11 research outputs found

    Intervertebral Disc Extrusion between T8 and T9 in a Dachshund

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    Background: Intervertebral disc extrusion with consequent spinal compression or intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is one of the most common causes of compressive myelopathy in dogs, and the thoracolumbar spine discs between T12 and L2 are most affected. Extrusions in cranial thoracic region are rare, and there is few cases in literature reporting this situations, this rarity is attributed to the presence of the intercapital ligament connecting the rib heads between T2 and T10, which strengthens this region both mechanically and anatomically. The aim of this article is report the clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of a case of Type I Hansen IVDD between T8 and T9 in a Dachshund breed dog.Case: An 8-year-old Dachshund male dog was presented for investigation of pelvic limb incoordination and back pain, which started 10 days prior to the consultation. It had a history of a similar condition 3 months earlier that showed improvement after clinical treatment. On neurological examination was identified in both pelvic limbs proprioceptive ataxia, absence of proprioception, increased muscle tone, presence of interdigital reflex and increased patellar reflex. Cutaneous trunci reflex was absent below T11 on the left side, and pain was noted upon palpation of T7 through the T12 vertebrae. A grade II asymmetric thoracolumbar lesion with hyperesthesia was diagnosed. On suspicion of IVDD, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection and CT scan analysis of the thoracolumbar region were performed. CT scan showed the presence of hyperattenuating and mineralized material, 1 cm long, on the floor of the spinal canal, mainly on the left side, occupying 80% of the diameter of the spinal canal between T8 and T9. The patient was then submitted to decompression surgery through hemilaminectomy and showed a good recovery. As the occurrence of disc extrusion in cranial thoracic region of chondrodystrophic breeds is rare, we report the clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of a case of Type I Hansen intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) between T8 and T9 in a Dachshund breed dog.Discussion: All spinal discs can undergo a process of degeneration causing IVDD, in which the cervical and thoracolumbar regions are the most affected due to reasons not yet fully understood, however spinal cord compression between the T1 and T9 vertebrae is very rare, probably due to the strengthening provided by the intercapital ligament to the posterior annulus fibrosus. Disc extrusion in unusual locations in chondrodystrophic breeds is mainly reported as extrusion between vertebrae T1 and T2, and T9 and T10, with some cases was attributed to an anatomical abnormality of the intercapital ligament. The evaluation of intervertebral discs of the German shepherd breed dogs using MRI showed disc degeneration processes in thoracic vertebras. Disc extrusions often result in more severe clinical signs than protrusions, and occur acutely or subacutely, which was different from the case described here, maybe because the presence of the intercapital ligament permitted gradual extrusion allowing the spinal cord to adapt to the compression. Despite surgical access to this region being described as more complex due to the presence and proximity of the rib head to the vertebral body and the possibility of injuring the intercostal muscles causing pneumothorax, the hemilaminectomy and rib head excision at T9 could be performed without any complications. Thus, although unusual, the cranial thoracic region should not be overlooked as a possible site of occurrence of IVDD, since the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis are similar to those in patients with extrusions in the most common sites.Keywords: intervertebral disc degeneration, dogs, paresis, ataxia

    Use of Autogenous Fascia Lata Graft in the Treatment of Chronic Segmental Defect of the Common Calcaneus Tendon in Domestic Feline

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    Background: The common calcaneus tendon is formed by the common tendon of the femoral biceps muscle, tendon of the superficial digital flexor muscle and gastrocnemius muscle tendon, and its rupture is related to acute traumas in small animals. Among some applications described, surgical repair can be adopted in the correction of tendon ruptures and theuse of grafts may be indicated in some severe lesions, where it is not possible to perform tenorrhaphy. This study aims to report the case of a feline with rupture of the common calcaneus tendon in which the tenorrafia associated with the autogenous fascia lata graft was performed as adjuvant to the cicatrization of the same.Case: A 24-month-old, undefined male feline with approximately 3 kg was treated at the FCAV Veterinary Hospital, UNESP Jaboticabal, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with a history of falling, for approximately two weeks, and has since plantigrade posture. Upon physical examination, it was possible to identify a discontinuity of the common calcaneus tendon. The radiographs were performed, which did not show any bone changes. A hemogram and biochemical profile were performed, which were within normal limits. The patient underwent surgery, and a complete lesion of the common calcaneus tendon was identified, with a chronic aspect. Approximation of the stumps was impossible, so a flap of fascia lata, about two centimeters long and one centimeter wide, was removed, which was used as a bed and tendon support for tendon growth. After removal all of the present fibrosis, the tendon stumps were approximated by means of modified Kessler suture with mononylon thread, and fascia lata flap of the ipsilateral limb was sutured with separate single points in both tendon endsand in their lateral and medial portion. In the tibiotarsic joint, the external skeletal fixator type II was used for immobilization, during a period of 30 days. In the immediate postoperative period the patient was already able to support the member on the floor, with progressive improvement, and after 60 days of surgery the animal presented complete support of thelimb, without pain or any other alteration coming from the surgery. The animal presented a rapid recovery after surgical treatment with the autogenous fascia lata flap.Discussion: The rupture of the common calcaneus tendon is not commonly reported in felines and its occurrence is related to acute trauma, where the animals will present lameness and plantigrade posture. Depending on the degree of tendon involvement, there are different procedures that may be indicated, such as tenorrhaphy, reimplantation for avulsion cases, and transplantation with grafts when there is segment loss. In the present study, the use of tenorrhaphy associated with the implantation of autogenous lata-fascia graft was chosen, since the grafts generally provide the framework for healing due to its replacement by collagen tissue in the recipient, in addition to providing mechanical protection initially. Fascia lata, due to its antigenic character as being autogenous, has been shown to be a viable and easily obtained surgical option. The use of the fascia lata graft associated with external immobilization with external fixator type II in the tibiotarsal joint allowed an excellent result and is therefore a recommended treatment for cases of rupture of the common calcaneus tendon in felines.Keywords: cats, lameness, plantigrade stance

    Aortic Thromboembolism as a Consequence of Bacterial Endocarditis Causing Acute Ischemic Neuromyopathy in a Dog

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    Background: Aortic thromboembolism (ATE) is a potentially fatal and rare condition in dogs. Ischemic neuromyopathy is main consequence, characterized by paraparesis or paraplegia, loss of femoral pulses, pain and hypothermia in distal part of affected limbs. In felines, affection is primarily associated with heart problems, whereas in dogs, condition is due to diseases which compromise the blood flow, such as, hyperadrenocorticism, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, sepsis, and more rarely cardiac problems. The aim of this article is describe a case of acute aortic thromboembolism due to bacterial endocarditis in a dog.Case: A female, 9-year-old dog, weighing 28.5 kg, was referred for examination due to acute paraparesis and pain. Patient showed cyanosis in nail beds and cold extremities in hind limbs, heart murmur degree V / IV, and bilateral absence of femoral arterial pulse. Due to suspicion of ATE, patient was treated with heparin, aspirin and tramadol, however it came to die less than 24 h after initial care. At necropsy, there was pulmonary edema, moderate hyperemia and severe tricuspid mitral valve. A thrombus with 3.0 cm of diameter in left atrium was found. At beginning of aorta there was also a thrombus measuring 5.0 cm x 0.3 cm x 0.3 cm and other thrombus in abdominal aortic trifurcation measuring 3.0 cm x 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm. Kidneys showed diffusely marked coagulative necrosis associated with extensive congestion and hemorrhage in corticomedullar region. Multiples focus of dark red coloration lesions and elevated surfaces ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 cm of diameter were observed in the spleen. Histological examination of heart valves showed presence of moderate amounts of degenerate neutrophils indicating bacterial endocarditis, whereas, same exam of kidneys, interstitial inflammatory infiltrate mostly constituted by a small quantity of degenerated neutrophils and lymphocytes was found. Thus, final diagnosis was ATE, resulting from bacterial endocarditis.Discussion: Aortic thromboembolism is an uncommon disease in dogs, generally affecting patients ranging from medium to big-sized and middle-aged to elderly dogs. Majority of dogs show chronic signs, whilst acute presentation, described herein, is uncommon. Clinical signs, showed by our patient were similar to what occur in felines with same disease, being absence of femoral pulse pathognomonic for both species. Patients can present partial or full obstruction to aortic trifurcation, with signs which range from weakness to paraplegia, as a consequence of ischemic neuromyopathy, as well observed in the present report. On post-mortem examination clinical suspicion of ATE was confirmed, however, unlike majority of reports of this condition in literature, two more thrombus were also identified. Due to acute picture and fast evolution to death, complementary exams, such as, two-dimensional ultrasound or Doppler, which are effective in viewing of presence of occlusion of aortic and decrease of blood flow, were not possible to accomplish. Severity and fatal evolution of this picture also prevented both etiologic diagnosis and treatment to be conducted. In consulted literature, descriptions of ATE due to bacterial endocarditis in dogs weren’t found, but it is believed that in present report, ATE may have occurred due to bacterial endocarditis. Unfortunately, both prognoses of bacterial endocarditis as ATE are poor and association of these two affections is probably associated with fast worsening picture and evolution to death.Keywords: embolism, endocarditis, aortic diseases, paraplegia

