46 research outputs found

    La distribuzione della pratica nell’apprendimento di un nuovo atto motorio in età preadolescenziale

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate if, and to what extent, in elementary school children, different methods of timing distribution of training sessions are able to significantly affect the learning of a new motor task. Almost 1,000 children, aged between 6 and 10 years, participated the  study. The children had to learn an oculo-manual coordination task, completely new to them, using different ways of practice’s distributing (concentrated or distributed).The children were divided into three groups (A, B and C) and each group was subdivided into five sub-groups, correponding to the five classes of the first grade schools. The training involved 120 total launches to be carried out in a week, distributed as follows: group A performed a training distributedover 6 consecutive days; b) group B, played a training distributed in 3 alternating days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), group C, carried out a training distributed over 3 consecutive days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). Seven days after the end of the acquisition period each group repeated a session of 20 launches, divided into blocks of 10 with 5 minutes of recovery.It has been observed that, in terms of improvement, the learning of a new task, performed using the concentrated practice, appears less advantageous than that performed with distributed practice.However, what is learned with concentrated practice seems to last longer than what is learned with distributed practice. It has also been seen that the learning speed in males is greater than in females.Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di valutare se, e in che misura, in bambini di scuola elementare, differenti modalità di distribuzione temporale delle sedute di allenamento siano in grado di incidere significativamente sull’apprendimento di un nuovo compito motorio. All’esperimento hanno preso parte quasi 1.000 bambini, di età compresa tra i 6 e i 10 anni, frequentanti le Scuole Elementari.I bambini venivano avviati all’apprendimento di un compito di coordinamento oculomanuale, del tutto nuovo per loro, utilizzando differenti modalità di distribuzione della pratica (concentrata o distribuita).I bambini sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi (A, B e C) e ogni gruppo era suddiviso in 5 sottogruppi, da ricondurre alle cinque classi delle scuole di primo grado. L’allenamento prevedeva 120 lanci complessivi da effettuarsi in una settimana, così distribuiti: il gruppo A svolgeva un allenamento distribuito in 6 giorni consecutivi; b) il gruppo B, svolgeva un allenamento distribuito in 3 giorni alternati (lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì), il gruppo C, svolgeva un allenamento distribuito in 3 giorni consecutivi (per es., lunedì, martedì, mercoledì). Sette giorni dopo la fine del periodo di acquisizione ogni gruppo ripeteva una sessione di 20 lanci, suddivisi in blocchi da 10 con 5 minuti di recupero.Si è osservato come, in termini di miglioramento, l’apprendimento di un compito, svolto utilizzando la pratica concentrata appare meno vantaggioso rispetto a quello eseguito con pratica distribuita.Tuttavia, quello che viene appreso con la pratica concentrata sembra durare di più rispetto a ciò che viene appreso con la pratica distribuita. Si è visto, inoltre, che la velocità di apprendimento nei maschi è maggiore rispetto alle femmine

    A Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Well-Being and Sport Readiness of Italian Team Sports Players: The Role of Perceived Safety of the Training Environment

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    Background: The protective restrictions (e.g., lockdowns, quarantines, social and physical distancing) consequent to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 posited new challenges to athletes practicing competitive team sports. This study aimed to gain an understanding of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being and sports readiness to train and to compete of competitive female and male athletes practicing outdoor (i.e., rugby, soccer) and indoor (i.e., volleyball, basketball) team sports who were active during the Italian first and second waves of COVID-19. Methods: An online survey assessing demographic characteristics, perceived safety of the training environment, COVID-19 risk, fear of COVID-19, well-being, and sport (training and competition) readiness was administered to 619 team sports players. We examined differences by gender, previous COVID-19 experience, and team sport setting (i.e., outdoor vs. indoor). A moderated mediation analysis was conducted to assess the impact of perceived COVID-19 risk and fear of COVID-19 on athletes’ well-being and sports readiness, using perceived safety of the training environment as a mediator and gender and sport setting as moderators. Results: Indoor team sports and female athletes showed higher perceived COVID-19 risk, while athletes with no-COVID-19 experience reported higher fear of COVID-19. Perceived COVID-19 risk (directly and via perceived safety of the training environment) and fear of COVID-19 were negatively associated with athletes’ well-being and sports readiness. Conclusions: This study highlighted an understanding of the psychological implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the role of the perceived safety of the training environment on athletes’ well-being and sports readiness. Future studies may advance safety-based interventions to promote well-being and a safer return to sport

    Imagery ability of elite level athletes from individual vs. team and contact vs. no-contact sports

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    Background In the sport context, imagery has been described as the condition in which persons imagine themselves while executing skills to deal with the upcoming task or enhance performance. Systematic reviews have shown that mental imagery improves performance in motor tasks Methods The aim of the present study was to explore whether imagery vividness (i.e., the clarity or realism of the imagery experience) and controllability (i.e., the ease and accuracy with which an image can be manipulated mentally) differ by sport types (team vs. individual and contact vs. non-contact). Participants were athletes from team contact and non-contact sports (rugby and volleyball, respectively), and individual contact and non-contact sports (karate and tennis, respectively) between the ages of 20 and 33 years (M = 24.37, SD = 2.85). The participants completed the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire, the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire-2, and the Mental Image Transformation Tasks. Results A 2 ×2 × 2 (gender × 2 contact-no-contact × 2 sport type) between groups MANOVA showed differences in imagery ability by sport type. Practical indications deriving from the findings of this study can help coaches and athletes to develop mental preparation programs using sport-specific imagery

    Tongue stretching: technique and clinical proposal.

