1,496 research outputs found

    The UV window on counter rotating ETGs: insight from SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementation

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    The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) detected ultraviolet emission in about 50% of multi-spin early-type galaxies (ETGs), suggesting the occurrence of a recent rejuvenation episode connected to the formation of these kinematical features. With the aim at investigating the complex evolutionary scenario leading to the formation of counter rotating ETGs (CR-ETGs) we use our Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) code with chemo-photometric implementation. We discuss here the UV evolutionary path of two CR-ETGs, NGC 3593 and NGC 5173, concurrently best fitting their global observed properties, i.e., morphology, dynamics, as well as their total B-band absolute magnitude and spectral energy distribution (SED) extended over three orders of magnitude in wavelength. These simulations correspond to our predictions about the target evolution which we follow in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD), near-UV (NUV) versus r-band absolute magnitude, as a powerful diagnostic tool to emphasize rejuvenation episodes.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApS

    Health facilities humanisation: Design guidelines supported by statistical evidence

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    Background. Healthcare building humanisation is currently a widely debated issue and the development of patient centered and evidence based design is growing worldwide. Many international health organizations and researchers understand the importance of Patient Centred Design and leading architects incorporate it into the design process. In Italy this design approach is still at an early stage. The article refers to research com- missioned by the Italian Health Ministry and carried out by R. Del Nord (Università degli Studi di Firenze) and G. Peretti (Politecnico di Torino) with their collaborators. The scope of the research was the definition of design guidelines for healthcare facilities humanisation. Method. The methodology framework adopted is the well established need and perfor- mance approach in architectural design. The article deals with the results of statistical investigations for the definition and ranking of users’ needs and the consistent expres- sion of their requirements. The investigations were carried out with the cooperation of psychologists of the Università degli Studi di Torino and researchers of the Università degli Studi di Cagliari. The proposed evaluation system allows ranking of health facilities according to the level of humanisation achieved. Results. The statistical investigation evidence collected allowed the definition of human- isation design guidelines for health-care facilities and for the assessment of their specific level of humanisation

    A origem da Mulher-Maravilha em Novos 52: do pó vieste?

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    A origem da heroína mais icônica da cultura pop é recontada para que sua ascendência divina seja explorada. Na série Novos 52, de Brian Azzerello e Cloff Chiang, a Mulher-Maravilha se aproxima da mitologia grega, remetendo às considerações de Umberto Eco sobre o poder dos mitos no contexto atual. Assim, por meio dos produtos de cultura pop como os quadrinhos, podemos refletir sobre o contexto onde são produzidos e concluir que há motivos para crer que a origem divina da Mulher-Maravilha possa nos contar mais sobre nós mesmos do que imaginamos

    Find the one you like! Profiling Swiss parks with user generated content

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    The establishment of national parks originated from the desire to preserve scenic landscape areas of national or regional importance. With more recent diversification of protected area types and goals, obtaining knowledge on how parks are recreationally used has become more challenging for (local) policy makers and park managements, as there is a general lack of systematic and publicly available visitor monitoring data. We analyze recreational park use for 20 Swiss parks of national importance and develop park profiles, using user-generated content from Flickr. The 20 Swiss parks are described by 111,437 unique images taken by 6,468 unique users between 2007 and 2020. We fill an existing research gap by defining park use across three dimensions space, time and users, and combining these in our analyses. The park profiles provide information on diversity of recreational use and serve as a starting point for analyzing how the three dimensions contribute to this diversity. Our results show diverging park uses for the three dimensions indicating that park location matters, especially in terms of peri-urbanity and geographic region. Our method can be translated into European scale analyses, provided that different languages are considered. Park profiles are easy to communicate and easy to interpret tools for (local) policy-makers and park managers to segment the tourism market and develop new park marketing strategies to e.g. streamline visitation flows and reduce the negative impacts of outdoor recreation. In broader terms, our study serves as input for future recreation policy to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of protected areas Management implications • We offer insights into recreational park use in terms of users, space and time, particularly valuable for parks where monitoring visitation is vital (i.e. protected areas). • Park profiles provide easy to communicate and interpret extensible tools for (local) policy-makers and park managers. • Park profiles can be used for among others the development of new park marketing strategies catering preferences for differentiated user groups. • Since different recreational user groups differ in their recreational behavior and in turn their environmental impact, park profiles can help in streamlining visitors as a potentially effective management measure for increased park sustainability (e.g. biodiversity conservation)

    Usos de la variable, sentido simbólico y metacognición: una propuesta didáctica para el aprendizaje del álgebra elemental

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    Muchos autores coinciden en afirmar que uno de los conceptos más complejos en el aprendizaje del álgebra para los estudiantes es el concepto de variable. El presente artículo toma como insumo los aportes del sentido simbólico (Arcavi, 1995) y del modelo 3UV (Ursini, Escareño, Montes y Trigueros, 2005). Se parte de la premisa según la cual, para favorecer aprendizajes significativos en los estudiantes, es necesario que estos tomen conciencia acerca de cuándo, para qué y cuál es el uso de los símbolos en la resolución de situaciones problemáticas. Resulta relevante entonces, desarrollar un trabajo centrado en la metacognición. En este artículo presentamos un instrumento de intervención didáctica con formato de Portafolio, cuyo objetivo principal es el de generar en los estudiantes un proceso de reflexión metacognitiva en relación al uso de los símbolos en matemática, implementado en un Taller de Matemática de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

    Um seminário de Marx

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    Uma história das histórias em quadrinhos

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    Flow cytofluorimetric analysis of anti-LRP4 (LDL receptor-related protein 4) autoantibodies in Italian patients with Myasthenia gravis

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    Background: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease in which 90% of patients have autoanti-bodies against the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR), while autoantibodies to muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) have been detected in half (5%) of the remaining 10%. Recently, the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4(LRP4), identified as the agrin receptor, has been recognized as a third autoimmune target in a significant portion of the double sero-negative (dSN) myasthenic individuals, with variable frequency depending on different methods and origin countries of the tested population. There is also convincing experimental evidence that anti-LRP4 autoantibodies may cause MG. Methods: The aim of this study was to test the presence and diagnostic significance of anti-LRP4 autoantibodies in an Italian population of 101 myasthenic patients (55 dSN, 23 AChR positive and 23 MuSK positive), 45 healthy blood donors and 40 patients with other neurological diseases as controls. All sera were analyzed by a cell-based antigen assay employing LRP4-transfected HEK293T cells, along with a flow cytofluorimetric detection system. Results: We found a 14.5% (8/55) frequency of positivity in the dSN-MG group and a 13% frequency of co-occurrence (3/23) in both AChR and MuSK positive patients; moreover, we report a younger female prevalence with a mild form of disease in LRP4-positive dSN-MG individuals. Conclusion: Our data confirm LRP4 as a new autoimmune target, supporting the value of including anti-LRP4 antibodies in further studies on Myasthenia gravis

    Reformas estatales y estructuras indígenas. Los derechos de propiedad en México Central, norte de Argentina y sur de Bolivia, 1810-1910

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    Este trabajo aborda el proceso de transformación de la propiedad colectiva indígena en las regiones central de México, septentrional de Argentina y austral de Bolivia, a través de un enfoque comparativo, desde una óptica regional y en la larga duración. Nos referiremos en términos generales al espíritu y a las implicancias de las políticas agrarias liberales, para luego detallar las particularidades de los tres países bajo análisis y abordar las características de las regiones que proponemos comparar, puntualizando en las modalidades de la desamortización en cada una de ellas. Finalmente, cerraremos el artículo con un balance sobre los efectos de dichas políticas y sus elementos comunes y diferenciales
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