15,520 research outputs found

    Analisa Kelengkapan Penulisan Resep dari Aspek Kelengkapan Resep di Apotek Kota Pontianak Tahun 2012

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    Kelengkapan resep merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam peresepan karena dapat membantu mengurangi terjadinya medication error. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kelengkapan resep tahun 2012 pada enam apotek di kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, dilakukan secara retrospektif terhadap resep. Pemilihan apotek sebagai sampel berdasarkan pada kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Metode pengambilan sampel resep dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode quota sampling, didapatkan sebanyak 6.777 resep. Resep diolah dan dievaluasi kelengkapan resep sesuai dengan literatur. Hasil data resep yang ditinjau dari aspek kelengkapan resep tahun 2012 pada enam apotek kota Pontianak didapatkan rata-rata persentase resep yang lengkap hanya 7,89%. Aspek kelengkapan resep yang belum terpenuhi terdapat 4,12% tidak mencantumkan nama dokter, 0,99% tidak mencantumkan alamat praktik dokter, 26,29% tidak mencantumkan (SIP) dokter, 5,86% tidak mencantumkan tanggal penulisan resep, 4,88% tidak mencantumkan tanda R/ pada resep, 0,04% tidak mencantumkan nama setiap obat dan komposisinya, 1,45% tidak mencantumkan aturan pemakaian obat, 71,36% tidak mencantumkan tanda tangan atau paraf dokter, 1,99% tidak mencantumkan nama pasien, 18,00% tidak mencantumkan alamat pasien untuk resep narkotika dan psikotropika, serta 50,58% tidak mencantumkan umur pasien. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih banyak ditemui resep yang tidak memenuhi aspek kelengkapan resep di apotek kota Pontianak sehingga dikhawatirkan dapat memicu terjadinya medication error

    Analisa dan Perancangan Aplikasi Pengolahan Nilai Siswa pada SMP Negeri 10 Pangkalpinang

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    Proses pengelolaan nilai pada SMP Negeri 10 pangkalpinang ini masih belum terkomputerisasi sehingga banyak mengalami keterlambatan dalam penyajian data terutama dalam data siswa, data nilai, rekap nilai, raport dan laporan. Untuk itu penulis mencoba mengatasi dengan melakukan pengendalian sistem pengolahan nilai dengan cara membuat sistem terkomputerisasi yaitu sistem pengelolaan nilai dengan tujuan supaya mengefisienkan dari segi waktu dan biaya. Adapun hasil sistem usulah yang ingin dicapai dengan adanya sistem terkomputerisasi ini supaya mempermudah dalam pengolahan data, pencarian data nilai, penyimpanan data dan mempelajari tata cara pengolahan data yang lebih efisien, dan mengimplementasikan sistem pengolahan data nilai. Metode yang digunakan dalam tahap pengolahan data nilai ini adalah menggunakan konsep UML, pengelolaan data base menggunakan MQSL. Dalam datahap perancangan menggunakan pemrograman visual versi 8

    Penerimaan Informasi Dampak Penambangan Pasir Bagi Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup di Kalangan Penambang Pasir Ilegal di DAS Jeneberang Kabupaten Gowa

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    Illegal mining has been disturbing residents, its consequences such as damage to buildings , damage to land and as well as the threat of landslides . This study aims to determine how the process of receiving information in the sand miners on the impact of mining activities on the environment in the watershed Jeneberang Gowa . The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative , observation and interviews with respondents directly to key informants consisting of 6 -party BLHD Gowa and 2 representatives of the illegal miners who are still active and is no longer active . Selects respondents intentionally ( purposive ) with predetermined criteria . Data were analyzed based on the Elaboration Likelihood Theory of Richard Petty and John T. Cacioppo . Based on the research results , admission information among miners became a boomerang attributed to the weak argument given the BLHD . Weak arguments given to the audience with high motivation in elaborating the message will turn on the rejection message is given so persuasive attitude change is difficult to achieve . This study suggests that the delivery of information about environmental damage through persuasive message carried Regional Environmental Agency to the miners do not achieve the goal of changing the behavior of the miners to stop illegal mining and the need to take into account the credibility of the communicator and the audience trust the communicator, as well as strength message in the process of providing information

