16 research outputs found


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    Pengelolaan Islamic full day school di SDIT As-Salam Kota Jayapura. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan teologis normatif, dan yuridis normatif sedangkan pendekatan dari segi metode yaitu fenomenologi. Sumber data penelitian ini terdiri dari Ketua Yayasan, Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah, dan Guru-guru, pada SDIT As-Salam Kota Jayapura sebagai informan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen atau daftar pertanyaan, wawancara, observasi partisipatif, dokumentasi, dan penelusuran referensi. Teknik analisis/pengolahan data kualitatif menggunakan pola deskriptif berupa sumber data dan data kualitatif menggunakan 3 tahapan yaitu 1) reduksi data, 2) display data, dan 3) verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan Islamic full day school di SDIT As-Salam Kota Jayapura meliputi tiga pilar pembangunan pendidikan, yaitu: (1) pembentukan karakter, (2) peningkatan mutu yang berdaya saing, dan (3) peningkatan efisiensi dan efektifitas pengelolaan pendidikan. Peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran, pertama, menggunakan pendekatan, strategi, metode, dan teknik-teknik dalam mengarahkan, memotivasi, dan membimbing peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi, aktif, dan kreatif belajar bersama, kedua, menyampaikan pengetahuan keagamaan yang fungsional, ketiga, untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan, baik lingkungan fisik maupun lingkungan sosial sesuai dengan ajaran Islam, keempat, melatih siswa untuk selalu mengamalkan ajaran Islam, menjalankan ibadah dan berbuat baik, SDIT yang senantiasa mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan melalui proses pembelajaran, standar penilaian pendidikan, standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, standar sarana prasarana, standar pengelolaan dan standar pembiayaan

    The Effect of the Tarbiyah Islāmiyah Implementation on Akhlakul Karimah of Students at College of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language (STIBA) of Makassar

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    This research aims to discuss the influence of the implementation of Tarbiyah Islāmiyah on morality at the Makassar College of Islamic and Arabic Sciences (STIBA). The main issue discussed is how much influence the implementation of Tarbiyah Islāmiyah has on students at the Makassar College of Islamic and Arabic Sciences (STIBA), with sub-problems, namely: 1) How to describe the implementation of tarbiyah rūhiyah at STIBA Makassar; 2) How to describe the implementation of tarbiyah ṡaqafiyah in STIBA Makassar; 3) How to describe the implementation of tarbiyah jasadiyah in STIBA Makassar; 4) How is the description of the morality of STIBA Makassar students; and 5) How much influence the implementation of tarbiyah rūhiyah on students' morality at STIBA in Makassar; (6) the effect of the implementation of tarbiyah ṡaqāfiyah on morality karimah, Based on the results of the study obtained regression equation Ŷ = 117,506 + 0.552X_1 and the value of F_hitung greater than the value of F_tabel (11,575>2.70), with a sig value smaller than 0.05 (0.005<0.05), this indicates that the implementation of tarbiyah ṡaqāfiyah has an influence on akhlakul karimah with a determination rate of 11.1%; (7) the effect of the implementation of tarbiyah jasadiyah on moral karimah, based on the results of research obtained regression equations Ŷ = 84,742 + 0.711X_1, and the value of F_hitung greater than the value of F_tabel (20,551>2.70), with a sig value smaller than 0.05 (0.005<0.05), this shows that the implementation of tarbiyah jasadiyah has an influence on karimah morality with a determination rate of 18.1%; and (8) the influence of the implementation of tarbiyah rūhiyah, tarbiyah ṡaqāfiyah, and tarbiyah jasadiyah together against morality karimah, based on the results of research obtained regression equation Ŷ = 49,626 +0.303X_1 +0.388X_2 +0.280X_3, and the value of F_hitung> F_tabel (9,807>2.47) with a sig value smaller than 0.05 (0.005<0.05), this shows that the implementation of tarbiyah rūhiyah, tarbiyah ṡaqāfiyah, and tarbiyah jasadiyah together has an influence on morality with the level of determination 21.9%. Implications of this study on student morality, that 1) the construction of morality of students in universities can be done through the Islāmiyah tarbiyah program as an extracurricular activity; 2) The application of student moral development can be done through the integration of the process of strengthening; 3) In intervening in the implementation of the Islāmiyah tarbiyah program at universities can be applied by making rules and signs of morality both on campus and off campus


