144 research outputs found

    Filmer les réunions de travail en pratique : réflexions sur l’enregistrement vidéo de phénomènes interactionnels complexes

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    Notre travail ici s’intéresse aux problèmes pratiques des chercheurs liés au dispositif d’enregistrement et leur résolution, ainsi qu’à leurs retombées méthodologiques et épistémologiques. Sur la base d’extraits issus d’enregistrements vidéo de rencontres professionnelles multiparticipantes comportant plusieurs caméras et impliquant la présence de plusieurs chercheurs, nous problématisons l’installation et la manipulation des dispositifs d’enregistrement en tant que pratiques sociales, à travers une analyse fine des séquences d’enregistrement, allant de pair avec une analyse de l’interaction en cours. Cette perspective permet de considérer le double aspect réflexif des pratiques de recherche en tant qu’objet d’analyse. D’une part, il est question du caractère émergent de ces pratiques qui s’entrelacent continuellement avec les changements dynamiques des interactions en cours, et d’autre part du « retour sur la pratique » possible.Our work here focuses on practical issues researchers face in connection with recording devices, as well as on their methodological and epistemological implications. Based on extracts from video recordings from multiparticipant professional meetings involving multiple cameras and the presence of several researchers, we problematise the installation and the handling of recording devices as social practices, through a detailed analysis of recorded sequences, coupled with an analysis of the interactions that take place in the course of the meetings. This perspective allows us to consider the double reflexive aspect of research practices as an object of analysis. On the one hand, we analyse the emerging character of these practices that continually intertwine with the dynamic changes of ongoing interactions, and second on how one may reflect upon such practices in return

    Modalités de désalignement et manifestations de désaccord chez les personnes aphasiques

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    Le désaccord est un phénomène récurrent dans la conversation. Qu’il soit explicite ou implicite, direct ou indirect, le désaccord conversationnel préoccupe les membres de la société et fascine les chercheurs de tous horizons (Grimshaw 1990). Les différentes formes de désaccord analysées dans le cadre théorique de l’Analyse Conversationnelle attirent notre attention sur leurs dimensions systématiques et ordonnées au fil des séquences interactionnelles (phénomènes de désaffiliation, de désalignements ou encore de dispréférence).Dans le cadre du projet IAA : Interactions entre Aphasiques et Aidants, nous développons une recherche sur une même personne aphasique impliquée dans deux situations d’échange : (1) avec un proche, (2) avec son orthophoniste. La comparaison de ces deux contextes d’interactions nous permet d’étudier les pratiques communicationnelles développées aussi bien par la personne aphasique que par son entourage qui accompagne, aide et soutient le patient dans l’élaboration d’une séquence d’opposition.Après avoir constaté la complexité de ce type d’échanges et l’orientation des participants vers des caractéristiques particulières de l’interaction (productions verbales confuses, de nombreuses recherches de mots, de gesticulations), nous avons choisi de nous focaliser plus particulièrement sur les séquences de désalignement exprimant une opposition par rapport à ce qui précède dans l’échange.The disagreement is a recurring phenomenon in the conversation. The conversational disagreement, whether explicit or implicit, direct or indirect, concerns society members and interests researchers from all backgrounds (Grimshaw 1990). The different forms of disagreement analyzed in the theoretical framework of Conversational Analysis draw our attention to their systematic and orderly dimensions over the interactional sequences(disaffiliation or misalignments phenomena). Especially within the IAA project : Interactions between Aphasics and Caregivers, we develop interactional and linguistically research ona same aphasic person involved in two situations of exchange : (1) with a close person, (2) with his speech therapist. The comparison of these situations allows us to analyze communication practices developed by the person with aphasia and by his entourage accompanying, assisting and supporting the patient in the development of an opposition sequence.After observing the complexity of this type of exchange and the participant’s orientation to special features of the interaction (confused verbal productions, many word searches, etc.), we focus specifically on misalignment sequences expressing opposition in relation to what has come before in the exchange

    Early apoptosis of blood monocytes in the septic host: is it a mechanism of protection in the event of septic shock?

