4 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de la actividad laboral de los estudiantes de pedagog铆a /Labor activity evaluation in students of pedagogy

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    El presente art铆culo aborda la evaluaci贸n de la actividad laboral de los estudiantes de formaci贸n profesional pedag贸gica, dada la necesidad de elevar la calidad y el rigor del proceso docente educativo para la formaci贸n del modo de actuaci贸n de este profesional, expresado en un desempe帽o acorde con las demandas que lasociedad exige de la formaci贸n universitaria. El objetivo es precisar qu茅 dimensiones e indicadores pueden ser empleados para la evaluaci贸n de la actividad laboral de los estudiantes de carreras pedag贸gicas y los criterios que lo sustentan, a partir de la identificaci贸n de las competencias profesionales que deben adquirir. Se emplearon como m茅todos fundamentales de investigaci贸n la revisi贸n documental y el estudio de los resultados de la actividad. El estudio aporta las dimensiones e indicadores para la evaluaci贸n de la actividad laboral de los docentes en formaci贸n durante su pr谩ctica laboral de formaci贸n profesional pedag贸gica.ABSTRACTThis paper is aimed to examine the process of evaluation of teacher trainee鈥檚 preservice practice, on the light of the need to raise the quality of the educational teaching process for the development of the way of acting of this professional, expressed in a performance in accordance with the demands of society demands. Theobjective is to specify which dimensions and indicators can be used for the evaluation of the preservice practice and the criteria that support it, from the identification of the professional competencies to be attained. Documentary review and study of the results of the activity were used as fundamental research methods. The study provides the dimensions and indicators for the evaluation of the preservice practice of teachers under training


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    The preparation of professionals, regardless of the sphere in which they perform their work, constitutes a pedagogical challenge of actuality towards the achievement of the improvement of the performance in the professional activity. Therefore, the aim of the article is to reflect on the preparation aimed at the formation of new modes, forms and qualities of action in the performance of professionals, in accordance with a specific socio-historical context. In this regard, the types of preparation are proposed and exemplified by different professionals: teachers, educational methodologists, engineers and managers, as well as for various situations that may arise. Methods of the theoretical level were used to analyze the content of documents, which included original and review articles, doctoral theses, normative documents, resolutions and results of national and international research.La preparaci贸n de los profesionales, independientemente de la esfera donde ejerzan su labor, constituye un reto pedag贸gico de actualidad hacia el logro del mejoramiento del desempe帽o en la actividad profesional. Por ello, es objetivo de este art铆culo reflexionar acerca de la preparaci贸n dirigida a la formaci贸n de nuevos modos, formas y cualidades de acci贸n en el desempe帽o de los profesionales, de acuerdo contexto socio-hist贸rico concreto. En tal sentido, se proponen los tipos de preparaci贸n y se ejemplifican con diferentes profesionales: profesores, metod贸logos educacionales, ingenieros y directivos, as铆 como para variadas situaciones que se pueden presentar. Se emplearon m茅todos del nivel te贸rico para el an谩lisis del contenido de documentos, que incluy贸 art铆culos originales y de revisi贸n, tesis de doctorados, documentos normativos, resoluciones y resultados de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales

    The action mode of the Licentiate in Chemical Education and his relationship with the professionals competes

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    In the limit 22 of The Economic and Social Politics of the Party and the Revolution, the necessity is expressed of modernizing the formation programs and investigation of the universities in function of the development demands. However, evidences of inadequacies exist in the graduate's formative process in chemical education that don't contribute to the formation in the way of these professionals' performance, for what a study logical epistemological of the curricular design of this career is made to specify this performance ways in function of the professional's activity, being obtained a proposal that just qualifies the professional performance and of which the professional competitions are extracted to form.</p

    La preparaci贸n para la actividad profesional: Un reto pedag贸gico de actualidad

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    The preparation of professionals, regardless of the sphere in which they perform their work, constitutes a pedagogical challenge of actuality towards the achievement of the improvement of the performance in the professional activity. Therefore, the aim of the article is to reflect on the preparation aimed at the formation of new modes, forms and qualities of action in the performance of professionals, in accordance with a specific socio-historical context. In this regard, the types of preparation are proposed and exemplified by different professionals: teachers, educational methodologists, engineers and managers, as well as for various situations that may arise. Methods of the theoretical level were used to analyze the content of documents, which included original and review articles, doctoral theses, normative documents, resolutions and results of national and international research.La preparaci贸n de los profesionales, independientemente de la esfera donde ejerzan su labor, constituye un reto pedag贸gico de actualidad hacia el logro del mejoramiento del desempe帽o en la actividad profesional. Por ello, es objetivo de este art铆culo reflexionar acerca de la preparaci贸n dirigida a la formaci贸n de nuevos modos, formas y cualidades de acci贸n en el desempe帽o de los profesionales, de acuerdo contexto socio-hist贸rico concreto. En tal sentido, se proponen los tipos de preparaci贸n y se ejemplifican con diferentes profesionales: profesores, metod贸logos educacionales, ingenieros y directivos, as铆 como para variadas situaciones que se pueden presentar. Se emplearon m茅todos del nivel te贸rico para el an谩lisis del contenido de documentos, que incluy贸 art铆culos originales y de revisi贸n, tesis de doctorados, documentos normativos, resoluciones y resultados de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales