2,071 research outputs found

    Nuevas masculinidades

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    El siguiente trabajo pensado y trabajado de manera conjunta, surge de la sensibilización en torno a temas que nos interpelan a todes como sociedad. Hablar, discutir y enfatizar en las nuevas masculinidades en varones y en las infancias no es de menor interés,implica construir y repensar la sociedad en que cada día nos encontramos. A partir de allí, centramos los desafíos de la indagación participativa con el grupo de niños escogidos y el producto comunicacional a presentar. Indagar sobre el modo en que comunican y expresan las nuevas masculinidades en los niños de la Biblioteca Popular Bosque Encantado de La Pega Lavalle, en el año 2019. Construir un ensayo fotográfico artístico a partir de la expresión de los niños en torno a las nuevas masculinidades.Fil: Colombo, Mario Jesús . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.Fil: Sosino, Sandra Noemí . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales

    OX40 triggering blocks suppression by regulatory T cells and facilitates tumor rejection

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    Regulatory T (T reg) cells are the major obstacle to cancer immunotherapy, and their depletion promptly induces conversion of peripheral precursors into T reg cells. We show that T reg cells can be functionally inactivated by OX40 triggering. In tumors, the vast majority of CD4+ T cells are Foxp3+ and OX40bright. However, intratumor injection of the agonist anti-OX40 monoclonal antibody (mAb) OX86, but not anti-CD25 mAb, induces tumor rejection in 80% of mice, an effect that is abrogated by CD8 depletion. Upon intratumor OX40 triggering, increased numbers of infiltrating dendritic cells (DCs) migrate to draining lymph nodes and generate a new wave of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, as detected by tetramer and CD44 staining of node CD8+ T lymphocytes. Tumor-bearing Rag1-knockout (KO) mice reconstituted with OX40-deficient T reg cells and wild-type (WT) effector T cells, or the reciprocal combination, showed that both T reg and effector T cells must be triggered via OX40 for the tumor to be rejected. Accordingly, WT but not OX40-KO mice receiving intratumor coinjection of OX86 and ovalbumin protein were able to revert tumor-induced tolerization of adoptively transferred OX40-competent OTII T lymphocytes. In conclusion, OX40-mediated inactivation of T reg cell function unleashes nearby DCs, allowing them to induce an adaptive immune response. In addition, the known OX40-dependent delivery of fitness signals to activated T cells is boosted by concurrent T reg cell inhibition. OX40 triggering thus has multiple effects that converge to mediate tumor rejection

    Counterfactual model for labour market evaluation policies

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    This paper presents the methodological approach used to analyse and assess an active labour market policy called Dote Unica del Lavoro (DUL) implemented by the Lombardy Region with reference to the period October 2013-June 2014 and addressed to 25 thousand beneficiaries. The aim of the project is to assess and quantify the efficiency of the policy measured by the labour market outcomes of the beneficiaries. The methodology is based on the counterfactual non experimental approach using the Propensity Score Matching technique. The technique is based on the comparison of the outcomes of two groups of individuals: beneficiaries and non beneficiaries (i.e. exposed and non exposed in the terminology of medical treatment) of the public employment policy. The key point is the identification and selection of the group of non beneficiaries (non exposed) that ideally should share the same features and characteristics of the beneficiaries (exposed) so that the change in outcome of the beneficiaries (if detected) can be attributed to the policy and not to other confounding factors

    Optimal scheduling and control for constrained multi-agent networked control systems

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    In this paper, we study optimal control and communication schedule co-design for multi-agent networked control systems, with assuming shared parallel communication channels and uncertain constrained linear time-invariant discrete-time systems. To that end, we specify the communication demand for each system using an associated robust control invariant set and reachability analysis. We use these communication demands and invariant sets to formulate tube-based model predictive control and offline/online communication schedule co-design problems. Since the scheduling part includes an infinite dimension integer problem, we propose heuristics to find suboptimal solutions that guarantee robust constraints satisfaction and recursive feasibility. The effectiveness of our approach is illustrated through numerical simulations

    Common extracellular matrix regulation of myeloid cell activity in the bone marrow and tumor microenvironments

