19 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based identification of music suited for places of interest

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40558-014-0004-xPlace is a notion closely linked with the wealth of human experience, and invested by values, attitudes, and cultural influences. In particular, many places are strongly related to music, which contributes to shaping the perception and meaning of a place. In this paper we propose a computational approach to identify musicians and music suited for a place of interest (POI)––which is based on a knowledge-based framework built upon the DBpedia ontology––and a graph-based algorithm that scores musicians with respect to their semantic relatedness with a POI and suggests the top scoring ones. Through empirical experiments we show that users appreciate and judge the musician recommendations generated by the proposed approach as valuable, and perceive compositions of the suggested musicians as suited for the POIs.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (TIN201128538C02) and the Regional Government of Madrid (S2009TIC1542)


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    This paper presents the measurements and results about vibrations at the stand, which consists of rotary system and foundation. Thefoundation is one of the most important parts of the rotary system, which ensures reliable work. Designers often makes a lot of mistakesin designing the foundations, which are completely not suitable for the rotary system, misjudge the foundation‘s naturalfrequency of the vibrations, so there are such rotary systems, which functions close to resonance. This paper has investigated severaltypes of foundations. The foundation is analysed together with the rotary system applying a method of combinative research: numericalmodeling (BEM) and the analysis of vibrations‘ signals. Based on the research results, it tries to determine the impact of the lackof foundation rigidity to the rotary systems‘ dynamic and stability.KEY WORDS: foundation, rotary system, stiffness, vibrations

    Ontology-based identification of music for places

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36309-2_37Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism in Innsbruck, Austria, January 22-25, 2013Place is a notion closely linked with the wealth of human experience, and invested by values, attitudes, and cultural influences. In particular, many places are strongly linked to music, which contributes to shaping the perception and the meaning of a place. In this paper we propose a computational approach for identifying musicians and music suited for a place of interest (POI). We present a knowledge-based framework built upon the DBpedia ontology, and a graph-based algorithm that scores musicians with respect to their semantic relatedness to a POI and suggests the top scoring ones. We found that users appreciate and judge as valuable the musician suggestions generated by the proposed approach. Moreover, users perceived compositions of the suggested musicians as suited for the POIs

    Nucleon - nucleon scattering phase shifts and the realistic potentials

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    Realistinis dviejų nukleonų (NN) lokalinis sąveikos potencialas išreiškiamas kaip sudėtinga vieno kintamojo r, abiejų nukleonų erdvinių kintamųjų, sukininių bei izosukininių laisvės laipsnių funkcija. Šis sudėtingos konstrukcijos potencialas dviejų nukleonų kanaluose užrašomas kaip funkcijų, priklausančių nuo atstumo ir padaugintų iš atitinkamų operatorių , kurie priklauso nuo kampinių, sukininių bei izosukininių laisvės laipsnių, suma: Potenciale galimas labai ribotas keturiolikos nuo krūvio nepriklausomų operatorių kiekis. Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjami nukleonų sklaidos fazių poslinkiai esant ribotam operatorių bei kanalų potencialų kiekiui. Pagrindinė darbo idėja remiasi NN sąveikos potencialo išreiškimu ortogonaliais operatoriais dviejų skirtingų nukleonų kanaluose : Darbe parodoma, kad šių ortogonalių projektorių kiekis taip pat yra ribotas ir sukelia problemų bandant aprašyti kuo didesnį fazės poslinkių kiekį NN sąveikoje.The recent realistic nucleon – nucleon (NN) potentials are defined as set of functions , present in expression: where r is a radial variable and Ω marks the set of angular variables and spin – isospin degrees of freedom of two interacting nucleons. The sum over p in this equation is restricted because the set consists of no more than 14 charge--independent operators. One discuss in this paper the problem of nucleon-nucleon (NN) scattering phase shifts desciption while applying this limited set of operators and functions . The main idea of paper is based on expression of NN potential in terms of orthogonal projectors to different two – nucleon channels : One has shown that this set of projectors also is very limited. So, the narrow set of operators causes the problems with necessary number of NN phase shifts description. As a result, this produces very short set of two – nucleon channels , for which the independent NN potentials can be constructed.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Phenomenology of Nucleon – Nucleon Potential

