128 research outputs found

    Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Energy Systems: Current Technology and Future Trends

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    Solar systems have become very competitive solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial applications for both standalone and grid connected operations. This paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspectives of solar energy (mainly photovoltaic) technology and the required conversion systems. The focus in the paper is put on the current technology, installations challenges, and future expectations. Various aspects related to the global solar market, the photovoltaic (PV) modules cost and technology, and the power electronics converter systems are addressed. Research trends and recommendations for each of the PV system sectors are also discussed.Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-7070Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2016-78430-

    The standard of living of inhabitants and the scientific and technological potential in selected European Union regions

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    Purpose: This paper aims to determine the relationship between the standard of living of the inhabitants of selected regions of the European Union and the scientific and technological potential. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study covered 60 regions – NUTS 2 – in 13 European Union Member States. The data concerned the year 2018. Due to the multidimensional character of the analyzed categories, a canonical analysis was used as a generalization of multiple linear regression into two sets of variables. In order to evaluate the statistical significance of the analyzed canonical variables, the Wilks' lambda significance test was conducted. As part of the canonical analysis, canonical correlations, total redundancy, and extracted variances were calculated. Findings: Based on results of the classical correlation analysis, it can be concluded that there is a positive, high, and statistically significant correlation dependence (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was nearly 0.66) between the standard of living of inhabitants from selected EU regions and S&T potential (measured by synthetic measures constructed based on the TOPSIS method). Five statistically significant canonical variables (components) were identified in the canonical analysis. The value of the largest and most statistically significant canonical correlation was over 0.97. For the last (fifth) statistically significant canonical variable, this value was over 0.72. Practical Implications: The results of the conducted research (among others ranking of countries according to the standard of living of the inhabitants) may be indirectly used by the central and local authorities responsible for local and regional development (including undertaking pro-social and pro-innovation activities) in the context of the choice of the direction for the socio-economic restructuring of particular countries and local government units. Originality/Value: A rarely used multivariate in socio-economic research, canonical analysis is a valuable tool for assessing the relationships between two compiled, multi-faceted categories.peer-reviewe

    Patriotyzm refleksyjny na co dzień. Inspiracje metodyczne do lekcji z „filozoficzną zaczepką” dla nauczycieli III i IV etapu edukacyjnego

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    Materiał dydaktyczny zawierający opis metodologii i scenariusze lekcyjne do przeprowadzania zajęć z wychowania patriotycznego z wykorzystaniem elementów programu filozofii w szkol

    Reactive Power Management in Islanded Microgrid – Proportional Power Sharing in Hierarchical Droop Control

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    INFOTEKA Ośrodka Rozwoju Edukacji jako projekt wspierający TIK

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    Artykuł z numeru specjalnego NS/2012 internetowego czasopisma edukacyjnego ORE "Trendy

    The talent management based on the example of Military Sports Teams and Military Sports Training Centers

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    The article concerns the problems of sourcing talent for Military Sports Training Centers, describes the financial support provided by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. It also describes the operation and achievements of Polish Military Sports Teams

    Zderzenie cywilizacyjno-kulturowe z perspektywy pokoleń - wprowadzenie w problematykę

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    Literatura: Bauman Z., 44 listy ze świata płynnej nowoczesności, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2011; Biernat T., Malinowski J. A., O włączającej i wykluczającej funkcji edukacji – refleksje wprowadzające, [w:] Edukacja a włączenie społeczne. Konteksty socjalne i pedagogiczne, T. Biernat, J. A. Malinowski (red.), Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne „Akapit”, Toruń 2013; Fromm E., Mieć czy być?, Dom Wydawniczy REBIS, Poznań 2012; Huntington S. P., Zderzenie cywilizacji, Wydawnictwo MUZA SA, Warszawa 2001; Kawula S., Człowiek dla drugiego człowieka, Studium Kształcenia Ustawicznego „Glob”, Olsztyn 1998; Kawula S., Człowiek w relacjach socjopedagogicznych, Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne „Akapit”, Toruń 1999; Kawula S., Pedagogika społeczna w społeczeństwie ryzyka, Episteme, Olsztyn 2004; Kiereś H., Człowiek i cywilizacja, Instytut Edukacji Narodowej, Lublin 2007; Merton R., Teoria socjologiczna i struktura społeczna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2002; Riesman D., Samotny tłum, Vis a Vis, Kraków 2011; Ritzer G., Magiczny świat konsumpcji, Wydawnictwo MUZA SA, Warszawa 2012;Charakterystyczną cecha ostatnich dwóch - trzech dziesięcioleci jest ogromna zmiana cywilizacyjna obejmująca przemiany społecznopolityczne i gospodarcze zapoczątkowane transformacją ustrojową. Towarzyszy jej głęboka przemiana przekładająca się na różne obszary kultury ludzkiego życia. O ile dorośli dostrzegają te nowe procesy jako zmianę, to w przypadku młodego pokolenia jest to już element ich naturalnego środowiska życia, które akceptują, przekształcają i traktują jak własne. Młodzi postrzegają inaczej niż dorośli nie tylko Internet i nowe technologie cyfrowe, ale także zasady kulturowe, normy społeczne, używki, zdrowie, rozrywkę i... ryzyko. To pokolenie jest bardziej podatne na ryzyko, w wyniku czego - jak pokazują badania i dane statystyczne - jest w wiekszym stopniu narażone na zaburzenia i nałogi. Widzimy więc kształtowanie się zupełnie nowego pokolenia, które rozwija się - w porównaiu z pokoleniem swoich rodziców - w już różnych normach, z odmiennym punktem widzenia istotnych zjawisk i procesów społecznych i kulturowych. Stan ten rodzi nowe potrzeby w zakresie edukacji, terapii, pracy socjalnej i profilaktyki społecznej.The characteristic feature of the last two – three decades is an immense socio-political and economic change with accompanying deep transformation in culture of human life. As far as the adults notice these new processes and changes, as for the young generation it is the natural living environment which they accept, transform and treat as their own. Thus, we observe shaping a brand new generation, which grows up in different boundaries, different norms, with different viewpoints on various phenomena and processes. It perceives differently not only the Internet and new digital technologies, but also cultural principles, social norms, stimulants, health, entertainment and …risks. This generation is more susceptible to risk, as a result of which – as statistical research and data show – more vulnerable to disorders and addictions. This state brings about new demands for education, social work therapy and prevention

    Male activity rates vs education levels : an analysis across selected European union countries

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the evolution of male employment rates between 2013–2017 in selected Central and Eastern European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Hungary), and to analyze the interregional relationships between male activity and education levels. Methodology: The TOPSIS method was used to build synthetic indicators of male activity and education. An analysis of spatial autocorrelation was carried out to determine the strength of spatial relationships between different regions in terms of male activity and education levels. Also, the dependence between synthetic indicators of male activity and education levels was empirically analyzed based on spatial regression. Findings: The results of spatial regression analysis provide grounds for concluding that a 1% increase in the value of the synthetic indicator of education results, ceteris paribus, in a nearly 0,48% increase in the synthetic indicator of male activity levels in each region. Practical Implications: The results of the conducted research may be indirectly used by the central and local authorities responsible for local and regional development in the context of the choice of the direction for the socio-economic restructuring of countries and local government units. Originality/Value: Rarely used spatial regression together with taxonomic methods may constitute a useful tool for identification of relations between multidimensional categories.peer-reviewe

    The Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians statement on surgery in gynecology during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The publication presents recommendations on the performance of surgical procedures in gynecology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations were prepared by the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, based oncurrent knowledge of SARS CoV-2. These recommendations contain the latest guidelines of scientific societies related tothe subject of operational procedures