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    The complex interaction between cells undergoing transformation and the various stromal and immunological cell components of the tumor microenvironment (TME) crucially influences cancer progression and diversification, as well as endowing clinical and prognostic significance. The immunosuppression characterizing the TME depends on the recruitment and activation of different cell types including regulatory T cells, myeloid-derived suppressor cells, and tumor-associated macrophages. Less considered is the non-cellular component of the TME. Here, we focus on the extracellular matrix (ECM) regulatory activities that, within the TME, actively contribute to many aspects of tumor progression, acting on both tumor and immune cells. Particularly, ECM-mediated regulation of tumor-associated immunosuppression occurs through the modulation of myeloid cell expansion, localization, and functional activities. Such regulation is not limited to the TME but occurs also within the bone marrow, wherein matricellular proteins contribute to the maintenance of specialized hematopoietic stem cell niches thereby regulating their homeostasis as well as the generation and expansion of myeloid cells under both physiological and pathological conditions. Highlighting the commonalities among ECM-myeloid cell interactions in bone marrow and TME, in this review we present a picture in which myeloid cells might sense and respond to ECM modifications, providing different ECM-myeloid cell interfaces that may be useful to define prognostic groups and to tailor therapeutic interventions

    Escola de Aprendizes ArtĂ­fices ou Escola de Aprendizes e ArtĂ­fices?

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    O marco inicial de uma política nacional de formação profissional foi a criação de 19 Escolas de Aprendizes Artífices por um Decreto federal em 1909. Após encontrar inúmeros equívocos em dissertações e teses, que apresentavam a origem da rede federal de educação profissional e tecnológica, usando os termos “aprendizes artífices” acrescentando “e”, ficando “aprendizes e artífices”, apresentou-se o desafio que resultou na pesquisa para este artigo, a fim de tentar entender este uso e apresentar a significação  diacrônica, do ponto de vista conceitual, histórico e socioeconômico. Esta pesquisa utilizou  a busca quantitativa dos usos dos termos em buscadores informáticos, a partir da qual procedeu-se  à análise  referenciada em bibliografia relativa aos aspectos históricos, econômicos e sociais, refletidas no uso conjuntural e da significação linguística de cada tempo. Por fim, a reflexão procura traduzir o interesse político, jurídico e social por trás daquela expressão, que se relaciona  à estrutura de uma época e revela que o uso adequado do termo, ao preservar sua originalidade, traduz um significado que é dialético, tanto na representação como na base material da sociedade da época

    Feeding dendritic cells with tumor antigens: self-service buffet or Ă  la carte?

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    Adoptive transfer of autologous dendritic cells (DC) presenting tumor-associated antigens initiate and sustain an immune response which eradicate murine malignancies. Based on these observations, several clinical trials are in progress testing safety and efficacy with encouraging preliminary reports. In these approaches, ex vivo incubation of DC with a source of tumor antigens is required to load the relevant antigenic epitopes on the adequate antigen presenting molecules. Recent data show that in some instances exogenous DC artificially injected into malignant tissue or endogenous DC attracted to the tumor nodule by means of gene transfer of GM-CSF and CD40L into malignant cells result in efficacious antitumor immunity. In the case of intratumoral injection of DC the procedure is curative only if DC had been genetically engineered to produce IL-12, IL-6 or to express CD40L. Evidence has been obtained showing that intratumoral DC can capture and process tumor antigens to be presented to T-lymphocytes. Although the exact mechanisms of tumor antigen acquisition by DC are still unclear, available data suggest a role for heat shock proteins released from dying malignant cells and for the internalization of tumor-derived apoptotic bodies. Roles for tumor necrosis versus apoptosis are discussed in light of the 'danger theory'

    Two-parameter bifurcation analysis of the buck converter

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    This paper is concerned with the analysis of two-parameter bifurcation phenomena in the buck power converter. It is shown that the complex dynamics of the converter can be unfolded by considering higher codimension bifurcation points in two-parameter space. Specifically, standard smooth bifurcations are shown to merge with discontinuity-induced bifurcation (DIB) curves, giving rise to intricate bifurcation scenarios. The analytical results are compared with those obtained numerically, showing excellent agreement between the analytical predictions and the numerical observations. The existence of these two-parameter bifurcation phenomena involving DIBs and smooth bifurcations, predicted in [P. Kowalczyk et al., Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 16 (2006), pp. 601–629; A. Colombo and F. Dercole, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., submitted], is confirmed in this important class of systems.Postprint (published version
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