132 research outputs found

    Role of two-component regulator system PehR-PehS and extracellular protease PrtW in virulence of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kesalahan peserta didik dalam menyelesaikan soal geometri analitik pada topik persamaan garis menggunakan Newman Error Analysis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 11 orang mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Matematika angkatan 2021 semester 2 pada salah satu universitas di Bandung. Prosedur pengumpulan data melalui tes tertulis, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Data hasil tes tertulis mahasiswa dianalisis menggunakan teori kesalahan Newman dan dilengkapi dengan data dokumentasi dan hasil wawancara.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan yang paling sering terjadi adalah procces skill error, comprehention error, dan encoding error. Secara umum hal tersebut disebabkan oleh kurangnya ketelitian mahasiswa memahami soal dan mengoperasikan perhitungan, tidak paham konsep yang harus digunakan, dan tidak menuliskan kembali jawaban dari permasalahan soal tersebut.&nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan siswa menyelesaikan soal program linier melalui teori Newman ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Matematika (KAM), menjelaskan penyebab dan solusi mengatasi kesalahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 siswa kelas XI di salah satu SMK Negeri di Kota Bandung yang direduksi menjadi sembilan orang siswa yang diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga tingkatan sesuai KAM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa dengan KAM tinggi sangat sedikit yang melakukan kesalahan transformation dan process, dan sebagian besar siswa melakukan kesalahan encoding. Siswa dengan KAM sedang sebagian kecil melakukan kesalahan comprehention, transformation, dan process. Kesalahan encoding hampir seluruh siswa dengan KAM sedang melakukan kesalahan tersebut. Pada siswa dengan KAM rendah kesalahan readimg dilakukan oleh sangat sedikit siswa. Kesalahan comprehention, transformation dan process dilakukan sebagian besar siswa. Terakhir, kesalahan encoding dilakukan oleh hampir seluruh siswa dengan kemampuan KAM rendah. Penyebab kesalahan siswa berbeda pada tiap tingkatan kemampuan awal, sehingga solusinya pun berbeda tiap tingkatnya. This study aims to describe students' mistakes in solving linear programming problems through Newman's theory in terms of Early Mathematics Ability (KAM), explaining the causes and solutions to overcome these errors. The method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of tests, interviews, and documentation studies. The research subjects involved in this study were 32 class XI students at one of the State Vocational Schools in the city of Bandung which were reduced to nine students who were classified into three levels according to KAM. The results showed that very few students with high KAM made transformation and process errors, and most students made encoding errors. Students with moderate KAM made a few errors in comprehension, transformation, and process. Encoding errors, almost all students with KAM are making these mistakes. For students with low KAM, very few students made readimg errors. Comprehension, transformation and process errors were made by most of the students. Finally, encoding errors were made by almost all students with low KAM abilities. The causes of student errors are different at each level of initial ability, so the solutions are different at each level

    The logsum as an evaluation measure - review of the literature and new results

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    Transport infrastructure projects in The Netherlands are appraised ex ante by using cost-benefit analysis (CBA) procedures following the so-called ‘OEI-guidelines’. The project benefits for travellers are incorporated in the form of changes in demand (e.g. from the Dutch national model system, LMS, or the regional models, NRM) and changes in the generalised travel costs (using values of time from Stated Preference studies to monetise travel time savings), and applying the rule of half. While a number of short-term improvements to the current procedures have been improved, it is also interesting to consider a more radical approach using explicit measures of consumer surplus, obtained by integrating the demand models directly. These measures are called logsums, from their functional form. The advantages that the logsums would give to the appraisal procedure would be that logsums can incorporate a degree of heterogeneity in the population, while also being theoretically more correct and in many cases easier to calculate. In this context, the Transport Research Centre (AVV) of the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management has commissioned RAND Europe to undertake a study comparing the conventional approach to the use of the logsum change as a measure of the change in consumer surplus that would result from a transport infrastructure project. The paper is based on the work conducted in the study. The paper opens with a review of the literature on the use of logsums as a measure of consumer surplus change in project appraisal and evaluation. It then goes on to describe a case study with the Dutch National Model System (LMS) for transport in which three methods are compared for a specific project (a high speed magnetic hover train that would connect the four main cities in the Randstad: Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht): a.the ‘classical’ CBA approach as described above, b.the improved ‘classical’ CBA approach (introducing a number of short-term improvements) and c.the logsum approach (as a long term improvement). The direct effects of a particular policy on the travellers can be measured as the change in consumer surplus that results from that policy (there can also be indirect and external effects that may not be covered in the consumer surplus change). The consumer surplus associated with a set of alternatives is, under the logit assumptions, relatively easy to calculate. By definition, a person’s consumer surplus is the utility, in money terms, that a person receives in the choice situation. If the unobserved component of utility is independently and identically distributed extreme value and utility is linear in income, then the expected utility becomes the log of the denominator of a logit choice probability, divided by the marginal utility of income, plus arbitrary constants. This if often called the ‘logsum’. Total consumer surplus in the population can be calculated as a weighted sum of logsums over a sample of decision-makers, with the weights reflecting the number of people in the population who face the same representative utilities as the sampled person. The change in consumer surplus is calculated as the difference between the logsum under the conditions before the change and after the change (e.g. introduction of a policy). The arbitrary constants drop out. However, to calculate this change in consumer surplus, the researcher must know the marginal utility of income. Usually a price or cost variable enters the representative utility and, in case that happens in a consistent linear additive fashion, the negative of its coefficient is the marginal utility of income by definition. If the marginal utility of income is not constant with respect to income, as is the case in the LMS and NRM, a far more complex formula is needed, or an indirect approach has to be taken. This paper will review the theoretical literature on the use of the logsum as an evaluation measure, including both the original papers on this from the seventies and the work on the income effect in the nineties. Also recent application studies that used the logsum for evaluation purposes will be reviewed. Finally outcomes of runs with the LMS will be reported for the three different approaches (including the logsum approach) mentioned above for evaluating direct effect of transport policies and projects. Different methods for monetising the logsum change will be compared.