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    Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais, plėtojant mikroskopinę atomo branduolio teoriją, pasiektas ženklus progresas, kurio pagrindinės dedamosios yra aukštos kokybės “realistiniai“ dviejų nukleonų NN sąveikos potencialai ir galimybė naudojant šiuos potencialus gauti bent jau lengviausiųjų branduolių aukštos kokybės bangines funkcijas. Didžiausias netikėtumas, laukęs šioje srityje, buvo tas, kad realistiniai potencialai, idealiai aprašantys dviejų nukleonų sistemos savybes, pasirodė netinkami bandant aprašyti bent kiek sudėtingesnius branduolius. Pradedant jau nuo trijų nukleonų branduolių, suskaičiuota ryšio energija bet kuriam iš minėtų potencialų yra maždaug 10% mažesnė, nei žinoma iš eksperimentų. Tai yra pagrindinis, bet ne vienintelis šių potencialų trūkumas, nes skaičiuojant su gautomis banginėmis funkcijomis kitas tų branduolių charakteristikas taip pat gaunami nepatenkinami rezultatai. Problema, kurios sprendimas mums atrodo aktualiausias, yra ta, kad skirtingiems, bet vienodai kokybiškiems realistiniams potencialams, panaudojus tą patį trijų nukleonų potencialą, gaunamos skirtingos lengvųjų branduolių charakteristikos. Gali būti, kad šios problemos priežastys glūdi tame, jog realistiniai NN potencialai apibrėžiami ne pačiu geriausiu būdu. Tokiu atveju atskiruose dviejų nukleonų kanaluose potencialai yra ne nepriklausomi, o koreliuoti. Ši informacija paskatino patyrinėti, kokių rezultatų galima tikėtis, atsisakius taip konstruojamo potencialo fundamentalumo, tai yra, laikant jį grynai fenomenologine konstrukcija. Įprastinis potencialo atvaizdavimas šios problemos išspręsti nepadeda, tai NN potencialą nusprendėme atvaizduoti ortogonalių projekcinių operatorių skleidiniu.In recent decades, a significant progress has been achieved in the development of the microscopic theory of the atomic nucleus whose main components are high – quality „realistic“ two-nucleon NN interaction potentials by means of which it is possible to obtain at least the lightest nuclei high – quality wave functions. The greatest surprise in this area was the fact that the realistic potentials, perfectly describing the two-nucleon system feature, were inadequate when trying to describe somewhat more complex nuclei. Starting already from three-nucleon nuclei, the binding energy calculated for any of the aforementioned potentials is approximately by 10 percent lower than known from experiments. This is the main but not the only one drawback of these potentials because the results of the calculation of other nuclei characteristics by the obtained wave functions also do not seem convincing. The problem that seems to us the most relevant is that for different but equally high-quality realistic potentials, using the same three-nucleon potential, different characteristics of light nuclei are obtained. It may be that the causes of the problem lie in the fact that realistic NN potentials are not defined in the best way of the best way. In this case, in different two-nucleon channels, potentials are not independent but correlated. This information has encouraged us to explore the results to be obtained if one rejects the fundamentality of the potential constructed in this way, that is, considering it to be a purely phenomenological structure. The conventional representation of the potential does not resolve this problem, therefore we decided to display the NN potential by the expansion of orthogonal projective operators.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Nukleonų sąveikos potencialo fenomenologija : daktaro disertacija : fiziniai mokslai, fizika (02 P)

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    Disertacija rengta 2009-2014 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universiteteBibliografija: p. 102-105Fizikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Phenomenology of the nucleon - nucleon potential

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    A local nucleon-nucleon potential expansion is developed in terms of orthogonal projectors. Considering the nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential as a completely phenomenological structure, the expansion provides an opportunity to obtain the NN scattering phase shifts that can be described by applying a restricted set of operators, dependent on angular and spin-isospin degrees of freedom of the interacting nucleons. The results obtained with an approximation for eight basic operators (central, spin-orbit and tensorial) are consistent with experience in the field, and provide directions for further modifications of realistic NN potentialsFizikos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta