327 research outputs found

    Development of abbreviated measures to assess patient trust in a physician, a health insurer, and the medical profession

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the recent proliferation in research on patient trust, it is seldom a primary outcome, and is often a peripheral area of interest. The length of our original scales to measure trust may limit their use because of the practical needs to minimize both respondent burden and research cost. The objective of this study was to develop three abbreviated scales to measure trust in: (1) a physician, (2) a health insurer, and (3) the medical profession. METHODS: Data from two samples were used. The first was a telephone survey of English-speaking adults in the United States (N = 1117) and the second was a telephone survey of English-speaking adults residing in North Carolina who were members of a health maintenance organization (N = 1024). Data were analyzed to examine data completeness, scaling assumptions, internal consistency properties, and factor structure. RESULTS: Abbreviated measures (5-items) were developed for each of the three scales. Cronbach's alpha was 0.87 for trust in a physician (test-retest reliability = 0.71), 0.84 for trust in a health insurer (test-retest reliability = 0.73), and 0.77 for trust in the medical profession. CONCLUSION: Assessment of data completeness, scale score dispersion characteristics, reliability and validity test results all provide evidence for the soundness of the abbreviated 5-item scales

    Monolithic optofluidic ring resonator lasers created by femtosecond laser nanofabrication

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    We designed, fabricated, and characterized a monolithically integrated optofluidic ring resonator laser that is mechanically, thermally, and chemically robust. The entire device, including the ring resonator channel and sample delivery microfluidics, was created in a block of fused-silica glass using a 3-dimensional femtosecond laser writing process. The gain medium, composed of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) dissolved in quinoline, was flowed through the ring resonator. Lasing was achieved at a pump threshold of approximately 15 μJ/mm2. Detailed analysis shows that the Q-factor of the optofluidic ring resonator is 3.3 × 104, which is limited by both solvent absorption and scattering loss. In particular, a Q-factor resulting from the scattering loss can be as high as 4.2 × 104, suggesting the feasibility of using a femtosecond laser to create high quality optical cavities

    Tutorial: Advanced fault tree applications using HARP

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    Reliability analysis of fault tolerant computer systems for critical applications is complicated by several factors. These modeling difficulties are discussed and dynamic fault tree modeling techniques for handling them are described and demonstrated. Several advanced fault tolerant computer systems are described, and fault tree models for their analysis are presented. HARP (Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor) is a software package developed at Duke University and NASA Langley Research Center that is capable of solving the fault tree models presented

    Interpretable-by-Design Text Classification with Iteratively Generated Concept Bottleneck

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    Deep neural networks excel in text classification tasks, yet their application in high-stakes domains is hindered by their lack of interpretability. To address this, we propose Text Bottleneck Models (TBMs), an intrinsically interpretable text classification framework that offers both global and local explanations. Rather than directly predicting the output label, TBMs predict categorical values for a sparse set of salient concepts and use a linear layer over those concept values to produce the final prediction. These concepts can be automatically discovered and measured by a Large Language Model (LLM), without the need for human curation. On 12 diverse datasets, using GPT-4 for both concept generation and measurement, we show that TBMs can rival the performance of established black-box baselines such as GPT-4 fewshot and finetuned DeBERTa, while falling short against finetuned GPT-3.5. Overall, our findings suggest that TBMs are a promising new framework that enhances interpretability, with minimal performance tradeoffs, particularly for general-domain text

    Comment on studying the corrections to factorization in B -> D(*) X

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    We propose studying the mechanism of factorization in exclusive decays of the form B->D(*)X by examining the differential decay rate as a function of the invariant mass of the light hadronic state X. If factorization works primarily due to the large N_c limit then its accuracy is not expected to decrease as the X invariant mass increases. However, if factorization is mostly a consequence of perturbative QCD then the corrections should grow with the X invariant mass. Combining data for hadronic tau decays and semileptonic B decays allows tests of factorization to be made for a variety of final states. We discuss the examples of B->D^*\pi^+\pi^-\pi^-\pi^0 and B->D^*\omega\pi^-. The mode B->D^*\omega\pi^- will allow a precision study of the dependence of the corrections to factorization on the invariant mass of the light hadronic state.Comment: 7 pages, minor clarifications to tex

    HiRel: Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor (HARP) integrated reliability tool system, (version 7.0). Volume 1: HARP introduction and user's guide

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    The Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor (HARP) integrated Reliability (HiRel) tool system for reliability/availability prediction offers a toolbox of integrated reliability/availability programs that can be used to customize the user's application in a workstation or nonworkstation environment. HiRel consists of interactive graphical input/output programs and four reliability/availability modeling engines that provide analytical and simulative solutions to a wide host of reliable fault-tolerant system architectures and is also applicable to electronic systems in general. The tool system was designed to be compatible with most computing platforms and operating systems, and some programs have been beta tested, within the aerospace community for over 8 years. Volume 1 provides an introduction to the HARP program. Comprehensive information on HARP mathematical models can be found in the references

    Phases in the MSSM, Electric Dipole Moments and Cosmological Dark Matter

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    We consider the effect of CP violating phases in the MSSM on the relic density of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). In particular, we find that the upper limits on the LSP mass are relaxed when phases in the MSSM are allowed to take non-zero values when the LSP is predominantly a gaugino (bino). Previous limits of \mb \la 250 GeV for Ωh2<0.25\Omega h^2 < 0.25 can be relaxed to \mb \la 650 GeV. We also consider the additional constraints imposed by the neutron and electron electric dipole moments induced by these phases. Though there is some restriction on the phases, the bino mass may still be as large as \sim 350 GeV and certain phases can be arbitrarily large.Comment: 10 pages in LaTeX, with 4 Postscript figures (included

    Nanoindentation and birefringence measurements on fused silica specimen exposed to low-energy femtosecond pulses,” Opt.

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    Abstract: Femtosecond laser pulses used in a regime below the ablation threshold have two noticeable effects on Fused Silica (a-SiO2): they locally increase the material refractive index and modify its HF etching selectivity. The nature of the structural changes induced by femtosecond laser pulses in fused silica is not fully understood. In this paper, we report on nanoindentation and birefringence measurements on fused silica exposed to low-energy femtosecond laser pulses. Our findings further back the hypothesis of localized densification effect even at low energy regime