173 research outputs found

    Open-Loop Woofer-Tweeter Control on the LAO Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Testbed

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    Advances in micro deformable mirror (DM) technologies such as MEMs, have stimulated interest in the characteristics of systems that include a high stroke mirror in series with a high actuator count mirror. This arrangement is referred to as a woofer-tweeter system. In certain situations it may be desirable or necessary to operate the woofer DM in open-loop. We present a simple method for controlling a woofer DM in open loop provided the device behaves in an approximately linear fashion. We have tested a mirror that we believe meets our criterion, the ALPAO DM52 mirror. Using our open-loop method we fit several test Kolmogorov wavefronts with the mirror and have achieved an accuracy of approximately 25 nm rms surface deviation over the whole clear aperture, and 20 nm rms over 90% of the aperture. We have also flattened the mirror in open loop to approximately 11 nm rms residual.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicin

    Comparison of Career Statistics and Season Statistics in Major League Baseball

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    This is a comparison of statistics for some of the best seasons and careers of players from Major League Baseball; using data collected on batting average, at bat to homerun ratio, and earned run average. Two teams were created, composed of season leaders and career leaders, chosen for their outstanding offensive and pitching abilities, and were pitted against one another to determine superiority. These two teams also compared against a team from each era of major league baseball. The season and career leaders challenged, the 1918 Boston Red Sox, 1927 New York Yankees, 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers, 1961 New York Yankees, 1985 Kansas City Royals, and the 2005 Chicago White Sox. All of these teams were champions of baseball during their seasons

    Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-Redshift Galaxies

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    We investigate the gravitational lensing properties of lines of sight containing multiple cluster-scale halos, motivated by their ability to lens very high-redshift (z ~ 10) sources into detectability. We control for the total mass along the line of sight, isolating the effects of distributing the mass among multiple halos and of varying the physical properties of the halos. Our results show that multiple-halo lines of sight can increase the magnified source-plane region compared to the single cluster lenses typically targeted for lensing studies, and thus are generally better fields for detecting very high-redshift sources. The configurations that result in optimal lensing cross sections benefit from interactions between the lens potentials of the halos when they overlap somewhat on the sky, creating regions of high magnification in the source plane not present when the halos are considered individually. The effect of these interactions on the lensing cross section can even be comparable to changing the total mass of the lens from 10^15 M_sun to 3x10^15 M_sun. The gain in lensing cross section increases as the mass is split into more halos, provided that the lens potentials are projected close enough to interact with each other. A nonzero projected halo angular separation, equal halo mass ratio, and high projected halo concentration are the best mass configurations, whereas projected halo ellipticity, halo triaxiality, and the relative orientations of the halos are less important. Such high mass, multiple-halo lines of sight exist in the SDSS.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; emulateapj format; 24 pages, 13 figures, 1 table; plots updated to reflect erratu

    Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations of Eight GOODS-South Active Galactic Nuclei at z ~ 1

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    We present a pilot study of the stellar populations of eight active galactic nucleus (AGN) hosts at z ~ 1 and compare with (1) lower redshift samples and (2) a sample of nonactive galaxies of similar redshift. We utilize K' images in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey South field obtained with the laser guide star adaptive optics system at Keck Observatory. We combine these K' data with B, V, i, and z imaging from the Advanced Camera for Surveys on Hubble Space Telescope to give multicolor photometry at a matched spatial resolution better than 100 mas in all bands. The hosts harbor AGNs as inferred from their high X-ray luminosities (LX > 10^42 erg s^–1) or mid-IR colors. We find a correlation between the presence of younger stellar populations and the strength of the AGN, as measured with [O III] line luminosity or X-ray (2-10 keV) luminosity. This finding is consistent with similar studies at lower redshift. Of the three Type II galaxies, two are disk galaxies and one is of irregular type, while in the Type I sample there are only one disk-like source and four sources with smooth, elliptical/spheroidal morphologies. In addition, the mid-IR spectral energy distributions of the strong Type II AGNs indicate that they are excited to Luminous InfraRed Galaxy (LIRG) status via galactic starbursting, while the strong Type I AGNs are excited to LIRG status via hot dust surrounding the central AGN. This supports the notion that the obscured nature of Type II AGNs at z ~ 1 is connected with global starbursting and that they may be extincted by kpc-scale dusty features that are by-products of this starbursting