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui kecerdasan emosional peserta didikyang mengalami slow learner (2) untuk mengetahui upaya guru dalam melatih kecerdasanemosional peserta didik yang mengalami slow learner (3) untuk mengetahui faktorpendukung dan penghambat guru dalam melatih kecerdasan emosional peserta didik yangmengalami slow learner. Sumber data yang dalam penelitian ini terbagi dua yaitu sumberdata primer yakni guru dan peserta didik dan sumber data sekunder yakni referensi ataubuku-buku yang relevan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatanpedagogik, pendekatan psikologis dan pendekatan sosial. Teknik pengolahan data yangdigunakan adalah reduksi data, paparan data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitianini diperoleh bahwa kecerdasan emosional peserta didik yang mengalami slow learner dikelas V SD inpres 126 Bisoli adalah peserta didik belum mampu mengontrol emosinyasendiri sehingga sering terjadi keributan di dalam kelas seperti disaat proses pembelajaransedang berlangsung. Adapun upaya guru dalam melatih kecerdasan emosional pesertadidik di kelas V SD Inpres 126 Bisoli yaitu: guru mampu memahami karakter peserta didik,guru mengenal emosi peserta didik, memberikan bimbingan kepada peserta didik, danpengembangan kecerdasan emosional peserta didik. Adapun faktor pendukung kecerdasanemosional peserta didik di kelas V SD Inpres 126 Bisoli yaitu: adanya kerja sama antarguru, peningkatan SDM, sarana dan prasarana di SD Inpres 126 Bisoli, sedangkan faktorpenghambatnya yaitu: peserta didik tidak mentaati tata tertib di sekolah, peserta didikkurang percaya diri, tuntutan nilai dan terbatasnya waktu pertemuan

    Supply Chain and Firm Performance with the Moderating Role of Leadership Dependency

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    The prime objective of the present study is to examine the role of supply chain leadership, supply chain fellowship and shared common values on the supply chain activities of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. The secondary objective of the ongoing study is also the examination of moderating role of supply chain leadership dependency among the links of supply chain leadership, supply chain fellowship, shared common values and supply chain activities of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. The questionnaire method has been adopted by the study to collect the data while smart-PLS has been executed for the analysis. The results indicated that supply chain leadership, supply chain fellowship and shared common values have a positive impact on the supply chain activities of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. The results also exposed that supply chain leadership dependency positively moderated among the links of supply chain fellowship and supply chain activities. These findings are suitable for the regulators along with further studies in terms of investigating, formulating strategies and policies on the supply chain activities of the banks

    Genetic variability in yield and vegetative traits in elite germplasm of MPOB-Nigerian dura × AVROS pisifera progenies

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    Genetic variability study on vegetative and yield traits was carried out through long-term evaluation of eleven MPOB-Nigerian dura × AVROS pisifera (D× P) progenies at MPOB (Malaysian Palm Oil Board) research station located in Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. The D × P progenies were laid out in randomized complete block design in two blocks with 352 oil palm plants occupying a total area of 2.59 hectares. Data on both vegetative and yield traits such as plant height (HT), leaflet number (LN), leaflet length (LL), leaflet width (LW), rachis length (RL), petiole cross-section, leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI), fresh fruit bunch (FFB), average bunch weight (ABW), oil yield (OY), kernel yield (KY), mesocarp to fruit (MTF), kernel to fruit (KTF), oil to bunch (OTB), kernel to bunch (KTB) were collected over the years following the standard method. Analysis of variance of the data showed a significant variation among the progenies performance for both vegetative and yield traits, revealing their differences in their genetic origin. Also significant differences were observed for G×R interactions in all the traits collected except for PCR, KPY and ABW. The progenies plant height ranges from 1.53 (PUP1328) to 2.26 m (PUP1328). Also among the traits is PCS with highest value found in progeny PUP 1174 (32.16 cm2), while the lowest reading was found in PUP 1358 (20.54 cm2). The fresh fruit bunch weight for the progenies ranged from 121.03 to 175.16 kg/ palm/yr. Progeny PUP 1303 was found to have the highest value for FFB (175.16 kg/palm/yr), KPY (7.9 kg/palm/yr) and OPY (38.87 kg/palm/yr). From the correlation study, it was found that FFB, which is the most important yield trait, was positive and highly significant with all other yield and vegetative traits except for MTF, KTF, OTB and KTB where the association was non-significant. In this study, great variability has been found to be present among these progenies and this will be of immense benefit for improvement program. Progeny PUP 1303 and PUP 1246 have been identified as the potential parent and they have been selected for further evaluation trial

    The oil palm VIRESCENS gene controls fruit colour and encodes a R2R3-MYB

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    Oil palm, a plantation crop of major economic importance in Southeast Asia, is the predominant source of edible oil worldwide. We report the identification of the VIRESCENS (VIR) gene, which controls fruit exocarp colour and is an indicator of ripeness. VIR is a R2R3-MYB transcription factor with homology to Lilium LhMYB12 and similarity to Arabidopsis PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENT1 (PAP1). We identify five independent mutant alleles of VIR in over 400 accessions from sub-Saharan Africa that account for the dominant-negative virescens phenotype. Each mutation results in premature termination of the carboxy-terminal domain of VIR, resembling McClintock's C1-I allele in maize. The abundance of alleles likely reflects cultural practices, by which fruits were venerated for magical and medicinal properties. The identification of VIR will allow selection of the trait at the seed or early-nursery stage, 3-6 years before fruits are produced, greatly advancing introgression into elite breeding material

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