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    INTRODUCTION: Based on the central role of the triggering of monocytes for the initiation of the septic cascade, it was investigated whether apoptosis of blood monocytes in septic patients is connected to their final outcome. METHODS: Blood monocytes were isolated from 90 patients with septic syndrome due to ventilator-associated pneumonia on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 from the initiation of symptoms. Apoptosis was defined after incubation with annexin-V-fluorescein isothiocyanate and propidium iodine and reading by a flow cytometer. The function of first-day monocytes was evaluated from the concentrations of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and IL-6 in supernatants of cell cultures after triggering with endotoxins. TNFα, IL-6 and IL-8 were estimated in serum by an enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS: Mortality rates of patients with apoptosis ≤50% compared with patients with apoptosis >50% were 49.12% and 15.15%, respectively (P < 0.0001). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a 28-day survival benefit in patients with septic shock and monocyte apoptosis >50% compared with those patients with apoptosis ≤50% (P = 0.0032). Production of IL-6 by monocytes on the first day by patients with apoptosis ≤50% was similar compared with monocytes isolated from healthy controls. Serum concentrations of TNFα were higher in patients with monocyte apoptosis ≤50% and septic shock compared with patients with apoptosis >50% on day 7; similar findings occurred for serum IL-6 on days 1 and 7 and for serum IL-8 on days 1 and 5. CONCLUSION: Early apoptosis of monocytes upon presentation of clinical signs of sepsis is connected to a favourable outcome. These findings are of particular importance for the patient with septic shock, where they might constitute a mechanism of pathogenesis

    Effect of Clarithromycin in Patients with Sepsis and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

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    Background. Because clarithromycin provided beneficiary nonantibiotic effects in experimental studies, its efficacy was tested in patients with sepsis and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Methods. Two hundred patients with sepsis and VAP were enrolled in a double-blind, randomized, multicenter trial from June 2004 until November 2005. Clarithromycin (1 g) was administered intravenously once daily for 3 consecutive days in 100 patients; another 100 patients were treated with placebo. Main outcomes were resolution of VAP, duration of mechanical ventilation, and sepsis-related mortality within 28 days. Results. The groups were well matched with regard to demographic characteristics, disease severity, pathogens, and adequacy of the administered antimicrobials. Analysis comprising 141 patients who survived revealed that the median time for resolution of VAP was 15.5 days and 10.0 days among placebo- and clarithromycin-treated patients, respectively (P=.011); median times for weaning from mechanical ventilation were 22.5 days and 16.0 days, respectively (P=.049). Analysis comprising all enrolled patients showed a more rapid decrease of the clinical pulmonary infection score and a delay for advent of multiple organ dysfunction in clarithromycin-treated patients, compared with those of placebo-treated patients (P=.047). Among the 45 patients who died of sepsis, time to death was significantly prolonged in clarithromycin-treated compared with placebo-treated patients (P=.004). Serious adverse events were observed in 0% and 3% of placebo- and clarithromycin-treated patients, respectively (P=.25). Conclusions. Clarithromycin accelerated the resolution of VAP and weaning from mechanical ventilation in surviving patients and delayed death in those who died of sepsis. The mortality rate at day 28 was not altered. Results are encouraging and render new perspectives on the management of sepsis and VA

    Оптимізація паралельного ітераційного процесу для лінійних систем з розрідженими матрицями

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    Розглядається один із підходів до побудови передобумовлювача для методу спряжених градієнтів розв'язування СЛАР з розрідженими матрицями нерегулярної структури. Запропоновано та досліджено передобумовлювачі на основі методу паралельних перерізів.Рассматривается один из подходов к построению предобуславливателя для метода сопряженных градиентов решения СЛАУ с разреженными матрицами нерегулярной структуры. Предложены и исследованы предобуславливатели на основе метода параллельных сечений.Considered is one of approaches for construction a preconditioner for method of conjunctive gradients for solution SLAE with sparse matrices of irregular structure. Preconditioners, which are based on method of parallel section, is proposed and investigated

    Gérer le temps et la participation pendant l'exposé: contributions de l'analyse séquentielle et multimodale à la formation et au conseil de managers

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    The paper aims at sketching the possible contribution of conversation analysis to a better understanding of work activities, able to inspire counselling, training and coaching interventions. Firstly, the paper shows that conversation analytic studies of work settings focus on issues that converge with members' concerns about the management of time and information as well as the organization of professional activities and of forms of participation. Although current management models offer solutions to these questions, they tend to favour general approaches which disregard the actual situated and detailed organization of work practices. Thus, detailed analysis of talk and embodied action at work provides for an alternative to these models. Secondly, the paper develops a single case analysis of an excerpt taken from the video recording of a business meeting: it shows how participants orient to time management and to the (re)organization of a PowerPoint presentation, dealing with changing participation frameworks. This detailed sequential and multimodal analysis aims at exploring in an empirical way the contributions of conversation analysis to the understanding of participants' concerns, as well as to the identification of the methods participants do mobilize in order to solve situated problems of time and information management

    Categorization processes within plurilingual meetings

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