141 research outputs found

    Double-Blind, Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Study of Trospectomycin Vs. Clindamycin, Both With Aztreonam, in Non-Community Acquired Obstetric and Gynecologic Infections

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy and safety of trospectomycin sulfate with that of clindamycin phosphate, both with aztreonam, for the treatment of obstetric and gynecologic infections

    16-O-methylcafestol is present in ground roast Arabica coffees: Implications for authenticity testing

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    High-field and low-field proton NMR spectroscopy were used to analyse lipophilic extracts from ground roast coffees. Using a sample preparation method that produced concentrated extracts, a small marker peak at 3.16 ppm was observed in 30 Arabica coffees of assured origin. This signal has previously been believed absent from Arabicas, and has been used as a marker for detecting adulteration with robusta. Via 2D 600 MHz NMR and LC-MS, 16-O-methylcafestol and 16-O-methylkahweol were detected for the first time in Arabica roast coffee and shown to be responsible for the marker peak. Using low-field NMR, robusta in Arabica could be detected at levels of the order of 1-2% w/w. A surveillance study of retail purchased "100% Arabica" coffees found that 6 out of 60 samples displayed the 3.16 ppm marker signal to a degree commensurate with adulteration at levels of 3-30% w/w

    The Grizzly, February 5, 1988

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    Cavorting Cop Caught • Lewis Disclaims Labels at Forum • Rock\u27N America • Patterns Campaign Nears Completion • Hockey Held as Hokey • Contra-versial Censorship Irks Student • History Department Interviews a New Way • Concert Features Christian Music • Summer Study in France a Fun-do • Notes: R.A. Rap Session Announced; Presidency Probers Convene; ALF Re-runs Rewarding; Child Safety Course Offered • Men\u27s Hoopsters Suffer Temporary Setback • Track Team Making Great Strides • Record Books Rewritten • U.C. Matters: Wrestling Tough and Confident • Men \u27Mers Holding Their Ownhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1203/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, November 9, 1987

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    proTheatre Perfects Production • Balloon Bombings Banned • Norman Pearlstine Addresses Problems Associated with the U.S. Free Press • Letters: Beautifying Campus?; In One Ear, Out the Other • Rolling Stone Celebrates 20th Year • Iran Source of Conflict in Dialogue Discussion • Calix Relates Salvadorian Horrors • Notes: Room Policy Changed; Apartheid Subject of Forum; Discussion Includes Pretzels!; Myths to be Explained • Ursinus Not Affected by Stock Market Crash: Others Not as Lucky • Pray TV Damages Churches • UC Robs Team of Championship • Error Prone Bears Drop Another • Early Bowl Picture Thickens • Bears Battle Tough Season • Ursinus \u27Mers Open Season • Bear Pack Finishes Strong • Tri Lambda: Organization for Life Long Learners • Musser: The Year After • Get in The Real World Get the Grizzly Network • Busie Bodys Display Fancy Bodies • Welcome to the Greek Life: Congratulations 1987 Pledges • Phonathons Prove Successful: $30,000 Raised • Student Applauds Washington Semester • Seniors: Where Are You? • November Red and Gold Days • Eshbach Awards Winners • CAB Learns New Ideas • New Equipment Upgrades Dept.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1198/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, September 25, 1987

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    Wild Weekend: Tippler Topples, Vandals Varnish, Class Cutters Cavort • Sororities to Begin Formal Rushing Season • Freshmen Find Fun on Campus • Letters: Unholy Parent\u27s Day Irks Jews; Old Men\u27s Life Bad News; Students Have Bills to Pay, Too • Freshman AIDS Orientation • Domestic Violence an Issue • Cameron a Pro Habla-ing • House Bill 749 • Victorious Volleyballers • Soccer\u27s Hoover Earns Athlete of the Week • Football Falls to F&M • Scabs to Score for NFL? • Cross Country Running to the Top • Hockey Lashes LaSalle • Busie Bodys Rehearse • Lantern Announces Deadline • All Greeks Not Geeks • Nautical Natives Sailing with Club Revival • Fat Fear: Freshman Fifteen Thickens Frosh • Ills a Problem Already • E-burg Offers Basic Grub • It\u27s Your Future • CAB Gets Some Public Relations • As Members Drop, the Show Must Go On • Entertainment: Ursinus Stylehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1193/thumbnail.jp

