128 research outputs found

    Serce czy rozum? : wybrane etyczne dylematy zawodu psychologa na przykładzie filmu "Serce nie sługa" (Prime)

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    This chapter contains selected ethical issues in psychology, for example dilemma connected with relationship between private and professional life, which is presented by funny story of Lisa, psychotherapist from the movie “Prime”. The chapter includes terminological explanations, also problems of ethical codes and official secret. Author touches concrete problems of psychologists like: Can I see my patients at home? Can I have friendships or sex with my actual/previous patients? What should I do to solve my ethical dilemma? Can my faith have an impact on my professional life? Who is an ethical psychologist? Whom and in what circumstances can I take somebody into patient’s confidence? How long should I store my documentation? Author refers to professional literature and results of her empirical research, when she tries to answer all these questions

    Jakość życia a poczucie sukcesu i merkantylizm psychiczny u osób aktywnych zawodowo

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    This article presents empirical research on quality of life, success and psychical mercantilism among entrepreneurs, employees of state and private companies (2010). Among the many psychological theories have been selected concepts that stress multidimensionality: personalistic‑existential concept of quality of life of Maria Straś‑Romanowska, the concept of success of Dominika Dej, Ute Stephan, Marian Gorgievsky and the mental concept of mercantilism by Małgorzata Górnik‑Durose. The results indicate significant differences in the level of quality of life, psychological mercantilism and success among the professionally active people and the existence of weak or moderate correlation between the quality of life, success and psychological mercantilism

    Damski i męski świat biznesu - merkantylizm psychiczny oraz percepcja kryzysu ekonomicznego i własnego sukcesu

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    The belief that in the contemporary individualized world everyone, regardless of sex, age, or background, may decide their future and achieve success is evident not only in everyday life, but also in science.The manifestation of this may be the development of current positive psychology. However, from the perspective of psychological studies, in which our debate is embedded, the question emerges whether everything depends on the strength of motivation, and whether persons performing the same tasks perceive their success in a similar way.Przekonanie, że w dzisiejszym zindywidualizowanym świecie każdy, niezależnie od płci, wieku czy pochodzenia, może wpływać na swoją przyszłość i osiągnąć sukces, widoczne jest nie tylko w codziennym życiu, lecz także w nauce, czego przejawem może być rozwój nurtu psychologii pozytywnej. Z perspektywy badań psychologicznych, w których osadzone są niniejsze rozważania, pojawiają się jednak pytania o to, czy wszystko zależy od siły motywacji, czy osoby realizujące te same zadania podobnie odczuwają swój sukces

    How relevant for you is to be a moral person? Polish validation of the Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale

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    Objective The Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale (SMIS) was developed by Aquino and Reeds with the purpose of measuring how people evaluate their private (Internalization subscale) and public (Symbolization subscale) moral identity. SMIS has become commonly and broadly used in many studies. The aim of this paper is to validate the Polish version of SMIS by analyzing its structure and relation to similar measures (such as The Moral Self-Concept Scale developed by Stake and The Moral Self-Image Scale created by Jordan, Leliveld and Tenbrunsel), declared past prosocial behaviors and readiness to donate money. Methods The translation-back-translation procedure was used to maintain semantic, idiomatic, and conceptual equivalence of the original scale. Throughout four separate studies the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the scale were assessed: Study 1 (N = 529) was carried out to derive the factor structure using the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and cross-validate it; Study 2 (N = 602) and Study 3 (N = 899) were performed to confirm and replicate the structure with the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); gender-balanced Study 4 (N = 862) was conducted to assess measurement invariance over gender using multigroup CFA, and to normalize the scale. Validity of the scale was assessed based on each study. Results A stable two-factor structure using 10 items was replicated in four different samples. The results showed that reliability (α) was between 0.71 and 0.81 for Internalization, and 0.76 and 0.81 for Symbolization. Validity was confirmed in terms of the expected pattern of correlations with morality measures and factorial structure. Metric invariance across gender was confirmed with possible exception of factor loadings on two items regarding communication of values. Polish normalization for men and women was constructed. Conclusions Polish validation of SMIS proved to be a structurally consistent and valid measur

    Co? Kto? Komu? – Kierunki badań we współczesnej psychologii ocen moralnych

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    Artykuł jest pracą przeglądową na temat współczesnej psychologii ocen moralnych i wyłaniających się z niej obszarów badań, które autorki dzielą na pięć kierunków: a) Co zrobił sprawca i jakie są tego konsekwencje?, b) Kim jest sprawca? Jakie są jego intencje, emocje i poglądy?, c) Kim jest ofiara?, d) Kim jest podmiot oceniający?, e) Jaka jest sytuacja tu i teraz?. Kierunki te związane są z czynnikami mającymi wpływ na nasze sądy moralne. Autorki podają dla każdego z nich przykładowe wyniki badań oraz wysuwają wnioski ogólne. Na końcu artykułu opisują ograniczenia metodologiczne prowadzonych badań w tym obszarze

    The limits of the primacy of morality hypothesis : are global impressions of experts based mainly on their competence or morality?

