380 research outputs found

    Recent Development in IR Sensor Technology for Monitoring Subsea Methane Discharge

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    Recently developed methane sensors, based on infrared (IR) absorption technology, were successfully utilized for subsea methane release measurements. Long-term investigation of methane emissions (fluid flux determination) from natural methane seeps in the Hikurangi Margin offshore New Zealand were performed by using seafloor lander technology. Small centimeter-sized seep areas could be sampled at the seafloor by video-guided lander deployment. In situ sensor measurements of dissolved methane in seawater could be correlated with methane concentrations measured in discrete water samples after lander recovery. High backscatter flares determined by lander-based Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurement indicate bubble release from the seafloor. Highest methane concentrations determined by the IR sensor coincided with periods of high ADCP backscatter signals. The high fluid release cannot be correlated with tidal changes only. However, this correlation is possible with variability in spatial bubble release, sudden outbursts, and tidal changes in more quiescent seepage phases. A recently developed IR sensor (2,000 m depth-rated) with a detection limit for methane of about 1 ppm showed good linearity in the tested concentration range and an acceptable equilibration time of 10 min. The sensor was successfully operated offshore Santa Barbara by a small work-class ROV at a natural methane seep (Farrar Seep). High background methane concentration of 50 nmol L−1 was observed in the coastal water, which increases up to 560 nmol L−1 in dissolved methane plumes south of the seepage area. ROV- and lander-based sensor deployments have proven the applicability of IR sensor technology for the determination of subsea methane release rates and plume distribution. The wide concentration range, low detection limit, and its robust detection unit enable this technology for both subsea leak detection and oceanographic trace gas investigations

    Kinetics and isotype profile of antibody responses in rhesus macaques induced following vaccination with HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 L1-virus-like particles formulated with or without Merck aluminum adjuvant

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common sexually transmitted viruses. Infection of the cervical epithelium by HPVs can lead to the development of cervical cancer. Recent advances in vaccine research have shown that immunization with papillomavirus-like particles (VLPs) containing the major structural viral protein, L1 from HPV 16 can provide protection from the establishment of a chronic HPV 16 infection and related cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in baseline HPV 16 naïve women. METHODS: To better understand the quantitative and qualitative effects of aluminum adjuvant on the immunogenic properties of an HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18L1 VLP vaccine, we used an HPV-specific, antibody isotyping assay and a competitive immunoassay that measures antibodies to neutralizing epitopes to profile sera from rhesus macaques immunized with the HPV L1 VLP vaccine formulated with or without aluminum adjuvant. RESULTS: Immunization with VLPs formulated with the aluminum adjuvant elicited a significantly stronger immune response with higher peak antibody titers both at four weeks post vaccination (12.7 to 41.9-fold higher) as well as in the persistent phase at week 52 (4.3 to 26.7-fold higher) than that of VLPs alone. Furthermore, the aluminum adjuvant formulated HPV VLP vaccine elicited a predominantly T helper type 2 response, with high levels of IgG1 and IgG4 and low levels of IgG2. The vaccine also elicited high levels of serum IgA, which may be important in providing mucosal immunity to impart protection in the anogenital tract. CONCLUSION: These results show that the HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 L1-VLP vaccine formulated with Merck aluminum adjuvant elicits a robust and durable immune response and holds promise as a vaccine for preventing cervical cancer

    Feeding practices and nutritional status of HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed infants in the Western Cape

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    Background: Optimal infant- and young child–feeding practices are crucial for nutritional status, growth, development, health and, ultimately, survival. Human breast milk is optimal nutrition for all infants. Complementary food introduced at the correct age is part of optimal feeding practices. In South Africa, widespread access to antiretrovirals and a programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV have reduced HIV infection in infants and increased the number of HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants. However, little is known about the feeding practices and nutritional status of HEU and HIV-unexposed (HU) infants.Objective: To assess the feeding practices and nutritional status of HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed (HU) infants in the Western Cape.Design: Prospective substudy on feeding practices nested in a pilot study  investigating the innate immune abnormalities in HEU infants compared to HU infants. The main study commenced at week 2 of life with the nutrition component added from 6 months. Information on children’s dietary intake was obtained at each visit from the caregiver, mainly the mother. Head circumference, weight and length were recorded at each visit. Data were obtained from 6-, 12- and 18-month visits. World Health Organization feeding practice indicators and nutrition indicators were utilised.Setting: Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Western Cape. Mothers were recruited from the postnatal wards.Subjects: Forty-seven mother–infant pairs, 25 HEU and 22 HU infants, participated in this nutritional substudy. Eight (17%) infants, one HU and seven HEU, were lost to follow-up over the next 12 months. The HEU children were mainly Xhosa (76%) and HU were mainly mixed race (77%).Results: The participants were from poor socio-economic backgrounds. In both groups, adherence to breastfeeding recommendations was low with suboptimal dietary diversity. We noted a high rate of sugar- and salt-containing snacks given from a young age. The HU group had poorer anthropometric and nutritional indicators not explained by nutritional factors alone. However, alcohol and tobacco use was much higher amongst the HU mothers.Conclusion: Adherence to breastfeeding recommendations was low. Ethnicity and cultural milieu may have influenced feeding choices and growth. Further research is needed to understand possible reasons for the poorer nutritional and anthropometric indicators in the HU group

