1,699 research outputs found

    What about our rights?: the state and minority religious communities in Croatia: a case study

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    In December 2007, three registered minority religious communities in Croatia took a discrimination case against the Republic of Croatia to the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) in Strassbourg. This paper documents the entire case, from the public announcement of the law suit to the final decision of the ECHR, which ruled in favour of the three religious communities. In a broader sense, this case study deals with church-state relations in Croatia and points to some important consequences of the case for religious rights, religious freedom, and governing by the rule of law in Croatia

    Religious education in Croatia

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    This chapter analyses basic issues concerning religious education in Croatia: social and religious context, legal framework for the introduction of religious instruction in schools, public discourse about religious education in Croatia during the 1990s, religious education in primary and secondary schools curricula, teacher-training and some data about attitudes towards religious education in schools among population in Croatia

    Islamische Ausbildung in Europa: kroatisches Modell

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    U radu se analizira društveni i religijski kontekst u Hrvatskoj, kratka povijest muslimanske zajednice u Hrvatskoj, osnovni statistički i sociodemografski podaci o muslimanima u Hrvatskoj, integriranost muslimana u hrvatsko društvo, dokumenti vezani uz pravni status vjerskih zajednica (Ustav RH, Zakon o pravnom položaju vjerskih zajednica u RH, Ugovori Vlade RH s vjerskim zajednicama) te organizacija Islamske vjerske zajednice u RH. Analiza islamskog obrazovanja u sustavu javnih škola obuhvaća program islamskog vjeronauka, udžbenike za osnovne i srednje škole, te obrazovanje vjeroučitelja

    Catholic religious education in public schools in Croatia: attitudes toward other religions in primary school textbooks

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    U radu su analizirani stavovi prema drugim religijama u udžbenicima katoličkog vjeronauka za sve razrede javnih osnovnih škola. Utvrđeno je da su velike svjetske religije (judaizam, islam, budizam i hinduizam)prikazane vrijednosno neutralno, dok su novi religijski pokreti i ateizam generalno prikazani vrijednosno negativno

    Computer laboratory in medical education for medical students

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    Five generations of the second year students at the Zagreb University School of Medicine were interviewed through an anonymous questionnaire on their use of personal computers, Internet, computer laboratories and computer-assisted education in general. Results show advance in using the information and communication technology by medical students during the period from 1998/99 to 2002/03. However, their positive opinion about computer laboratory depends on installed capacities: the better technology in the computer laboratory – the more positive opinion of it

    Contact allergy and sociodemographic characteristics

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    The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of positive patch test reaction to different contact allergens according to patients age, sex, occupation and clinical features. Between 1999 and 2003, patch testing was performed in 3,293 patients with respective clinical diagnoses. Patch testing was done by the standard technique proposed by the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG). Study results showed statistically significant differences in patch test response according to sex and age for three allergens (cobalt chloride, nickel sulphate and thiomersal); according to occupation for nine allergens (cobalt chloride, nickel sulphate, balsam of Peru, fragrance mix, thiuram mix, wood tars, neomycin sulphate, thiomersal and detergents), and clinical diagnosis for two allergens (nickel sulphate, and wood tars). The most common and relevant allergens were: nickel sulphate, cobalt chloride and carba mix. They were found in all examinees regardless of age, s! ex, occupation and diagnoses. The increased awareness of allergens and their potential sources may help to limit the usage of these chemicals in manufacture of consumer products

    Different therapeutic modalities in a patient with multiple spontaneously developed keloids: a case report

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    Keloids are benign tumors that usually develop as an excessive healing response to injury. They remain a challenging therapeutic problem to this day. Numerous treatment approaches are available, yet therapeutic results are often not satisfactory. A female patient with multiple spontaneously developed keloids on her trunk is presented. In this patient, four different therapeutic options were employed at different sites, with variable responses. The first option included cryotherapy, with poor effect. Slight flattening was observed after intralesional corticosteroid therapy. Treatment with excision followed by radiotherapy resulted in recurrence after 3 months. The best effect was noticed when excision and injection of corticosteroids into surgical margins were followed by radiotherapy. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of three-modal therapy in the management of keloids, which resulted in no recurrences over a 3-year follow-up