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    According to the primacy of morality hypothesis, moral traits are the most substantial contributor to – and when positive, always contribute positively to – global impressions of others. In three experiments (N = 413), we asked participants to form global impressions of the financial advisor (Study 1a), car mechanic (Study 1b), and physician (Study 1c). Contrary to the primacy of morality hypothesis, we showed that when people evaluate experts, they are guided primarily by experts’ competence (solving or not solving clients’ problems), not morality (moral or immoral intentions). The global impressions of the experts who made a mistake and did not solve clients’ problems were negative regardless of the experts’ moral or immoral intentions. However, the competent experts were continually assessed positively regardless of their good or bad intentions. The meta-analysis showed that the effect of manipulated intention on global impression was not significant. The results pose a challenge to the idea that moral behaviors are the most relevant when making global impressions of others

    Publish or be ethical? Publishing pressure and scientific misconduct in research

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    The paper reports two studies exploring the relationship between scholars’ self-reported publication pressure and their self-reported scientific misconduct in research. In Study 1 the participants (N=423) were scholars representing various disciplines from one big university in Poland. In Study 2 the participants (N=31) were exclusively members of the management, such as dean, director, etc. from the same university. In Study 1 the most common reported form of scientific misconduct was honorary authorship. The majority of researchers (71%) reported that they had not violated ethical standards in the past; 3% admitted to scientific misconduct; 51% reported being were aware of colleagues’ scientific misconduct. A small positive correlation between perceived publication pressure and intention to engage in scientific misconduct in the future was found. In Study 2 more than half of the management (52%) reported being aware of researchers’ dishonest practices, the most frequent one of these being honorary authorship. As many as 71% of the participants report observing publication pressure in their subordinates. The primary conclusions are: (1) most scholars are convinced of their morality and predict that they will behave morally in the future; (2) scientific misconduct, particularly minor offenses such as honorary authorship, is frequently observed both by researchers (particularly in their colleagues) and by their managers; (3) researchers experiencing publication pressure report a willingness to engage in scientific misconduct in the future

    Characterisation of the Average Worker Employed Under Flexible Forms of Employment - Report on the Study of Individual Differences in the Context of Sociodemographic Data Concerning Polish Workers

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    The paper presents the sociodemographic data obtained as a result of an empirical study carried out on a group of n=2118 workers employed under what is referred to as flexible forms of employment, within a more extensive research project entitled “Occupational problems of individuals working under flexible forms of employment – the psychological perspective”. The inspiration to focus on this particular part of the research was provided by a trend observed in the international literature, analysing the profile of an average flexible worker in highly developed countries. An analysis of the study sample of flexible workers shows that the group included rather young people, with a similar share of women and men, living in big cities, and with a rather short length of service; they were well-educated, married people with children, with a small number of previous employers, and mostly working in the private sector. The Polish study sample matches the descriptions of the average flexible European worker

    Occupational Burnout as a Consequence of Workaholism - An Outline of the Problem Based on Studies of Polish Women Running Their Own Business Activity

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    The paper presents selected studies using structured in-depth psychological interviews conducted in 2017 among n=72 women undergoing therapy for managers, who complained about ailments related to workaholism and simultaneous occupational burnout. The sample was selected by quota sampling, and running one’s own business was the criterion. The characteristic problem areas declared by the patients were divided into twelve categories, in accordance with the literature presented and with results of research conducted so far into workaholism and occupational burnout. The authors believe that occupational burnout is the principal consequence of workaholism, and the most serious one affecting occupational activit

    Perception of limitations by individuals threatened with social exclusion upon entering employment : report on a study of individuals with chronic mental illnesses

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    The paper presents the results of qualitative research involving a group of 30 disabled persons, suffering from chronic mental conditions, and in most cases staying at residential care homes. The authors conducted targeted free interviews with an interview outline, i.e. a list of the required information. The research was conducted among occupationally active but unemployed individuals, i.e. ones who declared the willingness to work. The sample for the study was selected using purposive sampling: all the subjects were using the services of an employment counsellor at the time.The aim of the free interviews was to identify the barriers making it difficult for disabled persons to find employment. The research questions for the subjects were the following: 1. How important is it for you to enter employment?; 2. What knowledge of your own occupational skills do you have?; 3. What knowledge do you have about the possibilities of finding employment for someone with your qualifications?; 4. What barriers do you see that make employment difficult and result from your own limitations?; 5. What barriers do you see that make employment difficult and result from the specificity of the labour market?; 6. What hindering barriers do you see that result from provisions of the law?; The idea behind all the research questions that were asked was to attempt to answer the question concerning the importance of entering employment for the study subjects. It turned out that entering employment was a priority for most of the respondents