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    Abstract Objectives The tongue is an organ with multiple functions, from sucking to phonation, from swallowing to postural control and equilibrium. An incorrect position or mechanics of the tongue can causes sucking problems in the newborn or atypical swallowing in the adult, with repercussions on the position of the head and neck, up to influencing upright posture and other problems. Tongue dysfunctions are quite frequent (10–15%) in the population. For the manual therapist, this frequency indicates one to two subjects every 30 patients. Exercises have been proposed to improve the tone and strength of the swallowing muscles but the results are not so clear in the literature. The aim of this study is to describe and provide a tongue muscle normalization technique that helps the manual therapist in the treatment of problems related to it. Methods The literature has been investigated through pubmed, Google scholar of the last 10 years, the keywords used and combined with the Boolean operators AND and OR, are: "tongue, tongue habits, tongue diseases, taste disorder, neck pain, posture, postural balance, atypical swallowing, muscle stretching exercise, tissue expansion, soft tissue therapy, osteopathic manipulative treatment". Results and Conclusions The technique is possible to be executed even in a sitting position, in the case the patient is unable to assume a supine position, the subject should provides immediate feedback that allows the therapist to understand if the technique has been correctly executed. The simplicity of execution and application of the technique makes it a possible and immediate therapeutic tool in the clinical setting

    Influences of Blood Lactate Levels on Cognitive Domains and Physical Health during a Sports Stress. Brief Review

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    The present review aims to examine the effects of high blood lactate levels in healthy adult humans, for instance, after a period of exhaustive exercise, on the functioning of the cerebral cortex. In some of the examined studies, high blood lactate levels were obtained not only through exhaustive exercise but also with an intravenous infusion of lactate while the subject was immobile. This allowed us to exclude the possibility that the observed post-exercise effects were nonspecific (e.g., cortical changes in temperature, acidity, etc.). We observed that, in both experimental conditions, high levels of blood lactate are associated with a worsening of important cognitive domains such as attention or working memory or stress, without gender differences. Moreover, in both experimental conditions, high levels of blood lactate are associated with an improvement of the primary motor area (M1) excitability. Outside the frontal lobe, the use of visual evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials allowed us to observe, in the occipital and parietal lobe respectively, that high levels of blood lactate are associated with an amplitude’s increase and a latency’s reduction of the early components of the evoked responses. In conclusion, significant increases of blood lactate levels could exercise a double-action in the central nervous system (CNS), with a protecting role on primary cortical areas (such as M1, primary visual area, or primary somatosensory cortex), while reducing the efficiency of adjacent regions, such as the supplementary motor area (SMA) or prefrontal cortex. These observations are compatible with the possibility that lactate works in the brain not only as an energy substrate or an angiogenetic factor but also as a true neuromodulator, which can protect from stress. In this review, we will discuss the mechanisms and effects of lactic acid products produced during an anaerobic exercise lactate, focusing on their action at the level of the central nervous system with particular attention to the primary motor, the somatosensory evoked potentials, and the occipital and parietal lobe

    Attentive Processes and Blood Lactate in the Sambo

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    Background: Sambo is a martial art and combat sport that originated in the Soviet Union. There are two main stiles, Sport Sambo and Combat Sambo which resembles modern mixed martial arts. Very little literature is available about physiological aspects of Sambo and, in particular, on the possible effects on cognitive domains. The purpose of the present research was to determine if there is a correlation between a blood lactate increase and the intensity and/or selectivity of attentions. Methods: Sixteen male athletes practicing Sambo for at least 5 years participated voluntarily in the study. Each athlete had to sustain, with an interval of one week, both a Sport Sambo match and a Combat Sambo match, each lasting 5 min. Blood lactate levels as well as attentive capacities were evaluated at three different times: at rest, i.e., 5 min before the start of the session (pre), at end of the session and 15 min after its conclusion. Reaction time protocol was used to evaluate the intensity of attention, whereas divided attention was assessed for analyzing the selectivity of attention together with errors and omissions. Results: Concerning Sport Sambo, blood lactate was 1.66 mmol/L (±0.55 SD) before the session, reached a mean value of 3.40 mmol/L (±0.45 SD) at the end of the session (end) and returned to values similar to initial ones (a mean value of 1.98 mmol/L (±0.37 SD) after 15 min (15-end). None of the attentive parameters examined, showed statistically significant differences. Conversely, for Combat Sambo, it was found a significant increase in blood lactate levels that went from 1.66 mmol/L (±0.55 SD) before the session (pre), to 4.76 mmol/L (±0.60 SD) at the end (end) and then back to values similar to those observed before the session 15 min after its conclusion (15-end), i.e., 1.97 mmol/L (±0.37 SD); however, after a Combat Sambo session increases in blood lactate were associated with significant worsening of attentional mechanisms. Conclusions: In conclusion, in all the participants, the worsening of attentional mechanisms was observed only after the Combat Sambo session in which blood lactate values exceeded 4 mmol/L. This figure, also known as the Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA), is commonly used to determine the anaerobic threshold