    Cross-border Car Traffic in Dutch Mobility Models

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    Cross-border travel generates a substantial amount of mobility near the borders, but is not a large percentage of total Dutch mobility. However in the border regions of the country, these flows are important. For the Dutch national transport model LMS, O-D matrices are required that include cross-border car travel. This is a challenging task, due to scarcity of data. First, a production model (by travel purpose) is used to calculate the total production of car journeys. Next, these journeys are distributed over domestic and foreign destinations using a simplified destination choice model. From the resulting matrix, domestic journeys are removed and only the border crossing journeys are kept. Domestic journeys are then replaced by the results of the existing much more detailed mode-and destination choice models. The new models are estimated on the Dutch national mobility survey (MON) and are of reasonable quality. The predicted numbers of border crossing journeys to Belgium and Germany are lower than the numbers from traffic counts, and therefore an additional calibration to count data totals is carried out. The results indicate that for commuting the resistance to cross the border is equivalent to 35 (Belgium) or 46 (Germany) minutes extra travel time. Also for all other travel purposes in the model, it is found that the border resistance for journeys to Belgium is smaller than that for journeys to Germany, which can be explained by the additional factor of language difference. The smallest border resistance for both countries is found for shopping journeys

    Los atributos del producto y la satisfacción de los clientes de automóviles procedentes de corea del sur de la empresa importadora Corporación Rivarcar E.I.R.L. en el periodo 2018

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    La investigación titulada “Los atributos del producto y la satisfacción de los clientes de automóviles procedentes de Corea del Sur de la empresa importadora Corporación Rivarcar E.I.R.L. en el periodo 2018”, corresponde a un trabajo de Tesis para optar por el título de Licenciado en Administración de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad Privada de Tacna. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la influencia de los atributos del producto en la satisfacción de los clientes de automóviles procedentes de Corea del Sur de la empresa importadora Corporación Rivarcar E.I.R.L. Para ello se propone un estudio de tipo básico, con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, y de nivel explicativo, en la que se empleó como instrumento el cuestionario, dirigido a una población de 170 clientes que adquirieron automóviles procedentes de Corea del Sur de la empresa importadora Corporación Rivarcar E.I.R.L. durante el periodo 2018, y una muestra de 118. Se logró determinar que los atributos del producto influyen en la satisfacción de los clientes de automóviles procedentes de Corea del Sur de la empresa importadora Corporación Rivarcar E.I.R.L., lo cual se comprueba según el valor de significancia de 0.00 que es indicador de la existencia de una relación estadística, y el coeficiente de correlación de 0.607, el cual revela la variabilidad de la satisfacción del cliente debido a la inferencia de los atributos en alto grado. Estos hallazgos permiten concluir que la satisfacción del cliente ve su variación según los atributos del producto en su conjunto: características, marca, precio, canal de distribución y promoción, los cuales dada la buena aplicación de parte de la empresa pueden mejorar la relación con el cliente a partir del logro del cumplimiento de sus expectativas según la experiencia de compra.Tesi

    Hubungan Gerakan Sujud Terhadap Fleksibilitas Otot Para Vertebra

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    Background: Every human being will experience a period of decline in the quality of organs. And spine (vertebra) is one of the important part that has a major role to other organs. Thus the need for maintenance of body condition early by strengthening or stretching exercises such as that used motion prostration. Where prostration is obligatory worship in harmony in our daily. Objective: To determine the relationship of movement prostration to the flexibility of the spine muscles. Methods: This type of research is observational using cross sectional method with a sample of 28 people. Measuring instrument used is the Med-Line. Data were analyzed using Kendall’s Tau-b test to test the relationship. Results: There was a relationship prostration to the flexibility of muscle movement of the vertebrae with a p-value of 0.616 that prostration as much as 1466 times the frequency has additional flexibility 4cm. Conclusion: The application of prostration motion for a month with more and more frequency, the higher the flexibility of the muscles of the spine. Keywords: prostration motion, muscle flexibility of the vertebrae

    Tort Liability of Medical Workers in the Patient Safety System in Ukraine and the World

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    Health 2020: European health and well-being policy. It focuses on supporting the actions of governments and society in the direction of significantly improving the health and well-being of the population; reducing the level of inequality in receiving medical services; promoting the health of everyone; ensuring that the health care system is "human-centred". The position of the World Health Organization is unequivocal – "the most important general health issue internationally" is patient safety (an integral component of service quality). It was proven that the reduction in the number of medical errors and similar health-related situations is the result of the integration and coordination of services through the participation of patients and consumers of medical services. The purpose of the paper is to investigate and compare the features of tort liability of medical workers under the legislation of Ukraine and the standards of the World Health Organisation. Our research is based on such methods as comparative legal method, method of analysis, formal legal method, as well as bibliographic method. Semasiology of the concept of "tort liability" for health professionals in Ukraine has differences in comparison with the WHO standards. Accordingly, the level of patient safety in Ukraine is such that needs to be improved to meet international standards