    Fluoxetine-induced alteration of murine gut microbial community structure: evidence for a microbial endocrinology-based mechanism of action responsible for fluoxetine-induced side effects

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    Background Depression and major depressive disorder affect 25% of the population. First line treatment utilizing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success due to well-recognized negative side effects which include weight gain or loss. This inability to control unwanted side effects often result in patients stopping their antidepressant medications. The mechanisms underlying the failure of SSRIs are incompletely understood. Methods Male CF-1 mice (5 weeks of age, N = 10 per group) were per orally administered fluoxetine (20 mg per kg body weight) or diluent daily for 29 days. During this time fecal specimens were collected at three defined time points (0, 15 and 29 days). At the conclusion of the 29-day dosing regimen, animals were subjected to two behavioral assessments. For bacterial identification of the microbiota, 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed on 60 fecal specimens (three specimens per mouse time course, N = 20 mice) using Illumina MiSeq. Analysis of community sequence data was done using mothur and LEfSe bioinformatic software packages. Results Daily per oral administration of fluoxetine for 29 days to male mice resulted in a significant, time dependent, alteration in microbial communities accompanying changes in body weight. The calculated species richness and diversity indicators of the murine fecal microbial communities were inconsistent and not significantly different between the groups. Among the phylotypes decreased in abundance due to fluoxetine administration were Lactobacillus johnsonii and Bacteroidales S24-7 which belong to phyla associated with regulation of body mass. The observed changes in body weight due to fluoxetine administration mimicked the dramatic shifts in weight gain/loss that has been observed in humans. Further, at the conclusion of the 29-day dosing regimen fluoxetine-dosed animals evidenced a mild anxiogenic-like behavior. Discussion We report that the most widely used antidepressant, fluoxetine, which is an SSRI-type drug, results in the selective depletion of gut microbiota, specifically the Lactobacilli which are involved in the regulation of body weight. Concomitantly, fluoxetine administration increases the abundance of phylotypes related to dysbiosis. Since Lactobacilli have been previously shown to possess a known biogenic amine transporter that regulates the uptake of fluoxetine, it is proposed that a microbial endocrinology-based mechanistic pathway is responsible for the ability of SSRIs to selectively negatively impact beneficial microbiota. The results of this study therefore suggest that the negative clinical side effects due to fluoxetine administration may be due to alterations in gut microbiota. Further, the data also suggests that supplementation of bacterial genera directly affected by fluoxetine administration may prove useful in ameliorating some of the well-known side effects of chronic fluoxetine administration such as weight alterations

    HIV sero-conversion during late pregnancy – when to retest

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    The South African National Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV programme has resulted in significant reductions in vertical transmission, but new infant HIV infections continue to occur. We present two cases of HIV seroconversion during late pregnancy, demonstrating the limitations of the current programme. These could be mitigated by expanding the programme to include maternal testing at delivery and at immunisation clinic visits as we pursue the elimination of mother-to-child transmission

    Ca2+ signaling modulates cytolytic T lymphocyte effector functions

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    Cytolytic T cells use two mechanisms to kill virally infected cells, tumor cells, or other potentially autoreactive T cells in short-term in vitro assays. The perforin/granule exocytosis mechanism uses preformed cytolytic granules that are delivered to the target cell to induce apoptosis and eventual lysis. FasL/Fas (CD95 ligand/CD95)–mediated cytolysis requires de novo protein synthesis of FasL by the CTL and the presence of the death receptor Fas on the target cell to induce apoptosis. Using a CD8+ CTL clone that kills via both the perforin/granule exocytosis and FasL/Fas mechanisms, and a clone that kills via the FasL/Fas mechanism only, we have examined the requirement of intra- and extracellular Ca2+ in TCR-triggered cytolytic effector function. These two clones, a panel of Ca2+ antagonists, and agonists were used to determine that a large biphasic increase in intracellular calcium concentration, characterized by release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores followed by a sustained influx of extracellular Ca2+, is required for perforin/granule exocytosis. Only the sustained influx of extracellular Ca2+ is required for FasL induction and killing. Thapsigargin, at low concentrations, induces this small but sustained increase in [Ca2+]i and selectively induces FasL/Fas-mediated cytolysis but not granule exocytosis. These results further define the role of Ca2+ in perforin and FasL/Fas killing and demonstrate that differential Ca2+ signaling can modulate T cell effector functions
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