    Physics behind the implants used for high strain fractures: literature review

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    Quando fraturas ósseas ocorrem, forças externas produzem movimentação interfragmentária continuamente e um método de estabilização se faz necessário. É sabido que as condições mecânicas no local de fratura influenciam a formação de calo durante o processo de cicatrização óssea e para que cicatrização óssea primária seja obtida é necessária estabilidade absoluta no foco de fratura. O conceito de strain de Perren determina que a deformação relativa no foco de fratura estabilizado depende do tamanho da lacuna de fratura original. Fraturas redutíveis (sem cominuição) são consideradas de alto strain, pois uma pequena força aplicada a linha de fratura resulta em grande movimentação com efeito deletério ao processo de consolidação. O presente trabalho revisa a literatura disponível a respeito de fatores que influenciam a mecânica de fraturas de alto strain em medicina veterinária, seus métodos de tratamento e a física por trás dos implantes disponíveis. Cada configuração de fratura requer atenção especial e cuidado crítico na escolha do método de osteossíntese e no tipo de estabilidade necessária para que a consolidação ocorra no tempo esperado. Conhecimento da teoria do strain é mandatório para a formação de cirurgiões ortopédicos. Whenever bone fractures occur, external forces produce continuous interfragmentary motion and a stabilization method is necessary. It is known that the mechanical conditions at the fracture site influence bone callus formation during healing process. To achieve primary (direct) bone healing, absolute stability at the fracture site is necessary. Perren’s concept of strain determines that relative deformation at the fracture gap depends on the original gap’s conformation. Simple fractures (without comminution) are considered high strain fractures since a small force applied to the fracture site results in great movement with deleterious effects on the healing process. The purpose of this study is to review the available literature regarding factors that influence the mechanics of high strain fractures in veterinary medicine, its treatment methods and implants available. Each fracture configuration requires special attention and critical care in choosing the osteosynthesis method and the type of stability required for consolidation to occur within the expected time. One must know the strain theory to become an orthopedic surgeon

    Ex vivo biomechanical evaluation of caudal cervical vertebral stabilization by use of bicortical pins with polymethylmethacrylate or monocortical polyaxial screws and connecting rods associated or not with intersomatic distractor in dogs

