69 research outputs found

    French and Serbian similes with comme/kao component ; Компаративные фразелогизмы с компонентом comme/као во французском и сербском языках

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    Предметом је ове докторске дисертације синхронијски компаративно- -контрастивни опис поредбених фразема с компонентом comme у француском те компонентом као у српском језику. Грађа — која је прикупљена из постојеће лексикографске литературе, референтних националних и интернетских електронских корпуса францускога и српског језика, из 555 француских дела белетристичке књижевности и њихових превода на српски језик, као и из ауторове сопствене електронске картотеке — обухватила је 1.509 француских и 1.395 српских поредбених фразема. Анализом су обухваћене само фраземе које припадају савременом стандардном језику и које су задовољиле одговарајући фреквенцијски праг. Прикупљена грађа представљена је у виду два контрастивна речника, француско-српскога и српско-француског. У речнике су системски и свеобухватно анотирани сви подаци који су у теоријском делу докторске дисертације били од значаја за истраживање...The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the synchronic comparative and contrastive description of similes with comme component in French and kao component in Serbian. The corpus – collected from existing lexicographical sources, referential national and Internet electronic corpora of the French and the Serbian language, from 555 French works of fiction and their Serbian translations, and from the personal electronic card index of the author – encompasses 1,509 French and 1,395 Serbian similes. The analysis included only the similes which belong to the modern standard language and which fulfilled a certain frequency requirement. The collected material is represented in the form of two contrastive dictionaries, one French-Serbian and the other Serbian- French. All data significant for the research in the theoretical part of the doctoral dissertation have been systematically and comprehensively annotated in the dictionaries..

    Cardiac Metastases and a Sudden Death as a Complication of Advanced Stage of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    In head and neck squamous cell carcinoma distant metastases are rare and metastases to the heart are extremely rare. In this report we present a patient with a sublingual and laryngeal carcinoma with metastases to lung and heart. Cardiac metastases present with non-specific symptoms that depends on the size and location of the metastases. The ideal tools for diagnosing cardiac metastases are echocardiography and cardiac MRI. CT scan could be used as a screening method of distant metastases in head and neck cancer. The treatment of cardiac metastases is generally ineffective

    Effects of recrystallization annealing on mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 wires

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of the recrystallization temperature and recrystallization time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the PdNi5 alloy subjected to cold deformation in the process of rolling at a constant deformation degree. The samples of PdNi5 alloy were recrystallization annealed within the temperature range of 200-1000 ºC and annealing time range of 20-45 min after cold rolling with deformation degree of 97%. The tensile test was carried out using universal material testing machine. The hardness was also measured on the combined device for measuring Vickers and Brinell hardness. Metallographic observations were performed on an optical microscope. The analysis of the results of investigations regarding the microstructural changes and corresponding mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 strips shows that annealing temperature of 500 ºC was sufficient to activate the energy for various recrystallization processes causing a change in the mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 strips. The annealing time, at constant annealing temperature, almost did not affect a recrystallization temperature and the mechanical properties of the cold-rolled PdNi5 strips

    Serbian political emigration and Yugoslav-american relations in the 1970s

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    U radu se analizira uloga koju je srpska politička emigracija u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama imala u jugoslovensko‒američkim odnosima tokom 70-ih godina. Delovanje srpske političke emigracije protiv socijalističke Jugoslavije predstavljalo je hronični problem u odnosima između dve države. U prvoj polovini ove dekade, za vreme predsednika Niksona i Forda, SAD nisu pokazivale mnogo razumevanja za jugoslovenske zahteve da se onemogući delovanje ove emigracije na američkom tlu. Dolaskom Кarterove administracije u drugoj polovini 70-ih odnos prema ovom problemu se promenio. Кako bi dodatno unapredile saradnju sa Jugoslavijom, SAD su sa mnogo više odlučnosti pristupile rešavanju ovog složenog pitanja.The paper analyzes the role that Serbian political emigration in the United States of America had in Yugoslav-American relations during the 1970s. The action of Serbian political emigration against Socialist Yugoslavia was a chronic problem in the relations between the two countries. In the first half of this decade, during the terms of Presidents Nixon and Ford, the U.S. didn’t show understanding for the Yugoslav demands to prevent the acting of this emigration on American soil. With the arrival of the Carter administration in the second half of the 70s, the attitude towards this problem changed. In order to further improve cooperation with Yugoslavia, the U.S.A. approached solving this complex issue with more determination. The result of scientific research in this paper shows that at the end of the 1970s, there was a change in the policy of the American administration towards Serbian political emigration in America

    Antinematodna dejstva odabranih mono i diterpenoidnih aktivnih sastojaka esencijalnih biljnih ulja

