99 research outputs found

    An Improved Stock Price Prediction using Hybrid Market Indicators

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    In this paper the effect of hybrid market indicators is examined for an improved stock price prediction. The hybrid market indicators consist of technical, fundamental and expert opinion variables as input to artificial neural networks model. The empirical results obtained with published stock data of Dell and Nokia obtained from New York Stock Exchange shows that the proposed model can be effective to improve accuracy of stock price prediction

    A Functional Workbench for Anopheles gambiae Micro Array Analysis

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    Insecticide resistance, a character inherited that encompasses alteration in one or more of insect’s genes is now a major public health challenge combating world efforts on malaria control strategies. Anopheles has developed heavy resistance to pyrethroids, the only World Health Organization (WHO) recommended class for Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) and Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) through P450 pathways. We used the biochemical network of Anopheles gambiae (henceforth Ag) to deduce its resistance mechanism(s) using two expression data (when Ag is treated with pyrethroid and when controlled). The employed computational techniques are accessible by a robust, multi-faceted and friendly automated graphic user interface (GUI) tagged ‘workbench’ with JavaFX Scenebuilder. In this work, we introduced a computational platform to determine and also elucidate for the first time resistance mechanism to a commonly used class of insecticide, Pyrethroid. Significantly, our work is the first computational work to identify genes associated or involved in the efflux system in Ag and as a resistance mechanism in the Anophele

    Computational Analysis of Anopheles Gambiae Metabolism to Facilitate Insecticidal Target and Complex Resistance Mechanism Discovery

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    Insecticide resistance is a genetic characteristic involving changes in one or more insect genes. It is also a major public health challenge combating world efforts on malaria control and strategies. The Malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae (A. gambiae) has formed resistance to the existing classes of insecticides, especially pyrethroid, the only class approved for Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) and Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Net (LLITNs). Identification of novel insecticidal targets for the development of more effective insecticides is therefore urgent. However, deciding which gene products are ideal insecticidal targets remains a difficult task in the search. To this end, it has been shown that the dissection and comprehensive studies of biochemical metabolic networks has great potential to effectively and specifically identify and extract essential enzymes as potential insecticidal targets. Using the PathoLogic programme, AnoCyc, a pathway/genome database (PGDB) for A. gambiae AgamP3 was constructed, using its annotated genomic sequence and other annotated information from ANOBASE, VECTORBASE, UNIPROT and KEGG databases. Furthermore, additional annotations to proteins annotated as “hypothetical” was gathered using specifically two annotation tools from the DKFZ HUSAR open servers, namely GOPET and DomainSweep and present a more comprehensive annotated PGDB for A. gambiae AgamP3. The resulting PGDB for A. gambiae AgamP3 has been deployed under the www.bioCyc.org databases. Next, a graph based model that analyzed the topology of the metabolic network of Anopheles gambiae was developed to determine the essential enzymatic reactions in the networks. A refined list of 61 new potential insecticidal candidate targets was obtained, which include one clinically validated insecticidal target and host of others with biological evidence in the literature. Finally, the biochemical network of A. gambiae was overlaid with two gene expression data obtained from the treatment of A. gambiae with pyrethroid (permethrin) to elucidate some tightly linked resistance genes and deduce computationally, for the first time, its resistance mechanism(s) toward this insecticid

    Development of Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) System for Nigeria Public Sector.

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    Business-to-business electronic procurement success in business organizations (private sectors) has been a major driving force for government organizations (public sectors) in developed nations to adopt electronic government procurement in order to reduce cost and improve administrative efficiency. E-procurement within the government is recognized to be the main area of government-to-business that needs to be exploited by government of developing nations. In this paper, we examined the drawbacks of existing procurement process in Nigeria with a view to offering an improved approach. A prototype e-GP system was designed and developed to eliminate the associated bottlenecks with existing system and showcase the attendant benefits of the proposed system which can lead to an improved procurement cycle process flow

    A genetic algorithm approach for predicting ribonucleic acid sequencing data classification using KNN and decision tree

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    Malaria larvae accept explosive variable lifecycle as they spread across numerous mosquito vector stratosphere. Transcriptomes arise in thousands of diverse parasites. Ribonucleic acid sequencing (RNA-seq) is a prevalent gene expression that has led to enhanced understanding of genetic queries. RNA-seq tests transcript of gene expression, and provides methodological enhancements to machine learning procedures. Researchers have proposed several methods in evaluating and learning biological data. Genetic algorithm (GA) as a feature selection process is used in this study to fetch relevant information from the RNA-Seq Mosquito Anopheles gambiae malaria vector dataset, and evaluates the results using kth nearest neighbor (KNN) and decision tree classification algorithms. The experimental results obtained a classification accuracy of 88.3 and 98.3 percents respectively

    Development of a Social Networking Site with a Network Library and Conference Chat

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    Social networking is an act of interacting/ sharing fun and some information popularly called profiles with known or unknown people (called friends) freely online. A social network service is an online interface, service, that enables users exchange information and relate socially. This consists of a representation of each user (often through a profile), his/her social links, photos, fun and a variety of additional services. Most social network services a and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e Our project (talk2me) is social networking site that can connect people with their friends and allow every user have a networked-library which can be customized by the user. It would serve the purpose of not just a social networking site, but also a resource center where members can get instant data/information on any assignment, project, and research from Textbooks, Journals, Editorials, Magazines, Past Project and so on. This application would enable researchers get optimal solution to problems. Since multiple users can edit an article and save the edited work to their own library efficient answers to problems. The idea behind this research is that, projects already done by someone else does not have to be developed again, instead it is improved upon. The goal is the development of a resource center where people can network knowledge is thus accomplishe

    Affective e-learning approaches, technology and implementation model: a systematic review

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    A systematic literature study including articles from 2016 to 2022 was done to evaluate the various approaches, technologies, and implementation models involved in measuring student engagement during learning. The review’s objective was to compile and analyze all studies that investigated how instructors can gauge students’ mental states while teaching and assess the most effective teaching methods. Additionally, it aims to extract and assess expanded methodologies from chosen research publications to offer suggestions and answers to researchers and practitioners. Planning, carrying out the analysis, and publishing the results have all received significant attention in the research approach. The study’s findings indicate that more needs to be done to evaluate student participation objectively and follow their development for improved academic performance. Physiological approaches should be given more support among the alternatives. While deep learning implementation models and contactless technology should interest more researchers. And, the recommender system should be integrated into e-learning system. Other approaches, technologies, and methodology articles, on the other hand, lacked authenticity in conveying student feeling