7,603 research outputs found

    A simple 5-DOF walking robot for space station application

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    Robots on the NASA space station have a potential range of applications from assisting astronauts during EVA (extravehicular activity), to replacing astronauts in the performance of simple, dangerous, and tedious tasks; and to performing routine tasks such as inspections of structures and utilities. To provide a vehicle for demonstrating the pertinent technologies, a simple robot is being developed for locomotion and basic manipulation on the proposed space station. In addition to the robot, an experimental testbed was developed, including a 1/3 scale (1.67 meter modules) truss and a gravity compensation system to simulate a zero-gravity environment. The robot comprises two flexible links connected by a rotary joint, with a 2 degree of freedom wrist joints and grippers at each end. The grippers screw into threaded holes in the nodes of the space station truss, and enable it to walk by alternately shifting the base of support from one foot (gripper) to the other. Present efforts are focused on mechanical design, application of sensors, and development of control algorithms for lightweight, flexible structures. Long-range research will emphasize development of human interfaces to permit a range of control modes from teleoperated to semiautonomous, and coordination of robot/astronaut and multiple-robot teams

    Policy design, expertise, and citizenship: revising the California electric vehicle program

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    This essay analyzes the 1996 decision by the California Air Resources Board to revise its program for promoting the development and sale of electric vehicles. The essay does not aim primarily to explain the causes of the decision, but to assess the implications for democratic politics of the reasons that the agency provided for postponing the program. The analysis draws on science and technology studies and research on the impact of policy design on politics to develop insights into the interaction between science, technology, and policy in the creation of public conceptions of citizenship. Despite the agency's efforts to project a participatory conception of citizenship, the way in which it made use of consumer surveys and scientific expertise, and its choice of technical criteria for assessing EV battery technology, produced an image of the agency's public as passive consumers of government decisions. -- In dem vorliegenden Papier wird die Entscheidung des California Air Resources Board (CARB) aus dem Jahre 1996, das Programm zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung und Markteinführung von Elektrofahrzeugen zu revidieren, analysiert. Dabei sollen nicht in erster Linie die Ursachen für die Entscheidung geklärt, sondern es sollen die weiterreichenden Implikationen der Gründe für Prozesse der demokratischen Entscheidungsfindung abgeschätzt werden, die CARB für die Verschiebung des Programms geltend gemacht hat. Die Analyse stützt sich sowohl auf wissenschafts- und techniksoziologische Studien als auch auf Forschungen zu den Auswirkungen von Programmdesigns auf die politischen Prozesse. Ziel ist es zu erhellen, welches Verständnis vom Bürger in der Interaktion zwischen Wissenschaft, Technologie und Programmen entsteht. Denn trotz der Bemühungen von CARB, einen partizipativen Ansatz der Bürgerbeteiligung zu verfolgen, hat die Art und Weise, wie Verbraucherumfragen und wissenschaftliche Gutachten einbezogen worden sind ebenso wie die Auswahl allein technischer Kriterien zur Abschätzung der Batterietechniken für Elektrofahrzeuge das Bild einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit hervorgebracht, die Entscheidungen der Regierung lediglich passiv hinnimmt.


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    The household production approach is used to characterize the household's preference toward nutrients in food consumption. Elasticities of substitution and Hicksian price elasticities are estimated, price- and expenditure-nutrient elasticities are calculated. Results show that protein is the most expensive nutrient, and that nutrients played an important role in determining households' food consumption.Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Cohort Profile Update: The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70)

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    Linking healthcare associated norovirus outbreaks: a molecular epidemiologic method for investigating transmission.

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    BACKGROUND: Noroviruses are highly infectious pathogens that cause gastroenteritis in the community and in semi-closed institutions such as hospitals. During outbreaks, multiple units within a hospital are often affected, and a major question for control programs is: are the affected units part of the same outbreak or are they unrelated transmission events? In practice, investigators often assume a transmission link based on epidemiological observations, rather than a systematic approach to tracing transmission.Here, we present a combined molecular and statistical method for assessing:1) whether observed clusters provide evidence of local transmission and2) the probability that anecdotally|linked outbreaks truly shared a transmission event. METHODS: 76 healthcare associated outbreaks were observed in an active and prospective surveillance scheme of 15 hospitals in the county of Avon, England from April 2002 to March 2003. Viral RNA from 64 out of 76 specimens from distinct outbreaks was amplified by reverse transcription-PCR and was sequenced in the polymerase (ORF 1) and capsid (ORF 2) regions. The genetic diversity, at the nucleotide level, was analysed in relation to the epidemiological patterns. RESULTS: Two out of four genetic and epidemiological clusters of outbreaks were unlikely to have occurred by chance alone, thus suggesting local transmission. There was anecdotal epidemiological evidence of a transmission link among 5 outbreaks pairs. By combining this epidemiological observation with viral sequence data, the evidence of a link remained convincing in 3 of these pairs. These results are sensitive to prior beliefs of the strength of epidemiological evidence especially when the outbreak strains are common in the background population. CONCLUSION: The evidence suggests that transmission between hospitals units does occur. Using the proposed criteria, certain hypothesized transmission links between outbreaks were supported while others were refuted. The combined molecular/epidemiologic approach presented here could be applied to other viral populations and potentially to other pathogens for a more thorough view of transmission