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    Prema podacima iz literature bolesti prouzrokovane parazitskim nematodama pogađaju veliki broj stanovnika na svetu (SZO-1.6 milijardi za 2022.), a vrlo često mogu biti i uzrok smrti u neadekvatnim higijensko-sanitarnim uslovima življenja. Ono što je zajedničko za parazitske infekcije životinja i ljudi, odnosno parazite koji ih napadaju jeste sposobnost da vrlo brzo nakon primene antiparazitskih lekova razvijaju rezistenciju na primenu istih. Pokazalo se na osnovu naših dosadašnjih istraživanja da je velika svinjska glista (A. suum) odličan alternativni model za ispitivanja antinematodnih aktivnosti postojećih i potencijalno novih antiparazitskih lekova.U ovom radu provereni su i analizirani mehanizmi kojima pojedini aktivni sastojci esencijalnih biljnih ulja deluju na neuromišićni preparat parazitske nematode A. suum koja je veoma čest parazit u crevima svinja. Ispitan je mehanizam antinematodnog dejstva odabranih biljnih mono i diterpenoidа na neuromišićnom preparatu nematode i dejstvo na različite podtipove nikotinskog receptora (L, N i B tip. Pored toga ispitan je uticaj i interakcija terpenoidnih aktivnih sastojaka biljnih ulja na GABA receptor parazitske nematode. Na osnovu naših rezultata (Marjanović i sar., 2020) inhibitorno dejstvo karvakrola na kontrakcije neuromišićnog preparata A. suum odigrava se posredstvom nikotinskog acetilholinskog receptora (nAChR). Inhibitorno dejstvo karvakrola ispoljava karakteristike kompetitivnog i nekompetitivnog antagonizma. Za istraživanja antinematodnog dejstva potencijalno novih lekova u našoj laboratoriji je prvi put korišćen u ovom delu Evrope i slobodno živeća nematoda Caenorhabditis elegans. U radu je prikazan uticaj timola i karvakrola na preživljavanje i faringealno pumpanje nematode Caenorhabditis elegans kao i dozna i vremenska zavisnost ovog efekta

    Effects of recrystallization annealing on mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 wires

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of the recrystallization temperature and recrystallization time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the PdNi5 alloy subjected to cold deformation in the process of rolling at a constant deformation degree. The samples of PdNi5 alloy were recrystallization annealed within the temperature range of 200-1000ºC and annealing time range of 20-45 min after cold rolling with deformation degree of 97%. The tensile test was carried out using universal material testing machine. The hardness was also measured on the combined device for measuring Vickers and Brinell hardness. Metallographic observations were performed on an optical microscope. The analysis of the results of investigations regarding the microstructural changes and corresponding mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 strips shows that annealing temperature of 500ºC was sufficient to activate the energy for various recrystallization processes causing a change in the mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 strips. The annealing time, at constant annealing temperature, almost did not affect a recrystallization temperature and the mechanical properties of the cold-rolled PdNi5 strips

    Building envelopes

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    Zgrade značajno utječu na vanjski okoliš, ali i na ljudsko zdravlje, udobnost i produktivnost. U navedenoj interakciji najveću ulogu ima ovojnica zgrade koja djeluje kao filtar koji poželjne utjecaje iz vanjskog okoliša propušta u unutrašnjost, a nepoželjne odbija ili mijenja. Sva opterećenja koja ovojnica mora podnijeti i sve funkcije koje mora zadovoljiti proizlaze iz tri bitne komponente i njihova međuodnosa: vanjskog okoliša, unutarnjeg okoliša i same ovojnice. Cilj je suvremene gradnje pristupiti pitanju ovojnice zgrade multidisciplinarno i integralno kako bi se potencijalni problemi izbjegli, a ljudske potrebe kvalitetno zadovoljile uz što manje financijske troškove.Buildings exert a considerable influence not only on outside environment, but also on human health, comfort, and productivity. In this interaction, the greatest role is assumed by the building envelope that acts as a filter permitting favourable external influences to enter the building, while rejecting or modifying unfavourable influences. All loads and functions to be assumed by the envelope arise from three significant components and their interactions: external environment, internal environment, and the envelope itself. An objective of modern construction activity is to approach the building envelope issue in a multidisciplinary and integral manner, so as to avoid potential problems while at the same time meeting human needs in an adequate way, at the lowest possible cost

    Interaction of carvacrol with the Ascaris suum nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors, potential mechanism of antinematodal action