    An Assessment of Swash Excursion Predictors using Field Observations

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    Accurate predictions of swash excursion are fundamental for improving the understanding of swash zone dynamics and for coastal management and hazard applications. Researchers have provided several formulas for predicting the swash excursion on sandy beaches. However, the problem of the universality of these formulas is still open. In fact, it is not clear whether the existing formulations are applicable to a wide range of beaches and wave conditions. This study verifies 13 existing swash (total, incident and infragravity) formulations using 13 published experiments (636 swash measurements). The experiments were carried out on beaches worldwide (dissipative intermediate and reflective) under a wide range of wave conditions (including extreme events). Results show that formulas behave differently with under and over prediction. However, some trends can be recognized, which are indeed critical for coastal hazards and management applications: generally, for large swash events (swash >1.5 m) large scatter are found for all formulas. During extreme conditions (swash>2.5 m) total and incident swash are strongly underestimated, while infragravity swash varies for each formula. The maximum errors and the root mean square errors can exceed 2.5 m and 1 m, respectively

    The use of genetic programming to develop a predictor of swash excursion on sandy beaches

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    We use genetic programming (GP), a type of machine learning (ML) approach, to predict the total and infragravity swash excursion using previously published data sets that have been used extensively in swash prediction studies. Three previously published works with a range of new conditions are added to this data set to extend the range of measured swash conditions. Using this newly compiled data set we demonstrate that a ML approach can reduce the prediction errors compared to well-established parameterizations and therefore it may improve coastal hazards assessment (e.g. coastal inundation). Predictors obtained using GP can also be physically sound and replicate the functionality and dependencies of previous published formulas. Overall, we show that ML techniques are capable of both improving predictability (compared to classical regression approaches) and providing physical insight into coastal processes

    Role of Sport Vision in Performance: Systematic Review

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    Sport Vision is a speciality of multidisciplinary interest aimed at improving the performance of the visual system to achieve benefits in practiced sports, as well as in daily life and in preventive care. The type of training practiced by the athlete, his or her physical condition, cognitive level, and level of fatigue condition affects the speed of the reaction time and, consequently, the speed of motor response. Specific orthoptic exercises, the use of technological devices, the recovery of static and dynamic postural stability by using unstable platforms and the dual-task paradigm can help to achieve the expected results. The aim of this systematic review of Sport Vision was to assess the overall existing literature on Sport Vision, paying particular attention to the effects of visual training and its application in different sports and in rehabilitation and preventive settings. We analysed published English language studies about the role of sport vision in athletic performance from 1950 to 2023. We searched through the Medline database. The PRISMA 2020 checklist was used to assess the transparency and reproducibility of this review. The enrolled papers were evaluated with the Jadad Scale, Amstar 2 Scale and Newcastle–Ottawa Scale. 25 (16 studies, 5 reviews, 2 comments, 1 editorial, 1 descriptive paper) out of 476 studies met the inclusion criteria. Due to the variability in the age of the samples, the different techniques, the treatments among the participants in the studies and the finding of non-evaluable articles, a meta-analysis was not conducted. The limitations of this review are the single database research, the studies analyzed contain a non-statistically representative sample size and the lack of a control group. There is no standardized test to measure performance. It was shown that the development of visual skills can benefit athletes in injury prevention, and can lead to improved sports performance and motor function at any age, acquiring adaptive motor behaviour even when the visual system is impaired, due to task repetition and familiarity of the gesture. We intended to identify a multidisciplinary approach and a manual treatment scheme to optimize the circuitry involved in sport vision in order to increase the results that are achieved, but further studies will be needed to this end

    Emotions Are the Rudder of Our lives Intensity and Duration in Young Adults

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    The present study aims to expand knowledge about emotions by studying their intensity and duration in young adults. We showed two different videos in two different days to a total of 103 first-year students from university of Catania. Through these videos, we tried to elicit medium intensity emotion to emulate everyday situations: watching television news or short internet video, seeing advertisement of humanitarian associations to sensitise people. The aim was to see if the videos could influence the emotional state of the students for two hours