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as propriedades biomecânicas da estabilização vertebral cervical caudal de cães ex vivo por meio de pinos bicorticais com polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) e parafusos poliaxiais monocorticais associados ou não a distrator intersomático. Foram utilizados dez segmentos de colunas vertebrais (C2-T3), coletadas de cadáveres caninos maturos (25-35 kg) que constituíam quatro grupos experimentais, cada um representado por dez espécimes em que o espaço intervertebral entre C6 e C7 representou a unidade vertebral motora (UVM) tratada e C4-C5 e C5-C6 as UVM adjacentes. Os grupos foram divididos segundo a condição avaliada: grupo colunas intactas (Intactas), grupo parafusos poliaxiais monocorticais com distrator intersomático (Poliaxial-C-Distrator); grupo parafusos poliaxiais monocorticais sem distrator intersomático (Poliaxial-S-Distrator) e grupo pinos bicorticais com PMMA (Pin-PMMA). Todos os implantes foram aplicados no corpo vertebral ventral. Os espécimes foram fixados na máquina de ensaios mecânicos em uma posição neutra, livre da ação de forças. Em seguida, foram submetidas a movimentos de extensão e flexão ventral por meio da aplicação de torque de ±2 Nm. O teste biomecânico foi realizado sequencialmente nas colunas vertebrais intactas, no grupo Poliaxial-C-Distrator, no Poliaxial-S-Distrator e no Pin-PMMA. A diferença angular entre as vértebras antes e após a aplicação da carga foi calculada por meio de fotogoniometria após três repetições realizadas para cada movimento (flexão e extensão) em todos os grupos. A rigidez porcentual referente à diferença angular à flexão, extensão e flexão-extensão foi calculada e comparada entre os grupos. A rigidez à flexão entre C6 e C7 para os grupos Poliaxial-C-Distrator, Poliaxial-S-Distrator e Pin-PMMA foi, respectivamente, 72%, 59,88% e 68,58% maior que a rigidez das colunas intactas, sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significativa; à extensão, a rigidez entre C6 e C7 estabilizadas com Poliaxial-C-Distrator, Poliaxial-S-Distrator e Pin-PMMA foi, respectivamente, 92,51%, 89,61% e 90,98% maior que a rigidez das colunas intactas, diferindo significativamente. A rigidez à amplitude de movimento flexão-extensão entre C6 e C7 nos grupos Poliaxial-C-Distrator, Poliaxial-S-Distrator e Pin-PMMA foi, respectivamente, 80,77%, 72,74% e 78,27% maior que a rigidez das colunas intactas, o que diferiu significativamente. Quando a comparação foi realizada entre os tratamentos, não houve diferença significativa na rigidez entre C6 e C7. Não houve incremento significativo da amplitude de movimento das vértebras adjacentes após a estabilização, independentemente do tratamento utilizado. Em conclusão, a fixação monocortical com parafusos poliaxiais foi comparável à estabilização realizada com pinos bicorticais e PMMA. A associação do distrator intervertebral não promoveu aumento da rigidez à fixação com parafusos poliaxiais.The purpose of this study was to compare the ex vivo biomechanical properties of caudal cervical vertebral stabilization in dogs by use of bicortical pins with polymethylmethacrylate or monocortical polyaxial screws and connecting rods associated or not with intersomatic distractor. Ten cervical spinal columns (C2-T3), harvested from ten adult canine cadavers (body weight ranging from 25 to 35 kg) were used, constituting four experimental groups, each represented by 10 specimens. The intervertebral space between C6 and C7 was considered the motor vertebral unit (UVM) that was treated and C4-C5 and C5-C6 were considered the adjacent UVMs. Groups were divided according to the assessed condition: intact cervical spine group (Intact Group); monocortical polyaxial screw with intersomatic distractor (Polyaxial-C-Distrator Group): monocortical polyaxial screw without intersomatic distractor (Polyaxial-S-Distrator Group) and bicortical pins/polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) group (Pin-PMMA Group). All implants were applied to the vertebral bodies. All constructs were fixed to a testing machine in a neutral position (free of all testing forces). Afterwards, they were submitted to ventral extension and flexion tests with appliance of a 2 Nm torque. All biomechanical tests were performed sequentially on the intact group, then on Polyaxial-C-Distrator Group, Polyaxial-S-Distrator Group and Pin-PMMA Group. The angular difference between the vertebrae before and after load appliance was measured by photogoniometry after three cycles of each movement (flexion and extension) in all groups. Subsequently, range of motion to flexion, extension and flexion-extension in the intervertebral spaces was measured and compared between the groups. Stiffness to flexion between C6 and C7 in Polyaxial-C-Distrator, Polyaxial-S-Distrator and Pin-PMMA groups was 72%, 59.88% and 68.58% significantly greater than that of the intact group, while stiffness to extension was 92.51%, 89.61% and 90.98% statistically greater, respectively. Stiffness to range of motion in flexion-extension was 80.77%, 72.74% and 78.27% for Polyaxial-C-Distrator, Polyaxial-S-Distrator and Pin-PMMA groups, respectively, which differed significantly from stiffness of intact group. Comparison between treatments was not significantly different as to stiffness between C6 and C7. There was no significant increase in the range of motion of the adjacent vertebrae after stabilization, regardless of the treatment used. In conclusion, monocortical stabilization with polyaxial screws proved to be comparable to the stabilization performed with bicortical pins/PMMA constructs, a consecrated technique. Association of intervertebral distractor did not increase stiffness of the polyaxial screws constructs

