13 research outputs found

    Coexisting Cyclic Parthenogens Comprise a Holocene Species Flock in Eubosmina

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    Background: Mixed breeding systems with extended clonal phases and weak sexual recruitment are widespread in nature but often thought to impede the formation of discrete evolutionary clusters. Thus, cyclic parthenogens, such as cladocerans and rotifers, could be predisposed to ‘‘species problems’ ’ and a lack of discrete species. However, species flocks have been proposed for one cladoceran group, Eubosmina, where putative species are sympatric, and there is a detailed paleolimnological record indicating a Holocene age. These factors make the Eubosmina system suitable for testing the hypotheses that extended clonal phases and weak sexual recruitment inhibit speciation. Although common garden experiments have revealed a genetic component to the morphotypic variation, the evolutionary significance of the morphotypes remains controversial. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we tested the hypothesis of a single polymorphic species (i.e., mixing occurs but selection maintains genes for morphology) in four northern European lakes where the morphotypes coexist. Our evidence is based on nuclear DNA sequence, mitochondrial DNA sequence, and morphometric analysis of coexisting morphotypes. We found significant genetic differentiation, genealogical exclusivity, and morphometric differentiation for coexisting morphotypes. Conclusions: We conclude that the studied morphotypes represent a group of young species undergoing speciation wit

    Phylogeography, taxonomy and systematics of selected members of the family Bosminidae

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    The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the general understanding and to fill some gaps in our knowledge of Eubosminas` biology, especially evolutionary biology, taxonomy and systematic, applying methods of molecular genetics. The main aim was to elucidate the origin of Eubosmina morphotypes, their taxonomic significance, and evolutionary meaning. To test possible European refugium or refugia for Eubosmina was the goal as well. For available paleolimnological record, occurrence in sympatry in relatively homogenous pelagial of freshwater bodies and mixed breeding system Eubosmina represents evolutionary system with unique and advantageous features. In spite of it, it stays in the background of modern research. It is through mainly in evolutionary, taxonomic, and systematic aspects. Although Eubosmina specimens are often mentioned in the paleolimnological or ecological studies their taxonomical system is based solely on morphological features that are plastic. The group itself, mainly European specimens, is known to exhibit enormous cyclomorphosis and local variance. That is why the system of Eubosmina differs according to the authors. Nearly each author came up with different system despite the same morphological characters have been used. Since no detail genetic study and complex morphometric..

    Pina Bausch's dance theatre

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    Pina Bausch and the dance company Tanztheater Wuppertal inherently belong together. The choreographer became the head of this German dance company in 1973 and has led it since up today. She has never created choreography for any other dance group or other dancer. During this thirty-five years' connection the company moved among the top dance groups and stili achieve success worldwide. lt was and stili is an inspiration for many young authors. lt is a history, but also the presence at the same time. Right from the beginning of her career, Pina Bausch indicated that her work was going to be exceptional. For her, there were no barriers, neither in formulation of themes, nor in use of means of expression. She organically connected dance and theatre in her works and thus created a new art genre, which theoreticians call dance theatre. She managed to unite a multi-national group of twenty-six members, with which she worked very closely in preparation of particular pieces. Especially at the beginning, the dancers were forced to personally engage into each choreography. Preparation of a performance consisted in so-called principle of questions. Pina Bausch wanted her dancers to answer her questions by improvising a little dance or theatre sketch. Then, she was choosing from this amount of mate rial to form a base..

    Phylogeny, phylogeography and taxonomy of selected members of the family Bosminidae

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    Phylogeography, taxonomy, and systematics of chosen members of family Bosminidae Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis MSc Markéta Faustová Supervisors: RNDr. Veronika Sacherová, Ph.D. - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Dr. Derek J. Taylor, Ph.D. - New York State University at Buffalo, U.S.A. For their life cycles, phenotypic plasticity, presence of sibling species and worldwide distribution, cladocerans are useful organisms for evolutionary studies with the aim to understand mechanisms of speciation, adaptive radiation, and polymorphism. While members of the genus Daphnia (family Daphniidae) became an iconic model in such studies, members of the family Bosminidae posses comparably interesting set of characteristics that could help to elucidate speciation mechanisms. In particular, members of the genus Eubosmina are known for extreme levels of phenotypic plasticity, especially in the Circumbaltic region, which puzzled the taxonomy and confused relationships of all described morphotypes since the first Eubosmina was described in 1857. The presented thesis explores genetic and morphometrical relationships with the aim to clarify how closely related all the described morphospecies are, to find out if there are some reproductive barriers and how strong these barriers are, how is the present-day structure of..

    Prevention of tax evasion in cross-border trade

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou prevence daňových úniků v přeshraničním obchodě, kde ve velkém rozsahu dochází k tzv. karuselovým podvodům na DPH. Vedle teoretických souvislostí a popisu jednotlivých nástrojů, které má správce daně pro tento účel k dispozici, se práce věnuje detailní analýze aktuální judikatury české i evropské se zaměřením se na institut zejména zajišťovacího příkazu a jeho efektivitu při potírání nežádoucího deliktního jednání v dané oblasti. Na základě srovnání dosavadních statistických výsledků činnosti Finanční správy na jedné straně a identifikovaných systémových rizik a nedostatků na straně druhé zpracovatel posuzuje, zda postup orgánů Finanční správy je v boji proti daňovým únikům v přeshraničním obchodě účinný a přiměřený, či nikoli. V závěru práce predikuje potenciální budoucí vývoj v dané oblasti včetně návrhu konkrétních opatření, která by mohla přispět ke zefektivnění prevence úniků na DPH.The diploma thesis deals with the issue of prevention of tax evasion in cross-border trade, where so-called carousel VAT fraud occurs. In addition to the theoretical context and the description of the various tools available to the tax administrator for this purpose, the thesis deals with a detailed analysis of the current Czech and European case law, focusing in particular on the securing order and its effectiveness in combating undesirable delicts in the area. On the basis of a comparison of the statistical results of the tax authorities so far, on the one hand, and the identified systemic risks and weaknesses on the other, the author assesses whether or not the procedure of the financial authorities is effective and proportionate in combating cross-border tax evasion. In conclusion, the thesis predicts potential future developments in the area, including the design of specific measures that could contribute to prevent VAT evasion

