
Današnji čovjek pod utjecajem različitih ponuda postmodernoga društva polako gubi čvrst oslonac svojega života te ostaje bez životnoga smisla i pravoga usmjerenja. U tom kontekstu duhovno vodstvo i psihoterapija predstavljaju alternativu ponudama ovoga svijeta te nastoje pružiti pomoć onim osobama koje traže dublji smisao ljudske egzistencije. Stoga je potrebno analizirati glavna obilježja duhovnoga vodstva, zatim upoznajući logoterapiju, prikazati jedan vid psihoterapije te na kraju usporediti duhovno vodstvo i psihoterapiju. Namjera je ovim člankom pokazati da je moguća integracija između duhovnoga vodstva i psihoterapije, iako pritom treba poštivati njihovu posebnost i vlastitost. Dok psihoterapija pomaže u nadvladavanju raznih duševnih tegoba i teškoća, duhovno je vodstvo osobito važno za kršćanske vjernike koji žele rasti u osobnom odnosu s Bogom i u nasljedovanju Isusa Krista.Contemporary man, under the influence of many different offers of postmodern society, slowly loses the firm support of his life and remains without life sense and real orientation. In that context, spiritual direction and psychotherapy represent the alternative to the offers of this world and endeavor to offer the help to those persons who seek the deeper sense of human existence. Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the main characteristics of spiritual direction,then, through the prism of logotherapy, to show one aspect of psychotherapy and, in the end, to compare correlative relationship between spiritual direction and psychotherapy. The intention of this article is to show that the integration between spiritual direction and psychotherapy is possible, although at the same time should be appreciated their own specialty and singularity. While psychotherapy helps in the overcoming of many different mental problems and difficulties,spiritual direction is especially important for Christian believers who want to rise in the personal relationship with God and in the following of Jesus Christ

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