    Ex vivo biomechanical evaluation of caudal cervical vertebral stabilization by use of bicortical pins with polymethylmethacrylate or monocortical polyaxial screws and connecting rods associated or not with intersomatic distractor in dogs

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as propriedades biomecânicas da estabilização vertebral cervical caudal de cães ex vivo por meio de pinos bicorticais com polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) e parafusos poliaxiais monocorticais associados ou não a distrator intersomático. Foram utilizados dez segmentos de colunas vertebrais (C2-T3), coletadas de cadáveres caninos maturos (25-35 kg) que constituíam quatro grupos experimentais, cada um representado por dez espécimes em que o espaço intervertebral entre C6 e C7 representou a unidade vertebral motora (UVM) tratada e C4-C5 e C5-C6 as UVM adjacentes. Os grupos foram divididos segundo a condição avaliada: grupo colunas intactas (Intactas), grupo parafusos poliaxiais monocorticais com distrator intersomático (Poliaxial-C-Distrator); grupo parafusos poliaxiais monocorticais sem distrator intersomático (Poliaxial-S-Distrator) e grupo pinos bicorticais com PMMA (Pin-PMMA). Todos os implantes foram aplicados no corpo vertebral ventral. Os espécimes foram fixados na máquina de ensaios mecânicos em uma posição neutra, livre da ação de forças. Em seguida, foram submetidas a movimentos de extensão e flexão ventral por meio da aplicação de torque de ±2 Nm. O teste biomecânico foi realizado sequencialmente nas colunas vertebrais intactas, no grupo Poliaxial-C-Distrator, no Poliaxial-S-Distrator e no Pin-PMMA. A diferença angular entre as vértebras antes e após a aplicação da carga foi calculada por meio de fotogoniometria após três repetições realizadas para cada movimento (flexão e extensão) em todos os grupos. A rigidez porcentual referente à diferença angular à flexão, extensão e flexão-extensão foi calculada e comparada entre os grupos. A rigidez à flexão entre C6 e C7 para os grupos Poliaxial-C-Distrator, Poliaxial-S-Distrator e Pin-PMMA foi, respectivamente, 72%, 59,88% e 68,58% maior que a rigidez das colunas intactas, sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significativa; à extensão, a rigidez entre C6 e C7 estabilizadas com Poliaxial-C-Distrator, Poliaxial-S-Distrator e Pin-PMMA foi, respectivamente, 92,51%, 89,61% e 90,98% maior que a rigidez das colunas intactas, diferindo significativamente. A rigidez à amplitude de movimento flexão-extensão entre C6 e C7 nos grupos Poliaxial-C-Distrator, Poliaxial-S-Distrator e Pin-PMMA foi, respectivamente, 80,77%, 72,74% e 78,27% maior que a rigidez das colunas intactas, o que diferiu significativamente. Quando a comparação foi realizada entre os tratamentos, não houve diferença significativa na rigidez entre C6 e C7. Não houve incremento significativo da amplitude de movimento das vértebras adjacentes após a estabilização, independentemente do tratamento utilizado. Em conclusão, a fixação monocortical com parafusos poliaxiais foi comparável à estabilização realizada com pinos bicorticais e PMMA. A associação do distrator intervertebral não promoveu aumento da rigidez à fixação com parafusos poliaxiais.The purpose of this study was to compare the ex vivo biomechanical properties of caudal cervical vertebral stabilization in dogs by use of bicortical pins with polymethylmethacrylate or monocortical polyaxial screws and connecting rods associated or not with intersomatic distractor. Ten cervical spinal columns (C2-T3), harvested from ten adult