40 research outputs found

    Analysis of Porcine Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Induction by S. suis In Vivo and In Vitro

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    Weaning piglets are susceptible to the invasive Streptococcus (S.) suis infection, which can result in septicemia. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytokine profile induced upon S. suis infection of blood, to determine the cellular sources of those cytokines, and to study the potential effects of the induced cytokines on bacterial killing. We measured TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-10 after an experimental intravenous infection with S. suis serotype 2 in vivo, and analyzed whole blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and separated leukocytes to identify the cytokine-producing cell type(s). In addition, we used a reconstituted whole blood assay to investigate the effect of TNF-α on bacterial killing in the presence of different S. suis-specific IgG levels. An increase in IL-6 and IL-10, but not in IFN-γ or IL-17A, was observed in two of three piglets with pronounced bacteremia 16 to 20 h after infection, but not in piglets with controlled bacteremia. Our results confirmed previous findings that S. suis induces TNF-α and IL-6 and could demonstrate that TNF-α is produced by monocytes in vitro. We further found that IL-10 induction resulted in reduced secretion of TNF-α and IL-6. Rapid induction of TNF-α was, however, not crucial for in vitro bacterial killing, not even in the absence of specific IgG

    Development of Quality Control Ranges for Biocide Susceptibility Testing

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    Every laboratory test needs validation by quality controls. For biocide susceptibility testing (BST), neither quality control (QC) strains nor QC ranges applicable to these strains are currently available. As QC strains, four well-defined laboratory reference strains (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC® 6538, Enterococcus hirae ATCC® 10541, Escherichia coli ATCC® 10536 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 15442), which have been used previously for biocide efficacy testing, were selected. In an interlaboratory trial with eleven participating laboratories, BST QC ranges should be developed for the aforementioned four strains and the four biocides benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine, octenidine and polyhexanide. The performance of three different lots of tryptic soy broth was explored using the broth microdilution method and the data were subsequently evaluated using the RangeFinder software. As a result, QC ranges were defined for all reference strain–biocide combinations, except for P. aeruginosa ATCC® 15442 with the two biocides chlorhexidine and polyhexanide. The development of the latter two QC ranges was not possible, due to the limited solubility of the biocides in the test range required for P. aeruginosa ATCC® 15442. The newly developed QC ranges comprise three to five dilution steps. The establishment of QC ranges will contribute to the validation of BST in the future

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE/PPE proteins enhance the production of reactive oxygen species and formation of neutrophil extracellular traps

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    IntroductionNeutrophil granulocytes predominate in the lungs of patients infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in earlier stages of the disease. During infection, neutrophils release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), an antimicrobial mechanism by which a DNA-backbone spiked with antimicrobial components traps the mycobacteria. However, the specific mycobacterial factors driving NET formation remain unclear. Proteins from the proline-glutamic acid (PE)/proline-proline-glutamic acid (PPE) family are critical to Mtb pathophysiology and virulence.MethodsHere, we investigated NET induction by PE18, PPE26, and PE31 in primary human blood-derived neutrophils. Neutrophils were stimulated with the respective proteins for 3h, and NET formation was subsequently assessed using confocal fluorescence microscopy. Intracellular ROS levels and cell necrosis were estimated by flow cytometry. Additionally, the influence of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), a known NADPH oxidase enhancer, on NET formation was examined. Neutrophil integrity following incubation with the PE/PPE proteins was evaluated using transmission electron microscopy.ResultsFor the first time, we report that stimulation of primary human blood-derived neutrophils with Mtb proteins PE18, PPE26, and PE31 resulted in the formation of NETs, which correlated with an increase in intracellular ROS levels. Notably, the presence of PMA further amplified this effect. Following incubation with the PE/PPE proteins, neutrophils were found to remain viable and structurally intact, as verified through transmission electron microscopy, indicating the occurrence of vital NET formation.DiscussionThese findings offer valuable insights that contribute to a better understanding of host-pathogen interactions during Mtb infection. Moreover, they underscore the significance of these particular Mtb antigens in triggering NET formation, representing a distinctive and previously unrecognized function of PE/PPE antigens

    Comparing Cathelicidin Susceptibility of the Meningitis Pathogens Streptococcus suis and Escherichia coli in Culture Medium in Contrast to Porcine or Human Cerebrospinal Fluid

