25 research outputs found

    Razlike utjecaja funkcionalnog i tradicionalnog treninga snage na kondicijska svojstva : doktorska disertacija

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    Funkcionalni trening označava vrstu vježbanja koja je dizajnirana tako da imitira aktivnosti i kretne strukture koje se pojavljuju u karakterističnoj sportskoj aktivnosti s ciljem da adaptacije uzrokovane treningom budu specifičnije i primjenjivije. Dosadašnja istraživanja uglavnom su se bavila efektima funkcionalnog treninga kod starijih ispitanika s obzirom da je funkcionalni trening kao takav originalno i razvijen prvenstveno za primjenu kod vježbača s određenim zdravstvenim problemima. Evidentan je nedostatak znanstvenih studija koje su proučavale efekte funkcionalnog treninga kod mladih, prethodno treniranih ispitanika. Dodatno, vrlo su rijetka istraživanja koja su analizirala varijable kondicijskih sposobnosti, to jest varijable koje same u sebi sadrže i određeni dio sportske vještine. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi specifične efekte funkcionalnog treninga (FT) i tradicionalnog treninga (TT) snage na setu antropometrijskih varijabli, eksplozivnoj snazi, agilnosti i performansama sprinta kod mladih, prethodno treniranih muških ispitanika.Functional training (FT) refers to exercise training programs that are designed to imitate the activities and movement pattern that occur in an athlete`s characteristic activity to make training adaptations more specific and applicable. There is a lack of studies on the effects of FT in young and previously trained subjects. The aim of this study was to determine the training-specific effects of FT and traditional strength training (TST) on a subset of anthropometric measures, explosive strength, agility, and sprint performance in young (22 - 25 years of age), previously trained male subjects (N = 23) that were divided randomly into two groups (FT, n = 11; TST, n = 12). The variables sampled included anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, body fat percentage, lean body mass, and total body water), two agility tests (5-10-5 meter shuttle run and the hexagon test (HEXAGON)), jumping ability (air time, peak power (PEAKPWR), jump height, ground contact time (GCT)), throwing ability tests (standing overarm medicine ball throw (SMB) and laying medicine ball throw), and sprinting variables (10m and 20m dash and 10-20m time results). The training program lasted 5 weeks and consisted of 3-times-weekly FT or TST. Pre- and post-training differences within the groups were established using the dependent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test was calculated to detect between-group differences. Anthropometric variables did not change significantly during the training period. Within group comparisons revealed significant improvements in the SMB and HEXAGON for FT. TST significantly improved GCT, PEAKPWR, and HEXAGON performance but decreased achievement for the SMB. In conclusion, FT and TST differently influenced the explosive strength and agility variables. More precisely, the results demonstrated that TST increased the energetic potential of trained musculature, which resulted in an overall increase in power qualities, while FT improved postural control and precise coordination. The limitations of this study are noted

    Razlike utjecaja funkcionalnog i tradicionalnog treninga snage na kondicijska svojstva : doktorska disertacija

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    Funkcionalni trening označava vrstu vježbanja koja je dizajnirana tako da imitira aktivnosti i kretne strukture koje se pojavljuju u karakterističnoj sportskoj aktivnosti s ciljem da adaptacije uzrokovane treningom budu specifičnije i primjenjivije. Dosadašnja istraživanja uglavnom su se bavila efektima funkcionalnog treninga kod starijih ispitanika s obzirom da je funkcionalni trening kao takav originalno i razvijen prvenstveno za primjenu kod vježbača s određenim zdravstvenim problemima. Evidentan je nedostatak znanstvenih studija koje su proučavale efekte funkcionalnog treninga kod mladih, prethodno treniranih ispitanika. Dodatno, vrlo su rijetka istraživanja koja su analizirala varijable kondicijskih sposobnosti, to jest varijable koje same u sebi sadrže i određeni dio sportske vještine. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi specifične efekte funkcionalnog treninga (FT) i tradicionalnog treninga (TT) snage na setu antropometrijskih varijabli, eksplozivnoj snazi, agilnosti i performansama sprinta kod mladih, prethodno treniranih muških ispitanika.Functional training (FT) refers to exercise training programs that are designed to imitate the activities and movement pattern that occur in an athlete`s characteristic activity to make training adaptations more specific and applicable. There is a lack of studies on the effects of FT in young and previously trained subjects. The aim of this study was to determine the training-specific effects of FT and traditional strength training (TST) on a subset of anthropometric measures, explosive strength, agility, and sprint performance in young (22 - 25 years of age), previously trained male subjects (N = 23) that were divided randomly into two groups (FT, n = 11; TST, n = 12). The variables sampled included anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, body fat percentage, lean body mass, and total body water), two agility tests (5-10-5 meter shuttle run and the hexagon test (HEXAGON)), jumping ability (air time, peak power (PEAKPWR), jump height, ground contact time (GCT)), throwing ability tests (standing overarm medicine ball throw (SMB) and laying medicine ball throw), and sprinting variables (10m and 20m dash and 10-20m time results). The training program lasted 5 weeks and consisted of 3-times-weekly FT or TST. Pre- and post-training differences within the groups were established using the dependent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test was calculated to detect between-group differences. Anthropometric variables did not change significantly during the training period. Within group comparisons revealed significant improvements in the SMB and HEXAGON for FT. TST significantly improved GCT, PEAKPWR, and HEXAGON performance but decreased achievement for the SMB. In conclusion, FT and TST differently influenced the explosive strength and agility variables. More precisely, the results demonstrated that TST increased the energetic potential of trained musculature, which resulted in an overall increase in power qualities, while FT improved postural control and precise coordination. The limitations of this study are noted