canine cadavers (body weight ranging from 25 to 35 kg) were used, constituting four experimental groups, each represented by 10 specimens. The intervertebral space between C6 and C7 was considered the motor vertebral unit (UVM) that was treated and C4-C5 and C5-C6 were considered the adjacent UVMs. Groups were divided according to the assessed condition: intact cervical spine group (Intact Group); monocortical polyaxial screw with intersomatic distractor (Polyaxial-C-Distrator Group): monocortical polyaxial screw without intersomatic distractor (Polyaxial-S-Distrator Group) and bicortical pins/polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) group (Pin-PMMA Group). All implants were applied to the vertebral bodies. All constructs were fixed to a testing machine in a neutral position (free of all testing forces). Afterwards, they were submitted to ventral extension and flexion tests with appliance of a 2 Nm torque. All biomechanical tests were performed sequentially on the intact group, then on Polyaxial-C-Distrator Group, Polyaxial-S-Distrator Group and Pin-PMMA Group. The angular difference between the vertebrae before and after load appliance was measured by photogoniometry after three cycles of each movement (flexion and extension) in all groups. Subsequently, range of motion to flexion, extension and flexion-extension in the intervertebral spaces was measured and compared between the groups. Stiffness to flexion between C6 and C7 in Polyaxial-C-Distrator, Polyaxial-S-Distrator and Pin-PMMA groups was 72%, 59.88% and 68.58% significantly greater than that of the intact group, while stiffness to extension was 92.51%, 89.61% and 90.98% statistically greater, respectively. Stiffness to range of motion in flexion-extension was 80.77%, 72.74% and 78.27% for Polyaxial-C-Distrator, Polyaxial-S-Distrator and Pin-PMMA groups, respectively, which differed significantly from stiffness of intact group. Comparison between treatments was not significantly different as to stiffness between C6 and C7. There was no significant increase in the range of motion of the adjacent vertebrae after stabilization, regardless of the treatment used. In conclusion, monocortical stabilization with polyaxial screws proved to be comparable to the stabilization performed with bicortical pins/PMMA constructs, a consecrated technique. Association of intervertebral distractor did not increase stiffness of the polyaxial screws constructs

    Hansen type II disc disease in dogs: pathophysiology, clinicalsurgical approach and controversies

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    Protrusion of the intervertebral disc can cause chronic progressive compression of the spinal cord, and the neurological associated signs vary according to anatomical location, duration and dynamic force of compression. The type II disc disease is not fully understood, and there are many controversies about is clinical significance and best form of treatment. The most important aspect of conservative treatment is rest and physiotherapy associated with mild exercise, and use of corticosteroids to reduce vasogenic edema. The spinal decompression by surgery for removal of disc material from within the medullary canal is the surgical treatment of choice in type I disc disease, but has technical limitations in the type II disc disease. The purpose of this paper is to review the pathophysiology and treatment of chronic intervertebral disc disease and discuss the controversies in medical treatment and the use of some traditional and new surgical techniques

