58 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Different Time Domain Peak Models using Extreme Learning Machine‐Based Peak Detection for EEG Signal

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    Various peak models have been introduced to detect and analyze peaks in the time domain analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. In general, peak model in the time domain analysis consists of a set of signal parameters, such as amplitude, width, and slope. Models including those proposed by Dumpala, Acir, Liu, and Dingle are routinely used to detect peaks in EEG signals acquired in clinical studies of epilepsy or eye blink. The optimal peak model is the most reliable peak detection performance in a particular application. A fair measure of performance of different models requires a common and unbiased platform. In this study, we evaluate the performance of the four different peak models using the extreme learning machine (ELM)-based peak detection algorithm. We found that the Dingle model gave the best performance, with 72 % accuracy in the analysis of real EEG data. Statistical analysis conferred that the Dingle model afforded significantly better mean testing accuracy than did the Acir and Liu models, which were in the range 37–52 %. Meanwhile, the Dingle model has no significant difference compared to Dumpala model

    Evaluation Of Different Peak Models Of Eye Blink Eeg For Signal Peak Detection Using Artificial Neural Network

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    There is a growing interest of research being conducted on detecting eye blink to assist physically impaired people for verbal communication and controlling devices using electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. One particular eye blink can be determined from use of peak points. Therefore, the purpose of peak detection algorithm is to distinguish an actual peak location from a list of peak candidates. The need of a good peak model is important in ensuring a satisfy classification performance. In general, there are various peak models available in literature, which have been tested in several peak detection algorithms. In this study, performance evaluation of the existing peak models is conducted based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with particle swarm optimization (PSO) as learning algorithm. This study evaluates the performance of eye blink EEG signal peak detection algorithm for four different peak models which are Dumpala’s, Acir’s, Liu’s, and Dingle’s peak models. To generalize the performance evaluation, two case studies of eye blink EEG signal are considered, which are single and double eye blink signals. It has been observed that the best test performance, in average, is 91.94% and 87.47% for single and double eye blink signals, respectively. These results indicate that the Acir’s peak model offers high accuracy of peak detection for the two eye blink EEG signals as compared to other peak models. The result of statistical analysis also indicates that the Acir’s peak model is better than Dingle’s and Dumpala’s peak models

    Recent Findings Pertaining To Factors Contributing To The Poor Academic Performance Of Undergraduate Students In The Department Of Electrical Engineering, University Of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    This paper discusses the factors contributing to the poor academic performance of undergraduate students at the Department of Electrical Engineering, in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. Amongst the factors found are social issues, poor self discipline, language problems, financial constraint and adjustment issues into university life. The Department has taken steps in its effort to overcome these problems. Part of these initiatives was the formation of a committee to oversee the situation of the poor performing students, and efforts have been stepped up to monitor and guide these students

    Transitional Particle Swarm Optimization

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    A new variation of particle swarm optimization (PSO) termed as transitional PSO (T-PSO) is proposed here. T-PSO attempts to improve PSO via its iteration strategy. Traditionally, PSO adopts either the synchronous or the asynchronous iteration strategy. Both of these iteration strategies have their own strengths and weaknesses. The synchronous strategy has reputation of better exploitation while asynchronous strategy is stronger in exploration. The particles of T-PSO start with asynchronous update to encourage more exploration at the start of the search. If no better solution is found for a number of iteration, the iteration strategy is changed to synchronous update to allow fine tuning by the particles. The results show that T-PSO is ranked better than the traditional PSOs

    Pembangunan prototaip sistem gelung tertutup pacuan motor segerak magnet kekal

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    Motor segerak magnet kekal (PMSM) digunakan secara meluas untuk aplikasi kuasa rendah dan sederhana serta dalam pacuan berprestasi tinggi. Motor ini digemari berbanding motor berus and sedikit demi sedikit menggantikan motor induksi dalam pelbagai bidang aplikasi kerana kelebihannya. Ramai penyelidik mencadangkan kaedah-kaedah kawalan baru bagi sistem pacuan PMSM. Namun begitu, sistem PMSM tidak linear dan mengandungi parameter-parameter yang berubah mengikut masa. Atas faktor ini, penyelidik tidak boleh hanya bergantung kepada keputusan simulasi untuk membuktikan kelebihan kawalan yang dicadangkan. Untuk mengesahkan keputusan yang diperolehi melalui simulasi, pengesahan eksperimen diperlukan, di mana prototaip sistem gelung tertutup pacuan PMSM perlu dibangunkan. Artikel ini menerangkan pembangunan sistem pacuan PMSM dengan maklum balas arus, halaju dan kedudukan gelung tertutup menggunakan papan kawalan dSpace DS1104 bagi sebuah PMSM 1.93kW tiga fasa dakap dalaman yang digunakan untuk pengesahan eksperimen bagi kawalan halaju kawalan mod gelongsor tertib pecahan yang dicadangkan. Dengan menggunakan prototaip ini, prestasi sebarang kaedah kawalan yang dicadangkan boleh disahkan dalam aplikasi sebenar. Prosedur perolehan yang bersesuaian bagi isyarat maklum balas seperti yang diterangkan dalam artikel ini adalah penting untuk memastikan ketepatan prestasi sistem gelung tertutup yang dibangunkan