    Razlike utjecaja funkcionalnog i tradicionalnog treninga snage na kondicijska svojstva : doktorska disertacija

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    Funkcionalni trening označava vrstu vježbanja koja je dizajnirana tako da imitira aktivnosti i kretne strukture koje se pojavljuju u karakterističnoj sportskoj aktivnosti s ciljem da adaptacije uzrokovane treningom budu specifičnije i primjenjivije. Dosadašnja istraživanja uglavnom su se bavila efektima funkcionalnog treninga kod starijih ispitanika s obzirom da je funkcionalni trening kao takav originalno i razvijen prvenstveno za primjenu kod vježbača s određenim zdravstvenim problemima. Evidentan je nedostatak znanstvenih studija koje su proučavale efekte funkcionalnog treninga kod mladih, prethodno treniranih ispitanika. Dodatno, vrlo su rijetka istraživanja koja su analizirala varijable kondicijskih sposobnosti, to jest varijable koje same u sebi sadrže i određeni dio sportske vještine. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi specifične efekte funkcionalnog treninga (FT) i tradicionalnog treninga (TT) snage na setu antropometrijskih varijabli, eksplozivnoj snazi, agilnosti i performansama sprinta kod mladih, prethodno treniranih muških ispitanika.Functional training (FT) refers to exercise training programs that are designed to imitate the activities and movement pattern that occur in an athlete`s characteristic activity to make training adaptations more specific and applicable. There is a lack of studies on the effects of FT in young and previously trained subjects. The aim of this study was to determine the training-specific effects of FT and traditional strength training (TST) on a subset of anthropometric measures, explosive strength, agility, and sprint performance in young (22 - 25 years of age), previously trained male subjects (N = 23) that were divided randomly into two groups (FT, n = 11; TST, n = 12). The variables sampled included anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, body fat percentage, lean body mass, and total body water), two agility tests (5-10-5 meter shuttle run and the hexagon test (HEXAGON)), jumping ability (air time, peak power (PEAKPWR), jump height, ground contact time (GCT)), throwing ability tests (standing overarm medicine ball throw (SMB) and laying medicine ball throw), and sprinting variables (10m and 20m dash and 10-20m time results). The training program lasted 5 weeks and consisted of 3-times-weekly FT or TST. Pre- and post-training differences within the groups were established using the dependent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test was calculated to detect between-group differences. Anthropometric variables did not change significantly during the training period. Within group comparisons revealed significant improvements in the SMB and HEXAGON for FT. TST significantly improved GCT, PEAKPWR, and HEXAGON performance but decreased achievement for the SMB. In conclusion, FT and TST differently influenced the explosive strength and agility variables. More precisely, the results demonstrated that TST increased the energetic potential of trained musculature, which resulted in an overall increase in power qualities, while FT improved postural control and precise coordination. The limitations of this study are noted


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    Psycho-oncology is a branch of medicine which, combining psychiatry and oncology, studies the biological and psychological factors related to the onset and treatment of carcinoma. The struggle with this life-threatening disease requires an adaptation to a new life situation characterized by changed routines of everyday life and dynamics of personal relationships. The psycho-oncological approach is a multidisciplinary one, as modern medicine recognizes more and more the role of spirituality in the treatment and recovery from various pathological conditions. Spirituality is the adaptive capability of intelligent beings to retain the will for life in spite of adversities and awareness of the imminence of death. Faced with a challenge of malignant disease people are nevertheless able to react with positive personality changes, which leads them to a more meaningful and substantial life. The so-called posttraumatic growth is a feature which enables an individual to assume control over his own reactions to disease, which in turn can have a positive influence on the treatment outcome. An essential role in this process is played by the spiritual growth of an individual. Malignant disease can represent an opportunity for spiritual growth, a dimension often neglected by contemporary lifestyles. Religion, as an important constituent part of spirituality, can offer the believer a meaning of suffering and thus turn the disease into an opportunity for self-knowledge and development of a more mature spirituality. Christian spirituality can represent a path which helps an individual to cope with malignant disease. Modern medicine should be based on a multidisciplinary approach to the patient and encompass all the human dimensions (rational, emotional and spiritual), whereas treatment itself must be both personalized and participatory

    The Influence of Somatotype Components and Personality Traits on the Playing Position and the Quality of Top Croatian Female Cadet Handball Players