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    Host defense peptides or antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), e.g., cathelicidins, have recently been discussed as a potential new treatment option against bacterial infections. To test the efficacy of AMPs, standardized methods that closely mimic the physiological conditions at the site of infection are still needed. The aim of our study was to test the meningitis-causing bacteria Streptococcus suis and Escherichia coli for their susceptibility to cathelicidins in culture medium versus cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Susceptibility testing was performed in analogy to the broth microdilution method described by the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of antimicrobial agents. MICs were determined using cation-adjusted Mueller–Hinton broth (CA-MHB), lysogeny broth (LB), Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium (RPMI) or Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) (the latter two supplemented with 5% CA-MHB or blood) and compared with MICs obtained in porcine or human CSF. Our data showed that MICs obtained in CA-MHB as recommended by CLSI do not reflect the MICs obtained in the physiological body fluid CSF. However, the MICs of clinical isolates of S. suis tested in RPMI medium supplemented with CA-MHB, were similar to those of the same strains tested in CSF. In contrast, the MICs in the human CSF for the tested E. coli K1 strain were higher compared to the RPMI medium and showed even higher values than in CA-MHB. This highlights the need for susceptibility testing of AMPs in a medium that closely mimics the clinically relevant conditions

    Analysis of Porcine Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Induction by S. suis In Vivo and In Vitro

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    Weaning piglets are susceptible to the invasive Streptococcus (S.) suis infection, which can result in septicemia. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytokine profile induced upon S. suis infection of blood, to determine the cellular sources of those cytokines, and to study the potential effects of the induced cytokines on bacterial killing. We measured TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-10 after an experimental intravenous infection with S. suis serotype 2 in vivo, and analyzed whole blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and separated leukocytes to identify the cytokine-producing cell type(s). In addition, we used a reconstituted whole blood assay to investigate the effect of TNF-α on bacterial killing in the presence of different S. suis-specific IgG levels. An increase in IL-6 and IL-10, but not in IFN-γ or IL-17A, was observed in two of three piglets with pronounced bacteremia 16 to 20 h after infection, but not in piglets with controlled bacteremia. Our results confirmed previous findings that S. suis induces TNF-α and IL-6 and could demonstrate that TNF-α is produced by monocytes in vitro. We further found that IL-10 induction resulted in reduced secretion of TNF-α and IL-6. Rapid induction of TNF-α was, however, not crucial for in vitro bacterial killing, not even in the absence of specific IgG

    Analysis of Porcine Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Induction by S. suis In Vivo and In Vitro

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    Weaning piglets are susceptible to the invasive Streptococcus (S.) suis infection, which can result in septicemia. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytokine profile induced upon S. suis infection of blood, to determine the cellular sources of those cytokines, and to study the potential effects of the induced cytokines on bacterial killing. We measured TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-10 after an experimental intravenous infection with S. suis serotype 2 in vivo, and analyzed whole blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and separated leukocytes to identify the cytokine-producing cell type(s). In addition, we used a reconstituted whole blood assay to investigate the effect of TNF-α on bacterial killing in the presence of different S. suis-specific IgG levels. An increase in IL-6 and IL-10, but not in IFN-γ or IL-17A, was observed in two of three piglets with pronounced bacteremia 16 to 20 h after infection, but not in piglets with controlled bacteremia. Our results confirmed previous findings that S. suis induces TNF-α and IL-6 and could demonstrate that TNF-α is produced by monocytes in vitro. We further found that IL-10 induction resulted in reduced secretion of TNF-α and IL-6. Rapid induction of TNF-α was, however, not crucial for in vitro bacterial killing, not even in the absence of specific IgG

    Analysis of Porcine Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Induction by S. suis In Vivo and In Vitro

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    Weaning piglets are susceptible to the invasive Streptococcus (S.) suis infection, which can result in septicemia. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytokine profile induced upon S. suis infection of blood, to determine the cellular sources of those cytokines, and to study the potential effects of the induced cytokines on bacterial killing. We measured TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-10 after an experimental intravenous infection with S. suis serotype 2 in vivo, and analyzed whole blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and separated leukocytes to identify the cytokine-producing cell type(s). In addition, we used a reconstituted whole blood assay to investigate the effect of TNF-α on bacterial killing in the presence of different S. suis-specific IgG levels. An increase in IL-6 and IL-10, but not in IFN-γ or IL-17A, was observed in two of three piglets with pronounced bacteremia 16 to 20 h after infection, but not in piglets with controlled bacteremia. Our results confirmed previous findings that S. suis induces TNF-α and IL-6 and could demonstrate that TNF-α is produced by monocytes in vitro. We further found that IL-10 induction resulted in reduced secretion of TNF-α and IL-6. Rapid induction of TNF-α was, however, not crucial for in vitro bacterial killing, not even in the absence of specific IgG

    d-Alanylation of Lipoteichoic Acids in Streptococcus suis Reduces Association With Leukocytes in Porcine Blood