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    Essential plant oils (or their active principles) are safe to use and a potentially attractive alternative to current antiparasitic drugs. In the present study, we tested the effects of carvacrol on the isolated tissues of Ascaris suum and investigated potential interactions with other antiparasitic drugs. We used somatic muscle flaps for contraction assays, as well as for electrophysiological investigations. Carvacrol 300 mu M highly significantly inhibited contractions caused by 1, 3, 10, 30, and 100 mu M of ACh (p = 0.0023, p = 0.0002, p = 0.0002, p < 0.0001, and p < 0.0001). The control EC50 for acetylcholine was 8.87 mu M (log EC50 = 0.95 +/- 0.26), while R (max) was 2.53 +/- 0.24 g. The EC50 of acetylcholine in the presence of 300 mu M of carvacrol was 27.71 mu M (log EC50 = 1.44 +/- 0.28) and the R (max) decreased to 1.63 +/- 0.32 g. Furthermore, carvacrol highly significant potentiates inhibitory effect of GABA and piperazine on the contractions induced by ACh. However, carvacrol (100 and 300 mu M), did not produce any changes in the membrane potential or conductance of the A. suum muscle cell. While, 300 mu M of carvacrol showed a significant inhibitory effect on ACh-induced depolarization response. The mean control depolarization was 13.58 +/- 0.66 mV and decreased in presence of carvacrol to 4.50 +/- 1.02 mV (p < 0.0001). Mean control Delta g was 0.168 +/- 0.017 mu S, while in the presence of 300 mu M of carvacrol, Delta g significantly decreased to 0.060 +/- 0.018 Delta S (p = 0.0017). The inhibitory effect on contractions may be the explanation of the antinematodal potential of carvacrol. Moreover, inhibition of depolarizations caused by ACh and reduction of conductance changes directly points to an interaction with the nAChR in A. suum

    Interaction of agonists of a different subtype of the nAChR and carvacrol with GABA in Ascaris suum somatic muscle contractions

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    Resistance of parasitic nematodes to anthelmintic drugs is a growing problem in human and veterinary medicine. The molecular mechanisms by which nematodes become resistant are different, but certainly one of the possible processes involves changing the drug binding site on the specific receptor. The significance of changes in individual subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) for the development of resistance has not been clarified in detail. This study investigates the interaction of antinematodal drugs, agonist of different types of nAChRs and carvacrol with gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the contractions of parasitic nematode A. suum. In our study, GABA (3 μM) produced significant increase of contractile EC50 value for pyrantel, and nonsignificant for bephenium and morantel, from 8.44 to 28.11 nM, 0.62 to 0.96 µM, and 3.72 to 5.69 nM, respectively. On the other hand, the maximal contractile effect (Rmax) did not change in the presence of GABA. However, when A. summ muscle flaps were incubated with GABA 3 μM and carvacrol 100 μM, the EC50 value of pyrantel, bephenium, and morantel was increased significantly to 44.62 nM, 1.40 μM, and nonsignificantly to 7.94 nM, respectively. Furthermore, Rmax decreased by 70, 60, and 65%. Presented results indicate that the combined use of GABA receptor agonists and nicotinic receptor antagonists can effectively inhibit the neuromuscular system of nematodes, even when one of the nicotinic receptor subtypes is dysfunctional, due to the potential development of resistance

    Antihelminic activity of carvacrol, thymol, cinnamaldehyde and p-cymen against the free-living nematode caenorhabditis elegans and rat pinworm syphacia muris

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    In the present study we tested the dose andh time dependence of the antinematodal effects of carvacrol and tyhmol on Caenorabditis elegans, and the efficacy of carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene and cinnamaldehyde,which were administrated in the drinking water of rats naturally infected with the pinworm Syphada muris. The control treatment of the infected rats was carried out with piperazine. Thymol caused a dose and time-dependent mortality in adult C. elegans. The value of the Median Lethal Concentration (LC50) of thymol was 117.9nM after 24h and 62.89 nM after 48h of exposure. Carvacrol exhibited a higher antinematodal efficiency than thymol. The LC50 of carvacrol, after 24 hours of exposure, was 53.03 nM, while after 48 hours it was 33.83 nM. On the other hand, piperazine showed an extremely high efficacy against S. muris infection in rats. Piperazine, at a dose of 625 mg/kg bw, administered in drinking water continuously for 10 days, eliminates the infection completely. However, none of the investigated active ingredients of essential oils were effective against S. muris. The reason for the lack of efficiency may be due to their pharmacokinetic properties. A relatively low amount of, orally administered, active ingredients of essential oils reaches the distal segments of the gastrointestinal tract, where S. muris inhabits the gut (colon and cecum). The obtained results, on C. elegans, indicate a clear dose and time-dependent antinematodal effect of thymol and carvacrol. However, for clinical application, it is necessary to examine the efficacy of microencapsulated formulations with a controlled release of active ingredients of essential oils in certain parts of the gastrointestinal tract