4 research outputs found


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    Bali merupakan pulau di Indonesia yang kaya dengan kesenian dan budaya. Salah satu hasil kerajinan tangan Bali adalah kain tenun Endek. Terinspirasi oleh alam sekitar, budaya, kesenian, agama dan kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat, dituangkan dalam bentuk motif Kain Endek yang khas dan beraneka ragam. Meski kain tenun Endek telah mengalami banyak perkembangan dari zaman ke zaman baik dari segi proses pembuatan hingga hasil motif dan warna, masih kurangnya mendapat perhatian dari generasi muda. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengenal macam, fungsi dan filosofi dibalik kain tenun Endek sehingga dapat mengembangkan motif tenun Endek yang menarik masyarakat terutama generasi muda agar dapat memandang kain Endek sebagai warisan budaya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Data primer diperoleh melalui hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan melalui media zoom dengan Primasari Pande, pemilik Bali Nusa. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi literasi. Hasil dari penelitian adalah pengembangan kain tenun Endek yang dipadukkan dengan motif yang terinspirasi dari budaya Bali. Dengan demikian, dapat menghasilkan kain dengan pengembangan motif yang dapat di styling sedemikian rupa menjadi produk fashion

    Nucleotide excision repair efficiency in quiescent human fibroblasts is modulated by circadian clock

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    The efficiency of Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER)process is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity because in many organisms, including humans, it represents the only system able to repair a wide range of DNA damage. The aim of the work was to investigate whether the efficiency of the repair of photoproducts induced by UV-light is affected by the circadian phase at which irradiation occurred. NER activity has been analyzed in human quiescent fibroblasts (in the absence of the cell cycle effect), in which circadian rhythmicity has been synchronized with a pulse of dexamethasone. Our results demonstrate that both DNA damage induction and repair efficiency are strictly dependent on the phase of the circadian rhythm at which the cells are UV-exposed. Furthermore, the differences observed between fibroblasts irradiated at different circadian times (CTs) are abolished when the clock is obliterated. In addition, we observe that chromatin structure is regulated by circadian rhythmicity. Maximal chromatin relaxation occurred at the same CT when photoproduct formation and removal were highest. Our data suggest that the circadian clock regulates both the DNA sensitivity to UV damage and the efficiency of NER by controlling chromatin condensation mainly through histone acetylation

    Abnormalities in the Polysomnographic, Adenosine and Metabolic Response to Sleep Deprivation in an Animal Model of Hyperammonemia

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    Patients with liver cirrhosis can develop hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy (HE), accompanied by pronounced daytime sleepiness. Previous studies with healthy volunteers show that experimental increase in blood ammonium levels increases sleepiness and slows the waking electroencephalogram. As ammonium increases adenosine levels invitro, and adenosine is a known regulator of sleep/wake homeostasis, we hypothesized that the sleepiness-inducing effect of ammonium is mediated by adenosine. Eight adult male Wistar rats were fed with an ammonium-enriched diet for 4 weeks; eight rats on standard diet served as controls. Each animal was implanted with electroencephalography/electromyography (EEG/EMG) electrodes and a microdialysis probe. Sleep EEG recording and cerebral microdialysis were carried out at baseline and after 6 h of sleep deprivation. Adenosine and metabolite levels were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and targeted LC/MS metabolomics, respectively. Baseline adenosine and metabolite levels (12 of 16 amino acids, taurine, t4-hydroxy-proline, and acetylcarnitine) were lower in hyperammonemic animals, while putrescine was higher. After sleep deprivation, hyperammonemic animals exhibited a larger increase in adenosine levels, and a number of metabolites showed a different time-course in the two groups. In both groups the recovery period was characterized by a significant decrease in wakefulness/increase in NREM and REM sleep. However, while control animals exhibited a gradual compensatory effect, hyperammonemic animals showed a significantly shorter recovery phase. In conclusion, the adenosine/metabolite/EEG response to sleep deprivation was modulated by hyperammonemia, suggesting that ammonia affects homeostatic sleep regulation and its metabolic correlates.Peer reviewe