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    Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is a common swine pathogen but also poses a threat to human health in causing meningitis and severe cases of streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (STSLS). Therefore, it is crucial to understand how S. suis interacts with the host immune system during bacteremia. As S. suis has the ability to introduce d-alanine into its lipoteichoic acids (LTAs), we investigated the working hypothesis that cell wall modification by LTA d-alanylation influences the interaction of S. suis with porcine blood immune cells. We created an isogenic mutant of S. suis strain 10 by in-frame deletion of the d-alanine d-alanyl carrier ligase (DltA). d-alanylation of LTAs was associated with reduced phagocytosis of S. suis by porcine granulocytes, reduced deposition of complement factor C3 on the bacterial surface, increased hydrophobicity of streptococci, and increased resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs). At the same time, survival of S. suis was not significantly increased by LTA d-alanylation in whole blood of conventional piglets with specific IgG. However, we found a distinct cytokine pattern as IL-1β but not tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels were significantly reduced in blood infected with the ΔdltA mutant. In contrast to TNF-α, activation and secretion of IL-1β are inflammasome-dependent, suggesting a possible influence of LTA d-alanylation on inflammasome regulation. Especially in the absence of specific antibodies, the association of S. suis with porcine monocytes was reduced by d-alanylation of its LTAs. This dltA-dependent phenotype was also observed with a non-encapsulated dltA double mutant indicating that it is independent of capsular polysaccharides. High antibody levels caused high levels of S. suis—monocyte—association followed by inflammatory cell death and strong production of both IL-1β and TNF-α, while the influence of LTA d-alanylation of the streptococci became less visible. In summary, the results of this study expand previous findings on d-alanylation of LTAs in S. suis and suggest that this pathogen specifically modulates association with blood leukocytes through this modification of its surface

    Comparing Cathelicidin Susceptibility of the Meningitis Pathogens Streptococcus suis and Escherichia coli in Culture Medium in Contrast to Porcine or Human Cerebrospinal Fluid

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    Host defense peptides or antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), e.g., cathelicidins, have recently been discussed as a potential new treatment option against bacterial infections. To test the efficacy of AMPs, standardized methods that closely mimic the physiological conditions at the site of infection are still needed. The aim of our study was to test the meningitis-causing bacteria Streptococcus suis and Escherichia coli for their susceptibility to cathelicidins in culture medium versus cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Susceptibility testing was performed in analogy to the broth microdilution method described by the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of antimicrobial agents. MICs were determined using cation-adjusted Mueller–Hinton broth (CA-MHB), lysogeny broth (LB), Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium (RPMI) or Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) (the latter two supplemented with 5% CA-MHB or blood) and compared with MICs obtained in porcine or human CSF. Our data showed that MICs obtained in CA-MHB as recommended by CLSI do not reflect the MICs obtained in the physiological body fluid CSF. However, the MICs of clinical isolates of S. suis tested in RPMI medium supplemented with CA-MHB, were similar to those of the same strains tested in CSF. In contrast, the MICs in the human CSF for the tested E. coli K1 strain were higher compared to the RPMI medium and showed even higher values than in CA-MHB. This highlights the need for susceptibility testing of AMPs in a medium that closely mimics the clinically relevant conditions

    In vivo oxygen measurement in cerebrospinal fluid of pigs to determine physiologic and pathophysiologic oxygen values during CNS infections

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    During infection and inflammation, a reduced oxygen level clearly affects cellular functions. Oxygen levels during CNS infections are unknown. Here we established and evaluated an in vivo measurement system to characterize the oxygen level in parallel with bacterial numbers (CFU/mL), the cell number and pH level inside the CSF of healthy compared to Streptococcus suis-infected pigs. The animals were anesthetized over a seven-hour period with isoflurane in air/oxygen at physiologic arterial partial pressure of oxygen. Oxygen levels in CSF of anesthetized pigs were compared to euthanized pigs. The detected partial pressure of oxygen in the CSF remained constant in a range of 47-63 mmHg, independent of the infection status (bacterial or cell number). In contrast, the pH value showed a slight drop during infection, which correlated with cell and bacterial number in CSF. We present physiologic oxygen and pH values in CSF during the onset of bacterial meningitis