    Effects of fractional order on performance of fosmc for speed control of PMSM

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    Fractional order sliding mode control has been applied for speed control of PMSM. However, in many previous works, the effects of the controller's parameters have not been studied. This paper investigates the effects of fractional order on performance of FOSMC speed control of PMSM. In this work, fractional order, α and β of FOSMS-PID were varied, and their performances were compared. The simulation and experimental results show that variation of order of fractional order integration, α and order of fractional order differentiation, β can affect the performance of the FOSMC-PID controller. Selection of α and β values determines balancing strategies between integral and differentiation portion of the controller. Proper value selection and combination of these variables can further contribute to obtain optimum speed tracking, disturbance rejection and chattering reduction abilities

    A random synchronous asynchronous particle swarm optimization algorithm with a new iteration strategy

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    Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimisation algorithm. Traditionally the particles update sequence for PSO can be categorized into two groups, synchronous (S-PSO) or asynchronous (A-PSO) update. In S-PSO, the particles' performances are evaluated before their velocity and position are updated, while in A-PSO, each particle's velocity and position is updated immediately after individual performance is evaluated. Recently, a random asynchronous PSO (RA-PSO) has been proposed. In RA-PSO, particles are randomly chosen to be updated asynchronously, the randomness improves swarm's exploration. RA-PSO belongs to the asynchronous group. In this paper, a new category; hybrid update sequence is proposed. The new update sequence exploits the advantages of synchronous, asynchronous, and random update methods. The proposed sequence is termed as, random synchronous-asynchronous PSO (RSA-PSO). RSA-PSO divides the particles into groups. The groups are subjected to random asynchronous update, while the particles within a chosen group are updated synchronously. The performance of RSA-PSO is compared with the existing S-PSO, A-PSO, and RA-PSO using CEC2014's benchmark functions. The results show that RSA-PSO has a superior performance compared to both A-PSO and RA-PSO, and as good as S-PSO

    Feature selection and classifier parameters estimation for EEG signals peak detection using particle swarm optimization

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal peak detection is widely used in clinical applications. The peak point can be detected using several approaches, including time, frequency, time-frequency, and nonlinear domains depending on various peak features from several models. However, there is no study that provides the importance of every peak feature in contributing to a good and generalized model. In this study, feature selection and classifier parameters estimation based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) are proposed as a framework for peak detection on EEG signals in time domain analysis. Two versions of PSO are used in the study: (1) standard PSO and (2) random asynchronous particle swarm optimization (RA-PSO). The proposed framework tries to find the best combination of all the available features that offers good peak detection and a high classification rate from the results in the conducted experiments. The evaluation results indicate that the accuracy of the peak detection can be improved up to 99.90% and 98.59% for training and testing, respectively, as compared to the framework without feature selection adaptation. Additionally, the proposed framework based on RA-PSO offers a better and reliable classification rate as compared to standard PSO as it produces low variance model

    Improving particle swarm optimization via adaptive switching asynchronous – synchronous update

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm that solves a problem through iterative operations. Traditional PSO iteration strategies can be categorized into two groups: synchronous (S-PSO) or asynchronous (A-PSO) update. In S-PSO, the performance of the entire swarm is evaluated before the particles’ velocities and positions are updated, whereas in A-PSO, each particle's velocity and position are updated immediately after an individual's performance is evaluated. Previous research claimed that S-PSO is better in exploitation and has fast convergence, whereas A-PSO converges at a slower rate and is stronger at exploration. Exploration and exploitation are important in ensuring good performance for any population-based metaheuristic. In this paper, an adaptive switching PSO (Switch-PSO) algorithm that uses a hybrid update sequence is proposed. The iteration strategy in Switch-PSO is adaptively switched between the two traditional iteration strategies according to the performance of the swarm's best member. The performance of Switch-PSO is compared with existing S-PSO, A-PSO and three state-of-the-art PSO algorithms using CEC2014's benchmark functions. The results show that Switch-PSO achieves superior performance in comparison to the other algorithms. Switch-PSO is then applied for infinite impulse response model identification, where Switch-PSO is found to rank the best among all the algorithms applied

    Fractional order sliding mode controller based on supervised machine learning techniques for speed control of PMSM

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    Tracking the speed and current in permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) for industrial applications is challenging due to various external and internal disturbances such as parameter variations, unmodelled dynamics, and external load disturbances. Inaccurate tracking of speed and current results in severe system deterioration and overheating. Therefore, the design of the controller for a PMSM is essential to ensure the system can operate efficiently under conditions of parametric uncertainties and significant variations. The present work proposes a PMSM speed controller using machine learning (ML) techniques for quick response and insensitivity to parameter changes and disturbances. The proposed ML controller is designed by learning fractional-order sliding mode control (FOSMC) controller behavior. The primary purpose of using ML in FOSMC is to avoid the self-tuning of the parameters and ensure the speed reaches the reference value in finite time with faster convergence and better tracking precision. Furthermore, the ML model does not require the mathematical model of the speed controller. In this work, several ML models are empirically evaluated on their estimation accuracy for speed tracking, namely ordinary least squares, passive-aggressive regression, random forest, and support vector machine. Finally, the proposed controller is implemented on a real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation platform from PLECS Inc. Comparative simulation and experimental results are presented and discussed. It is shown from the comparative study that the proposed FOSMC based on ML outperformed the traditional sliding mode control (SMC), which is more commonly used in industry in terms of tracking speed and accuracy