    High-accuracy comparison of numerical relativity simulations with post-Newtonian expansions

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    Numerical simulations of 15 orbits of an equal-mass binary black hole system are presented. Gravitational waveforms from these simulations, covering more than 30 cycles and ending about 1.5 cycles before merger, are compared with those from quasi-circular zero-spin post-Newtonian (PN) formulae. The cumulative phase uncertainty of these comparisons is about 0.05 radians, dominated by effects arising from the small residual spins of the black holes and the small residual orbital eccentricity in the simulations. Matching numerical results to PN waveforms early in the run yields excellent agreement (within 0.05 radians) over the first 15\sim 15 cycles, thus validating the numerical simulation and establishing a regime where PN theory is accurate. In the last 15 cycles to merger, however, {\em generic} time-domain Taylor approximants build up phase differences of several radians. But, apparently by coincidence, one specific post-Newtonian approximant, TaylorT4 at 3.5PN order, agrees much better with the numerical simulations, with accumulated phase differences of less than 0.05 radians over the 30-cycle waveform. Gravitational-wave amplitude comparisons are also done between numerical simulations and post-Newtonian, and the agreement depends on the post-Newtonian order of the amplitude expansion: the amplitude difference is about 6--7% for zeroth order and becomes smaller for increasing order. A newly derived 3.0PN amplitude correction improves agreement significantly (<1<1% amplitude difference throughout most of the run, increasing to 4% near merger) over the previously known 2.5PN amplitude terms.Comment: Updated to agree with published version (various minor clarifications; added description of AH finder in Sec IIB; added discussion of tidal heating in Sec VC

    Crossing the Line: Selection and Evolution of Virulence Traits

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    The evolution of pathogens presents a paradox. Pathogenic species are often absolutely dependent on their host species for their propagation through evolutionary time, yet the pathogenic lifestyle requires that the host be damaged during this dependence. It is clear that pathogenic strategies are successful in evolutionary terms because a diverse array of pathogens exists in nature. Pathogens also evolve using a broad range of molecular mechanisms to acquire and modulate existing virulence traits in order to achieve this success. Detailing the benefit of enhanced selection derived through virulence and understanding the mechanisms through which virulence evolves are important to understanding the natural world and both have implications for human health

    Distribution of Neuropeptide F-Like Immunoreactivity in the Eastern Subterranean Termite, Reticulitermes flavipes

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    The nervous system and gut of worker, soldier and alate castes of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) were examined for immunoreactivity to an antiserum to Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Leipidoptera: Noctuidae) MP-I (QAARPRF-NH2), a truncated form of neuropeptide F. More than 145 immunostained axons and cell bodies were seen in the brain and all ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. Immunoreactive axons exiting the brain projected anteriorly to the frontal ganglion and posteriorly to the corpora cardiaca and corpora allata. In the stomatogastric nervous system, immunoreactive axons were observed over the surface of the foregut, salivary glands, midgut and rectum. These axons originated in the brain and from 15–25 neurosecretory cells on the foregut. Staining patterns were consistent between castes, with the exception of immunostaining observed in the optic lobes of alates. At least 600 immunoreactive endocrine cells were evenly distributed in the midguts of all castes with higher numbers present in the worker caste. Immunostaining of cells in the nervous system and midgut was blocked by preabsorption of the antiserum with Hez MP-I but not by a peptide having only the RF-NH2 in common. This distribution suggests NPF-like peptides coordinate feeding and digestion in all castes of this termite species

    Determination of the diffusion constant using phase-sensitive measurements

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    We apply a pulsed-light interferometer to measure both the intensity and the phase of light that is transmitted through a strongly scattering disordered material. From a single set of measurements we obtain the time-resolved intensity, frequency correlations and statistical phase information simultaneously. We compare several independent techniques of measuring the diffusion constant for diffuse propagation of light. By comparing these independent measurements, we obtain experimental proof of the consistency of the diffusion model and corroborate phase statistics theory.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.