    Kratka ljestvica religioznosti: validacija na uzorku adolescenata

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    IN CROATIAN: Iako su sociološka istraživanja religioznosti i nereligioznosti u Hrvatskoj brojna i provode se od kraja 60-ih godina prošloga stoljeća, u našim je uvjetima religioznost kao psihološki fenomen relativno slabo istražena te o njenim razvojnim aspektima na razini pojedinca, kao i o povezanosti s drugim osobinama ličnosti i s ponašanjem pojedinca, u našoj istraživačkoj praksi nema puno podataka. Također je zamjetno da su u istraživanjima koja se kod nas provode, psihometrijske karakteristike korištenih instrumenata uglavnom nepoznate, te se autori mahom oslanjaju na očiglednu valjanost primijenjenih postupaka. U ovom radu prikazan je postupak razvoja Kratke ljestvice religioznosti (KLR). Ljestvica se sastoji od pet tvrdnji kojima se ispituju ponešto različiti aspekti religioznih kognicija. Validacija ljestvice je provedena na uzorku od 3678 adolescenata u dobi od 15 do 19 godina, učenika svih srednjih škola u Primorsko-goranskoj i Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji. Unutrašnja konzistencija ljestvice iznosi .88. Valjanost je provjerena usporedbom s već postojećim postupcima, te utvrđivanjem diskriminativnosti ljestvice na specifičnim pod-uzorcima. Po svojim obilježjima, ova se ljestvica može koristiti kao pouzdan i valjan indikator religioznosti na hrvatskom govornom području. ------- IN ENGLISH: Although there have been many examples of sociological research of religiousness and unreligiousness in Croatia conducted since the late 1960s, religiousness as a psychological phenomenon in Croatian circumstances has not been particularly explored. As a result, there is not much data in such research about the developmental aspects of religiousness on the level of the individual, nor about the connection with other personality traits and individual behaviour. Furthermore, in research carried out in Croatia, psychometric characteristics of the instruments used are mostly unknown, thus making the authors rely on the obvious validity of the applied procedure. In this paper the authors present the procedure of developing a short scale of religiousness (KLR). The scale consists of five statements with the help of which somewhat different aspects of religious cognition are examined. Validation of the scale has been carried out on a sample of 3678 adolescents aged 15 to 19 - students of all secondary schools in the Primorsko-Goranska and Dubrova~ko-Neretvanska counties. Internal consistency of the scale is .88. Its validity has been checked by comparison with the existing procedures and by determining the scale's discriminativeness on specific subsamples. With regard to its characteristics, this scale can be used as a reliable and valid indicator of religiousness in Croatian language circumstances

    Razdoblje promjene: Sociologija sela postaje Sociologija i prostor (2006.-2011., godina 44 do 49, broj 171-191)

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    S pozicije glavne i odgovorne urednice časopisa Sociologija i prostor u razdoblju 2006.-2011. autorica analizira razdoblje u kojemu je časopis, kao polazište nove koncepcije i nove faze razvoja, promijenio naziv iz Sociologija sela u Sociologija i prostor. U uvodnom dijelu tematizira okolnosti pod kojima je došlo do promjene te elemente promjene u koncepciji novoga uredništva. U drugom dijelu analizira bit promijenjene koncepcije časopisa prezentirajući istraživačke teme kojima su se dominantno bavili članci objavljeni u časopisu u spomenutom razdoblju. U zaključku se kratko osvrće na dobre i loše trenutke šestogodišnjeg mandata, s otvorenim i optimističnim pogledom u budućnost. (IN ENGLISH: Editor-in-chief from 2006 to 2011, the author analyses the period in which the journal, starting with a new concept and a new phase in its development, changed its name from Rural Sociology to Sociology and Space. In the introduction, circumstances are examined which brought about the change as well as the new Editorial Board. Then the new concept of the journal is looked at and the themes of articles and reviews from that period. In the conclusion, the author briefly looks back at good and bad moments of her six-year mandate and expresses an open and optimistic view of the future.

    Implementing practical life exercises of the Montessori pedagogy in the early and preschool education

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    Maria Montessori smatrala je kako se odgoj obično sastoji od izravne poduke i kako to često više predstavlja prepreku, nego pomoć prirodnom razvoju ljudskog bića. Prve godine djetetova života obično se zanemaruju, a one su temeljne, jer tada polako, ni iz čega, izranja ljudska psiha i ljudsko ponašanje. Dijete postaje neovisno, uči manipulirati, hodati, govoriti, misliti i upravljati vlastitom voljom. Pravi odgoj počiva na načelu da se prvo otkrije što dijete prijeći u razvoju i potom ga se toga osloboditi. Temelj toga je okolina koja daje snagu i nudi sredstva nužna za razvoj aktivnosti koja proizlazi iz bića. Dio te okoline je i odrasla osoba koja se treba prilagoditi potrebama djeteta, ali tako da mu ne predstavlja prepreku i da ga ne zamjenjuje u djelatnostima koje dijete treba obaviti samo. Priprema po Montessori pedagogiji od učitelja traži ispitivanje sebe samog i odricanje od tiranije, iz srca treba izbaciti bijes i ponos, treba se znati pokoriti i ispuniti se ljubavlju. To su duševna stanja koja treba steći jer ona čine osnovu vage i uporišnu točku njezine ravnoteže. Montessori pedagogija, iako je stara više od 100 godina, prilagodila se današnjem vremenu, vremenu koje zahtijeva fleksibilne, kritične i samostalne ljude.Maria Montessori believed that nurture was direct teaching and more often was an obstacle rather than help to natural growth of human being. The first years of a child's life are usually neglected, but they are fundamental because then, out of nowhere, emerges human psyche and human behavior. The child becomes independent, learns to manipulate, walk, speak, think and manage his own will. The real nurture is based on principle that first you have to discover what the problem in child's growth is and then release him out of that. The basis of this is the environment that gives the strenght and offers resources necessary for the development of activities that comes from being. The part of that environment is an adult who needs to adapt to the needs of a child, but in the way that he is not an obsticle for a child and he doesn't replace him in activities that the child needs to do by himself. Preparation according to Montessori pedagogy requires a teacher to examine himself and renounce tyranny, eject the anger and the pride from the heart, he must know how to obey and to be filled with love. All of these are mental conditions that need to be acquired because they form the basis of the scale and the stronghold of her balance. Although more than 100 years old, Montessori Pedagogy has adapted to our time, to the time that requires flexible, critical and independent people