12 research outputs found

    Evolution Of Geopolitic Factors, Determining Regional Spatial Planning Of Arctic Regions

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    Purpose of one of the priority projects of the Arctic academy of sciences is development, based on the principles of safe and sustainable development, taking into account the experience of United Nations - HABITAT and purposes of the development of United Nations, practical recommendations regarding the guarantee of level and quality of the life of population and sustainable development of the populated areas of Russia, the creation on the basis of the development of the contemporary engineering and transport infrastructure of favorable conditions for the effective economic activity, the economical utilization of natural resources, protection of environment with the use of a contemporary system of local self-guidance to in connection with selected pilot city- models. This purpose determines the basic content of the spatial planning of Arctic regions.The special features of the geopolitical factors, which determine interregional interactions of the Arctic super-region consist in the new role of regions under the conditions of globalization. In the presentation there are geographical, political, economical, ecological, military, demographic, cultural-religious, ethnic,intellectual factors discussion. Geographical factor is defined by spatial position and natural resources. It is basic for Russia and its evolution only for the last century had an essential change of Russia and new approaches of definiting of external borders of continental shelf in Arctic regions instead of sectorial to the following from the Convention on the International marine law accepted not by all subarctic states. Political factor consists in type of statehood, organizational structure of management, division of authorities, social structure of a society, presence of a civil society, freedom of the Mass Media.Economic factor is defined by people standard of living, capacities, agrarian capacities, a transport communication infrastructure, mobilization capacities. This factor is the major, defining the maintenance and forms the inter-regional and intraregional interaction. The comment can be only one as there are interesting slogans of type «Fights for Arctic regions» which are however not unreasonable, but evolution of this factor allows to assert that the one who will provide higher quality of life in region will win fight. Here one more important thesis is pertinent: if quality of life grows in region more slowly than manufacture growth there will be colonial character of interactions.Russia has made enormous efforts in North development. Unique manufactures in the north, unique Northern sea route are created. Now all leading countries show heightened interest to Arctic regions as to a source of safe development in the XXI century. Actual are questions: What is mission of Russia in Arctic? Has Russia abilities to discharge such mission? Are other States agree and approve Russian mission in Arctic

    Underwater collection of methane on east arctic shelf low-expensive technology of gas extraction

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    In connection with the global warming of climate in the Arctic zone (both on dry land and in the sea shelf) began the processes of decomposition of the permafrost, accompanied by isolation into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and methane.The enormous deposits of methane hydrates on the bottom of the Laptev Sea, Eastern Siberian and Chukchi Sea, sea of Beaufort (depth not more than 50 m) began to separate methane into entire the increasing quantity.Freely separating from sea methanehydrates methane - this is the new alternative source of natural working medium with the extracted reserves into tens of trillions of cubometers of gas, which at present in no way is used. For putting out such a methane will be required neither seismic survey works nor reconnaissance boring nor enormous obtaining sea platforms. Expenditures for the production of the underwater, fully automated collectors of methane, their installation to the shoal (at the depths not more than 50 m), the padding on the bottom of the sea of gas pipe for pumping of gas to the coast station, the building and the maintenance coast gas station and power station, which works on the obtained gas, will be the basic expenditures with this method of putting out the gas. Power station is necessary for the guarantee with the electric power of all technological process of this method of putting out the gas.The natural conditions of the Laptev Sea and of the East Siberian Sea enhance to that proposed by the authors of the technology of the output of methane (small depth, the small fluctuations of sea level, the absence of strong flows, etc); therefore development and introduction of this technology can be executed only in 3-5 years. With the high degree of probability it is possible to assume that in this time the intensity of the isolation of methane even more will grow under the action of global warming and the proposed technology will undergo considerable development for the purpose of the gasification of the populated areas on eastern- Arctic shelf of Russia

    Concept of the international programs monitoring the transboundary transport of pollution in the Black sea

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    The shelf of Black sea is rich to the lid posits of oil. The estimation of the reserves of the hydrocarbons only of western part of the Ukrainian shelf composes of 3,5 trln. tons of standard fuel, the oil-bearing sections of the Russian and Turkey shelf can contain to 1 billion tons of oil each. Tens of millions of tons of oil will be yearly obtained and unavoidably the part of this flow will arrive in sea.The special feature of waters of Black sea is the presence of hydrogen sulfide at the depths from 100 - 150 m. This factor substantially decreases the reliability and the period of the operation of underwater equipment. According to the estimation of specialists, the period of the service of the underwater part of the obtaining platforms under the conditions of Black sea can be reduced of up to 6 years instead of usual 20-25.The direction of flows is another special feature of Black sea waters. The existing circulatory flow along the shelf unavoidably will lead to the trans-border transfer of the pollution of sea water into the regions, where there is no oil production. First of all this relates to the coast of Bulgaria. The flow of the contaminated water from the Rumanian and Ukrainian sectors of the sea shelf, where the oil will be obtained on the large scales, can be mortally dangerous for nature of Bulgarian coast. In the prevailing situation it is necessary to initiate and to begin the coordinated actions of all Black Sea countries - Bulgaria, Rumania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Turkey and Greece, directed toward the decrease of the threat of the pollution of Black sea during the industrial output of hydrocarbons from the sea shelf. It is obvious that each of the countries will be forced have the national system of monitoring the pollution of sea water in their sector of Black sea. Will be first of all claimed the systems of monitoring the trans-border transfer of the pollution of sea water, which make it possible to operationally and twenty-four hour determine the volume of the entered pollution, their composition and the hazard level

    Russian Chinese Cooperation in the Arctic and Maritime Security

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    The current state, problems and prospects of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic are considered in relation to the problems of connecting the Eurasian partnership with the “One Belt, One Way” initiative put forward by the leadership of China and supported by a number of European and Asian states

    History and activities of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences

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    The founding of the St. Petersburg Scientific Public Organization “The Arctic Public Academy of Sciences”, created at the beginning of the 21st century, is briefly described in the article. The Academy is based on the Arctic direction of the Geopolitics and Security Section of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Three stages of its development are designated and commented on, as well as the main directions of the Academy's activities, and examples of projects. The Academy actively participates in international forums, conferences, summits, committees, and festivals. Being an expert scientific organization, AEAS plays a vital role in civil society and consolidates domestic intellectual potential

    Classification and nomenclature of metacaspases and paracaspases : no more confusion with caspases

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    Metacaspases and paracaspases are proteases that were first identified as containing a caspase-like structural fold (Uren et al., 2000). Like caspases, meta- and paracaspases are multifunctional proteins regulating diverse biological phenomena, such as aging, immunity, proteostasis and programmed cell death. The broad phylogenetic distribution of meta- and paracaspases across all kingdoms of life and large variation of their biochemical and structural features complicate classification and annotation of the rapidly growing number of identified homologs. Establishment of an adequate classification and unified nomenclature of meta- and paracaspases is especially important to avoid frequent confusion of these proteases with caspases - a tenacious misnomer that unfortunately does not appear to decline with time. This letter represents a consensus opinion of researchers studying different aspects of caspases, meta- and paracaspases in various organisms, ranging from microbes to plants and animals

    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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