terapioita ja kuntoutusprosesseja. Katsauksessa tarkastellaan eläinavusteisen terapian toimivuutta ja hyötyä ja tarpeenmukaisuutta osana kuntoutusprosessia etenkin psykoterapian, puheterapian, fysioterapian ja toimintaterapian näkökulmista. Katsauksen menetelmänä on kartoittava kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkimuskirjallisuutta käydään läpi vuosilta 2010–2017 ja kotimaista toimintaa kartoitetaan ammattilaisten ja kuntoutujien haastatteluiden sekä taustoittavien keskustelujen avulla. Lisäksi katsauksen yhteydessä toteutettiin Kelan verkkosivuilla kysely eläinavusteisten menetelmien käytöstä. Katsauksessa esitellään eläinavusteisen terapian hyötyjä ja haittoja sekä tutkimusnäytön että ammattilaisten ja kuntoutujien kokemusten perusteella. Lisäksi esitellään eläinavusteisista menetelmistä hyötyviä kuntoutuksen kohderyhmiä ja kuvaillaan eläimen kanssa työskentelyn toteutustapoja osana erilaisia kuntoutusprosesseja. Katsauksessa käsitellään myös työskentelyyn osallistuvan eläimen edellytyksiä toimia osana terapiaa ja terapeutilta itseltään vaadittavaa täydennyskoulutusta

    P38 Mediates Tumor Suppression through Reduced Autophagy and Actin Cytoskeleton Changes in NRAS-Mutant Melanoma

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    Hotspot mutations in the NRAS gene are causative genetic events associated with the development of melanoma. Currently, there are no FDA-approved drugs directly targeting NRAS mutations. Previously, we showed that p38 acts as a tumor suppressor in vitro and in vivo with respect to NRAS-mutant melanoma. We observed that because of p38 activation through treatment with the protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin leads to a transient upregulation of several targets of the cAMP pathway, representing a stressed cancer cell state that is often observed by therapeutic doses of MAPK inhibitors in melanoma patients. Meanwhile, genetically induced p38 or its stable transduction leads to a distinct cellular transcriptional state. Contrary to previous work showing an association of invasiveness with high p38 levels in BRAF-mutated melanoma, there was no correlation of p38 expression with NRAS-mutant melanoma invasion, highlighting the difference in BRAF and NRAS-driven melanomas. Although the role of p38 has been reported to be that of both tumor suppressor and oncogene, we show here that p38 specifically plays the role of a tumor suppressor in NRAS-mutant melanoma. Both the transient and stable activation of p38 elicits phosphorylation of mTOR, reported to be a master switch in regulating autophagy. Indeed, we observed a correlation between elevated levels of phosphorylated mTOR and a reduction in LC3 conversion (LCII/LCI), indicative of suppressed autophagy. Furthermore, a reduction in actin intensity in p38–high cells strongly suggests a role of mTOR in regulating actin and a remodeling in the NRAS-mutant melanoma cells. Therefore, p38 plays a tumor suppressive role in NRAS-mutant melanomas at least partially through the mechanism of mTOR upregulation, suppressed autophagy, and reduced actin polymerization. One or more combinations of MEK inhibitors with either anisomycin, rapamycin, chloroquine/bafilomycin, and cytochalasin modulate p38 activation, mTOR phosphorylation, autophagy, and actin polymerization, respectively, and they may provide an alternate route to targeting NRAS-mutant melanoma

    Early-life formula feeding is associated with infant gut microbiota alterations and an increased antibiotic resistance load

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    Background Infants are at a high risk of acquiring fatal infections, and their treatment relies on functioning antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are present in high numbers in antibiotic-naive infants' gut microbiomes, and infant mortality caused by resistant infections is high. The role of antibiotics in shaping the infant resistome has been studied, but there is limited knowledge on other factors that affect the antibiotic resistance burden of the infant gut. Objectives Our objectives were to determine the impact of early exposure to formula on the ARG load in neonates and infants born either preterm or full term. Our hypotheses were that diet causes a selective pressure that influences the microbial community of the infant gut, and formula exposure would increase the abundance of taxa that carry ARGs. Methods Cross-sectionally sampled gut metagenomes of 46 neonates were used to build a generalized linear model to determine the impact of diet on ARG loads in neonates. The model was cross-validated using neonate metagenomes gathered from public databases using our custom statistical pipeline for cross-validation. Results Formula-fed neonates had higher relative abundances of opportunistic pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Clostridioides difficile. The relative abundance of ARGs carried by gut bacteria was 69% higher in the formula-receiving group (fold change, 1.69; 95% CI: 1.12-2.55; P = 0.013; n = 180) compared to exclusively human milk-fed infants. The formula-fed infants also had significantly less typical infant bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria, that have potential health benefits. Conclusions The novel finding that formula exposure is correlated with a higher neonatal ARG burden lays the foundation that clinicians should consider feeding mode in addition to antibiotic use during the first months of life to minimize the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant gut bacteria in infants.Peer reviewe