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    The research was conducted with the aim to establish the structure and the differences of morphological features and personality traits between different age groups of female cadet handball players grouped by their playing quality and playing positions. Further on, the research was done on 70 handball players aged 15, 31 on average, who were grouped according to their positions on goalkeepers, outside players, wings and pivots. Furthermore, according to the quality of playing, they were divided in two quality groups of players, those from the wider cadet national team, thus characterised as top female players in Croatia, and those who had never been invited into the cadet national team and thus can be referred to as low-quality, i.e. average female handball players. The structure of predictor variables has indicated the existence of general morphological factor assessing the players’ constitution and two personality features factors – neuroticism and extraversion. The variance analysis showed no statistically significant differences of somatotype variables with relation to quality and playing position. By observing basic personality traits, a statistically significant difference was confirmed only in introversion-extraversion with a lower score in goalkeepers than in other positions, which indicates a higher level of introversion in this playing position. Such result was expected since this particular position abounds in specific tasks and demands in the game in relation to all other playing positions. Further on, it has been concluded that the selection of players must not be based only on the stated physical and psychological characteristics, but on relevant anthropological complexes determining performance and sport achievement


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    Današnji čovjek pod utjecajem različitih ponuda postmodernoga društva polako gubi čvrst oslonac svojega života te ostaje bez životnoga smisla i pravoga usmjerenja. U tom kontekstu duhovno vodstvo i psihoterapija predstavljaju alternativu ponudama ovoga svijeta te nastoje pružiti pomoć onim osobama koje traže dublji smisao ljudske egzistencije. Stoga je potrebno analizirati glavna obilježja duhovnoga vodstva, zatim upoznajući logoterapiju, prikazati jedan vid psihoterapije te na kraju usporediti duhovno vodstvo i psihoterapiju. Namjera je ovim člankom pokazati da je moguća integracija između duhovnoga vodstva i psihoterapije, iako pritom treba poštivati njihovu posebnost i vlastitost. Dok psihoterapija pomaže u nadvladavanju raznih duševnih tegoba i teškoća, duhovno je vodstvo osobito važno za kršćanske vjernike koji žele rasti u osobnom odnosu s Bogom i u nasljedovanju Isusa Krista.Contemporary man, under the influence of many different offers of postmodern society, slowly loses the firm support of his life and remains without life sense and real orientation. In that context, spiritual direction and psychotherapy represent the alternative to the offers of this world and endeavor to offer the help to those persons who seek the deeper sense of human existence. Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the main characteristics of spiritual direction,then, through the prism of logotherapy, to show one aspect of psychotherapy and, in the end, to compare correlative relationship between spiritual direction and psychotherapy. The intention of this article is to show that the integration between spiritual direction and psychotherapy is possible, although at the same time should be appreciated their own specialty and singularity. While psychotherapy helps in the overcoming of many different mental problems and difficulties,spiritual direction is especially important for Christian believers who want to rise in the personal relationship with God and in the following of Jesus Christ


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    Prema Ivanu od Križa jedini i istinit čovjekov cilj jest sjedinjenje s Bogom u ljubavi, a ljubav je srž Ivanova naučavanja jer samo je ljubav smisao svega postojanja. Čovjekova duša preobražena u ljubav, po ljubavi sjedinjena s njime postaje jedno s Bogom; ne po biti već po sudioništvu. Kako bi duša mogla doći do tog sjedinjenja, mora proći kroz tamnu noć u kojoj je osjetilni dio sa svim svojim težnjama, strastima, požudama i navezanostima pročišćen. Naime osjetilne i duhovne moći ne poništavaju se nego samo pročišćuju i oplemenjuju. Stoga Ivan utemeljuje svoj mistični nauk na Kristovoj riječi iz evanđelja: “Hoće li tko za mnom, neka se odrekne samoga sebe, neka uzme svoj križ i neka ide za mnom” (Mt 16,24). Čovjek je pozvan uzeti svoj križ i krenuti putem odricanja i patnje, proći tako kroz noć osjeta i noć duha. Cilj je potpuno se isprazniti od svega što Bog nije i tako dostići savršenu poniznost i ljubav koje su potrebne za ovo sjedinjenje.According to John of the Cross, man’s only and true goal is to be united with God in love. Love is the meaning of all existence, thus it’s the core of all of John’s teaching. Man’s soul transformed into love, united by love through Him, becomes one with God, not in essence but in participation. But in order for the soul to reach that union, it must go through the Dark Night in which the sensory part of the soul with all its aspirations, passions, lusts and attachments is vigorously purified. Namely, the sensory and spiritual powers are not completely annulled, but only purified and ennobled. John bases his mystical teachings on Christ’s word from the Gospel: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mt 16,24). Man is called to take his cross and set out on the path of renunciation and suffering, thus passing through the night of the senses and the night of the spirit. The goal is to completely empty oneself of all that is not God and thus attain the perfect humility and love needed for this union