    Astrometric performance of the Gemini multi-conjugate adaptive optics system in crowded fields

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    The Gemini Multi-conjugate adaptive optics System (GeMS) is a facility instrument for the Gemini-South telescope. It delivers uniform, near-diffraction-limited image quality at near-infrared wavelengths over a 2 arcminute field of view. Together with the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI), a near-infrared wide field camera, GeMS/GSAOI's combination of high spatial resolution and a large field of view will make it a premier facility for precision astrometry. Potential astrometric science cases cover a broad range of topics including exo-planets, star formation, stellar evolution, star clusters, nearby galaxies, black holes and neutron stars, and the Galactic center. In this paper, we assess the astrometric performance and limitations of GeMS/GSAOI. In particular, we analyze deep, mono-epoch images, multi-epoch data and distortion calibration. We find that for single-epoch, un-dithered data, an astrometric error below 0.2 mas can be achieved for exposure times exceeding one minute, provided enough stars are available to remove high-order distortions. We show however that such performance is not reproducible for multi-epoch observations, and an additional systematic error of ~0.4 mas is evidenced. This systematic multi-epoch error is the dominant error term in the GeMS/GSAOI astrometric error budget, and it is thought to be due to time-variable distortion induced by gravity flexure.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of 28 Strong Gravitational Lenses: The Group Catalog

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    With a large, unique spectroscopic survey in the fields of 28 galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses, we identify groups of galaxies in the 26 adequately-sampled fields. Using a group finding algorithm, we find 210 groups with at least five member galaxies; the median number of members is eight. Our sample spans redshifts of 0.04 ≀zgrp≀\le z_{grp} \le 0.76 with a median of 0.31, including 174 groups with 0.1<zgrp<0.60.1 < z_{grp} < 0.6. Groups have radial velocity dispersions of 60 ≀σgrp≀\le \sigma_{grp} \le 1200 km s−1^{-1} with a median of 350 km s−1^{-1}. We also discover a supergroup in field B0712+472 at z=z = 0.29 consisting of three main groups. We recover groups similar to ∌\sim 85% of those previously reported in these fields within our redshift range of sensitivity and find 187 new groups with at least five members. The properties of our group catalog, specifically 1) the distribution of σgrp\sigma_{grp}, 2) the fraction of all sample galaxies that are group members, and 3) the fraction of groups with significant substructure, are consistent with those for other catalogs. The distribution of group virial masses agrees well with theoretical expectations. Of the lens galaxies, 12 of 26 (46%) (B1422+231, B1600+434, B2114+022, FBQS J0951+2635, HE0435-1223, HST J14113+5211, MG0751+2716, MGJ1654+1346, PG 1115+080, Q ER 0047-2808, RXJ1131-1231, and WFI J2033-4723) are members of groups with at least five galaxies, and one more (B0712+472) belongs to an additional, visually identified group candidate. There are groups not associated with the lens that still are likely to affect the lens model; in six of 25 (24%) fields (excluding the supergroup), there is at least one massive (σgrp≄\sigma_{grp} \ge 500 km s−1^{-1}) group or group candidate projected within 2â€Č^{\prime} of the lens.Comment: 87 pages, 8 figures, a version of this was published in Ap

    Integrated Laboratory Demonstrations of Multi-Object Adaptive Optics on a Simulated 10-Meter Telescope at Visible Wavelengths