    The use of new media in terms of ritual focusing on social networks

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    The aim of the thesis "The use of new media in terms of ritual focusing on social networks" is to show how elements of ritual communication are reflected in behavior of users of social networks. The text is divided into five chapters which include more specific focused subchapters. After the short introduction the chapter devoted attention to the issue of new media, to their nature, to their popularity and to the circumstances of their onset follows. The second chapter deals with a ritual and its various meanings and with ritual communication. Theme of the third chapter are social networks that are typical representatives of communication lines in new media. The work is more closely focused on three major social networks, whose popularity is currently the largest, namely Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Spolužáci.cz. The fourth chapter consists mainly of a summary of results of the qualitative research which was realized for the purpose of this work and which should demonstrate whether and how ritualization occurs in communication of users of described social networks. In the foreground of the chapter the essence of the research and its course is characterized. During the research ten interviews with randomly selected users of some social network mentioned above and two diary investigations of two..

    Registered Partnership and its Legal Consequences in Relation to Alternative Family Care

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    This thesis deals with the issue of two today very important institutes, namely the registered partnership and the alternative family care. The aim of the thesis is to focus on areas where the two institutes overlap. Current registered partnership legislation contains some problematic provisions in relation to forms of alternative family care. The text of the thesis has focused on the description of these problem areas and try to outline possible future changes even in the context of the situation on the international level

    Fylogeneze, fylogeografie a taxonomie vybraných zástupců čeledi Bosminidae

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    Phylogeography, taxonomy, and systematics of chosen members of family Bosminidae Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis MSc Markéta Faustová Supervisors: RNDr. Veronika Sacherová, Ph.D. - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Dr. Derek J. Taylor, Ph.D. - New York State University at Buffalo, U.S.A. For their life cycles, phenotypic plasticity, presence of sibling species and worldwide distribution, cladocerans are useful organisms for evolutionary studies with the aim to understand mechanisms of speciation, adaptive radiation, and polymorphism. While members of the genus Daphnia (family Daphniidae) became an iconic model in such studies, members of the family Bosminidae posses comparably interesting set of characteristics that could help to elucidate speciation mechanisms. In particular, members of the genus Eubosmina are known for extreme levels of phenotypic plasticity, especially in the Circumbaltic region, which puzzled the taxonomy and confused relationships of all described morphotypes since the first Eubosmina was described in 1857. The presented thesis explores genetic and morphometrical relationships with the aim to clarify how closely related all the described morphospecies are, to find out if there are some reproductive barriers and how strong these barriers are, how is the present-day structure of...Phylogeography, taxonomy, and systematics of chosen members of family Bosminidae Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis MSc Markéta Faustová Supervisors: RNDr. Veronika Sacherová, Ph.D. - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Dr. Derek J. Taylor, Ph.D. - New York State University at Buffalo, U.S.A. For their life cycles, phenotypic plasticity, presence of sibling species and worldwide distribution, cladocerans are useful organisms for evolutionary studies with the aim to understand mechanisms of speciation, adaptive radiation, and polymorphism. While members of the genus Daphnia (family Daphniidae) became an iconic model in such studies, members of the family Bosminidae posses comparably interesting set of characteristics that could help to elucidate speciation mechanisms. In particular, members of the genus Eubosmina are known for extreme levels of phenotypic plasticity, especially in the Circumbaltic region, which puzzled the taxonomy and confused relationships of all described morphotypes since the first Eubosmina was described in 1857. The presented thesis explores genetic and morphometrical relationships with the aim to clarify how closely related all the described morphospecies are, to find out if there are some reproductive barriers and how strong these barriers are, how is the present-day structure of...Department of EcologyKatedra ekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Registered Partnership and its Legal Consequences in Relation to Alternative Family Care

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    This thesis deals with the issue of two today very important institutes, namely the registered partnership and the alternative family care. The aim of the thesis is to focus on areas where the two institutes overlap. Current registered partnership legislation contains some problematic provisions in relation to forms of alternative family care. The text of the thesis has focused on the description of these problem areas and try to outline possible future changes even in the context of the situation on the international level

    Pina Bausch's dance theatre

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    Pina Bausch and the dance company Tanztheater Wuppertal inherently belong together. The choreographer became the head of this German dance company in 1973 and has led it since up today. She has never created choreography for any other dance group or other dancer. During this thirty-five years' connection the company moved among the top dance groups and stili achieve success worldwide. lt was and stili is an inspiration for many young authors. lt is a history, but also the presence at the same time. Right from the beginning of her career, Pina Bausch indicated that her work was going to be exceptional. For her, there were no barriers, neither in formulation of themes, nor in use of means of expression. She organically connected dance and theatre in her works and thus created a new art genre, which theoreticians call dance theatre. She managed to unite a multi-national group of twenty-six members, with which she worked very closely in preparation of particular pieces. Especially at the beginning, the dancers were forced to personally engage into each choreography. Preparation of a performance consisted in so-called principle of questions. Pina Bausch wanted her dancers to answer her questions by improvising a little dance or theatre sketch. Then, she was choosing from this amount of mate rial to form a base..