    Flight of the Bumblebee: the Early Excess Flux of Type Ia Supernova 2023bee revealed by TESSTESS, SwiftSwift and Young Supernova Experiment Observations

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    We present high-cadence ultraviolet through near-infrared observations of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2023bee in NGC~2708 (D=32±3D = 32 \pm 3 Mpc), finding excess flux in the first days after explosion relative to the expected power-law rise from an expanding fireball. This deviation from typical behavior for SNe Ia is particularly obvious in our 10-minute cadence TESSTESS light curve and SwiftSwift UV data. Compared to a few other normal SNe Ia with detected early excess flux, the excess flux in SN 2023bee is redder in the UV and less luminous. We present optical spectra of SN 2023bee, including two spectra during the period where the flux excess is dominant. At this time, the spectra are similar to those of other SNe Ia but with weaker Si II, C II and Ca II absorption lines, perhaps because the excess flux creates a stronger continuum. We compare the data to several theoretical models that have been proposed to explain the early flux excess in SNe Ia. Interaction with either a nearby companion star or close-in circumstellar material is expected to produce a faster evolution than seen in the data. Radioactive material in the outer layers of the ejecta, either from a double detonation explosion or simply an explosion with a 56^{56}Ni clump near the surface, can not fully reproduce the evolution either, likely due to the sensitivity of early UV observable to the treatment of the outer part of ejecta in simulation. We conclude that no current model can adequately explain the full set of observations. We find that a relatively large fraction of nearby, bright SNe Ia with high-cadence observations have some amount of excess flux within a few days of explosion. Considering potential asymmetric emission, the physical cause of this excess flux may be ubiquitous in normal SNe Ia.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Accepted by the astrophysical journa

    Carnegie Supernova Project-I and -II: Measurements of H0H_0 using Cepheid, TRGB, and SBF Distance Calibration to Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present an analysis of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe~Ia) from both the Carnegie Supernova Project~I (CSP-I) and II (CSP-II), and extend the Hubble diagram from the optical to the near-infrared wavelengths (uBgVriYJHuBgVriYJH). We calculate the Hubble constant, H0H_0, using various distance calibrators: Cepheids, Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB), and Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF). Combining all methods of calibrations, we derive $\rm H_0=71.76 \pm 0.58 \ (stat) \pm 1.19 \ (sys) \ km \ s^{-1} \ Mpc^{-1}from from B−band,and-band, and \rm H_0=73.22 \pm 0.68 \ (stat) \pm 1.28 \ (sys) \ km \ s^{-1} \ Mpc^{-1}from from H−band.ByassigningequalweighttotheCepheid,TRGB,andSBFcalibrators,wederivethesystematicerrorsrequiredforconsistencyinthefirstrungofthedistanceladder,resultinginasystematicerrorof-band. By assigning equal weight to the Cepheid, TRGB, and SBF calibrators, we derive the systematic errors required for consistency in the first rung of the distance ladder, resulting in a systematic error of 1.2\sim 1.3 \rm \ km \ s^{-1} \ Mpc^{-1}in in H_0.Asaresult,relativetothestatistics−onlyuncertainty,thetensionbetweenthelate−time. As a result, relative to the statistics-only uncertainty, the tension between the late-time H_0wederivebycombiningthevariousdistancecalibratorsandtheearly−time we derive by combining the various distance calibrators and the early-time H_0fromtheCosmicMicrowaveBackgroundisreduced.ThehighestprecisioninSN Ialuminosityisfoundinthe from the Cosmic Microwave Background is reduced. The highest precision in SN~Ia luminosity is found in the Yband( band (0.12\pm0.01mag),asdefinedbytheintrinsicscatter( mag), as defined by the intrinsic scatter (\sigma_{int}$). We revisit SN~Ia Hubble residual-host mass correlations and recover previous results that these correlations do not change significantly between the optical and the near-infrared wavelengths. Finally, SNe~Ia that explode beyond 10 kpc from their host centers exhibit smaller dispersion in their luminosity, confirming our earlier findings. Reduced effect of dust in the outskirt of hosts may be responsible for this effect.Comment: Revised calculations are made. Will be resubmitted to Ap