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    One important frontier for astronomical adaptive optics (AO) involves methods such as Multi-Object AO and Multi-Conjugate AO that have the potential to give a significantly larger field of view than conventional AO techniques. A second key emphasis over the next decade will be to push astronomical AO to visible wavelengths. We have conducted the first laboratory simulations of wide-field, laser guide star adaptive optics at visible wavelengths on a 10-meter-class telescope. These experiments, utilizing the UCO/Lick Observatory's Multi-Object / Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics (MOAO/LTAO) testbed, demonstrate new techniques in wavefront sensing and control that are crucial to future on-sky MOAO systems. We (1) test and confirm the feasibility of highly accurate atmospheric tomography with laser guide stars, (2) demonstrate key innovations allowing open-loop operation of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors (with errors of ~30 nm) as will be needed for MOAO, and (3) build a complete error budget model describing system performance. The AO system maintains a performance of 32.4% Strehl on-axis, with 24.5% and 22.6% at 10" and 15", respectively, at a science wavelength of 710 nm (R-band) over the equivalent of 0.8 seconds of simulation. The MOAO-corrected field of view is ~25 times larger in area than that limited by anisoplanatism at R-band. Our error budget is composed of terms verified through independent, empirical experiments. Error terms arising from calibration inaccuracies and optical drift are comparable in magnitude to traditional terms like fitting error and tomographic error. This makes a strong case for implementing additional calibration facilities in future AO systems, including accelerometers on powered optics, 3D turbulators, telescope and LGS simulators, and external calibration ports for deformable mirrors.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PAS

    Joint Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the Massive Cluster Field J0850+3604

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    We present a combined strong and weak lensing analysis of the J085007.6+360428 (J0850) field, which was selected by its high projected concentration of luminous red galaxies and contains the massive cluster Zwicky 1953. Using Subaru/Suprime-Cam BVRcIciâ€Čzâ€ČBVR_{c}I_{c}i^{\prime}z^{\prime} imaging and MMT/Hectospec spectroscopy, we first perform a weak lensing shear analysis to constrain the mass distribution in this field, including the cluster at z=0.3774z = 0.3774 and a smaller foreground halo at z=0.2713z = 0.2713. We then add a strong lensing constraint from a multiply-imaged galaxy in the imaging data with a photometric redshift of z≈5.03z \approx 5.03. Unlike previous cluster-scale lens analyses, our technique accounts for the full three-dimensional mass structure in the beam, including galaxies along the line of sight. In contrast with past cluster analyses that use only lensed image positions as constraints, we use the full surface brightness distribution of the images. This method predicts that the source galaxy crosses a lensing caustic such that one image is a highly-magnified "fold arc", which could be used to probe the source galaxy's structure at ultra-high spatial resolution (<30< 30 pc). We calculate the mass of the primary cluster to be Mvir=2.93−0.65+0.71×1015 M⊙\mathrm{M_{vir}} = 2.93_{-0.65}^{+0.71} \times 10^{15}~\mathrm{M_{\odot}} with a concentration of cvir=3.46−0.59+0.70\mathrm{c_{vir}} = 3.46_{-0.59}^{+0.70}, consistent with the mass-concentration relation of massive clusters at a similar redshift. The large mass of this cluster makes J0850 an excellent field for leveraging lensing magnification to search for high-redshift galaxies, competitive with and complementary to that of well-studied clusters such as the HST Frontier Fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 14 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    CATS: CfAO Treasury Survey of distant galaxies, supernovae, and AGN's

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    The NSF Science and Technology Center for Adaptive Optics (CfAO) is supporting a major scientific legacy project called the CfAO Treasury Survey (CATS). CATS is obtaining near-infrared AO data in deep HST survey fields, such as GEMS, GOODS-N, & EGS. Besides summarizing the main objectives of CATS, we highlight some recent imaging work on the study of distant field galaxies, AGNs, and a redshift z = 1.32 supernova. CATS plans the first data release to the community in early 2007 (check http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~irlab/cats/index.shtml for more details on CATS and latest updates).Comment: 2 pages. Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 235, "Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time", F. Combes & J. Palous (eds.