    The Effect of Coffee and Salt on Elderly Restriction with Hypertension

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    Introduction: One of elderly's problem in Health Center Karambitan II Tabanan Bali was hypertension. Elderly usually likes or has a habit consuming coffee and salty food everyday. This study was used a pre-experimental one group pre-post test design. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of consumption limitation of coffee and salt on vital sign in elderly with hypertension. The subjects were elderly with hypertension which stay with their family who lived at Karambitan II Tabanan Bali Health Center region. Method: There were 28 samples which recruited by using total sampling who met to the inclusion criteria. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, with significance level α≤0.05. Result: The result showed that there was an effect of consumption limitation of coffee and salt on systolic blood pressure (p=0.00000), diastolic blood pressure (p=0.00000) and heart rate (p=0.00000). Discussion: It can be concluded that there was an effect of consumption limitation of coffee and salt to decrease blood pressure and heart rate in elderly with hypertension who lived at Karambitan II Tabanan Bali Health Center regio. Community nurses should give health education for elderly in public health center periodically for reducing incidence of hypertension

    Oscillation Results for Emden–Fowler Type Differential Equations

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    AbstractThe third order nonlinear differential equationx‴+a(t)x′+b(t)f(x)=0, (∗)is considered. We present oscillation and nonoscillation criteria which extend and improve previous results existing in the literature, in particular some results recently stated by M. Greguš and M. Greguš, Jr., (J. Math. Anal. Appl.181, 1994, 575–585). In addition, contributions to the classification of solutions are given. The techniques used are based on a transformation which reduces (∗) to a suitable disconjugate form. To this aim auxiliary results on the asymptotic behavior of solutions of a second order linear differential equation associated to (∗) are stated. They are presented in an independent form because they may be applied also to simplify and improve other qualitative problems concerning differential equations with quasiderivatives

    Growth in systems of vesicles and membranes

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    We present a theoretical study for the intermediate stages of the growth of membranes and vesicles in supersaturated solutions of amphiphilic molecules. The problem presents important differences with the growth of droplets in the classical theory of Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner, because the aggregates are extensive only in two dimensions, but still grow in a three dimensional bath. The balance between curvature and edge energy favours the nucleation of small planar membranes, but as they grow beyond a critical size they close themselves to form vesicles. We obtain a system of coupled equations describing the growth of planar membranes and vesicles, which is solved numerically for different initial conditions. Finally, the range of parameters relevant in experimental situations is discussed.Comment: 13 pages and 5 postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev

    Membangun Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Biaya Komite Berbasis Jaringan dengan Metode Berorientasi Obyek : Studi Kasus Sman 2 Pangkalpinang

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk dapat membuat sistem informasi pembayaran biaya komite berbasis jaringan pada SMU Negeri 2 pangkalpinang. Diharapkan memilki manfaat untuk memberikan informasi-informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap elemen dalam sekolah dan juga wali murid. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, alat bantu yang digunakan antara lain, Bahasa Pemprograman, alat bantu pengembangan sistem yakni FOD, SDLC, UML dan ERD dan Basis Data, metode pengujian menggunakan metode berorientasi obyek. Spesifikasi software menggunakan Visual Basic 6 sebagai bahasa pemrograman dan Access sebagai database. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, maka saran-saran sangat dibutuhkan untuk dapat diberikan penulis yaitu system ini masih dapat dikembangkan agar menjadi sistem informasi pembayaran biaya komite berbasis jaringan yang lebih baik dan efisien sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan teknologi dan juga diperlukan pelatihan dalam bidang teknologi informasi sehingga penerapannya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik

    Suitable classification of mortars from ancient roman and renaissance frescoes using thermal analysis and chemometrics

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    Background Literature on mortars has mainly focused on the identification and characterization of their components in order to assign them to a specific historical period, after accurate classification. For this purpose, different analytical techniques have been proposed. Aim of the present study was to verify whether the combination of thermal analysis and chemometric methods could be used to obtain a fast but correct classification of ancient mortar samples of different ages (Roman era and Renaissance). Results Ancient Roman frescoes from Museo Nazionale Romano (Terme di Diocleziano, Rome, Italy) and Renaissance frescoes from Sistine Chapel and Old Vatican Rooms (Vatican City) were analyzed by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Principal Component analysis (PCA) on the main thermal data evidenced the presence of two clusters, ascribable to the two different ages. Inspection of the loadings allowed to interpret the observed differences in terms of the experimental variables. Conclusions PCA allowed differentiating the two kinds of mortars (Roman and Renaissance frescoes), and evidenced how the ancient Roman samples are richer in binder (calcium carbonate) and contain less filler (aggregate) than the Renaissance ones. It was also demonstrated how the coupling of thermoanalytical techniques and chemometric processing proves to be particularly advantageous when a rapid and correct differentiation and classification of cultural heritage samples of various kinds or ages has to be carried out
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