16 research outputs found

    Rohevintide fĂŒsioloogiline ökoloogia: sulgedes sisalduv informatsioon immuunfunktsiooni ja kĂ€itumise kontekstis

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.FĂŒsioloogiline ökoloogia uurib organismide fĂŒsioloogiliste funktsioonide ja keskkonna vahelisi suhteid. Alles hiljuti on jĂ”utud arusaamisele, et nĂ€rvi-, endokriin- ja immuunsĂŒsteem on omavahel ĂŒhendatud ĂŒhtseks tervikuks ning nende sĂŒsteemide vahelisi seoseid ning lĂ”ivsuhteid on oluline uurida. Oma töös ĂŒhendasin immuun- ning stressivastuse uuringud kĂ€itumise uurimisega. Mudelorganismina kasutasin rohevinti (Carduelis chloris) ning organismisiseste protsesside jĂ€lgimiseks nende sulgi. FĂŒsioloogiliste protsesside kohta vĂ”ivad informatsiooni anda sulgede vĂ€rv, suurus, terviklikkus ning erinevate hormoonide sisaldus. Töö eesmĂ€rgiks oli vĂ€lja selgitada erinevate suleparameetrite rakendatavus immuunökoloogilistes ja kĂ€itumisuuringutes. Töö esimeses pooles uurisin, kas neuro-, endokriin- ning immuunsĂŒsteemi omavahelisi suhteid on vĂ”imalik uurida sulgede stressihormooni taseme kaudu. Uurisin, kuidas mĂ”jutab sulgede kortikosterooni taset immuunsĂŒsteemi aktiveerimine, stressihormooni manustamine ja eksperimentaalne koktsiidinakkus. Töö teises pooles keskendusin suleparameetrite ja lindude kĂ€itumise vaheliste seoste uurimisele. Oma töö viimases osas uurisin, kas rohevintide sule suurus ja vĂ€rvus ennustab vastupanuvĂ”imet uudsele trihhomonoosinakkusele. Minu töö pĂ”hjal vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et sule erinevad parameetrid on tundlikud organismi hormonaalse sisekeskkonna ja immuunsĂŒsteemi manipulatsioonidele, andes vÀÀrtuslikku informatsiooni sulgede kasvu ajal kogetud sĂŒndmuste kohta. Sule massi, pikkust ja suleroo diameetrit on vĂ”imalik kasutada erinevate stressitekitajate somaatiliste kulude hindamiseks vĂ”i sulekasvu ja organismi teiste oluliste fĂŒsioloogiliste protsesside vaheliste lĂ”ivsuhete kirjeldamiseks. Vangistuses tekkinud sulekahjustused peegeldavad lindude kĂ€itumist ning vĂ”ivad iseloomustada vastuvĂ”tlikkust stressile. Sulgede kasvulĂŒnki on vĂ”imalik kasutada suremuse ennustamisel. Minu uurimistöö viitab vĂ”imalusele, et sulgede melaniinil pĂ”hinev vĂ€rvus on seotud immuun- ja stressivastusega, mis aitab mĂ”ista eumelaniinil pĂ”hineva vĂ€rvuse ĂŒldisi evolutsioonimehhanisme. Sule kortikosterooni ja koktsidioosiresistentsuse vaheline seos on eriti huvitav, sest see vĂ”ib aidata selgitada, miks looduslik valik vĂ”ib soosida kĂ”rgenenud stressivastust.Physiological ecology studies the interplay of organismÂŽs physiological processes and environment. Up until recently, the nervous, endocrine and immunological systems were regarded as separate entities and research about the interconnections and trade-offs between these systems was out of focus. In my thesis I combined immune and stress research with behavioral studies implementing greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) as a research model. Feathers of birds are unique in the sense that various feather parameters can reflect intrinsic and extrinsic conditions experienced by an organism during feather growth. In the first half of my thesis I studied the nexus between neural, endocrine and immunological functions. I asked how stress hormone content of feathers is affected by immune activation, glucocorticoid administration, experimental coccidian infection and how feather corticosterone content relates to disease resistance. In the second half of my thesis I concentrated on the connections between feather parameters and behavior. In the last part, I asked whether feather size and color parameters predict survival in greenfinches facing epidemics of emerging infectious disease, finch trichomonosis. My study showed that morphological characteristics, as well as CORT content of feathers are sensitive to manipulations of hormonal milieu and immune function, which makes these parameters valuable indicators about the events that occurred in the period of feather growth. In particular, feather mass, length and rachis diameter can be used to assess somatic costs of different stressors or trade-offs between feather growth and other demanding organismal functions. Feather wear in captivity can reflect behavior of birds and possibly be linked to stress susceptibility. Fault bars can be used as a diagnostic cue in predicting mortality. My study also indirectly suggests that eumelanotic color of feathers is linked to immune and/or stress responses, which helps us to understand the mechanisms of evolution of melanin-based coloration in general. Detected associations between feather CORT content and resistance to coccidiosis are particularly interesting, as they suggest a novel route of selection for higher stress responsiveness

