13 research outputs found

    Garment studio of designer Josefína Bakošová

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá historií a současnou tvorbou české módní návrhářky Josefíny Bakošové. Zkoumá pozici návrhářčina ateliéru na trhu s ohledem na konkurenci. Cílem práce je návrh kroků, které povedou ke zlepšení propagace a zviditelnění značky Josefíny Bakošové. Součástí práce je také dotazníkové šetření, které zjišťovalo, zda mají lidé povědomí o návrhářce. Závěrečná část práce obsahuje vyhodnocení dotazníkového šetření a návrhy vedoucí ke zviditelnění značky a zlepšení propagace.The bachelor thesis deals with the history and contemporary work of Czech fashion designer Josefina Bakosova. It examines the position of designer studio in the market with respect to competition. The aim of the thesis is to propose steps that will lead to improvement of the promotion and visibility of Josefína Bakošová's brand. Part of the thesis is also a questionnaire survey, whether people are aware of the designer. The final part of the thesis contains the evaluation of the questionnaire and suggestions leading to the visibility of the brand and improvement of the promotion

    The Importance of Manager ´s Communication

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    The bachelor thesis is focused on the communication skills of a manager. This work is divided into two main parts. The first part is composed of theoretical background which is used to evaluate the current situation of the topic. Based on this knowledge the questions for the guided interview were formed. The second part (the own work) consists of manager´s answers noted during interviews done at five different organizations. The answers were analyzed and rated. The result of this research shows actual situation, how managers evaluate the communication and its importance for their job. What are their communication ways and what they find as important

    Encapsulation for clothing applications

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá materiály s fázovou přeměnou (PCM) a termochromními pigmenty. Cílem práce je nalezení optimální kombinace materiálu s fázovou přeměnou a termochromního pigmentu, kterou bude následně možné nanést na textilní materiál. Vhodná kombinace má být zvolena na základě teplot tání materiálu s fázovou přeměnou a teploty, kdy dochází k barevnému přechodu u termochromních pigmentů. Po nalezení vhodné kombinace dvou zmíněných materiálů je popsána také oblast využití takto upravených textilních materiálů.The diploma thesis deals with phase change materials (PCM) and thermochromic pigments. The aim of the work is to find the optimal combination of phase change material and thermochromic pigment, which will then be possible to apply on textile material. The appropriate combination should be selected on the basis of the melting points of the phase change material and the temperature at which the color transition occurs for thermochromic pigments. In the experimental part, various ways of examining these parameters were performed. After finding a suitable combination of the two mentioned materials, the field of use of such modified textile materials is also described

    Evaluation of an Entrepreneurial Opportunity in the Czech Republic

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnotit podnikatelskou příležitost pronájmu dětského oblečení z hlediska trhu a zájmu potenciálních zákazníků. Vedlejším cílem je sestavit udržitelný byznys model této služby. Ke zhodnocení trhu je použita Porterova analýza pěti sil, k odhadu zájmu potenciálních zákazníků je provedena analýza sekundárních dat, hloubkové rozhovory a navazující dotazníkové šetření. Práce též vysvětluje koncept udržitelného byznys modelu a představuje současné nástroje, pomocí nichž lze sestavit. Jeden z nich, Flourishing Business Canvas, je využit v praktické části pro vizualizaci hodnocené příležitosti. Po provedení analýzy nebylo doporučeno nápad v původní podobě rozvíjet, na základě zjištění byly navrženy modifikace služby vhodnější pro prostředí českého trhu.The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to evaluate an entrepreneurial opportunity (baby clothes rental service) from the perspectives of market and potential customers. A secondary goal is to device a sustainable business model of this service. For the evaluation of market, Porter’s five forces analysis is used. The demand of potential customers is evaluated using secondary data analysis and semi-structured interviews followed up by an online survey. This thesis also discusses the concept of sustainable business model and presents contemporary tools that can be used to create it. One of them, Flourishing Business Canvas, is used to present and visualise the evaluated entrepreneurial opportunity. The results of the analysis escribed above indicate that the originally described opportunity is not viable for selected segment and market. Based on the results, several modifications to the model were suggested that would make it more suitable to the market

    The acceleration of cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells <i>in vitro</i> by serum depletion does not increase the number of developed cardiomyocytes - Fig 4

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    <p>A number of viable cardiomyocytes determined as the level of ATP in the HG8 clone of the R1 ES cell (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0173140#sec002" target="_blank">methods</a>) ratio in the culture derived from 5- and 8-day old EBs (A and B). Selection of cardiomyocytes by G418 antibiotics started on days 14 (Days of selection: 14–20) and 20 (Days of selection: 20–26) of differentiation, and continued for 6 days in both cases. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 4). Differences between samples were analyzed by paired T-test and considered statistically significant for p ≤ 0.05; they are marked with asterisks. The purity of the selected cardiomyocytes is also shown. Representative picture of non-selected (C, D) and selected (E, F) cardiomyocytes stained using the anti-MHC antibody MF20 (C, E) on day 20 of differentiation. Cell nuclei are counterstained by DAPI (D, F). Scale bar = 100 μm.</p

    Electrophysiological characteristics of differentiated cardiomyocytes.

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    <p>Beating frequency (A) and duration of peak width (B) analyses by Ca<sup>2+</sup> flux in formed 5EB and 8EB cardiomyocytes on day 20 of differentiation. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = a minimum of 4). Differences between samples were analyzed by paired T-test and considered statistically significant for p ≤ 0.05; they are marked with asterisks. Representative action potential recordings from cells stimulated with suprathreshold current pulses (0.5 ms, 4–10 nA) at 1 Hz; a cells with atrial (C) and ventricular (D) action potential morphology. In the majority of cells, we did not observe any spontaneous electrical activity during 20-s recordings (E; upper panel); occasionally, a single spontaneous AP appeared during this period (E; lower panel); <i>V</i><sub>m</sub>−membrane voltage. Whole cell membrane current during a 5-s ramp pulse at voltages between -110 and +40 mV (F); <i>I</i><sub>m</sub>−membrane current.</p

    The experimental setup employed for comparison of the effects of adhesion, FBS supplementation, and NAC supplementation analyzed by determination of the expression of cardiomyogenic markers at the end of the differentiation experiment (8 days).

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    <p>Supplementation was altered for the last 3 days of cultivation under adherent or non-adherent conditions for EBs cultivation, after 5 days of cultivation in the form of EBs in the presence of FBS (A). Gene expressions of transcriptional factor Nkx2.5, Actn2, Myh6, and Myh7, recognized as markers of cardiomyocyte differentiation–data are presented as the effect of individual variables: the adhesion of EBs on days 5 or 8 of differentiation (B), the presence (S) or absence (SF) of FBS (C), and the presence ((+)NAC) or absence ((-)NAC) of N-Acetyl Cysteine (D). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 4). Differences between samples were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and post-hoc Dunns test and considered statistically significant for p ≤ 0.05; they are marked with asterisks.</p