    Location of the CD8 T Cell Epitope within the Antigenic Precursor Determines Immunogenicity and Protection against the Toxoplasma gondii Parasite

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    CD8 T cells protect the host from disease caused by intracellular pathogens, such as the Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) protozoan parasite. Despite the complexity of the T. gondii proteome, CD8 T cell responses are restricted to only a small number of peptide epitopes derived from a limited set of antigenic precursors. This phenomenon is known as immunodominance and is key to effective vaccine design. However, the mechanisms that determine the immunogenicity and immunodominance hierarchy of parasite antigens are not well understood.Here, using genetically modified parasites, we show that parasite burden is controlled by the immunodominant GRA6-specific CD8 T cell response but not by responses to the subdominant GRA4- and ROP7-derived epitopes. Remarkably, optimal processing and immunodominance were determined by the location of the peptide epitope at the C-terminus of the GRA6 antigenic precursor. In contrast, immunodominance could not be explained by the peptide affinity for the MHC I molecule or the frequency of T cell precursors in the naive animals. Our results reveal the molecular requirements for optimal presentation of an intracellular parasite antigen and for eliciting protective CD8 T cells. © 2013 Feliu et al

    Dopamine Modulates the Rest Period Length without Perturbation of Its Power Law Distribution in Drosophila melanogaster

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    We analyzed the effects of dopamine signaling on the temporal organization of rest and activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Locomotor behaviors were recorded using a video-monitoring system, and the amounts of movements were quantified by using an image processing program. We, first, confirmed that rest bout durations followed long-tailed (i.e., power-law) distributions, whereas activity bout durations did not with a strict method described by Clauset et al. We also studied the effects of circadian rhythm and ambient temperature on rest bouts and activity bouts. The fraction of activity significantly increased during subjective day and at high temperature, but the power-law exponent of the rest bout distribution was not affected. The reduction in rest was realized by reduction in long rest bouts. The distribution of activity bouts did not change drastically under the above mentioned conditions. We then assessed the effects of dopamine. The distribution of rest bouts became less long-tailed and the time spent in activity significantly increased after the augmentation of dopamine signaling. Administration of a dopamine biosynthesis inhibitor yielded the opposite effects. However, the distribution of activity bouts did not contribute to the changes. These results suggest that the modulation of locomotor behavior by dopamine is predominantly controlled by changing the duration of rest bouts, rather than the duration of activity bouts

    Evaluation of Microorganisms Cultured from Injured and Repressed Tissue Regeneration Sites in Endangered Giant Aquatic Ozark Hellbender Salamanders

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    Investigation into the causes underlying the rapid, global amphibian decline provides critical insight into the effects of changing ecosystems. Hypothesized and confirmed links between amphibian declines, disease, and environmental changes are increasingly represented in published literature. However, there are few long-term amphibian studies that include data on population size, abnormality/injury rates, disease, and habitat variables to adequately assess changes through time. We cultured and identified microorganisms isolated from abnormal/injured and repressed tissue regeneration sites of the endangered Ozark Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi, to discover potential causative agents responsible for their significant decline in health and population. This organism and our study site were chosen because the population and habitat of C. a. bishopi have been intensively studied from 1969–2009, and the abnormality/injury rate and apparent lack of regeneration were established. Although many bacterial and fungal isolates recovered were common environmental organisms, several opportunistic pathogens were identified in association with only the injured tissues of C.a. bishopi. Bacterial isolates included Aeromonas hydrophila, a known amphibian pathogen, Granulicetella adiacens, Gordonai terrae, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Aerococcus viridans, Streptococcus pneumoniae and a variety of Pseudomonads, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, and P. alcaligenes. Fungal isolates included species in the genera Penicillium, Acremonium, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Fusarium, Streptomycetes, and the Class Hyphomycetes. Many of the opportunistic pathogens identified are known to form biofilms. Lack of isolation of the same organism from all wounds suggests that the etiological agent responsible for the damage to C. a. bishopi may not be a single organism. To our knowledge, this is the first study to profile the external microbial consortia cultured from a Cryptobranchid salamander. The incidence of abnormalities/injury and retarded regeneration in C. a. bishopi may have many contributing factors including disease and habitat degradation. Results from this study may provide insight into other amphibian population declines
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