    Looverialade ettevÔtlusÔppe rakendumine ettevÔtluspÀdevuste mudeli kontekstis

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    EttevĂ”tlusĂ”pe on jĂ”udnud haridusmaastikule ning selle rakendamise vajadust kinnitavad ka mitmed strateegiad ja uuringud. Looverialade Ă”petamise seisukohalt on see kasvava tĂ€htsusega kogu maailma majanduses. Alates 2015. aastast on Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia rakendanud Eesti haridussĂŒsteemis kĂ”igil erialadel kohustuslikku ettevĂ”tlusĂ”pet. Mitmeaastane kogemus vĂ”imaldab analĂŒĂŒsida, kuivĂ”rd on ettevĂ”tluspĂ€devused loovainetega lĂ”imitud. Artiklis kĂ€sitletakse kvalitatiivsele sisuanalĂŒĂŒsile tuginedes ettevĂ”tluspĂ€devustega seonduvaid Ă”pivĂ€ljundeid ja ettevĂ”tlust arendavaid Ă”ppetöövorme Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia 2015/2016. ja 2016/2017. Ă”a rakenduskĂ”rghariduse Ă”ppekavades. AnalĂŒĂŒsist selgub, et Ă”ppeasutuse spetsiifika tĂ”ttu keskenduvad Ă”ppekavad eelkĂ”ige kultuurilistele pĂ€devustele. EttevĂ”tlusega seotud teadmised on vĂ€ljunditena fikseeritud peamiselt ettevĂ”tlusainetes ja erialaĂŒlestes projektides, millel on ettevĂ”tluskultuuri toetava hariduskeskkonna tunnuseid. Kuigi ettevĂ”tlust arendavate Ă”ppeainete ja loovainete Ă”pivĂ€ljundite seos on nĂ”rk ning ettevĂ”tlust toetav kultuur on veel tervikuks sidumata, vĂ”ib Ă”ppekavade erialamoodulite Ă”pivĂ€ljunditest leida ka ettevĂ”tlusele omaseid pĂ€devusi.  Summar

    Coccidian Infection Causes Oxidative Damage in Greenfinches

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    The main tenet of immunoecology is that individual variation in immune responsiveness is caused by the costs of immune responses to the hosts. Oxidative damage resulting from the excessive production of reactive oxygen species during immune response is hypothesized to form one of such costs. We tested this hypothesis in experimental coccidian infection model in greenfinches Carduelis chloris. Administration of isosporan coccidians to experimental birds did not affect indices of antioxidant protection (TAC and OXY), plasma triglyceride and carotenoid levels or body mass, indicating that pathological consequences of infection were generally mild. Infected birds had on average 8% higher levels of plasma malondialdehyde (MDA, a toxic end-product of lipid peroxidation) than un-infected birds. The birds that had highest MDA levels subsequent to experimental infection experienced the highest decrease in infection intensity. This observation is consistent with the idea that oxidative stress is a causative agent in the control of coccidiosis and supports the concept of oxidative costs of immune responses and parasite resistance. The finding that oxidative damage accompanies even the mild infection with a common parasite highlights the relevance of oxidative stress biology for the immunoecological research

    Biochemical indices and body mass of greenfinches at first and second blood sampling (before and after experimental infection).

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    <p>Biochemical indices and body mass of greenfinches at first and second blood sampling (before and after experimental infection).</p

    Relationship between change in infection intensity between day 44 (last sampling of infection) and day 24 (before infecting) and plasma MDA levels at second blood sampling in an ANCOVA adjusting for a initial value of infection intensity and infection treatment. Interaction terms with infection treatment were not significant (P>0.9).

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    <p>Relationship between change in infection intensity between day 44 (last sampling of infection) and day 24 (before infecting) and plasma MDA levels at second blood sampling in an ANCOVA adjusting for a initial value of infection intensity and infection treatment. Interaction terms with infection treatment were not significant (P>0.9).</p

    Timeline of the experiment and dynamic of the infection.

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    <p>Day 1 = 4 January. Effect of treatment: F<sub>1,54</sub> = 13.2, P = 0.006; Effect of time: F<sub>6,324</sub> = 52.9, P<0.00001; Effect of time*treatment F<sub>6,324</sub> = 36.3, P<0.00001. Average infection intensities did not differ between infected and not infected birds before infecting (P = 0.6–1), while after infecting, infected group had significantly higher oocyst shedding in any date of measurement (P = 0.03–0.0001).</p

    Effects of experimental coccidian infection on changes of body mass and biochemical parameters of greenfinches between first and second blood sampling.

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    <p>η<sup>2</sup> stands for coefficients of partial determination, describing the proportion of total variation attributable to the predictor variable, partialling out other factors from the total nonerror variation. Average trait values are presented in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036495#pone-0036495-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p