    Intervertebral Disc Extrusion between T8 and T9 in a Dachshund

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    Background: Intervertebral disc extrusion with consequent spinal compression or intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is one of the most common causes of compressive myelopathy in dogs, and the thoracolumbar spine discs between T12 and L2 are most affected. Extrusions in cranial thoracic region are rare, and there is few cases in literature reporting this situations, this rarity is attributed to the presence of the intercapital ligament connecting the rib heads between T2 and T10, which strengthens this region both mechanically and anatomically. The aim of this article is report the clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of a case of Type I Hansen IVDD between T8 and T9 in a Dachshund breed dog.Case: An 8-year-old Dachshund male dog was presented for investigation of pelvic limb incoordination and back pain, which started 10 days prior to the consultation. It had a history of a similar condition 3 months earlier that showed improvement after clinical treatment. On neurological examination was identified in both pelvic limbs proprioceptive ataxia, absence of proprioception, increased muscle tone, presence of interdigital reflex and increased patellar reflex. Cutaneous trunci reflex was absent below T11 on the left side, and pain was noted upon palpation of T7 through the T12 vertebrae. A grade II asymmetric thoracolumbar lesion with hyperesthesia was diagnosed. On suspicion of IVDD, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection and CT scan analysis of the thoracolumbar region were performed. CT scan showed the presence of hyperattenuating and mineralized material, 1 cm long, on the floor of the spinal canal, mainly on the left side, occupying 80% of the diameter of the spinal canal between T8 and T9. The patient was then submitted to decompression surgery through hemilaminectomy and showed a good recovery. As the occurrence of disc extrusion in cranial thoracic region of chondrodystrophic breeds is rare, we report the clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of a case of Type I Hansen intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) between T8 and T9 in a Dachshund breed dog.Discussion: All spinal discs can undergo a process of degeneration causing IVDD, in which the cervical and thoracolumbar regions are the most affected due to reasons not yet fully understood, however spinal cord compression between the T1 and T9 vertebrae is very rare, probably due to the strengthening provided by the intercapital ligament to the posterior annulus fibrosus. Disc extrusion in unusual locations in chondrodystrophic breeds is mainly reported as extrusion between vertebrae T1 and T2, and T9 and T10, with some cases was attributed to an anatomical abnormality of the intercapital ligament. The evaluation of intervertebral discs of the German shepherd breed dogs using MRI showed disc degeneration processes in thoracic vertebras. Disc extrusions often result in more severe clinical signs than protrusions, and occur acutely or subacutely, which was different from the case described here, maybe because the presence of the intercapital ligament permitted gradual extrusion allowing the spinal cord to adapt to the compression. Despite surgical access to this region being described as more complex due to the presence and proximity of the rib head to the vertebral body and the possibility of injuring the intercostal muscles causing pneumothorax, the hemilaminectomy and rib head excision at T9 could be performed without any complications. Thus, although unusual, the cranial thoracic region should not be overlooked as a possible site of occurrence of IVDD, since the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis are similar to those in patients with extrusions in the most common sites.Keywords: intervertebral disc degeneration, dogs, paresis, ataxia

    Cinta de náilon como cerclagem óssea - estudo experimental em coelhos e ratos

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocampatibility of the commercial nylon band used as bone cerclage, comparing with traditional metal cerclage wires. Twenty one rabbits and fifteen rats, healthy and without orthopedics problems were used. A commercial nylon band and a surgical stainless steel wire 0 were used in right (SN) and left (SA) rabbits's hindlimb, respectively. Otherwise, on rats SN was on the left hindlimb, and SA on the right hindlimb. Both experimental species were divided into three groups according to the end of the evaluation period. Clinical, radiographic, macroscopic and histologically evaluation were performed at 30, 60 and 150 days postoperatively. All the animals showed normal limb function differences between groups were not observed at clinical and macroscopic evaluation. On both species, radiographic changes were slightly higher on SN. Histological differences were not observed in both species. Nylon bands do not cause foreign body reaction and other histological changes in rabbits and rats