183 research outputs found

    Contribution to the definition of a partial overlapping plastic strain rates domain for moderate loadings - application to tensile testing on metallic materials

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    Generally, tensile testing on Hopkinson bars requires some particular considerations. Most of the specific devices, designed to hold tensile sheet specimens on the bars, involve the degradation of the pulses in particular case of no-direct tensile loadings. A tensile testing configuration for sheet specimens is proposed on the basis of classical split Hopkinson pressure bars (SHPB). Specimens holding is obtained with an epoxy adhesive and provides good measurements on sheet specimens. A comparison is made for the same two metallic materials results extracted from literature and dynamic tensile tests performed with a high speed hydraulic machine and another split Hopkinson bars (SHPB) facility using hat-specimens. A partial overlapping domain in terms of plastic strain is shown at moderate strain rates from 200 to 400 s−1

    Modélisation multi-échelle du comportement élasto-plastique de l'os trabéculaire sous sollicitations dynamiques

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    National audienceSee http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/59/28/08/ANNEX/r_N8CH0PLY.pd

    A computational approach to design new tests for viscoplasticity characterization at high strain-rates

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    International audienceRate-dependent behaviour characterization of metals at high strain rate remains challenging mainly because of the strong hypotheses when tests are processed with statically determinate approaches. As a non-standard methodology, Image-Based Inertial Impact (IBII) test has been proposed to take advantage of the dynamic Virtual Fields Method (VFM) which enables the identification of constitutive parameters with strain and acceleration fields. However, most of the test parameters (e.g. projectile velocity, specimen geometry) are not constrained. Therefore, an FE-based approach is addressed to optimize the identification over a wide range of strain and strain-rate, according to two design criteria: (1)-the characterized viscoplastic spectra (2)-the identifiability of the parameters. Whereas the first criterion is assessed by processing the FEA simulations, the second is rated extracting material parameters using synthetic images to input the VFM. Finally, uncertainties regarding the identification of material constants are quantified for each IBII test configuration and different camera performances

    Développement d'un élément de plaque perforée pour le calcul des structures aéronautiques au crash et à l'impact

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    L'étude du crash d'un avion complet nécessite une discrétisation EF adaptée au problème « structure ». Ainsi, pour modéliser la ruine éventuelle de la structure, il faut se focaliser sur la modélisation des assemblages rivetés, sites privilégiés d'amorçage et de propagation de la rupture. Or, une modélisation EF fine des perforations est incompatible avec la taille de la maille EF du modèle de l'avion complet. Il s'avère donc nécessaire de rechercher des méthodes EF alternatives (éléments équivalents) adaptées à la problématique de modélisation de l'avion complet et permettant de simuler le comportement réaliste de l'assemblage riveté (concentrations de déformations). La MEF Hybrid-Trefftz permet la formulation d'EF de plaque perforée. Les éléments finis de la littérature sont toutefois limités aux problèmes d'élasticité. Notre objectif est donc d'étendre ces éléments, formulés pour le domaine élastique, aux problèmes non-linéaires et à la dynamique rapide

    The openneuro resource for sharing of neuroscience data

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    The sharing of research data is essential to ensure reproducibility and maximize the impact of public investments in scientific research. Here, we describe OpenNeuro, a BRAIN Initiative data archive that provides the ability to openly share data from a broad range of brain imaging data types following the FAIR principles for data sharing. We highlight the importance of the Brain Imaging Data Structure standard for enabling effective curation, sharing, and reuse of data. The archive presently shares more than 600 datasets including data from more than 20,000 participants, comprising multiple species and measurement modalities and a broad range of phenotypes. The impact of the shared data is evident in a growing number of published reuses, currently totalling more than 150 publications. We conclude by describing plans for future development and integration with other ongoing open science efforts

    Prototype Testing for a Copper Rotatable Collimator for the LHC Collimation Upgrade

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    The Phase II upgrade to the LHC collimation system calls for complementing the robust Phase I graphite collimators with high Z Phase II collimators. The design for the collimation upgrade has not been finalized. One option is to use metallic rotatable collimators and testing of this design will be discussed here. The Phase II collimators must be robust in various operating conditions and accident scenarios. A prototype collimator jaw referred to as RC0 has been tested for both mechanical and thermal compliance with the design goals. Thermal expansion bench-top tests are compared to ANSYS simulation results. The prototype has also been tested in vacuum bake-out to confirm compliance with the LHC vacuum spec. CMM equipment has been used to verify the flatness of the jaw surface after heat tests and bake-out

    Microscopy-BIDS: An Extension to the Brain Imaging Data Structure for Microscopy Data

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a specification for organizing, sharing, and archiving neuroimaging data and metadata in a reusable way. First developed for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets, the community-led specification evolved rapidly to include other modalities such as magnetoencephalography, positron emission tomography, and quantitative MRI (qMRI). In this work, we present an extension to BIDS for microscopy imaging data, along with example datasets. Microscopy-BIDS supports common imaging methods, including 2D/3D, ex/in vivo, micro-CT, and optical and electron microscopy. Microscopy-BIDS also includes comprehensible metadata definitions for hardware, image acquisition, and sample properties. This extension will facilitate future harmonization efforts in the context of multi-modal, multi-scale imaging such as the characterization of tissue microstructure with qMRI

    Dark sectors 2016 Workshop: community report

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    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years